

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Did about 30 minutes of the instructional belly dance DVD today, then went to the extremepump class. Well, first I stopped at Lowes Foods on the way there just to get what was on sale that I'll donate to the local soup kitchen. After the class I came hone to find that Vince needed more milk so I went to Sams to buy the milk. I'm thinking of having people over Sunday to watch the episodes of Downton Abbey (a friend got all 8 episodes, and I copied them) so I got some Skinny Pop and then bought gas. Tomorrow night we MIGHT go to Mexican Train at this gal's house and then Wed. is the Newcomer general meeting along with the two bowling leagues we're on, so I filled up on gas

    sandmyst - welcome, stop back often

    Joyce - Bryan (back when he was talking to me) showed me this chicken salad. Basically, you take elbow macaroni (or bowties), get a rotisserie chicken, a jar of pesto and mix them together. Of course, you take off the skin and chop up the chicken. What I like is that it's a macaroni salad that doesn't have mayo in it so you can take it somewhere in the summer and don't have to worry about it spoiling.

    Sylvie - making gluten free things, will this mean that you'll have to get all of that special flouer and stuff (the xanthane gum, oat flour, etc)

    Anne - I would ask for a refund, although this coach sounds very good, he also seems to have a lot of other commitments

    Heather - congrats on the loss. Oh my dear, your chest and your knee! Feel better fast.

    DeeDee - It was Vince who mentioned the snow. I'm thinking that he's getting more and more on the conservative side. Personally, I don't think it'll snow. He was saying how it was supposed to be so cold so I wore these heavy pants to exercise class today. To be honest, I was sweating in them. I could easily have worn the lighter pants. Vince drained some water from the pool today. With the cold temps, he just didn't want the water to be above the tile line (the tile might crack).

    Patty - let me know how you liked working in the fitness center. Do you have personal training certification? When I worked at the Y I was in the Women's Only Workout area. It would always frustrate me to no end how I would show someone the proper way to do something and they'd do it, but once my back was turned they'd go back to the way they used to do it (which could potentially hurt them). Hope you have a better experience than I did.

    Connie - welcome. This IS a fantastic group

    Linda - sending good thoughts your way for the dogs

    Sylvia - have fun at your painting party

    Jane - sounds like you made the best choice you could make for your lunch meeting. Good for you!

    barbie - I don't post much on facebook, either. Sometimes there is a decent recipe that I may want to save, but that's about it. Glad you liked the decorations

    Welcome to everyone new that I may have missed

    Just made Vince a chocolate fudge cake. His birthday was last month and we didn't go to Mexican Train, so I'll make that for him. I'm going to take something else because cakes, etc just don't entice me at all.

    Virginia - wish I could tell you a magic thing to stop you from binging, but I do the same thing. However, if I know that I'm going to be making something that I could easily binge on, before making it I have something that will cause me to drink a lot of water (like a bran muffin). I also find that having a glass of lemon water nearby SOMETIMES helps (not always). If anything, this helps me somewhat to control my binging.

    margatetturk - thanks for posting those tips. We put some antifreeze in our pool and spa for the winter

    sylvia - thanks for the smile

    Jeanne and Amy - welcome

    Meg - I don't remember, is your dad in an assisted living facility?

    Rose/LaurelFisher - woo hoo on the loss!

    Vicki - safe travels

    A friend came here tonight, we were going to play mahjongg but wound up watching the latest Star Trek movie instead.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Our Christmas tree is still up of course. I guess while we are frozen in would be a good time to take it down but I still have such fond memories of last weekend that I'm not ready. Plus I'm just not ready for that big of a task yet. I had told Charlie that I wanted to buy at least one new ornament this year. Since we can't get out of the house right now, I can't go to the big Christmas places and I would imagine they will be closing up shop soon. I have looked at both target and Walmart and didn't see anything that jumped out at me and really wanted me to buy it so I haven't. But I got 2 precious ornaments for Christmas. As I have said before, when my Grand daughters were younger I enjoyed helping them make Christmas presents for everyone. But we had to have them done by Thanksgiving since that was the last time I would see them before Christmas. But as they grew older I felt that they were old enough to do tis on their own or have their Mom help them. I think that was a big goal of mine, to get her to realize that her daughters needed to be making gifts for everyone. They get so much for Christmas just like any other child. The adults do all the buying and in our home now, against my better judgement, we do like most families and draw couple names. We don't draw our own childrens names in those couples. But my grand children need to learn the joy and reason of giving gifts. So I did it with them. So this year they really outdid themselves. They used their own allowence money and went to Hobby Lobby and got the clear glass ornaments, and they little tiny things you can get that's like confetti and some snow, and then these little snow flakes that adhere to the balls. Now the kitchen was a glittery mess when they were done but these ornaments are precious. Their Mom took red ribbon for a tie and branch holder for the top. They always make home made buckeyes for the family, and she had her daughters do all the rolling out of the chocolate mix for that. Apparently it's hard work. Well it's not hard to eat them. I still have my share hidden.

    Then my sister took my Mom's costume jewelry, took them all apart and glued these little pieces onto a styrafoam ball. I can go around the ball and remember particular earrings, necklace pieces, lapel pins, mine has a G for grace on it. She had several cheap 'gold' or 'oear' necklaces that she took pieces of them and It is just beautiful make little twirly things on the ball. Her daughter took a lot of the leftover things and made garland for one of her small trees with it.. So now I have two very precious ornaments. The year after my daughter got married they were the typical college students, just barely making it. They lived on love. They took the same glass type ornaments, filled them up about halfway with snow and some green or red confettit and put a ribbon on it. Then she took a red marking pin and put their names and wedding date on it.. Inexpensive but priceless.

    I have a niece that's quite a photo bug and a SIL that have put all their Christmas pictures on Face Book. So I have been tagging all the pictures as mine even though I'm not in them. I took a few pictures but was to busy just watching and to tired to take any. But now I have a nice Christmas album because of their pictures.

    OK, some one make sure I get to the Y on Friday morning to the strength training. Who is up to the challenge!!!!

    Joyce, indiana
  • pds06
    pds06 Posts: 299 Member
    Hi, I'm Debbie. Just coming back after losing my husband in November. Hope it helps get mind on something positive. I'm so sad.
  • AnswerintheSky

    Just a brief update about my Fitness Coach. He was there tonight but I had a "little chat" with him about my concerns before we got started. I made it clear that I was not happy with his no shows/cancellations. He assured me what had happened wouldn't happen again. I didn't ask for my money back.

    He took some of my measurements. I had a very strenuous workout. (I am so out of shape!) :blushing:

    I'm tired. I'm falling asleep at the computer. :yawn: Off to bed for me.

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow ladies...

    Anne, Vancouver area, BC, Canada
  • AnswerintheSky
    Hi again,

    Debbie - So terribly sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. Good for you for trying to get your mind off of your grief.

    Anne, Vancouver area, BC, Canada
  • virginialee78
    I just want to say that even though I just joined this board, you guys have helped me out already! Such a compassionate, caring bunch of ladies you are... making me feel like I'm already at home. Thank you!!! :flowerforyou:

    Barbiecat - The bingeing is definitely something I struggle with off and on during the year, especially around the winter months, so my weight can fluctuate a bit wildly at times. Thank you for your advice. I don't always plan my food out for the whole day, but have noticed that on the days I do, I stick to my plan much better.

    I loved what you said about being an "abstainer"... that hit home really hard and made me laugh :laugh: and I loved your line about how "We trade what we want the most for what we want at the moment"... That is so true. Hopefully I can stop and think before I take that first bite. I've actually called my Mom or a friend to have them talk me out of what I'm about to eat! lol It sometimes works though and makes me talk myself out of going into a mindless eating episode.

    Margaret - Your post about brought me to tears... I'm happy I could make you think of your Mom... she sounds lovely! My husband one time asked why I put out ALL of our Christmas ornaments, he said just leave the older, tattered ones in the box or throw them out.... I told him those are the ones I cherish the most, that bring me the most joy as I put them on the tree and take them back down and put them away... :smile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,817 Member
    morning ladies,
    well another day with no formal exercise, I feel like a slug..
    I am eating correctly ,but with this going into work early, and moving muscles that I dont usually move:embarassed: I was so sore last night, and still this morning.. I will get back into it tomorrow, I will be running like crazy today also,but feel so bad for Zina ,I will pray that I dont come down with that stomach bug, from what I hear it is nasty.. I am washing my hands to beat the band, escpecially when I am over at the hopsital visiting my brother, dont think I will go tonight, but will go tomorrow., and I will get to the gym tomorrow too, it is frigid outside so I will stay away from outside except to take the boys for a quick potty run
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Just found out January 3rd. I'm going to be a grandma in Sept!

    I slacked off and I've got to get busy!

  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    I know it's not as cold as where some of you ladies are but 29 now with a high today of 48 :noway: is freezing for this Florida girl!!! But we will be up to 84 on Saturday (only in Florida) :heart:

    I did read all the post, it's just so hard to reply to so many.:tongue:

    Prayers and best wishes to those with losses and struggles.:love::flowerforyou:

    To those that are sick, prayers for healing and a fast recovery.:flowerforyou:

    Congratulations to everyone with NSV's :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Tina in (man it's cold) Forida

    May we all stay warm & well. :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone has a blessed and wonderful day! :flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    An extremely wet day in London, but I don't feel I can complain as, compared to some of the other weather that people are struggling with at present, this is tame.

    For the first time in ages I am having 'head-hunger' - I thought I'd completely rid myself of this phenomenon, but it is definitely riding my shoulder right now. Fingers crossed that I can continue to control it. Normally I would just go and do some exercise to ward it off, but I'm having a double flare up of arthritis. It is now affecting both of my knees rather than just the left one.

    Next Monday I am going for my pre-op appointment for my gall-bladder removal surgery. Honestly, the rate I'm going I'll have no insides left! Gradually they are taking more and more parts of me (apart from when I had a new heart valve, but then they still removed the old one).

    My DD#2 is now only six weeks away from her due date. I can't wait to meet my new granddaughter. The truth is, I wish my daughter was not living in Germany and that I could be with her all the time, but this is a miracle baby and I'm just glad that she's on her way (for those who don't know, my daughter tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant for fifteen years, had eight rounds of IVF and then finally was put on the pill to try to solve some horrendous period problems - she had become resigned to never being a mum at this point. Anyway, she fell pregnant after being on the pill for a month).

    Tomorrow I am going to spend the day with DD#1 and my most darling grand-twins. Ok, I won't be able to get down on the floor and play with them as I normally do, but I am still so excited to see them - I can't get enough of them. At three years my love for them just grows stronger by the day. I am truly blessed.

    I'm at work and desperately trying to make sure I walk up and down the four flights of stairs here as often as I can - despite the pain in the knees. It is just as painful if I'm sat down, so I may as well try to keep them moving.

    Well my friends, I hope you are all well. I apologise that I contribute so little to this topic these days, but please know that you are all thought of regularly.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • KYAliceG
    KYAliceG Posts: 9 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Hope everyone is making it through this deep freeze that much of us are dealing with. Later on this morning I will bundle up and hit the gym. I started Planet Fitness after Christmas to myself and am slowly building up on the Arch Trainer. I'm so out of shape that I do good to do 7 minutes on it. I start out doing 10 minutes on the recumbent bike, do the 30 minute workout, back to the bike for another 10 mi utes and then the arch trainer. The fitness guy I met with wants me to work up to 15 minutes. I had full knee replacement in August and know that I've got to exercise to get the mobility back in that knee, but man, it is hard! I've tried to loose weight so many times using WW but I know I have to make life changing habits to get in better health.
  • KYAliceG
    KYAliceG Posts: 9 Member
    Congratulations! I hope the pregnancy goes well for Mom and that the new bundle of joy is welcomed into this world with an easy delivery!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi, I'm Debbie. Just coming back after losing my husband in November. Hope it helps get mind on something positive. I'm so sad.
    Hi Debbie, welcome! I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my husband in November, too...ten years ago. Give yourself time. It'll be a roller coaster for some time. Just assume that everything you're feeling is normal. And be nice to yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone, just saying hi before a busy day. Man, I don't feel like going back to work.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the new ladies:flowerforyou: !

    Debbie:smile: So sorry to hear about your husband:brokenheart::sad: ! My husband passed away too, it will be 16 years in 7 days. Let yourself have time to grieve, it does get better with time. I still think of him all the time but the pain is not nearly as heavy as it once was. This is a wonderful group of women we will support you!!! Don`t be hard on yourself:flowerforyou: !!!

    Amanda:smile: So good to see your post!!! Oh dear, time for the gallbladder to be out:cry: , you`ve really been through at lot lately:flowerforyou: ! Looking forward to seeing pics of the new granddaughter when she arrives:love: , I know you`re excited:bigsmile: ! Have fun with the grandtwins:love: , I can`t believe they are 3 already...where does the time go? Hope your knees feel better soon!

    Michele:smile: It is COLD!!! Smart move getting the water below the tiles!

    Margaret:smile: Thanks for the tips on cold weather!

    Cindy:smile: Congrats on the fantastic news:love: !!!

    Cynthia:smile: Sorry to hear about you hubby too:brokenheart: ! You`re absolutely right about life being a roller coaster for awhile!

    Tina in FL:smile: Brrr...stay warm my friend, that`s really cold for your area!!!

    It is 6 degrees outside this morning, with a wind chill of -3:noway: , we had a record low, high temp today only around 22, very cold for this southern girl:frown: .

    No more time for me this morning:grumble: . Have a great day ladies! Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in frozen NC
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All,
    It is cold here in Cincinnati Ohio, but not as cold as a lot of other places right now.

    :smile: Rose, Congrats on the 6 lbs

    :heart: Amanda, Aren't twin grandbabies awesome, I have twin girls that are now 12.

    :smile: Joyce, I think it's a great idea to make gifts with grandchildren, I did it with the twins, this year we made cookie and candy tins for everyone.

    :heart: Cindy, Congrats on the new grandbaby, my youngest is due in June. Is this your first?

    :smile: Borbiecat, I am also an Abstainer, that was well put. I for sure can't eat one of anything and must not take that first bite.

    :smile: Michele NC-Yes I like working in the fitness room, I spent about two hours working with a guy yesterday who had a stroke and his goal is to get back to normal and be able to work again. I do show people how to do exercise and machines correctly, I find the men are the ones who don't listen and return to what the y think they know what they are doing. I just try to gentle remind them when I catch them. What else can you do.

    I am at my full time day job now and have so much to do that I have not been stopping for lunch, am eating at my desk and not walking. I made a resolution to stop this so as of today I am setting my timer and walking away from this desk for breaks and lunch. I also end up not journaling my food because I get caught up in work and forget to do it, so I've made a sign for my desk "LOG IT before YOU EAT IT"

    Everyone stay warm and safe, have a great day.

    Patty from Cincinnati, Ohio
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Cindy, many congrats on soon to be a granny! Best thing in the world!
    Amanda, hope all goes really smoothly - it truly is a miracle!

    No time to say much as I've got to go to the dentist.
    For the lady who recently lost her husband - a big, big hug.:heart: So hard. I just think, feel what you want to feel - anger, sadness, hysteria, misery, even joy now and again. As Deedee said, only time can heal. We are here for anything you want to say.:heart:

    Must get a bite of lunch down me before I brush my teeth.
    Love Heather in showery Hampshire UK
  • Kayzoola
    Thanks all who responded to my logging food issue. It is working for me now. Must have been "operator error." I am not the best of friends with this iPad. It makes me feel like a chicken typing...peck, peck!

    Linda, our dog had pancreatitis. We had to reintroduce his food very slowly, then he had to have low fat food for the rest of his life.

    Here's a little more about me: I did things a little backwards, worked for 20 years, then got married and became a parent in my 40s. I still have a teenage dd at home. I used to exercise in my 30s, then wasn't really able to when dd was young, so started back at it in my 50s. What a difference a decade makes! I work out almost twice as hard as I did in my 30s with maybe half the results. I just can't regain the muscle I had back then. When I started exercising again, I had osteopenia, but my lastest bone density test was normal, hip, hip hooray!. Looking better for it is just the icing on the cake. What I really love is being able to stand up again after picking something up off the floor!

    Since a lot of you seem to be animal lovers, we also have three bunnies and a cat that showed up uninvited and starving last year. We lost our dog to kidney failure a few years back :(

    -Kay (PNW USA)
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Frosty Morning Ladies;
    I have to say tho our temps have gone up here...I am making our meal for the week and it is toasty in here(:cry: (sweat dropping down)...never got down yesterday to get my exercise I wasn't feeling all that well..still a little disturbed in my tummy....smells will make me nauseous..even food cooking sometimes....but it has been a grab whatever food each meal for awhile..got to have something in the *Canadian Food Guide* to get our good fats and such....There are quite a few newbies..Welcome All!!!
    I see quite a few have lost some lbs..good for you!!!! :happy: *** Debbie I am so sorry about your hubby..I lost my sister last summer ...still think of her.. especially her beautiful smile....cherish the memories!
    My DH mom has an appointment here in Halifax today so he had to drive there about an hour and bit more to pick her up and bring her down here then take her back and she will probably want to shop some..she is 87 but quite spry....He will be tuckered out for sure..especially he helped our DD move some things into her new apartment..up 5 sets of 6 stairs each :sad: .....so glad she is getting movers for the rest of it......
    Time for me to get some housework done...is it ever done??? :grumble: Everybody have a great and gentle day!!

    Liz fr Halifax, NS
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    There all caught up on the reading again. And there's no way I can respond to all. took a few notes.

    I will try and remind you on Friday. But by then i'll be saying remind her of what? LOL.

    Sorry to hear about your loss. I don't know how I'd deal with losing my man of 43 years. I'm sure there would be a lot of anger, frustration and lots of why me. But so glad you turned to us. Hope we can give you some of the support you need.

    Great idea to log your food before you eat it. That way you see how many calories your going to have. And can adjust it if need be. Good luck.

    I imagine we will be asked to do the same. And it will be hard because we let them become beggars. No fault but our own. Now we must pay the piper. We will learn along with them.

    Well I was good last night and didn't over do. I did have a few chips out of hubbies bad but very few. And I didn't log it. But who do I cheat but myself. Today will be another challenging day. Hope to hear from vet soon. They are suppose to call if they are not well. They said no news good news but it's not 9 am yet. Hopefully they don't call. But I will be calling shortly after lunch to see how they are doing. Poor fur babies I'm sure there doing there share of crying as I am.

    See you lighter.
    Linda in Northern Ontario.