40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Greetings all,

    Stoshhew71 glad you made it safe and sound. Enjoy your upcoming weeks also.

    It's been a bit quiet. I guess everyone is getting ready for the holidays.

    On the first day of winter in Maryland, it was 70 degrees. Crazy weather.

    I squatted 125 pounds today and I was so proud of myself. My strength is improving week by week and I am happy.

    Extreme fit is tomorrow night and I know my can is going to get kicked.

    Hope all of you enjoyed your weekend.


  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi cool kids! Been having motivation issues with keeping my eating in line lately, so I haven't been stopping by much, but I know I should be back here....

    Stoshew71, welcome back to beautiful NJ! Certainly a better weekend for traveling than last weekend would have been.

    caramelgyrlk, let us know how those sneakers are! I have to admit, I can't quite bring myself to wear the minimal-style sneakers, even if they are supposed to be better for certain types of exercises. I am an old lady who likes her padding and arch support. ;)
    Not surprised to hear everyone was out shopping down by you, NYC was crazy too this weekend with everyone out enjoying the warm weather and trying to finish up shopping. And not much of an idea on why people ask for support and then get upset when you do, other than some people have a much different idea of what support means--they think it's always being told "you're wonderful, it's OK to do what you're doing". Being from NJ/NYC, I'm more of a tough love kind of gal, or if I can't say anything nice, I don't say anything at all.
  • enipla
    enipla Posts: 46 Member
    Took today off from working out to make sure my hand heals. It is feeling better...however, I don't want to push it and not let it get better. Did manage to do some woodworking projects as did DH. I have not been too tempted to eat too many"bad" foods. I have to work all this week, no big deal for us as all of our family is back east. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Monday Cool Kids! Had an awesome workout this morning at the gym. Worked on legs and abs today and did some cardio as well! Since everyone is off tomorrow, including me, I am going to try to sneak in to the gym in the am for a quick workout, but then it's home for cooking and getting ready for the Becky and Jason and Jake to come over. Very exciting!

    Christmas day we will be going to my parents' house for another family gathering so looking forward to that as well!

    Everyone have a very very Merry Christmas as I really do doubt that I will be back here before then, but you never know!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,105 Member
    WhataBroad - I think I will enter the next challenge....I really need to have WAY MORE focus this time 'round. When I am VERY FOCUSED, I'm pretty unbeatable....but, if i waiver, at all, I just sink like a stone.

    caramel - I didn't come to mfp to be "popular"....so, I don't mind saying it like I'm thinking it!

    RM10003 - I think when motivation is lacking, THAT's REALLY when you need to check in MORE frequently!

    MerryChristmas KellySue!

    I, too, am off tomorrow and traveling. Will be back Sunday. I expect I will get some lap-top time, and will check in from time to time (and, I'm gonna LOG in every single day to keep my streak going....even though I will NOT be logging my calories this week!)
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member

    I am dropping a line to say hello to the cool kids.

    Beeps---I feel the same I am not here to be "popular". When you ask me to be a friend, I take it seriously like I do in my literal life. I have never been the type to tickle your ears with what you want to hear kind of girl and I appreciate directness as well.

    I got compliments over the weekend including instructors at the gym commending me on my slimmer self. It has been almost 4 years in the making, yet I feel better now strength wise than I did years back. I have a ways to go yet, but I owe this to myself and I am not letting nothing stop me.

    For those of you that are travelling, be careful and be safe.

    Sincerely, KYM
  • enipla
    enipla Posts: 46 Member
    Good day at work and my food choices were good as well. Rode my spin bike for about an hour. I did not sleep at all last night so I am pretty tired so I may not do weights later on. I do have to work tomorrow and am on call into the evening. Not too bad. My hand is feeling better so I should be able to hit it harder in a couple of days. I tend to be a focused person if I have a goal in mind.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone and safe travels to those that are going somewhere! We've had a great year and before we know it 2014 will be here!

    Enjoy!! :drinker:
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Merry Christmas all you cool kids.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Good Morning cool kids.

    I hope everyone is well and in good spirits.

    I slept in yesterday and I must say I was overdue for the rest, as I slept almost the whole day.

    I took my extreme fit class on Monday in my new Nike Bionic's, they feel like you have slippers on which concerned me. After the hour I was fine, when I woke up Tuesday my left ankle had a nagging pain. These sneakers are supposed to be excellent for boot camp, circuit training type classes. I will provide an additional update next Monday.

    Have a great day.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning all! I hope everyone had a good Christmas! We certainly did! Back at work today. I wanted to get to the gym this morning, but it just wasn't happening! :grumble: Too many other things to get done with a bit of snow fall and the change of garbage day this week because of the holiday. (Boy did we have a ton of trash too!) Any how, I wanted to do an experiment just to see what would happen with my eating for the holiday, so I weighed myself yesterday morning and had actually lost a bit- yahoo:bigsmile:. Then after eating and all yesterday, I weighed myself this morning and... no change!!! I was quite excited to see that I had not gained even any water weight- :happy: Crazy, right?! I'll take it!

    Have a good day!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Kelly that is awesome you did not gain any weight. Cheers to you.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope Santa was good to you all!

    I logged everything that went in my mouth yesterday and was surprised it wasn't more!! I have been getting my workouts in still but have not stopped myself from eating when/what I wanted. I am not going to get on the scale though until Sunday but good for your bravery KellySue and wtg!

    Safe travels to anyone making their way back home as well!
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Morning! Hope everyone had a great Christmas!

    KellySue - Very nice on not gaining over the holiday! I'll be stepping on the scale on Sunday as well.

    Enjoy the rest of the week...it's back to the gym for me today!
  • enipla
    enipla Posts: 46 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well. I did well yesterday for the most part with my eating. It is on my husband and I so we did not have any desserts, cookies, etc. Pretty much a normal day of eating. Rode my spin bike for an hour. Today was the spin bike for a bit then did upper body weight workout.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Hello cool kids! Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday. Stepping back on the scale on Sunday sounds like a good plan to me, too.
    I usually work out with my trainer on Thursdays but since she's away did a TRX class instead--man, that was tough!
    The office gym will be closed tomorrow for renovations so I'll have to get a good walk in if I can brave the weather.
  • Slmcveigh1972
    Slmcveigh1972 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! I just found this board and LOVE it! Great positive energy and motivation! I just started P90x3 and got a fit bit flex for Christmas. I am committed and groups like this are awesome to not go at it alone.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday! I actually slept in today. Something I didn't even do on my days off this week. It felt good, but it was hard to get out of my nice toasty bed! I will get to the gym tomorrow. Today is my usualy weigh day, so I did, even though I weighed Christmas and yesterday, and I am holding steady. No gain or loss.

    Have a great weekend. I think my hubby and I are going to try to plan to do something tomorrow is the weather is cooperative. Never know when you live in a lake effect snow area this time of year!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,105 Member
    Just a "drive by" HELLO!
  • RockMe777
    RockMe777 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi I need this club! Can I join??