Silly things that annoy you!



  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    People who order a gazillion things in the drive coffee for themselves and 10 friends in the morning!
    Seriously there should be a limit to how much you can order so that the person behind them like me who has one coffee to order doesn't have to wait forever!!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    People who ask the same questions over and over here on MFP

    1. What is bump?
    2. What is 30 day shred?
    3. Should I eat my exercise calories?

    USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION PEOPLE!!! Also google is your friend! What century are you living in that you don’t know what ‘bump’ means, it physically bumps the post, UGH!!
  • people who drive below the speed limit and travel in the left head lane while doing it. This gets on my last nerve! Please drive on the right hand side of the street, so I can speed. Thank you!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    People who order a gazillion things in the drive coffee for themselves and 10 friends in the morning!
    Seriously there should be a limit to how much you can order so that the person behind them like me who has one coffee to order doesn't have to wait forever!!

    People who use the drive through when it’s 10 cars deep rather than burning calories to walk in to the front of the line.

    Sorry, I had to say it ;)
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    People (particularly my kids) that eat with their elbow on the table or chew with their mouths open. :grumble:
  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    Tourists and people that stand on the wrong side of the escalator. MOVE OUT THE WAY!! :noway:

    Here the escalators are only wide enough for one person; if people do not walk, you must stand with the rest of the line, or take the stairs.

    This time if year it gets worse, my pet peeve is people in stores just standing around, blocking isles and hallways, talking. Grr, stores are not for chatting, they are for shopping!! It is worse in the grocery store, because they stop with their big carts!
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    Mothers, who drop their kids and after picking up their kids up from school and on a way out, they stand right in front of the small school side gate, that we all use. They form their little big mothers meeting there, with prams and some with their dogs and blok it completely........move your backside somewehre else and at least let us come out.

    And also the lazy parents, who live about 5 mins walk and yet blocked the road picking the kids up in a cars. (We live right opposite the school, it's just lucky we don't have a car and don't need to get it into our drive way)

    Pensioners who think the world owes them a living.

    People who feed their kids junk because they can't be bother to cook and the kids are so fat, that you wonder how long they are going to live. (I know it's harsh, but some of the kids at shcool here are big and I have to feel sorry for them, they don't deserve to go through most of us are going now. They are kids younger then 11 and already probably morbidly obese :frown: )

    my husband sometimes. :laugh:

    And another thing that annoy me, is that I moan too much and don't know when to stop. I do have more, but I think I stop here.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    My friends call me the Grammar Nazi, so you can imagine the annoyance.

    Also, people who talk on their cell phone in the bathroom. The only acceptable time would be if that person is on fire and incapable of reaching the sink and even then, why would they be calling me?

    ...and for me, I seem unable to finish a sentence here without using the "!". *sigh*
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    People that chew really loud. I have a co-worker that eats dry granola with a spoon in the mornings and I can hear her a couple cubes away crunch crunch crunching away.
  • goldwingrider
    goldwingrider Posts: 25 Member
    People that blow their nose in a restaurant when others are trying to eat! GROSS!
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    oh, one more thing....

    Parents that don't make their kids eat food. There is not many things that turn my stomach then parents going..."Oh, you don't like the food? And you want something else? And what would you like? Pizza and chips? OK, I will get you pizza and chips so you don't go hungry"
    LET THEM STARVE> They will learn to like food. I know kids don't like everything. I have 2 so I know. But my daughter (almost 7) will eat most things, so I know that if she says she doesn't like it (AFTER SHE TRIED IT!!!) I won't make her. Same with my son. And they eat most things because we don't make fuss of them when eating and when we say there will not be ........whatever we have for them after dinner......we stick to it.

    Might sound really bad, but then I have my kids that eat even things like gherkins and blue cheese and all the vegetables (even though my son is more picky, but he will still eat it)

    And my sister is the worse offender. Example. My husband, my kids and I spend couple of hours picking blueberries in the summer. Took them to her and she made lunch. My kids had to eat all their lunch to get them, but her son was just saying he doesn't want it and got them straight away.:mad: :mad: :mad: ........the look on my kids faces was so hurtful. But I know that if I let them off once, they might be only small, but they are big enough to start playing on it...again, more my son then my daughter.

    So there....moan over, :laugh:
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I'm really dislike the sound of ice chewing and smacking, as mentioned previously by other posters.

    My own overuse of certain words and "...".
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member

    My own overuse of certain words and "...".
  • Spelling & Grammar. I know so many people who cannot spell and it drives me nuts

    People using LOL after everything they type. Are you really laughing out loud? I doubt it


    When people post pictures of themselves constantly that look the exact same (up close, making a "sexy" face)
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    When people post pictures of themselves constantly that look the exact same (up close, making a "sexy" face)

    I drive myself nuts with that. I look through photos of myself at a party and I look the same in every one. I have to consciously work to not do the same bloody pose.
  • But thats different, you arent the one taking the picture of yourself doing the same thing... right? Im referring to those who take the pictures of themselves up close, trying to look sexy and theres like 20 in their album! ha!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    But thats different, you arent the one taking the picture of yourself doing the same thing... right? Im referring to those who take the pictures of themselves up close, trying to look sexy and theres like 20 in their album! ha!
    :laugh: Sometimes but they generally don't get posted to my albums.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    * People who have to "top" every story someone tells.

    * People who can't type. That drives me absolutely crazy!

    * People who insist on singing yet don't know any of the words.

    * Little yippy dogs - enough said.

    * Crappy coffee - seriously it's one of the easiest things in the world to make there's no reason to mess it up!!!
  • * People who have to "top" every story someone tells.

    yea!!!!!!! this drives me crazy, especially on Facebook when its my in laws. They will post on top of eachother all the time and they post every little thing theyre doing every 5 minutes. Who effin cares??
  • *people who get annoyed with my new lifestyle change.... (evil glare in their direction!)
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