do people make comments on what you eat?



  • akoorn1982
    akoorn1982 Posts: 152 Member
    I have one of those coworkers. She overheard me talking to another coworker/friend about joining the gym. I did that a couple of days before and was proud of myself. The friend I was talking to has a 8 monthold daughter (at the time) and was trying to get of some baby weight. We shared happy moments like 'I fit into my favorite jeans again'.
    A couple of weeks later it was my birthday and I put out some jummy treats for everybody. I also took some myself (calculted that in) and there was the coworker: should you really be taking that, now that you are on a diet? She apperently thought that joining a gym equaled a diet.... my response: take a big bite out of my yummy treat and smile.
  • ReadyForWeightLoss
    My mom always says why are you eating again ? I eat small frequently through out the day. And other things like Why dont you try "dieting" , try eating green apples all day. I sware i try explaining but she gets these bad "dieting" ideas from her friends.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I've recently had ppl say to me "you need some weight on you" or "have a doughnut". Ironic since it was having the doughnuts that made me put the weight on in the first place.

    How do you deal with it? I've been having a lot of trouble in the workplace lately. I was never heavy, but I certainly wasn't healthy (cardiovascular health of a sloth). So I started running, eating better and of course lost a bit of weight because of these changes. Now I am getting some rather upsetting comments from work - my boss even pulled me aside and asked if I had developed anorexia. I tried to smile and explain that I am in fact eating more food, just better - but it all sounds so defensive.

    Anyone else in this position? Any advice would be very helpful.

    You could say that's a personal issue. You don't have to discuss it with people.

    Or you could say you're going by the medical charts for your weight (quote your doctor if you've gone lately).

    There are so many overweight people today that a lot of people think fat is normal.
  • monisiaczeq
    monisiaczeq Posts: 131 Member
    Yes!! all the time! i always make my food at home before i go. so my handbag is huge and its full of tupperware. I get odd stares and looks when i get out my tupperware out... but hey. im losing weight they are not. boom
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member

    One of my most horrified moments of someone commenting on my food was as an 11 year old girl being. I was at lunch and this boy asked me for my pizza and when I said no he said "That's why you only lost 5 lbs last week". My mom had forced me to go to this weight loss group and they would post your weight loss in our newspaper and he must have read it. I was mortified since I had a huge crush on him.

    LOL, I really laughed out loud at this (yes, it's sad and you must have felt awful, but it makes a great story)
  • akoorn1982
    akoorn1982 Posts: 152 Member
    My mom always says why are you eating again ? I eat small frequently through out the day. And other things like Why dont you try "dieting" , try eating green apples all day. I sware i try explaining but she gets these bad "dieting" ideas from her friends.

    Poor you! You can borrow mine... she is very supportive to me, asking if I can eat meal X when I come over etc. She is even thinking of using mfp herself.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    This is why I don't discuss my diet with anyone other than OH and my MFP friends! I cannot stand people saying "Oooh, should you be eating that?" or "that'll make you fat!". Tends to make me eat two just to show them! Even OH can be irritating, he's effortlessly slim and equates a low calorie meal with a small meal, so he'll tut about a big plate of roast low-cal veggies with an little goats cheese crumbled over the top but will pass me a little buffet plate loaded with sausage rolls, pork pie and quiche.
    Smile sweetly and carry on, you're doing all the right things. :flowerforyou:
  • akoorn1982
    akoorn1982 Posts: 152 Member
    My dance teacher used to say before we got on stage to compete: Smile and look pretty
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    Nobody says **** to me! My guess is the only reason people say anything to you is the fact you flaunt what you're trying to do! Otherwise, why would anyone know!

    So shrinking from a size 16 to a size 5 is flaunting? I didn't realize I should have started wearing a burkha so no one could tell what I was trying to accomplish.
  • prosperkat
    prosperkat Posts: 59 Member
    I work third shift at a factory. Most of my friends are men and none of them are concerned with eating healthy or exercising. They are not overweight, but 'healthy' is irrelevant to them. One does not drink any water and one refuses any vegetables and loves triple cheeseburgers with bacon. I try to eat very well and exercise. We all tease each other but accept each other for who we are. They don't judge or turn up their nose at my healthy choices and I refrain from doing the same to them. And, they know I'm not a freak about it. If I have a taste for pizza- I'll chip in and eat pizza with them.

    That has been the key for me. It's not always possible to surround yourself with people who share the same habits as you do. What IS possible is to choose to be around people who support your choices even if they are different.

    As for those who offer only snide remarks or negative comments- those are the people not confident with their own choices and are a little envious of your dedication and willpower. The way I deal with these comments/people is to #1-don't let it affect you in a negative way. YOU choose you reaction to everything. Choose to be light-hearted and just smile. Even take it as a compliment. Hey- if you look like you need a donut, you must be looking pretty good, right? And #2: I respond with humor. I chuckle and say "no, thank you", or make a light hearted joke. One of the guys I work with is an older gentleman who is fatherly. He will sometimes order an extra order of fries and give to me. I say, "Dan, I promise I'm not anorexic. You don't have to try and slip me extra food." Lol.
    .....keep a positive, light-hearted attitude and be proud of who you are and the good choices you make-without taking it all TOO seriously.
    Peace :-)

    Lovely, healthy attitude. You are the co-worker I would want in my workplace. :smile:
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 526 Member
    All the time. It drives me mad. Especially as they should be used to it by now. I've been eating like this for about 4 years now!!!

    "Is that all you're eating?" annoys me as they can plainly see that I eat little and often. When I refuse cake etc at work, one colleague will say something like "she's full, she had some celery last week". I eat desert a lot but I don't need to eat everything that's offered to me. Plus I prefer my home baked cakes to what store bought things that have at my work.
  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    All the time.. "Are you bulking?", "I didn't think you would eat that", "are you eating AGAIN?" , "Are you seriously eating a second breakfast?", " The amount of food you eat is disgusting", "Snacking again I see", "You are going to get fat!!"

    I admit I eat a lot but I have goals! There is a lot of judgement but I honestly don't care... my weight loss proves I'm doing something right :happy: :laugh:

    It all fits my calorie allowance AND my macros so I'm gonna eat it. :smile:
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Not with regard to weight loss, but I often experience people demanding that I justify my vegetarianism to them when they notice that I'm not eating meat. Which is a little invasive. I don't hassle people who do eat meat, and I don't see why they should hassle me.
  • Crash7676
    Crash7676 Posts: 41 Member
    Yes. People on MFP have unfriended me for the way I eat. Hurt my feelings at first, but I grew up and moved on. People can be successful in many different ways. Do what is right for you. :smile:
  • skinnybythanksgiving
    No, never. I can't imagine why they would.

    It's none of their business whatsoever. Of course if someone said yummy, that looks great or yuck, I don't like sardines, that I would understand. But the amount I eat, how I eat it, where I eat it, my size, my portions etc. are not open for discussion.

    A healthy person won't do that. They'll have good boundaries and respect for others.
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I always comment on what people eat. Shows I actually bother to care in a world with lazy "like" buttons.

    As I push the new "like" button. :bigsmile: sorry couldn't resist.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    I get that sometimes. I also get the "Hey you can have one piece of cake, it won't hurt you." Routine. To the people who question what I AM eating, I usually say "Yes, I have enough calories left today to allow for this." To those who try to convince me its okay to eat something I am choosing not to eat I usually reply, "Yes, I know I CAN, but right now that is not worth the extra calories to me, if I'm going to eat that many calories in one sitting I can think of plenty of other things I'd rather have."
  • DeterminedToLoseIt02
    I don't get a lot of comments but the other day I was happily measuring out my ice cream and my brother comes by and says

    "Wow, that's all you're having? Portion control sucks."
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    I don't get a lot of comments but the other day I was happily measuring out my ice cream and my brother comes by and says

    "Wow, that's all you're having? Portion control sucks."

    Im just grateful I get any at all lol. Although, I usually have 1.5 servings of the 1/2 the fat kind anyway haha. I make it work.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I get picked on for eating salad at work. I eat plenty of other stuff too, but I actually enjoy salad. Loved it at 230 pounds, love it at 170, and surely I'll love it when I reach my goal. But people acts as if it's a foreign concept to enjoy a salad. This week I had a green salad one day and a chef salad yesterday. Apparently I'm overdoing it.
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