do people make comments on what you eat?



  • DaddyDave101
    DaddyDave101 Posts: 72 Member
    I often get. Are you allowed to eat that, you shouldn't eat that and can you eat that? I eat what ever I want I don't eat clean low fat or low carb. I have lost over 69 lbs. since starting on here in Sept 2012 but since my heaviest March 2012 I have lost over 81 lbs. If I want a cookie I will eat one if I want a piece of Chocolate I eat one and If I want ice cream I eat it. Ever since I started on here I wanted to see if I could lose the weight without depriving myself of all the foods I like. It has worked for me. I don't plan to change.

    What comments have people made about what you eat?

    Haha I hate this.

    Do you know thats full of sugar/fat/carbs...

    I just say do you expect me to just eat dust?
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I've had co-workers answer for me when someone asks if I want something or want to order lunch out, that kind of stuff. "Oh, she's watching what she eats, she can't have pizza". A little annoying, as I'm an adult and can choose for myself.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I pretty much refuse to discuss diet and training with anyone IRL unless they are similarly situated. I'm just not interested in hearing about the latest fad diet and silly food restrictions
  • brianages
    People always ask "how can you eat the same thing every day? "

    It is easier for me and doesn't bother me at all. I make up 15 healthy burritos at a time, wrap, and freeze. I'm ready for the next 3 weeks at work. Combined with a salad and I'm in heaven! Snacks are vegetables and living on the edge with a GNC protein drink for desert.

    I do the same with dinners however there is a variety between chicken, fish, and spaghetti once a week.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I tend to be in my own world fairly often, so I just tune it out when someone makes annoying comments on things that I have repeatedly told them to leave me alone about. They hush up eventually.
  • cevalid
    On myfitnesspal I've had no negative comments but wouldn't mind a bit of feedback or criticism to be honest.

    In real life I have had my housemate chime in that 'all you need to do is cut out carbs' while I was telling my boyfriend that I didn't have the calories left for something or other.

    I think its funny because I've lost 9 kilos in 2 months eating bread every day and enjoying pizza, pasta and potatoes often.
  • dawnari
    dawnari Posts: 9 Member
    Not with regard to weight loss, but I often experience people demanding that I justify my vegetarianism to them when they notice that I'm not eating meat. Which is a little invasive. I don't hassle people who do eat meat, and I don't see why they should hassle me.

    I used to get this all the time, and I would go into a big explanation on my reasons. It was annoying. Now, if it happens to come up, I just shrug it off and say "Yeah, I've been vegetarian for over 14 years now." People rarely press on after that, but if they do, I simply say, "It's a moral choice." That usually ends it :) I don't have to justify myself to them any more than they have to justify themselves to me.

    People just like to pick on others that are different in some way, I choose to not let it bother me.
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    I get the "you never stop eating" from my coworker. One of these days I'm going to get fed up and tell her "And??? You never eat and weigh over almost twice as much as I do."
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    ...almost slapped myself when I told her I still had 20 to go thinking "here it comes; she's going to say you don't need to do that and criticize you" ...
    Yeah, I get that now that I have lost half the weight I am aiming for. "You don't need to lose more.... eat this chocolate!" No thanks!
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Sometimes. I've had a few people make weird comments when I eat something that is meatless or some will say loudly, "oh you can eat that on your diet?" Drives me insane!
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    sorry it took me so long to get back to you guys. I love all your comments. The people that make the comments aren't on mfp. No problems on here. Its mostly my neighbour. Every time he sees me eat something he asks me if I'm allowed to eat it. Drives me crazy. I have said I eat what ever I want like 100 times. I feel like no one listens to me. I know I'm doing well on here because if I wasn't I wouldn't be where I am today. Like some of you said its not a diet its a lifestyle change. I have people ask me at lest once a week who I do it or why I'm still on here logging my food. They think because I'm 5 lobs away from my goal I wouldn't need to use this site anymore. I tell them I don't want to be one of those people who lose weight on here leave to only have to come back because they put it back on. I seen it happen on here at lest 5 times some of these people are back 3 or 4 times because they think they can do it on there own. I think If I was able to do it on my own I never would have needed to use this site in the first place. I think the best way for me to lose the weight and keep it off is to eat what I like but don't go over my micros. Net at lest 1200 cals per day and eat in a way I feel I can maintain for the rest of my life not just until I get to the weight I want to be. I think If I don't comment on what you eat negatively you have no right to make those comments on mine.
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    i get comments on how healthy a eater i am...all positive
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Every time he sees me eat something he asks me if I'm allowed to eat it.

    This is rude. What business is it of his what you want to eat? Who elected him as diet police, anyway?

    Maybe he doesn't realize that he is being a gigantic jerk, but I doubt it. Do not waste your breath on this person anymore. Call him on his rudeness. One of my favorite tactics is to ask someone to speak up after they say something inappropriate. Most people won't make rude comments in front of an audience. If you aren't comfortable confronting him on his rudeness, then just outright ignore the comment and anything else he has to say. Also, try to avoid social situations where he is likely to be in attendance.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    As long as I can remember people have been telling me I have to eat more. Further nothing really. But it made me more reluctant to eat and I don't like to eat in public.
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    As a little kid my doctor told me to eat more veggies and fruits. then I start hearing it every where "drop all the other food and only eat that". never heard of a calorie deficit in my life until I came to this website. You cant really blame people for being so ignorant, I found all of this information by accident by getting an app on my phone and then venturing to read threads on this website. But who are teaching those that dont know? No one. Doctors are too lazy to talk about it or even hand out pamphlets, they are better at handing out those medicine papers when you actually get sick.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    In my day to day, I get occasional off comments. Like going to my mom's she offered me a muffin, then quickly retracted it with "Oh, you're on a diet, you probably can't have that. " I ate that muffin. It irks me people make these assumptions.

    As far as MFP, I get a lot of "great day" and "awesome job". Honestly, if someone on my friend's list was trying to beat me up over eating the way I do, out of anything but curiosity, I'd probably unfriend them. I respect others right to eat how they feel and I expect the same. Now, if I happen to catch someone consistently under eating, I will say something in as non abrasive manner as I can out of concern.
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member
    I've been a little frustrated by comments I've gotten fairly recently as I've re-started my healthy lifestyle. I often work overseas, and right now I'm working in Italy. I came over here November 18th and will be here until February 8th. Here are the main irritating things I've heard in the past two months, followed by my responses:

    "You can't lose weight in Italy!" (Yes, I can and I will/do.)

    "No one loses weight in Italy!" (I'm sure some people do. I will/do.)

    "You need to enjoy yourself in Italy, don't try losing weight until you get back!" (I will enjoy myself in Italy. I will taste some of the delicious local food... but I don't have to eat tons, or eat badly and not excercise, to enjoy myself! Besides... I don't want to wait to lose weight - I want to feel and look better now! No need to put it off another day.)

    "Why would you ruin your time in Italy like that?" (Eating healthfully and working out doesn't "ruin" my time. It does take time, but I can still have lots of fun in Italy, while being pretty healthy!)

    "The holidays aren't the time to lose weight!" (For me, they are. Maybe I'll lose a little more slowly during the holidays, but I will still lose. It's my gift to myself.)

    "Just eat and enjoy yourself, it's the holidays!" (I will, and do, eat... but I can certainly enjoy myself while using moderation and being healthy.)

    "Come on, enjoy the holidays (meaning "eat tons of crap"), you can work it off later." (I am enjoying the holidays... I don't have to eat copious amounts of unhealthy stuff to do that. And, I don't want to give myself anything more to "work off later" - I have enough to work off now, so I'm going to just stick with it.)

    SW (Nov 19): 159

    CW (Dec 20): 147.2

    Mini-GW (Feb 7, when I leave Italy): 137

    (I've made quicker progress than I had ever hoped for so far, but I know the progress will slow down, which is why this GW isn't as low as if I stayed on the pace I am now... would love to get to 133 but probably not realistic by Feb 7)

    GW (Apr 27, my birthday): 128

    Note: Please don't take this as me judging anyone for what they choose to do while they travel or over the holidays. We can each make our own choices... these are just mine, and I feel pretty good with making them :-)
  • monochrome_girl
    monochrome_girl Posts: 2 Member
    I get the dreaded "can you eat that?" or "oh, I cant share this with you, can I - poor you"
    which is mad because I don't talk to people about trying to improve my nutritional lifestyle.

    I guess people are trying to be helpful but I find it embarassing!
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I usually get comments on specific things that look good, but I've never had anyone tell me I shouldn't be eating something. I eat really well 90% of the time though and am pretty good about eating my fruits and veggies too.
  • sugaspice999
    Sometimes when I consistently eat clean for a week or more everyone asks me what I'm eating because they can tell I'm looking leaner, more energy, better skin, etc and I start wearing my little sisters clothes because I can actually zip up the jeans lol.

    "What are you eating? Can I have some? Make some extra for me please? I'll wash the dishes if you make some?" etc but my Dad is sometimes like "The martian is making is her space food again huh?" haha

    On the other hand, I sometimes go all out with pizza and ice cream and chocolate, and they'll just be shocked at how much I'm eating. But its easier to eat junk when not overweight (imo) because they're less likely to stop you, which I kind of feel bad about sometimes. I was never allowed to go get pizza, ice cream etc when overweight, now its "ok", sometimes even get asked to pick up some dominos. -_-

    Also, at parties or family events, most of my aunts/relatives are on "diets" and they're shocked at how much I'm eating. (I do intermittent fasting sometimes so will be eating 2000 cals all at once) its pretty funny.
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