Who has lost weight NOT eating clean?



  • marleniap
    marleniap Posts: 120 Member
    Keep for later read!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Gotta have your cholesterol and sugar level checked.

    People must think long term regarding their health and not to preoccupied in "losing weight" (external). There are many people who are not "fat" but have diabetes and heart attack or stroke.

    All my health indicators have improved significantly and are well within normal range.

    What was it you were saying again?
  • FitNurseLex
    FitNurseLex Posts: 66 Member
    I don't eat clean, but I do eat "healthier" foods overall b/c they make me feel better. The weeks of having fast food for every meal of every day are gone, but I do enjoy "bad" food sometimes if I can afford the calories, and on my "cheat days" ??!.. I really run amuck! :) It's so cliche, but moderation really is key. At least for me it is!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I try to stay away from the junk food as much as I can and eat as healthy as possible.

    But yes I have lost weight by NOT eating clean.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I eat "junk" food when I want to but in moderation (Ben and Jerry's is not an every week thing now).

    I don't buy "everything organic", I sure as heck don't eat vegetarian/vegan but I am trying to get more vegetables and occasionally do have a "vegetarian day" but it's primarily for avoiding fat rather than any compunction against eating tasty cooked critters.

    I have been losing a steady 1-2 pounds a week since coming here (and attending a class at the YMCA intended to help avoid getting diabetes.)

    My main mantra has been to try and make sure my overall calories are below goal, particularly my fat intake, and that I am getting exercise. I could probably lose the weight faster if I were more diehard about it but I'm just happy to see it's coming off and it's happening in consistent increments. :)
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member

    I still eat the same foods just in a calorie deficit so that I can still lose weight.:)
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    it all about the bottom line: calories in and calories out. I eat what I want
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    "Clean" eating is unnecessary for weight loss. A calorie deficit is all you need.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    in….for the roll…

    oh and does not eat clean..but I think i stated that a month ago when this thread started…lol
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    "Clean" eating is unnecessary for weight loss. A calorie deficit is all you need.

    pretty much this.
  • unicornlady77
    I definitely do not eat"clean" I don't like veggies and not much fruit either. I need some friends. I'm 36,married,have two daughters,weigh over 200 lbs.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Me. Lost 3 pounds last week to make my first 20 off.
    I've increased my activity level so that I don't have any "just sit on the couch" days and I work to stay under my total calories. I also try to watch to make sure I don't go over on fat but I'm not "religious" about it....If I want a greasy slice of pizza (or 4 as I did Sunday), then I get 'em and try and workout a little harder.

    I am trying to eat a little less PROCESSED food for health reasons....but I ain't about to go on a rabbit diet :bigsmile:
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    This hasn't rolled yet! oh and me.. 30 pounds and still losing. I just ate a whoopee pie for a morning snack! (granted it was a mini one) :wink:
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I am always fascinated by what strong opinions everyone here has on this topic! I will say that, for me personally, I have to have the foods I enjoy that don't fall into the "clean eating" category- if I want some chocolate, or a processed Lean Cuisine french bread pizza, or delicious cheese, I make sure it fits into my macros and om nom the crap out of it! And mama ain't giving up her wine.

    On the other hand, I do tend to feel better when I eat the majority (at least 70%) of my food from categories that are typically considered "clean"- lean meats, fruits, veggies, simply because I don't get as bloated. However, it's not something I think about or stress about. I believe that, for me, restricting certain foods completely is a no go. If I'm going to maintain a lifestyle, it cannot be one that has me feeling deprived, and some of my favorite foods aren't "clean".

    At the same time, I really think "whatever floats your boat". If someone wants to adhere to "clean eating", whatever they use to define those terms, awesome for them! If someone wants to eat pizza and beer and nachos every day while fitting it into their macros, awesome for them as well!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    if any of you have a problem where your macros go in red on carbs or fats, do you just ignore it? I have that problem ALOT In carbs!
    1) If your ONLY goal is to lose weight, all you have to do is make sure that the number of calories you consume net (calories eaten minus calories burnt in exercise) is less than or equal to your MFP goal calories. Do that and you'll lose weight.
    2) If you have a specific MEDICAL condition that requires you to limit sodium, sugars, etc. then go with what your doctor tells you to do.
    3) Very high carb foods will tend to flood your blood with glucose then follow with a "crash" that might make you hungry. Many feel that eating a protein along with carb-dense foods will lessen this effect. Ultimately only YOU know what specific foods will "trigger" you as far as binge-eating so while I don't believe there are any "no-no" foods, it might be that you know your own PERSONAL willpower caves in when you eat certain things. If this is the case, you have to find a "work-around" that you can live with...if you have problems with eating potato chips by the bagful but don't want to give them up entirely (which would be a lot harder to sustain if it's a favourite food), try the air popped variety (fewer cals) or veggie chips. If you don't like either of those then immediately separate the chips into snack-size baggies containing the "serving size" and toss the big bag. This will help you avoid overdoing it. I know that for myself personally ice cream is a food I have trouble eating in moderation. Now if I buy it, I buy the little 1/2 pint container if I want Ben or Jerry's specifically because I know if I have the whole pint in the house I'll probably eat it all in one sitting. Better yet,I choose NOT to buy it at the grocery store and I only get it when the craving makes me want it enough to get off my lazy butt and go buy a scoop at the ice cream shop. Much better to eat 1 scoop or 2 than a half pint or pint. :tongue:

    TL;DR: No, I really don't. Care about the net calories much more.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You don't have to "eat clean" if you don't want to. To lose weight all you need is a calorie deficit. "Clean" is a pretty meaningless nebulous woo woo term anyway. There's always some food fad that everyone jumps on..."clean" seems to be one of the current ones.
    That said...making healthier choices of food is a good idea. Eating food that is closer to natural, food that has more real nutrition in it, is just better for you in the long run. I don't think its necessary to make yourself crazy with it (or the people around you either....) but most of us know basic nutrition, right? Just make healthier choices oftener...not all the time, but oftener. Your body will thank you.
  • Amestris
    Amestris Posts: 152 Member
    Me! I truly believe in moderation. Life is meant to be enjoyed not a process of torture. I think have pizza, cakes, etc every once in a while is fine. The more time I take to educate myself about nutrition and food choices the better my diet has become. I still indulge in ice cream or baked goods from time to time. I just balance it with fresh fruits, veggies, and lean meats.
  • Phill2488
    Phill2488 Posts: 97 Member
    I practically live on McDonald's and I lost weight. I just don't go over my calorie limit for the day and I lift weights 3 times a week and walk on the treadmill everyday.
  • FreshKrisKreash
    FreshKrisKreash Posts: 444 Member
    As long as I didn't go over 1200 calories and had enough protein for the day I ate whatever I wanted.
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    *raises hand*

    There is a difference between eating healthy and eating clean though... I generally try to eat "healthy" with a side dose of ice cream.