Random acts of kindness - What have you done lately?



  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    Wow, this thread makes me feel like Scrooge. But it also reminds me why I love MFP. :)

    Nice things I've done lately are open doors for people at work, answer my peer advisee's questions on career advice and help organize a colleague's going away lunch. I went out of my way to travel for an hour to meet up with a friend and buy him birthday dinner.

    Reminds me of the quote: If we can't be clever, we can always be kind.
    TXDAVETX Posts: 10 Member
    opened doors for strangers, paid for the coffee of the person behind me at Starbucks
  • 722_christina_722
    This isn't much...but it made a huge impact.

    I was in Michael's shopping for Christmas gifts for my crafty daughter. I had a cart that was over-flowing with junk.i was waiting in what seemed like the longest line in the world. I am embarrassed to admit that i was eaves dropping on people around me. I tuned in to this girl behind me. From the looks of things, this girl was a typical teenage girl. Then i heard her speak. She asked her mother for a pack of candy. As she spoke, i instantly knew she had severe disabilities. I picked up a few packs of candy and quietly stood there.I was called to the register and asked the lady to ring the candy first. I walked to the girl and handed her the candy. She was overcome with joy. She had a huge smile on her face and gave me a big hug and without pause said "thank you, thank you, you're the nicest stranger I've ever met." I can't help but admit that this made me feel so good! Being able to see the happiness on her face and hearing her gratitude made me feel like she was the one giving me something!
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Being able to see the happiness on her face and hearing her gratitude made me feel like she was the one giving me something!

    She was.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    Bump. I didn't want to lose this thread on My topics top 25.
  • natalielg89
    I went to one of my customers homes knowing they were flooded in storms the evening before hand to help them with the clear up at their business premises. They said I'm the nicest bank manager they've had :)
  • DWolf99
    DWolf99 Posts: 39 Member
    At the drugstore I have payed for my medicine and got the wrong change, I have almost got payed for the medicine, I turn to the shopkeeper and give her the "excess" of the money.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    This is my new years resolution! One RAoC per day.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    My company will match funds if I donate on " Donorschoose" so I went on and I found a local elementary school, where a teacher was looking for funds for programs for her kindergarten, the county won't provide the funding and the area in which the school is in is a high poverty area, So I did my good deed and I funded the entire program and my company matched my funds so they received double the funding, They have no idea who I am, they just know some guy in their county, That was my Christmas gift to them.

    Paying it forward for the kids.
  • cherry_dropz
    cherry_dropz Posts: 9 Member
    My husband actually did RAK (random act of kindness) the other day! He is a firefighter and had taking a patient to a different out of town hospital! After words he and his co worker Stopped to eat before traveling back. A car pulled up and insisted on payin for their meal!! He declind over and over until the lady threw a 50 dollar bill at him and ran off! So when they went to dinner they left the fifty as a tip! KKCO!
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I am so kind that I never kill people, no matter how much they annoy me. Am I not most beneficent?
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    My husband actually did RAK (random act of kindness) the other day! He is a firefighter and had taking a patient to a different out of town hospital! After words he and his co worker Stopped to eat before traveling back. A car pulled up and insisted on payin for their meal!! He declind over and over until the lady threw a 50 dollar bill at him and ran off! So when they went to dinner they left the fifty as a tip! KKCO!

    KCCO my friend!
  • junglejane12
    Bought gift cards for supermarkets and handed them out to homeless people.
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    I work in a restaurant. A couple was out with their family, tried to pay with their debit card, it was denied, went to a bank to try and withdraw money and it was denied there too. They decided to write a check (which would obviously put their account in the negative), so I secretly canceled the transaction, ripped up the check once they left, and then paid for their food.

    I also gave a hitchhiker 20 bucks and got him some pizza, but my mom actually did the most. She bought his breakfast, found him a place to stay for a couple nights, and might have found him a ride to his destination. So lets all pray he's not a murderer. (:
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    I noticed a kid (probably 6 or 7 years old climbing a tall fence..the mom was oblivious...I saw the kid was struggling at the top and was starting to fall. everyone around just stared and did nothing. the mom didn't do much other than say be careful. The kid really was falling and holding on with all his might, finally I ran over to the kid and got him down from the fence. No thank you from the mom, of course. but whatever. just happy the kid was safe and didn't get hurt,
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    I noticed a kid (probably 6 or 7 years old climbing a tall fence..the mom was oblivious...I saw the kid was struggling at the top and was starting to fall. everyone around just stared and did nothing. the mom didn't do much other than say be careful. The kid really was falling and holding on with all his might, finally I ran over to the kid and got him down from the fence. No thank you from the mom, of course. but whatever. just happy the kid was safe and didn't get hurt,

    Too bad there wasn't any women around who would have found that action admirable, because that's hott.
  • jasonr1009
    jasonr1009 Posts: 342 Member
    I posted on Reddit over christmas looking to do something nice for someone..... ANYTHING. I didnt set a price limit or anything. I just said I wanna send someone a gift. I got a response and ended up sending a small 30$ gift to someone but they were ecstatic.
  • OcotilloFire
    OcotilloFire Posts: 233 Member
    Hugged a crying stranger in Wal-Mart
  • EllieForAChange
    My coworker/friend has been having a rough few weeks...so I surprised her with her favorite Starbucks drink and we talked about random stuff and shopped on her break:)
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    This needs a bump.