24 Hour Challenge - January



  • pickleRH83
    pickleRH83 Posts: 33 Member
    ooooh what a fab idea! Totally going to get involved!! :D
  • pickleRH83
    pickleRH83 Posts: 33 Member
    8th Jan - first day 1.5 mile power walk on lunch break 30 minutes

    1410 minutes to go
  • collegegirl713
    collegegirl713 Posts: 189 Member
    1: 0
    2: 60 min walk
    3: 45 min walk + 30 min Workout DVD
    4: 52 min wak/run + 20 min Workout DVD
    5: 24 min light workout
    6: 30 min walk
    7: 20 min workout + 20 min walk

    TOTAL 301/1440 (1139 mins left)
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    January - 24 Hour Challenge:

    1st - 2 hours 15 minutes (Treadmill, Stretching, Cleaning & Cooking)
    2nd - 1 hour (Treadmill, Aerobics, Curcuit Training)
    3rd - 1 hour (Zumba)
    4th - 1 hour 15 minutes (Treadmill)
    5th - 3 hours (Treadmill)
    6th - 2 hours 30 minutes (Zumba and Wii Fit)
    7th - 2 hours 30 minutes (Treadmill, Stretching, Wii Fit)

    Total Time Done: 13 hours 30 minutes
    Total Time Left: 10 hours 30 minutes
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    24 hours = 1440 minutes

    01/01 - 45 minutes (kickboxing)
    01/02 - 46 minutes (spinning & lifting)
    01/03 - 48 minutes (spinning)
    01/04 - 128 minutes (running & walking)
    01/06 - 47 minutes (spinning)
    01/07 - 26 minutes (spinning)
    01/08 - 36 minutes (running)

    Total Time Done - 376 minutes
    Total Time Left - 1064 minutes
  • jeannie2596
    jeannie2596 Posts: 11 Member
    This is an excellent motivator. I would like to join as well. Haven't been able to get to the gym because of holidays and now weather. I am going to try to get there tonight. This challenge has motivated me. Thanks.
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    January - 24 Hour Challenge:

    1st - 2 hours 15 minutes (Treadmill, Stretching, Cleaning & Cooking)
    2nd - 1 hour (Treadmill, Aerobics, Curcuit Training)
    3rd - 1 hour (Zumba)
    4th - 1 hour 15 minutes (Treadmill)
    5th - 3 hours (Treadmill)
    6th - 2 hours 30 minutes (Zumba and Wii Fit)
    7th - 2 hours 30 minutes (Treadmill, Stretching, Wii Fit)
    8th - 2 hours 30 minutes (Treadmill, Wii Fit)

    Total Time Done: 16 hours
    Total Time Left: 8 hours

    I actually re-did the math today. I was thinking that can't be right!! :laugh:
  • healthfulnow
    healthfulnow Posts: 245 Member
    New Year! Keep up with the challenges, & add some new personal ones (half-marathon in April)!!
    24 hours = 1,440 minutes

    1/01 ...............walking 3.75 miles (60 minutes)
    1/02 ...............walking 3.0 mph (55 minutes)
    1/03 ...............shoveling snow (30 minutes), cleaning (120 minutes) Total for day - (150 minutes)
    1/04 ............... moving boxes / furniture up & down stairs (90 minutes), treadmill: walk 1 mile, run 5 miles, walk 1 mile (95 minutes) Total for day (185 min)
    1/05...............walking 3.5 mph (55 minutes)
    1/06.............. walking 3.5 - 1+ mile, running 5.0mph - 6 miles (85 minutes)
    1/07...............walking 3.75 pace - 3.25 miles (52 minutes)
    1/08...............walking 3.5 pace (40 minutes)

    TOTAL TIME LEFT: 758 minutes (12hours 38 minutes left)
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Jan 8: 60 minutes, 13.5 miles on the mini-bike.
    Total for Jan. so far: 7.017 hours, 88.49 miles.
    (Includes 40 min., 2.2-mile walk + 21:10, 1.79-mile run.)
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    4th Jan - 62mins Cycling
    5th Jan - 92mins Cycling/running
    6th Jan - 25mins Running
    7th Jan - 39mins Cycling
    8th Jan - 70mins Running/Cycling
    9th Jan - 28mins Gym

    Total done 316mins 1124mins to go
  • mlh37214
    mlh37214 Posts: 517 Member
    I would love to join this. So far, January not going so well. :/ Added up what I've logged so far and I'm at 52 minutes. 23 days to go, though, right??
  • jigsaw_me
    jigsaw_me Posts: 616 Member
    Exercise done -
    Jan 1 - 32 mins
    Jan 2 - 58 mins
    Jan 3 - 35 mins
    Jan 4 - 30 mins
    Jan 5 - 66 mins
    Jan 6 - 34 mins
    Jan 7 - 19 mins
    Jan 8 - 55 mins
    Jan 9 - 56 mins

    Minutes left to goal 1055 - need to do 48 mins/day to meet this.
  • Rief3
    Rief3 Posts: 420 Member
    1/2= 131
    1/3= 95
    1/8= 45

    Total= 271
    Remaining= 1169
  • jeannie2596
    jeannie2596 Posts: 11 Member
    This challenge forced me to go to the gym last night. I figured it was my first day and I needed to report something. Thanks for pushing me.

    1/8 - 60 minutes gym (40 minutes treadmill, 20 minutes strength training)

    Only 23 more hours or 1380 minutes.

    I'm so glad i went, after just one session I already am starting to feel better.
  • healthfulnow
    healthfulnow Posts: 245 Member
    New Year! Keep up with the challenges, & add some new personal ones (half-marathon in April)!!
    24 hours = 1,440 minutes

    1/01 ...............walking 3.75 miles (60 minutes)
    1/02 ...............walking 3.0 mph (55 minutes)
    1/03 ...............shoveling snow (30 minutes), cleaning (120 minutes) Total for day - (150 minutes)
    1/04 ............... moving boxes / furniture up & down stairs (90 minutes), treadmill: walk 1 mile, run 5 miles, walk 1 mile (95 minutes) Total for day (185 min)
    1/05...............walking 3.5 mph (55 minutes)
    1/06.............. walking 3.5 - 1+ mile, running 5.0mph - 6 miles (85 minutes)
    1/07...............walking 3.75 pace - 3.25 miles (52 minutes)
    1/08...............walking 3.5 pace (40 minutes)
    1/09...............running 11 min. pace / 6 miles (66 minutes) + cool down - Total for day (75 minutes)

    TOTAL TIME LEFT: 683 minutes
  • Jjsharry
    Jjsharry Posts: 76 Member
    30 mins run today, so 20h 15 mins to go.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    24 hours = 1440 minutes

    01/01 - 45 minutes (kickboxing)
    01/02 - 46 minutes (spinning & lifting)
    01/03 - 48 minutes (spinning)
    01/04 - 128 minutes (running & walking)
    01/06 - 47 minutes (spinning)
    01/07 - 26 minutes (spinning)
    01/08 - 36 minutes (running)
    01/09 - 70 minutes (spinning)

    Total Time Done - 446 minutes
    Total Time Left - 994 minutes
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    This challenge forced me to go to the gym last night. I figured it was my first day and I needed to report something. Thanks for pushing me.

    1/8 - 60 minutes gym (40 minutes treadmill, 20 minutes strength training)

    Only 23 more hours or 1380 minutes.

    I'm so glad i went, after just one session I already am starting to feel better.

    OH YEAH!! You're on a roll now!! :drinker:
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    January - 24 Hour Challenge:

    1st - 2 hours 15 minutes (Treadmill, Stretching, Cleaning & Cooking)
    2nd - 1 hour (Treadmill, Aerobics, Curcuit Training)
    3rd - 1 hour (Zumba)
    4th - 1 hour 15 minutes (Treadmill)
    5th - 3 hours (Treadmill)
    6th - 2 hours 30 minutes (Zumba and Wii Fit)
    7th - 2 hours 30 minutes (Treadmill, Stretching, Wii Fit)
    8th - 2 hours 30 minutes (Treadmill, Wii Fit)
    9th - 1 hour 35 minutes (Leslie Sansone DVD)

    Total Time Done: 17 hours 35 minutes
    Total Time Left: 6 hours 25 minutes

    I know, I know....odd time. I pulled out my Leslie Sansone DVD and did 6 miles (1, 2, & 3 mile workouts). I think the next time I do this I will HAVE to get on the treadmill to make the time "normal"...:laugh: There's that undiagnosed OCD again!! It's all good!! :drinker:
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    I'm so glad i went, after just one session I already am starting to feel better.

    Yay! Here's to momentum!
    I know, I know....odd time. I pulled out my Leslie Sansone DVD and did 6 miles (1, 2, & 3 mile workouts). I think the next time I do this I will HAVE to get on the treadmill to make the time "normal"...:laugh: There's that undiagnosed OCD again!! It's all good!! :drinker:

    Don't feel bad, my spreadsheet calculates my cumulative time to thousandths of an hour. :laugh: As you say, it's all good! :flowerforyou:

    Jan. 9: 60 minutes, 14.25 miles on the mini-bike.
    Total for Jan. so far: 8.017 hours, 102.74 miles.
    (Includes 40 min., 2.2-mile walk + 21:10, 1.79-mile run.)