
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Church this morning, grocery shopping done for my menus this week.

    Hope everyone has a blessed and wonderful day :flowerforyou:

    Tina in Florida where it will be in the 20's by Tuesday (Brrrrrr)
  • Good morning! Just popping in for a quick "hello." I joined to encourage myself to be more mindful of sugar in my diet. I seem to notice arthritis flaring up if I eat too much of it. I am 57, and started exercising regularly in my early 50s. I don't really have much weight to lose, but it would be lovely to ditch that menopausal middle!

    Hubby has invited me to go on a short stroll in our lovely sunshine. Ta ta for now.
    -Kay (PNW, USA)
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I weighed in for the results of my first week back to healthy eating: 3.5 lbs. gone! I also completed my one week mini-goal of cutting out sugar, in order to get back in control, so I’m happy this morning. :happy: The first week on any diet is always great, as you can practically see the water weight just rolling off. I can still remember joining WW in my 20’s and losing 8.4 lbs. at the first week’s official weigh-in. Ah, to have a young metabolism again! I know that it will be much slower from here on out, but I’m back on track and moving forward.

    I took my own advice from the other day, and made a big pot of veggie/chicken soup to combat the cold. Yum!

    Geri – 5.5 lbs. is terrific… congratulations! It sounds like you’re off to a great start. I’ll bet your grandson is adorable!

    June – Welcome to MFP! I’m impressed that you’ve been working in the same place for 53 years. Good luck with your eating goals!

    Virginia – Great looking chicken salad. Yum, indeed!

    Michele – I looked at your FB page, but it didn’t seem to have an “add friend” button.

    Joyce – It sounds like a truly wonderful family gathering!

    Kathy – Congratulations on the weight loss! I’m still trying to see when my parents’ doctor appointments are going to fall this month, and will then try to coordinate a Denver meet-up.

    Susan – I liked your “trunk story.” That sounds like something that would happen to me!

    Jane in Colorado
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Susan, you are right, jazzercise is not cheap. But I figured if it is something I enjoy I am more likely to stick with it. The most reasonable way is to sign up for a pass. And yes, jazzercise is like a franchise.

    It is crispy here on the west coast. I did not realize that the roads were slippery and I "slid" into a road when turning right, rather than driving! :tongue: Lucky for me there were no other cars and that I was going slow. On my way back from jazzercise I saw a spectacular crash where a truck was not as lucky as me. Its rear end was sticking up in the air over top of a barrier. It obviously had gone flying.

    :flowerforyou: Anne - it looks like you are on a good road to health with your coach. Very interesting to read about it. Keep us posted. I have also learned to drink water! Awesome that you lost a pound :smile:

    DH made a spinach salad last night. It was delish. We are now using our food processor (xmas gift) to slice, grate and chop. I want to find other things to do with it. Loving it so far.

    I finally had a good night sleep. So happy to get over this flu crap. Okay, off to hit the shower and get on with the rest of my day.

    from frosty Vancouver Island, BC

    P.S. the new profile pic is from our 6AM jazzercise class which stopped in December. Small group as you can see. Typically for other classes about 75-90 people show up and a large gym is required. (I am at the top right)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Sue, I understand about the horse. When I was a kid I brought a horse inside the house once when my folks were gone and the weather was nasty. Parents came home and caught us. They were not amused.

    Feeling better today. I think maybe I was sick the last couple of days and didn't realize it. Last night I was throwing up and running to the bathroom. I'm not always good at paying attention to my body. Sounds impossible, but it's sadly true.

    We got about 6 inches of snow last night, but it's drifted so deep in front of the house that the porch has disappeared. The cardinals are busy at the feeder this morning. They look so pretty against the snow. But the dogs aren't happy at all. They don't have fur on their tummies which are dragging in the snow. So they don't stay out long!

    I hope everybody is safe and warm.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I would love to reply individually to many of you, but I can't keep up! LOL

    Michele - I believe you are in NC, too? A son went to Elon, maybe? If you're not the right one, maybe the right one will read this. I, too, graduated from Elon and go to church in Elon.l

    DeeDee - I believe I just saw that you are in Winston Salem? I'm in Burlington so just 45 miles or so down the road.

    Sorry about the loss of Badger the puppy. It's hard to lose a pet at any time and particular hard when one is a young adult and living away from the pet.

    I am going to try harder to keep up with this thread. Is there a way to "bookmark" the thread to save your place? I keep forgetting what page I was on...

    Today, I am celebrating that I have lost the miserable yo yo weight that attacked me while visiting my parents at Christmas and am on the losing path again. It is AWESOME to be in Onederland! I weigh less right now than I have in 30 years or more.

    BTW, I have a Fitbit Flex but I have no clue how to look for friends on the Fitbit site.

    Carol from cold, drizzly, cloudy, foggy, NC
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,870 Member
    Good Afternoon ladies. Boy have we grown with the New Year. That is FANTASTIC!!!!! Also to read and so much info love it!
    Welcome to all the newbies and the comerbacks. Well the cold has hit here. This afternoon we have reached the high of 13 with -7 wind chill. I did not want to get out of the warm bed to come to work this morning. Tomorrow I start my 5 days off and sounds like we will not leave for Iowa until maybe Tuesday. Temps to be below zero and do not want to get somewhere and not be able to get home. So this grand babie will be born without us there. Get there when we can.
    Well the holidays have caught up with me. This morning when I weighed I gained .3. Now I know this is not much but surprised how much it bothered me. It is because I know that I did not eat well and got caught.

    Tina--like your list:happy:

    Sylvia--Hugs to you and DS and family. Breakups are never easy. I hope you are feeling better and taking care of yourself.:sad:

    Virinalee--Your salad sure looks good!!:smile:

    Kathy--Congrates on great loss!!:flowerforyou:

    Jane--:drinker: Great first week back.

    Cynthia--I take notes and then type them up at the end. Since I have lost weight my knee is doing so much better. My was so bad I could not walk on it and even had acouple shots put in it. But now it is so much better.

    Margaret-- Yes! I do not limit my computer time for MFP and I can read alot of it at work in between doing my job. This group has kept me going big time. This is my life line.

    Heather--speaking of sagas, I finality got the check Friday from BOA to pay the company for the work done on our house. They had it for over a month. Would be believe they have now sent me a request to rate the customer service. They must be nuts as I have nothing good to say after the way I was treated.

    Pat--:flowerforyou: Happy Anniversary:flowerforyou: Sure glad to see you back. Missed you

    Roxi--I think I should get the plateau Qween for inches lost. I have not changed for months. My weight has gone down, but not inches. So know I need to work on toning up big time.

    Yanniejannie--:sad: Sorry to hear about your friend. Prayers to both of you.

    Grandmallie--:flowerforyou: Great news about insurance and gym membership.

    Linda--I know it seems if I eat more carbs at night my BS will be low the next morning and when I eat low carbs it will be over 110 next morning.

    Joyce--:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Sounds like a good time was had by all.

    Michele--:laugh: your story about dancing in the store. Reminded me when I was still living at home and any of us would go to the store with dad. He would hear a song and start singing and grab us and dance. Most the time I would end up laughing so hard.

    kTS--GREAT weight loss!! Loved your wuss-i-fied story

    Susan--:sad: Hugs to you and DD. I also do not keep much at the house and sometimes when the grandkids come over they think we are poor because we have little food but lots of diet pop. I know if I am home and it is there I will eat it. It talks to me.

    Sandy--I agree with Jill. When DFIL passed away I just made copies of the death certificate and mailed everytime some one would contact us. It was funny as he owed the IRS and for the first 5-7 years they would call and ask if there had been a change in his status. I kept telling them far as we know he is still buried.

    JB--Thanks for sharing from the book. Good things to think about.

    Meg--Hope you are staying warm. This is terrible. Got an email from our DGDs step mom and she will be in a play in March at Millard junior high. DGD lives with her dad and family there in Omaha. So making plans to come to that. Missed the one she was in this last fall.

    Well ladies time to get some work done. Stay warm and keep moving!!

    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!from snowy,cold Il.frigid temps coming.No school for 2 days due to weather.
    Skipped church as I can`t walk in 6-8"of snow and blowing.
    Kinda lazy type of day.
    Be safe all.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just a quick one, just read about 5 pages :noway: :noway: and don't have much time now.

    Nothing much happening here - certainly no weight loss :frown:

    Loved the post (sorry can't remember who posted :embarassed: about setting time aside to get organised with household chores exercising etc sounds like something I need to do.

    Sorry to hear the sad news about the puppy, everyone involved must be heartbroken :heart: :heart:

    Very wet here, still flooding down south, but not as cold as some places around the world thank goodness.

    Hope everyone is keeping warm :heart:

    Viv York UK
  • Albagal
    Albagal Posts: 11
    Newbie over 60 and pounds piling on. Not a happy bunny - a fat one but not a happy one. :(
  • FENG3
    FENG3 Posts: 2 Member
    New to the forum, 3 days and counting, 1 lb lost, hoping to loose 30, 58 yrs old.

  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope you all are surviving the cold weather - we are expecting ice tonight and maybe Tuesday, with more snow forecast for Thursday <sigh>

    CynthiaT60 - I had lost the cartilage in both knees by the time I was about 50. I remember the pain well!! Over a couple of years, I did have both knees replaced, not at the same time. Before then, the orthopedic doctor I was seeing did treat me conservatively for a few years. One thing he did was Synvisc injections. Synvisc is made in part from chicken combs and acts as a lube job for the knees. In my case, it provided relief for about 6 months each time, so we could reduce pain and delay surgery for a while. I can say that the pain was less the day after surgery compared to the day before surgery!

    Doing the rehab exercises was critical to regaining range of motion in the knees. I also did some of the exercises extensively before surgery to strengthen the muscles around the knee. Maybe see if your doctor would refer you to physical therapy to start some exercises to strengthen the knee since he wants to wait on the surgery. I was nearly 54 for the first knee and 55 for the second. I haven't regretted it even once. Today, I can do 15 full squats with a 10 pound weight and plan to add more weight soon.

    Grandmallie and Kevrit (and any other folks in the region), I definitely want to get together once the weather is berter!!!

    Hugs to al my Vitamin F friends!!

    Jill in western MA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am still trying to catch up on my reading……I hate to miss anything that any of you says. I walked for two hours by myself this morning then started tackling household chores until lunch (chicken breast with hoisin sauce, black rice, cauliflower). In an hour my favorite walking friend is coming over for a walk around my neighborhood.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, dancing at the expensive store----what a great way to get your daughter to leave before spending too much money….I loved the videos of your holiday decorations

    :flowerforyou: Virginia, I went to Virginia Beach in December some years ago for a convention and remember it being cold enough that I was glad I’d brought my winter coat and hat.

    :flowerforyou: Tina, I worked in Baltimore one winter a long time ago and was so grateful to get a ride from a co-worker so I didn’t have to deal with driving in the snow….keep up the good work with the plank and your time will get longer.

    :brokenheart: Joyce, sorry about your weather and family problems

    :flowerforyou: Anne, do not be discouraged……just keep on keeping on

    :bigsmile: Rori, you are making awesome progress

    :flowerforyou: Sylvie, welcome----I live not that far from you in NW Washington……have you tried walking as your reintroduction to exercise? With the right clothes and shoes, it’s a great way to move your whole body…..I started with a little walking and have increased it a lot over time.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Anamika, wow, it’s great to hear that you’ve been a positive influence on your mother.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, 18 degrees is cold…..you’re not a wimp

    :flowerforyou: Kathy from Colorado…welcome….enjoy your vacation….if you eat in restaurants there are ways to order simple food like broiled chicken with steamed veggies and tomato slices….you don’t have to order exactly what’s on the menu.

    :flowerforyou: Lis from NY….welcome….please keep coming back…..connecting with these great women saved my life.

    :flowerforyou: Deb A…….the house we stayed in was so cold on Friday night that I went to bed wearing my regular night clothes plus tops and bottoms of long underwear, flannel nightgown, fleece jacket, and wool hat…..I hope the propane comes soon.

    :brokenheart: Yanniejannie, sorry to hear about your friend with the stroke…..makes me want to stay in the moment and be grateful for everything in my life right this minute.

    :flowerforyou: Mandy, keep coming back and you’ll meet others with similar challenges

    :bigsmile: Alison, what great news that your insurance will pay for your gym membership

    :flowerforyou: LInC. I rarely eat cereal because I am never moderate with it.

    :flowerforyou: I will read more later…..time to get back to my chores and be ready to walk with my friend.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • Frmvt
    Frmvt Posts: 15 Member
    Please sign me up. I would love to join.
  • jmilski
    jmilski Posts: 2 Member
    Sign me up. I've tried to do it alone and can't seem to get there. I have 20 to lose.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well the kids are gone, the house is quiet. Younger daughter came over for lunch, she is still feeling some effects of stopping her Effexor but is much better. So we had leftovers. For Thanksgiving, the leftover fruit salad got left at out house and I ate to much of that. So although I was sad to see it ALL go back to my sister's house, I was glad that I had no more temptation in my house. My diaghter had gotten a coupon from Groupon for a membership for Sams Club. It included a rotisserie chicken, frozen thing of scallop potaotes and Dutch apple pie, basically a dinner. So we ate the apple pie yesterday and the scallop potatoes for todays lunch. I used my smart phone app/barcode from MFP to see how many calories, decided to have a half serving with my turkey sandwich on my 35 calorie bread, carrots and apple. So I had a nice day after Christmas dinner while all my kids chowed down on mashed potatoes, turkey and noodles, rolls and sweet potatoes. I didn't feel left out at all. I sure hope my scales were right but it showed my at 179.2 this morning. Oh how long has it been since I have seen the 170's!!!!!!!! So if that is correct and it continues on down it means when I weigh in and record it on Wednesday it may read 54 or even 55 pounds lost. I am not celebrating yet. My physical is next Thursday and I would love for it to be 55 pounds lost. My husband gained 2 pounds.

    We did not get any of the snow predicted. Now we still could but so far none of it has come. So my brothers were able to drive home OK, They had to drive in rain but that's OK. So I very much appreciated all your thought and prayers for me and my family. I just stood and cried yesterday watching all of my family together. It has been so long. Our parents would have been so proud. I sure miss my Mom. It has been almost 3 years now since she died. March 11, 2011

    Sure glad to see people come back and new people coming in to join us. You have just met the most wonderful, gracious, caring group of women you could ever imagine meeting. We come from so many walks of life, faith, backgrounds, countries, but with one thing in common. We want to see ourselves in better health as we continue on in our lives. And that is for different reasons to. For our grandchildren, four our own declining health. for our husbands, because our doctors have threatened us, just for ourselves. We help each other get to that goal. We help each other get through peaks and valleys.

    See you all later, Joyce, rainy Indiana
  • Busy old group this one! Take a breath and another 3 pages of posts appear. If we awe as good at dieting as we are supporting others this weight loss will be a breeze :love:

    I'm another soggy UK person, from Chelmsford, Essex. Really feel for you US based folk with seriously bad weather. We have a bit of rain and we moan. Give us snow (especially in the south) and we panic!

    I'm on a slightly different 5:2 diet. I eat really sensibly Monday - Friday. I find I am disciplined when working. At weekends I allow more tolerance. Not quite the ultra low calorie version of the 5:2 but I can't because of diabetes but I'm finding an AVERAGE of 1200 calories per day over 7 days suits me and is giving around 1kg per week weight loss.

    Sorry not to respond individually yet. Just getting used to this stuff.

  • svsl0928
    svsl0928 Posts: 205 Member
    :love: :noway: My goal for Jan is to loose 3 pounds. This will put me under 200 which I have never been as an adult.
  • Bonella
    Bonella Posts: 77 Member
    Happy New Year to everyone!! I didn't do too poorly over the holidays, but I did gain a little and my exercise time was greatly minimized. All my family was here for a while, including my Coast Guard son who I hadn't seen since March, so the little gain was worth it.

    I have no real new resolutions for 2014. I've found a plan that works and I'm sticking with it. And it's back to the gym tomorrow. I'm a night shift nurse and this is my weekend, so I'm stopping in the gym on my way home in the morning. It will be the first time I've tried an after work gym time, but my coworkers all swear by it.

    I am renewing my vow to NEVER QUIT. Never.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,000 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    haven't eaten well the last couple of days.. but will get back on track in the morning.
    got up early and started cooking, made american chop suey for friend of mine who just had surgery, and a meatloaf and carrot cake for the DH.Just as I was finishing that up, I got a call from m DSIL, saying that my brother was vomiting and needed the hospital, told her to bring him over and I would meet them there.
    As I have told you before my Brother is an Alcoholic, and it has finally caught up to him. He has pancreatitis,brought on by alcohol..
    no food,IV fluids, and pain meds, and I am sure he will be detoxing while in there, so I dont know if I should go see him or not..
    Hopefully the pain will smarten him up, but his biological father died of a stomach anyurism, (sp) so we can only Hope..
    I hate to see anyone in pain, especially family..
    so from there, I came home picked up the macaroni and dropped it off to my friend, then I had to go out to a restaurant for my sons get together and had a veggie grinder, and a couple of pieces of bread, which I didnt log:frown: then proceeded to come home and have a small piece of carrot cake~ again i didnt log it:embarassed:
    im hoping to get back into the swing of everything in the morning. im going to take a bath and then get in my jammies..
    It has been a long day:yawn: