24 Hour Challenge - January

I love the 24hr exercise challenge. I don't always make it but I usually exercise more because of this challenge.
Some people are able to go way over and some don't make it but have fun trying. We had phenomenal participation last month!

The challenge is to exercise a total of 24 hours in the month of January.... Good luck everybody.

Here goes: Jan 1 (weds) 30min 30 day shred, 30min walk (23 hrs left)


  • jlc041979
    jlc041979 Posts: 385 Member
    This is my 4th month of trying this and I'm determined to get there in January.

    37 minutes done - 1403 to go
  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    This is my 4th month of trying this and I'm determined to get there in January.

    37 minutes done - 1403 to go

    I have missed it a couple of months too. We can do this!
  • NJD2885
    NJD2885 Posts: 216 Member
    I would love to try this :)
  • healthfulnow
    healthfulnow Posts: 245 Member
    New Year, keep up with the challenges, & add some new personal ones (half-marathon in April)!!

    1/01 - walking 3.75 miles (60 minutes)
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Thanks as always Luvshunshine1 for continuing to host this challenge. I love it and find that it really keeps me going along with the other challenges that I am part of. Plus I get hints from looking at what others are doing to get it done!!

    I am in again for what I think is month #6 :flowerforyou:

    24 hours = 1440 minutes

    01/01 - 40 minutes

    Total Time Done - 40 minutes
    Total Time Left - 1400 minutes
  • stahlight
    stahlight Posts: 119
    Ok so I kinda came up short in December (only about 20 hrs total) so lets try January!

    01/01/14: 169 minutes of walking @ 3.5 mph = 1295 calories

    169 in
    1271 to go!
  • lorriejharrell
    lorriejharrell Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in! 1440 minutes remaining
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I am in again this month. Thank you Luvsunshine1 for taking this on again, I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this challenge.

    24 hours = 1440 minutes

    01/01 - 45 minutes (kickboxing)

    Total Time Done - 45 minutes
    Total Time Left - 1395 minutes
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    :laugh: And We're Off!!! :laugh:

    January 24 Hour Challenge:

    1st - 2 hours 15 minutes (Treadmill, Stretching, Cleaning & Cooking)

    Total Time Done: 2 hours 15 minutes
    Total Time Left: 21 hours 45 minutes
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Happy New Year, everyone!
    Started off the year with a brisk 40-minute walk.
  • jitsuda
    jitsuda Posts: 230 Member
    Jan Challenge

    1 : Zumba for 60 mins

    Total : 60 mins
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    January - 24 Hour Challenge:

    1st - 2 hours 15 minutes (Treadmill, Stretching, Cleaning & Cooking)
    2nd - 1 hour (Treadmill, Aerobics, Curcuit Training)

    Total Time Done: 3 hours 15 minutes
    Total Time Left: 20 hours 45 minutes

    Starting 2014 off right....now for the rest of the month!! Bring it on!!! Oh, it's already been brought!!! :laugh:
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    24 hours = 1440 minutes

    01/01 - 45 minutes (kickboxing)
    01/02 - 46 minuties (spinning & lifting)

    Total Time Done - 91 minutes
    Total Time Left - 1349 minutes
  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    Jan 1 (weds) 30min 30 day shred, 30min walk (23 hrs left)
    Jan 2 (Thurs) 30min walk (22hrs 30min left)
  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    Thanks as always Luvshunshine1 for continuing to host this challenge. I love it and find that it really keeps me going along with the other challenges that I am part of. Plus I get hints from looking at what others are doing to get it done!!

    I am in again for what I think is month #6 :flowerforyou:

    24 hours = 1440 minutes

    01/01 - 40 minutes

    Total Time Done - 40 minutes
    Total Time Left - 1400 minutes

    My pleasure, love having all you guys, very motivating. I like seeing what everyone does too. Month #6 -impressive.
  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    I am in again this month. Thank you Luvsunshine1 for taking this on again, I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this challenge.

    24 hours = 1440 minutes

    01/01 - 45 minutes (kickboxing)

    Total Time Done - 45 minutes
    Total Time Left - 1395 minutes

    Your welcome! So glad you are back again! Good luck!
  • jenjohntony
    jenjohntony Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to this site this month, but I know the only way I'll stick to it is to keep challenging myself.
    I'm in, I'm already 2 days behind I'll kick it in to gear tomorrow.
  • Doraboyes
    Doraboyes Posts: 98 Member
    I'm in did 90 minutes walking today and 90 yesterday 1260 minutes left
  • jitsuda
    jitsuda Posts: 230 Member
    I'm new to this site this month, but I know the only way I'll stick to it is to keep challenging myself.
    I'm in, I'm already 2 days behind I'll kick it in to gear tomorrow.

    Welcome :) This challenge has kept me accountable and for the first time since I have moved to the U.S., not gained weight during the holidays.
  • jitsuda
    jitsuda Posts: 230 Member
    Jan Challenge

    1 : Zumba 60 mins
    2: Yoga 10 mins, Just Dance 60 mins

    Total : 130 mins