so...this is awkward



  • rexroars
    rexroars Posts: 131 Member
    Sometimes if it's something very innocent I find it flattering... but usually I've learned to just be on my guard all the time. I live in a big city and work downtown, and sometimes get off very late, and most attention I get is cat calling, and it's very sexual and not in a flattering way. I've kind of gotten to the point where I don't like any attention from guys. (Which my boyfriend is probably happy about, haha).
  • Shannonthompson73
    Shannonthompson73 Posts: 105 Member
    I love that you have theme music! I pledge to take the rest of the day at work to choose my own theme music!
  • I wouldn't know :laugh: I assume if anyone is staring at me it's because I've said something inappropriate or have something on my face. :drinker:

    i do the same thing
  • I am in a relationship where my boyfriend lives with me. But, if a man or woman is flirting or being really nice to me, I flirt back and do the same. I keep it within certain boundaries, but it is also apart my of my personality to be very friendly. I never notice when people are staring because I stare too.. #creepy
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I don't have a problem with people looking. It's comments that annoy me. However, I've noticed something weird-I think I got more disrespectful catcalls and stuff when I was fat. Maybe that's not really true and my perception has changed, but if it is true, why? Do the worst of the worst think I'm so far out of their league now that they don't bother? Do I carry myself with more confidence now, giving them a "back off" message with my body language? I don't know. Interesting to think about.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    :laugh: :laugh:
    you folks are hilarious!!!

    The theme music varies a great deal. Lately it's been India Irie's 'Brown Skin' and I realize now it's probably the music in my head that I'm gliding around to:blushing: It's got a deep bass the first few notes that make you take long low strides that make you lead with your hips & go BOom BooOm with the first few lines.

    The lyrics make me smile to myself too...I've got LOTS of songs that play in my head & are the soundtrack to the movie in my head that's my life :laugh:

    When I realize I'm being 'observed' it startles me cause I ALSO wonder if I said something out loud or I'm being weird. I look like this:

    though I swear it comes off like this:
  • I do this. Works every time.

    This. This is gold.

    But seriously, it can be really uncomfortable. It happens at the gym to all females I'm sure. It's happened to me much more in the weight area of the gyms I go to. I am painfully awkward and avert eye contact, but that's me in the gym regardless!
  • Soak it up and take it as a compliment... well, that's what I would do anyway. :wink:
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I don't have a problem with people looking. It's comments that annoy me. However, I've noticed something weird-I think I got more disrespectful catcalls and stuff when I was fat. Maybe that's not really true and my perception has changed, but if it is true, why? Do the worst of the worst think I'm so far out of their league now that they don't bother? Do I carry myself with more confidence now, giving them a "back off" message with my body language? I don't know. Interesting to think about.

    There are people who like larger women. I was miffed yesterday at the gas pump when the cutie walking past had his eye on the woman at the nearby pump instead of on me. She was considerably overweight.

    Oh vanity, thou art getting old and it's about time for me to cool it with the comparing! Maybe I'll make it one of my New Year's Resolutions. :laugh:
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    My theme music is "Purple Haze" done as a polka. Maybe that's been my problem all these years.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I will be 59 in two weeks. I am thrilled when I find a man giving me the eye, even though I am happily loyal to my significant other. I just smile and go on about my business.
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    Being married, I feel flattered but also uncomfortable when I get stares or hit on by guys. I try to put off a negative vibe or work "my husband" blah blah into the conversation to make the person realize they are out of line. That is quite the awkward problem.
  • Maybe it's just the type of men I've gotten those looks from ...but usually I get the Creepy McStalker vibe and instantly want to RUN LOL

    Me too!! Lol!
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    I usually turn around to see who they are looking at!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Depends how hot he is lol. I'm married too so it won't go beyond a smile back maybe some friendly chat.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I usually turn around to see who they are looking at!


    But I keep living in hope :happy:
  • crystalrose_tina
    crystalrose_tina Posts: 39 Member
    lol I'm socially awkward so I pretend that I didn't see them looking, stare at the floor and walk away as if I have somewhere super important to be
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Isn't it awesome OP?

    I actually love being eye candy :)

    I've always gotten plenty of looks, stares and comments my whole life. Then, when I was at my heaviest it pretty much stopped happening. I thought it might be my wedding ring but that has been disproved now that I have lost the weight and am getting more looks than ever. I kind of get off that people (both men and women) can't help but look me up and down. Made me realize how much I missed it when it stopped happening and it motivates me to keep on eating right and exercising.

    There are situations where I avoid it and just look at my feet while walking or whatever, like in a desolate parking lot or some other situation where it might be unsafe. I also hate rude comments, but lookers I can not fault :)
  • GummyHuman
    GummyHuman Posts: 193 Member

    LOL! Yes! This.

    Not to my goal yet, but when a guy paid my tab at a bar the other day, this was my exact reaction. Never had that happen before.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    It depends on who's looking. If I think they are attractive I will make eye contact, grin, and keep walking. If they are strange and creepy, I stare at the ground and try not to look at them.
  • tumblyweed
    tumblyweed Posts: 416 Member
    In an elevator, blush and stare at my feet. If walking, wait until they are past (or I am past them, whatever), and grin like a loon. :bigsmile:

    Congrats on your accomplishments!!!

  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Like totally! I have to beat them off with a stick now... annoying!
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I may have to try the theme music in my head, a little boost of confidence to enter a room could be good.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    I maintain eye contact with a straight face until they awkwardly look away. I don't get asked out much. Can't help it.
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member

    I've always believed that, if you are proud of an achievement and benefits that come with it, it is okay to say what you are celebrating. But if you disguise it as a problem to complain about it publicly for the attention, can you still consider it an accomplishment?
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Heh. It totally depends on the situation, but mostly I'm shy and awkward, so I avert my eyes and usually blush like crazy.

    However, for some reason, if it is creepy, or a dude is outright gropetastic, then I have a bit of sarcastic bite.

    Congrats on your accomplishments!
  • sausens
    sausens Posts: 39 Member
    Maybe it's just the type of men I've gotten those looks from ...but usually I get the Creepy McStalker vibe and instantly want to RUN LOL

  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    I act as awkwardly as I can, but it really comes naturally.

    ^^ this for me too! :blushing:
  • LizLearnstoRun
    LizLearnstoRun Posts: 57 Member
    about 15 yrs ago I had started going with my sister as her Designated Driver to the bars to dance. I went from a size 16/18 to a size 10/12 in about 6 months.. I have never thought of myself as sexy, beautiful, etc.. but when I lost the inches I got those reactions and they so unnerved me :noway: and felt that they weren't seeing the real me, what was inside, and it actually made me mad :mad: .. so I glared back like WTH are you looking at :explode: . That will be something I will have to work on this time :bigsmile:

    this a lot... or i just wonder what they are looking at... but i also work in a public library its always the slightly creepy and wiffy ones that openly stare or ask if I am of legal age
  • JenniP0926
    JenniP0926 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm generally rather oblivious to male attention, or female attention for that matter. My husband and friends usually notice before I do when I get the eye. I've begun to notice,however, that I subconsciously notice the attention and begin every sentence with "my husband..." and make sure my wedding ring is noticeable. If men continue talking to me with all of that out there, I'm an outrageous flirt. I smile and make small talk, then walk off with my husband. I don't, however, accept drinks from men, or let them get too close to me.