

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Sylvia - congrats on the 90 lbs lost! What a great milestone.

    Meg - I feel your pain. This is a stressful time of year and esp when we aren't the most joyous about it.

    Short note tonight as I'm recouping from a 3 day migraine. To say I'm exhausted is putting it mildly.

    Have a great night

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,

    Got back from biz trip to NYC last Friday and have been slowly catching up with your good efforts, triumphs and tribulations. I had a few NSVs but my favorite was attending the company holiday party and not eating or drinking anything besides ice water. The DJ was terrific, and once I started dancing, couldn’t stop. Too much fun! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Jannie: Gwen is lucky to have a friend like you.:heart:

    JB: LOVE the song lyrics. You are so clever. :glasses:

    Juanita and Jodios: Sorry about your brothers. :frown: I am in a similar painful place as my DBIL is slipping quickly courtesy of pancreatic cancer. He hopes to make it to his birthday, Jan 1st. DH and I will be flying to Calif on Thursday to spend a few precious days with him, my sister and her 3 grown kids. :brokenheart:

    Sylvia: Hope it’s not anything serious for your son. Bless you for being an activist for animals. :happy:

    Grandmallie: Enjoy Sanibel! :wink:

    Barbie: Good for you and Bernie to carve out play time. I do the same for Mars, who is now up to 2 walks a day on a leash, as long as I am home to take him. When DH handles cat care duties, Mars gains back weight….sigh. :grumble:

    Our holidays are simple as we don’t expect any company this year. I am in awe of many of you who do all the decorating, baking, cooking and entertaining. I hope you get showered with love and appreciation from your families and friends for all you do to make the occasion special. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Stay well and WARM,

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    December goals with progress to date:
     Consume three or more servings of vegetables per day -- so far, so good
     Feed my head by reading at least one book on health/fitness– not started
     While on the road, consume at least 35 oz of water before lunch – done on first trip, one more to go
     Set appointments for my annual physical and mammogram – done. I’ll be going in January.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Does anyone have recommendations for a meat smoker. DH wants one and I'd like to get it for him for Christmas. Size is a consideration as we live in a townhouse. Made in America would be a nice bonus.:flowerforyou:
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Mollywhippet- you are a kind soul for caring for those poor animals who have no voice. You will be rewarded many times over for your kindness.:flowerforyou:
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Poerava- my thoughts and good energy to your brother-in-law. I lost my mother to lung cancer and it happened quickly from the time she was diagnosed to the time she passed. It was profoundly sad for her and us. My sincere thoughts go out to you and your family. Being with your DBIL will be a very meaningful time in your life. ((hugs for you)).
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Got Dad to the doctor finally for his spinal epidural and guess what? It's less than 12 hours, already he says his back is better! Hallelujah!!! Last night he was so nervous, he said, "what if the doctor tells me it's something bad? I know he will." I said, "Dad, look. If there was something wrong, they would have been all over it and told you a lot sooner. If something is serious, they don't wait like they did to schedule a treatment. They have to tell you the findings immediately."
    Moved the treadmill indoors from the garage so Dad can use it without having to go outdoors to get to it. He is excited about walking again now that the epidural is working. Will wait a few days before he gets on it.
    I wish I could lose weight. I gained this week and it was all from junky food...pizza, hot tamales candies, gingerbread latte, pumpkin pie and barbeque. All diet killers! Arghh. I was doing so well and was "crushin" it", as my daughter said. Now the weight is crushing me! Got to stop the nonsense, and all in a few days!!!

    Barbie---you have to video the line dancing and post it for us all to see! :bigsmile: I love seeing people dance the same steps and I bet your group is as cute as they come. I loved that you performed for the seniors...fun for them and you! Bet you bust a move all the time, shopping at Walgreens and bam, gotta do the grapevine! Please post a dance video?

    Cleaned out a closet and it's M-T!
    Hosed the basement floor...woo-hoot!
    Clearing shelves in my closet...all in preparation for when I go to Florida. Can't stand leaving anything in disarray. I will go through each room and check to see what needs to be done, even the drawers will be organized and I will put breakable items away for safe keeping. They will be less likely broken if they're safely stored.
    Toodles all,
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele thanks for the info on the bike. This bike is advertised as the bargain brand. The seat is no where near my knees! But even though it is not according to specifications, I know I am burning calories on it. Tonight I got on it twice while watching TV. Tomorrow is my official weigh in day. I entered a weight the other day just because I was so proud of another pound gone. According to the scale today there might be that big 5 0 mark on my weight loss ticker. I have tried to be real good in what I ate today. I have learned that I need to look at what I eat for lunch and gauge supper accordingly. I was out of my 100 calorie popcorn so I knew I would have my weight watcher fudge bar. That meant I could go to Cracker Barrell and have my blueberry muffin. I had my usual peanut butter and jelly 1/2 sandwich today for lunch. My husband did also. I showed him the difference between his tablespoon and my actual measured out tablespoon looks like. I'm still not making a believer out of him though.

    Susan, glad the epidural did well. My sister has had several and swears by them.

    Rori I don't think I could even handle a business trip to NYC. To big, to many people

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dpg1956
    dpg1956 Posts: 2 Member
    Get Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD, doesn't cost much under $10.00. The video works well and only takes 20 min.
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'm still here just so incredibly busy, meeting myself coming and going. Eating so terrible, Stress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sad: Have gained 2lbs :explode: :mad: :blushing: . I've been reading post , but can never catch up. :frown:

    Hello to new Ladies. :flowerforyou:

    Congratulations for all those that lost and are maintaining.:flowerforyou:

    Hopefully after the Holidays I can get myself back in some kind of order and control. I still have 8 blankets to make before Christmas, that will be 20 in all once I'm done. :noway: :yawn:

    Hope everyone has a Blessed and Wonderful Day! :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    a quick hidee ho this morning ladies,
    i am up and dressed icing my heel since I will be on it a bit today,had some yogurt and a cup of tea and I will be off.
    I rarely if ever do anything for myself or by myself so this will be an adventure, kayaking has been on my bucket list and to see birds at the same time !! awesome:bigsmile: I have never kayaked and i should have enough upper body strength to pull it off. Sanibel Island for anyone who has never been there is spectacular..It is one of my favorite places on earth..well will check in tonight with my adventures...
    wish me luck
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Good morning to all,
    Will have to catch up later. Off to work again today. Then I am off for the holidays.

    My intentional act of kindness yesterday was to shovel neighbors sidewalk. Today I'll make sure I have graded all the papers I can for this teacher. I am subbing for her today and yesterday. Her daughter is sick.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! My son got out of the ER after midnight last night. They were monitoring his oxygen level (it had been way too low) and his blood pressure ( way too high) and once they got it stabilized they let him go.

    I had a blast with the kids last night though. I picked them all up from school and we met hubby at Pizza Hut for supper. I didn't eat too much, so I was happy with that. Then we brought them back to our house for a couple of hours before I took them home. DIL was there by then. She had been up at the hospital. The kids were so much fun.

    My friend from Joplin said that she went over to the store and saw that dog. She agreed there was something wrong with it. She came back later with another friend and it was gone. I hope the animal control people can get it some help and it doesn't have to be put down.

    Well, I have to eat breakfast or I'll have to wait till after rehab. I hope everybody has a great day.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    Made it through another snow storm! Was a bit scary going home last night though. When I got home DH was bragging about finding a strawberry-rhubarb pie for $2.50 at Stop and Shop. He bought it for me he says. Got mad when I didn't have a piece (NSV!). It is still sitting where he put it in the shopping bag. I am going to try to be good about this pie. He is questioning why I am getting serious about dieting at the holiday season. I told him it was to get a head start on it. I figure if I do well through this time of year, the rest will be a cinch!

    MollyWhippet, to tighten my tummy, I do extra on the ab and back machine at the gym. My back is 'iffy' so I want to tighten my stomach muscles while easing my back pain and this machine is working for me. Helps a bunch in my case.

    Grandmallie- Take pictures and post!

    Back to work for me!

    Rita from a white CT!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Hi there ladies!

    Sylvia - glad to hear your son is out of ER. What a scare!

    Granmalie - sounds as if you're going to have a fabulous day and all on your own too like a big grown up girl! :tongue: :wink: :bigsmile:

    DH 's nephew's wife has just gone into the hospice after the cancer spread to her brain. She will leave a 16 yr old son that DH was close to. They live in Yorkshire, so we can't do a lot, but DH was on the phone last night to his twin sister. I don't think they were prepared for it to be so quick as they have just come back from holiday and had another one booked for January, which they have cancelled. I have never met the woman concerned, but did meet the son once. So sad for all of them. I know a lot of you are going through the same thing. :heart:
    DH didn't even know he had a twin sister until his late 40s as they were adopted separately. We see her maybe once a year, but they do ring each other. He is feeling this deeply as his previous partner died of cancer snd he nursed her at home to the end, so he knows what they are all going through.

    On a lighter note, my flashing, colour changing earrings were a great hit at the yoga lunch! Our teacher said she had "earring envy"! :laugh:

    Today I have made my tablecentre with my yoga friend. We had a real blast sticking our bits of greenery in and adorning it with berries and baubles! Next year we might do home made baubles.:wink::drinker:
    I also marzipanned the cake, ready for icing tomorrow, put on a new mattress protector and watered the wreath on the front door. DH went and picked up the game stew mix! Hooray! There will be enough to freeze some for another time - just what I like.:happy:
    Tonight we have Hairy Dieters Spanish Paprika Chicken. One of our favourite slimming recipes. And definitely not bland! :bigsmile:
    A bit more wrapping to do and I'm done for the day. I've been watching so many Christmas programmes about cooking and decorating and there's another one on tonight. Bring it on I say!:drinker: This is the first year I have really looked forwrd to Chtistmas and enjoyed the preparations. I don't think I will ever again have a full house and never have before so I am making the most of it.
    Love to all and hugs to the sad.:flowerforyou: :heart:
    Heather in damp and windy Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cindy: I hope your clock trick did the job for you. Low energy days are no fun. :noway: This time of year I require lots of artificial light or I fall into a terrible slump due to short days. We have daylight temperature lights all over the house now, and Christmas lights, too. They help both of us. DH didn’t used to be as light sensitive but the MS either caused day length sensitivity or brought it to his attention. You might also consider vitamin D3. I’ve taken it for years, and DH’s MS doctor prescribed it for him, too.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy from ON: I’m glad to see you’re back. If I had a magic wand I’d banish quite a few things and migraines would be one of them.:flowerforyou:

    Poerava, Juanita, & Jodios: I am so sorry that your brothers & BIL are facing terminal illnesses this holiday season. Your love for them matters, as does every moment you are able to share with them.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Susan Rechter: I’m so glad the epidural improved your dad’s situation. :bigsmile:

    Joyce: I’m glad things are going well. The next pound will slide away because of all of your hard work. They seem to go in their own sweet time, though.:ohwell: :wink: :flowerforyou:

    Tazgirl: Stress is not good for body or soul. I hope you’re able to get to a less stressful situation soon. Making 8 blankets before Christmas sounds like a daunting task. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: Good luck on your kayaking adventure. I hope you have a fabulous experience and tell all.:flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I think subbing for anyone just before a holiday is amazingly kind. Your intentional kindnesses are something to be proud of.:flowerforyou:

    Rita: Your poor husband doesn’t seem to understand your drive to become healthier. I’m glad you’re hanging in there despite his “treats.” I’ve known some people who try to express their love by feeding others. Maybe he needs a hug now and then. I am so lucky that my DH decided to do this with me. It makes life simpler.:flowerforyou:

    This is our day to take wreaths to the cemetery. It is quite a pilgrimage from our home to the cemetery where my parents & other family members are buried, but I like to go for Christmas, & Memorial Day. I don’t quite make it for birthdays, though. I’ve never tracked the actual mileage, but Mapquest says the round trip will be at least 167 miles. I consider myself lucky to be able to make the trip this time of year. Last year we didn't get there until Valentine's Day.

    On another subject, I need to modify my December goals due to my inability to engage in strength straining until my wrist heals.

    Katla in above freezing NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio until my wrist heals, then add back strength training.
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    I have put my table centre up as my new main photo for a few days. Voila!:laugh:
    I am getting a new candle for it as that one is several Christmases old! :blushing: :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day.
    Not feeling good today,tired and stomach is acting up.
    Not doing much today,but a load of wash and take Violet back and forth to school.HUGS
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Bumping for placeholder. Off today but I have so much to do before next Wednesday - Christmas day! I sure hope you all have enjoyed all that goes with this special time of the year.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I have put my table centre up as my new main photo for a few days. Voila!:laugh:
    I am getting a new candle for it as that one is several Christmases old! :blushing: :bigsmile: :laugh:

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon ladies, are you all ready to do the happy dance with me. Yep! The big 50!!!!!! 25 more pounds to go. Of course that was my own goal even before I started on a diet. I just felt like I needed to be 150. According to the BMI chart 150 is just barely in the normal range. It's all according to what I look like when I reach that goal. But's I like having smaller goals on my way to my big goal.

    Joyce, Indiana