
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,137 Member
    :love: I want to reply to each of you individually and knowing that I can't do that because of time constraints, I am tempted to do nothing........One of my Happiness Commandments is "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good". so I am a stopping for just a moment to make a few quick comments.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to everyone who is new or newer here......please keep coming back, do not be discouraged if you don't get all the responses you expected, keep reading and post something again:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I used Mapquest to look for Indochine, the restaurant you recommended but it turns out that it will be much too far away from where we will be in Renton tonight so I'll have to put it on my list for when we are actually in Tacoma some other time.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I love keeping a gratitude journal......I write in it every morning and it puts my thinking on a positive plane and makes my day go better.

    :flowerforyou: when i started on MFP, I started small with a simple goal of logging my food in the morning and sticking to the plan no matter what.......it took me many weeks to begin thinking about making my food plan healthier........i started with walking and line dancing and little by little added more....today I still make resolutions that are manageable and achievable, not something that will overwhelm me.

    :bigsmile: in a few minutes Jake will drive me to line dance class and then pick me up after class to drive over the water to stay the night with friends and attend meetings tonight and tomorrow all day.....Jake already took the pets to be boarded.:sad: :sad: :sad:

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington where it was cold enough to make the streets icy

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • luckyinlove2
    luckyinlove2 Posts: 66 Member
    Brrr...cold today with a good breeze. The sunshine is filtered by clouds today too! But it's warm here inside with my fireplace going, and a pot of bean soup on the stove. We have a "bean and okra meal" for New Years Day. My husband's family is from Mississippi, and they always had black eyed peas for good fortune in the next year. He loves speckled butter beans and fried okra. So we had that with ham and cornbread. Today the left over beans are in the pot with chopped up ham and carrots, simmering nicely.
    Didn't meet all my goals for December
    Exercise at Curves 3x/week met
    Keep calories with in MFP guidelines 75% of the time and not over 1900 (my rate at sedentary TDEEP or whatever those initials are!) Not met
    Drink at least 64 ounces of pure water per day; in addition to the other liquids I love to drink! Met
    Didn't log faithfully either so--now I have extra pounds to lose to get to my goal :grumble:

    January goals:
    Keep calories within MFP guidelines at least 75% of the time.
    Continue exercising at Curves 3x/wk plus 30 minutes one other day at home
    Get my head back into the "I love how I look more than I love food" mode that I had up until this past fall!

    Have a great day ladies!
  • Hello,
    New to MFP since December 2013. Being accountable for what I eat by recording each meal seems to work for me. I've had a few days of straying off the diet, but I'm back on track. Sending good eating habit thoughts to everyone and Happy New Year. :)
  • You all are so inspiring! Just looking to lose 20 lbs., but as I age it's getting more difficult. Hoping MFP will take me where I want to go. After looking around the website and seeing all the info offered I think I will be very motivated to change my eating habits and restore the willpower I once had.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Burr here.Woke up to -2 and not sure what the w/c was.
    Gonna stay in and work on stuff around the house.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    Hello everyone and Welcome to all the new Ladies! Ann from New England, please do friend me. I am in CT and so is Grandmallie (Alison) and Jill is from MA. It would be great if we New Englanders could get together someplace.... when it warms up a little!

    Just finished shoveling snow with DH using snow blower. I didn't go to work this morning, B/C of a sinus headache. Being outside helped drain the nose, but now that I am back inside, it is getting bad again. I am going to do the Sansone 5 mile walking video in a bit. I also found the app for my phone for a squat challenge. It is pretty easy so hope to add that too.

    Going to get some sinus meds and start on the dvd, then put away the boxes of decorations. Everything is down and in boxes, but sitting in the middle of my living room!

    Oh, well. TTFN!

    Rita from frigid, snowy CT
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    forgot I had some sugar free Oregon Chai concentrate, so used some with unsweetened vanilla almond milk, for a whopping 20 calories... ohhhh yummy,need something to keep us warm.....
    the boys are on a warm blanket in the sun on my bed, enjoying a nap.. I am watching the CHEW, love this show.. when I get to see it, and the birdies are enjoying the birdseed I have out in the birdfeeder, the DH can come home and finish up what he doesnt like how I did stuff.
    making him some turkey and gravy over mashed potatoes
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,205 Member
    Sylvia understand cabin fever. We have been in the deep freezer all week. They are calling off school Monday. I am trying your word idea. It worked great.

    Brooke Happy MFP Anniversary :flowerforyou: Love your quote about thinking before you speak.

    Heather love ear waggel exercise.

    Lucky like “Love how I look more than I love food”

    KathyDB ,Harper, and Virginialee:flowerforyou: welcome

    Rita hope you feel better.:flowerforyou:

    Helped my friend in her Kindergarten class today. Since i don't have grandchildren it gives me a chance to enjoy being around the little ones. My niece did send me some great pictures of her children today.:smile:

    limit TV/computer
    Act with intention

    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee. :drinker:

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,205 Member
    How do you guys make posts in which you respond to everyone? Do you take notes and then type them up? Seriously! If I've got the reply window open I can only see a few posts below. :tongue:

    Yes! I don't always respond to everyone. It depends on my time. I tried Sylvia's idea of the word processor and it worked great.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good afternoon.After a day of snow,strong wind with-3 temp,today is blue skies & lots of sun.This is our anniversary.Don't do gifts,but will have a nice meal out tomorrow.

    The steak house isn't low cal,but once a yr is worth it.This eve will be breakfast for dinner.Home fries,sausage(for him),eggs & toast.Then get the dishes done & settle in to watch OSU at the Orange Bowl. DH is a huge fan.Our DD,SIL,their DD with her BF will all be there.
    Are there any quilters here? We are looking forward to our 1st Great Grandchild,a boy in March. Have the top sewn for a crib quilt.
    Need to get busy & get it done.Just enjoying a few days break after the holidays.....doing nothing much . Hope everyone is making it thru the big storm. Pat in Ohio

    The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books - how not to eat what you've just learned how to cook. ~Andy Rooney
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: :drinker: Pat in Ohio: Happy Anniversary to you and DH enjoy your supper out

    too sick with this cold and flu to answer everyone , and yes I got the flu shot go figure but everyone is sick....
    Have a good weekend stay safe and warm, welcome to all our new friends

    Juanita in Sudbury where it is now only minus 18 this am it was minus 33 we are now supposed to get snow
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I hope that everyone in the path of the storm is staying warm and safe! We're having warm weather in Denver today (nearly 60), but we certainly get our share of weather at times, as well. Think of a big pot of vegetable soup to keep warm and get your veggies in! I always used to think of baking, but have modified my thinking somewhat. :wink:

    Today is Day 6 of my "no sugar" week to break the holiday sugar addiction. It's harder than at the beginning of the week, though, as I'm a stress eater and things haven't been going as well as they could the past couple of days. I'm not going to give in, though, when I'm so close to making this first mini-goal!

    The new treadmill took 10 minutes longer today than 2 days ago to hit the same number of calories burned. Yesterday it was 5 minutes longer. :angry: I'm sure it's good for me to walk, though!

    Joyce – I’d be happy to be added as a Fitbit friend with you (I don’t have any, either), but am not sure if my name will stay the same when I get my new one, since my old one went missing. Give me a week or two to get the new one and then try janehadji@yahoo.com. Or send me your info!

    Teral – Huge congrats on getting into Onederland!!! :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia – I loved your Dillard’s story, thank you for sharing it! My hubby has had his moments, too. He used to wait outside the dressing room for me to come out and show him outfits. When I’d arrive, he’d reach for the price tags and then immediately tell me that whatever I was modeling make me look fat! Of course, I couldn’t buy it then.

    Meg – I scrapbook, too, but haven’t touched it in quite a while. I recently ordered one of the on-line type ones that they print out, and was fairly pleased with it, although it isn’t the same.

    Barbie – It sounds like you have a 5 year MFP anniversary coming up. :flowerforyou: You are an inspiration!! Thank you for the juice calorie counting advice, as well.

    Michele – I have the same problem with the skinny jeans and my fat calves (also hard to buy boots). I have several pairs of colored jeans, though. Try INC curvy fit bootcut (from Macy’s) or Reba (from Dillard’s), as both go around my calves and come in colors. I recently found BOC (Born Concepts) wide calf boots which work for me, with even a little spare room to tuck in jeans. I bought them in both black and brown, as I’d been looking for years! (Hubbie was lucky that they only came in 2 colors).

    Cynthia – To respond to others, I use my word processor. I have it open in another window and write my comments as I read the thread. Then I cut and paste it to MFP.

    Brooke – Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Since I was gone for so many months, I missed that you had been to California. Was someone ill?

    Jane in Colorado
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Hi everyone. I have been on MFP for almost two years now. I want to lose 5 more pounds, but they are stubbornly resisting. I am 62 born, raised and have lived my whole life in Minnesota. Today marks a first for me. We are experiencing sub zero weather here, (nothing unusual we experience this most every year during the winter) and the schools are going to be closed Monday it was announced, due to below zero temperatures and high winds................huh?..................this is Minnesota, aren't we used to that here? This has never happened, as long as I can remember anyway, three days in advance. But wait, it gets better, it was just announced at work that we will also be closed on Monday. We are officially wuss-i-fied (if that is even a term). Shame on us native Minnesotans LOL.
    Anyway, I am looking forward to participating in this group thanks to a heads up from Barbie!
  • dtown8
    dtown8 Posts: 4
    Hello, Denise from north Idaho. Yep, I'm one of those January newbies, but have been on MFP prior, just never active on the boards. I saw this thread and you all seem so friendly so I thought I would try something new this year and make new friends. I'm working on setting my goals (long term) but my January goals are really simple:

    Back to Basics and Developing Good Habits:
    Weigh and measure my portions and log everything
    Drink at least 64 ounces of water every day
    Develop an exercise habit - cardio 5 times a week, strength 3 times a week

    I'm really hesitant to set a weight loss number at this point as I just want to get some good habits developed. I know that if I work on the above weight loss will come, I just don't know how much.

    A little bit about me, I'm 51 and have been married for 32 years and have two adult sons. I also have two adorable Brittany Spaniel puppies, they just turned one year and are so much fun. I manage a business service center and have three employees. I love to quilt, garden, stamping (none of which are good for sustained calorie burns).

    Look forward to getting to know you! For everyone in the storms path, stay warm and safe!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    evening ladies,
    well alot has changed in the last year,it will be freezing cold tonight,coldest it has been here in 20 years, and I would have stuffed myself with something fattening for sure in this kind of weather,but you know what I had? a 1/2 bag of Dole Field Greens,1/2 cucmber sliced up a few grape tomatoes halves,and I found this dressing that is awesome called, Marzetti's simply dressed Lemon vinagrette(sp),It was simply yummy, will have a few tea biscuits and some tea later and call it a day..
    DH is going onto work tomorrow so I will have the house to myself again, going to watch a webinar about weight loss at 11 am. and hopefully get to the gym
  • Dvorah17
    Dvorah17 Posts: 9 Member
    I am new to the message boards here. Do I have to do anything in order to be notified when changes are made to this board? Or do I just log in and check?
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    So sad today. My daughter's puppy was run over by a car. Poor little Badger was staying with a family while my daughter went on vacation and she called from Cambodia to say she found out her little puppy had been run over. It's heartbreaking because she was so fastidious about his care and safety, always on a leash, and such a sweet disposition. Her heart is broken as this is her first dog independent of living with us. I want to be with her and hug her, but I can't. Such a horrible day.:brokenheart:

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Susan,so sorry about your daughter`s puppy.:cry:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    Susan~ sending love to you and your DD, that is horrific,that happened to me when i was a teen, told my mom not to let my shepard/husky mix puppy out until I got up, but she let him out and he got hit by a car. I had to go get him and bury him all by myself.
    and with your DD so far away it is just heart wrenching:sad:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    :glasses: Crazy Colorado weather - - it is a sunny and gorgeous 60 degrees right now, just back from the park walking Dillon the Wonderdog. Tomorrow the high is expected to be in the 20’s and 2-3 inches of snow here in Colorado Springs by the end of the day. From sandals to snowboots in less than 24 hours :noway: Warming thoughts to all who are/have been in the storm’s path!

    Wanted to share with you a meditation/affirmation/prayer that spoke to me, I plan on using it daily:


    Margaret – I completely agree re: the “bad” coffee!! :bigsmile:

    JaneH – Yes, my FIL was hospitalized in November and my DMIL asked me to come out to be of support. I drove to CA November 15th and didn’t get back home until Dec. 14th due to my FIL passing on Thanksgiving. I then stayed to help deal with pensions/social security/insurance and the like. So it was an unexpected and lengthy trip, but glad I could be there for Mom and my sister-in-law.

    Susan R. – Oh, that is sooooo sad!!! My heart aches for your daughter and feels for you in wanting to be with her during this tragic time. Thoughts too to the caregiver who was watching the puppy, I’m sure they’re feeling horrible that this happened on their watch. :sad:

    Dvorah17 – Welcome!! You can check in any time and read/post to the board. Just go to the top of page “Community” then look for and click on “My Topics” then you’ll see the board and can join us :flowerforyou:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Change your thoughts and you change the world.”