"You're still fat"



  • brayaddie
    brayaddie Posts: 101 Member
    Don't let another person dictate your worth! I believe in Karma. Keep going girl!
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    as everyone else has said you need to ignore people like that. it is a lot easier to say than do. some have an on-off switch for comments like that and others let it genuinely bring them down.

    if there was a way to tell people how to just turn off the switch i think life would be a lot easier for everyone.
  • Nicole_gets_a_grip
    They might have been slim and beautiful but they certainly didn't have any beauty on the inside. No point having or being a "body beautiful" if you're an ugly soul.

    You do you... ignore those that have no beauty and grace on the inside... they'll get theirs in the end!
  • maddogg82
    maddogg82 Posts: 159 Member
    Negative people are so stupid. Just remember ur not alone. There are many of us putting up with the same BS. Just have to keep on going.

    Congrats on the weightloss and the four miles!!! Ur doing awesome it sounds like. :drinker:
  • kerry223
    kerry223 Posts: 2 Member
    They don't feel any better about themselves than you do. They have their own demons and they are probably just lashing out because theirs aren't as simple to fix as weight loss. (I know, calling weight loss "simple" is totally crazy, but it IS easier than some of the emotional baggage people carry around for other reasons. At least there is a clear cut path.) YOU are out jogging and bettering yourself. THEY are out driving around insulting people. Who's the winner here?? Keep up the good work. Proud of you for being able to shake it off and move forward!
  • IronMikeFox
    I am so sorry to hear that you had to experience that! The ignorance and pure meanness of people never fail to amaze me. I know it is easier said than done, but try to take the experience for what it was - ignorant people being ignorant. I checked out your photos and YOU ARE NOT FAT! YOU LOOK AMAZING! You have done an amazing job! Don't let some group of imbeciles take that away from you!

    Another thing to consider. For a long time I was very focused on making changes to my appearance. No matter how much progress I made, I stayed down on myself because I just didn't measure up to the societal definition of what is attractive for a male. I don't have ripped abs, bulging pecs, etc. And I couldn't see myself getting there any time soon. I have since switched my focus to fitness. Trust me, if you just focus on getting more fit, everything else will fall into place. Not too long ago, someone at work made a comment that they were surprised that I do MMA. They said I didn't look like I was in good enough shape to do MMA. I laughed and dropped down and hit 10 quick 1 arm push-ups. I bounced up, smiled, and said "Your turn!". In the past that comment would have devastated me. But now that I am less focused on the physical appearance of fitness and more focused on the real deal, it just made me laugh. BTW ... that person now sometimes asks me fitness questions! LOL
  • maria_tm1978
    Gosh people really can be terrible :-(

    You shouldn't lose weight to please bullies and people who can't stand to look at fat people, but use that incident to get healthy and outlive them all!

    Congrats on the 4 miles!!
  • Anassal86
    Omg... I am so sorry this happened to you. Sometime thats the kick in the *kitten* we need to keepbgoing, and sometimes it screws with our mind set and makes us give up... Use it to your advantage to keep going!? Your before and after pic is remarkable! You look beautiful in both but you have changed so much already.
    Keep those words with you in a positive way! We were (almost all) fat at one point,thats why we are here! To lose weight! Be proud of your accomplishments and use that anger to fuel your motivation.
    My 1st pregnancy drove me to gain 30lbs. I am a tiny very curvy person when i am skinny. So at 148 i am FAT!! At 115 lbs, my normal healthy weight, i have a large C cup and very curvy hips in a size 0-2. At 148 im size 11 and all those curves are filled in with FAT. I know i am fat,and anyone is welcome to tell methat, its no news to me, just shallow people trying to make themselves feel skinnier by pointing out MY flaws. Look at your situation the same way!
    When i lost all my baby weight from my first child, what fueled my fire to lose the weight was my ex (my sons father) posting daily insults on facebook about how fat and ugly i got since he last saw me (right before i started showing when i was pregnant.) omg did that hurt. But i am the type to ALWAYS prove people WRONG ! I never let people be right about my flaws, i always have to fix them, or at least ones i can control. Those hurtful words gave me the drive to lose all my weight just so i could "show him" i was better than that and make him look stupid and shallow! There was no way i was going to let him be right! No way!!! I would look at his facebook everyday to get a daily reminder of how fat and gross i was just so i could keep going. And i did it! I lost 30 lbs in 3 months and kept it off until i got pregnant with baby #2 at which point i have gained my 30lbs again... We have no contact with my ex now, so i domt have that motivation anymore. My husband is so supportive and loving and doesnt care if im 100lbs or 200lbs which is great but not motivating so i am finding healthier ways to motivate myself now, rather than anger. But boy was anger a great motivator!! Use those b*tches words to your advantage! Pardon the language!
    Go you! Your dooing great running 4 miles, i could never do that, i have health priblems, and i am jealous of you! Look at ur before and after pix for reassurance. Just know that for every person who thinks ur fat thers 10 people who think your doing a fabulous job!
  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    Wow. Thats just awful. My heart sank while reading your story. Good for you for keeping on, I can't say I would've done the same. Congrats on what you've done so far!
  • littledsoon
    It is amazing how cruel some people can be. I am so sorry that you had to deal with this, but instead of letting it beat you down, use it as motivation to push yourself even further! You go girl!
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    "Beauty fades; but stupid is forever"
    ~~Judge Judy
  • marzinator13
    marzinator13 Posts: 149 Member
    Im sorry you had to hear that,but now you can use it as fuel to keep fighting. They dont know your story but you are making huge gains and are doing a fantastic job. In the end this is all for you and what you believe about yourself.
  • bubblewrap91
    bubblewrap91 Posts: 45 Member
    Some people find pleasure in the most awful things...those girls must have nothing better to do than try to bring others down which just makes no sense to me. You're doing well to stay positive because I know something like this would have bothered me but I admire you for not letting it deter you from your goals! You're doing so well and will continue to do so, well done :) x
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I've had similar when I've been out running. Firstly I don't think you should say that stuff ever, and also even if you were to, would saying it in like a fast food restaurant actually make your insult slightly tenable? You call someone fat while they are out jogging/walking seems pointless, since they obviously are trying to change. What a loads of dumbasses.

    Unfortunately you will always get people like that, and yes it hurts, there is almost no other way to rise above it and not be hurt. Just try your best to put it behind you.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Also thank you so much for using correct grammar in your title :).
  • SweetLilyR
    SweetLilyR Posts: 283 Member

    Being a nasty little ***** is something that occurs by choice and poor breeding.

    Press on.
    ^^^ THIS

    I had something similar happen when I was 9 months pregnant. When I told the douche calling me names that I was pregnant, he switched tactics and told me it was child abuse to have a kid when I was so fat...

    It's a small town that I live in, so imagine my delight to find out that Karma got him back in spades about a year later.

    Don't let the stupid ignorant comment from a stupid ignorant person get you down. They don't know you or your struggles and victories. Your quote sums it up perfectly...use it as a mantra if it helps you listen to the positive comments more.
  • nikibean123
    nikibean123 Posts: 81 Member
    And what does that say about THEM?? There you are, out to better yourself and there they are putting other people down.

    Keep going!!!
  • tropicaltiger
    You really touched me-I am so glad you did mention it-I am so sorry that happened to you-I remember when I was 94 pounds heavier how people were -wouldn't even open a door for me-and now the do= look my friend you were out there walking-and look at what your goals areand what you are doing-yes words do hurt-but when someone said something to me one time when I was losing my weight that I couldn't keep doing it-it made me want to do it more-it was a older lady-and when I did I saw here at a fuction she said how good I looked I told her she was my the one who helped me by saying I could keep doing it-she just dropped her jaw-and I always said to her I felt hurt at the time- there is power in words-but you can use it to make it better for you-some people feel better when they put other down-if you want you can add me:) I wish you a lot of luck in your weight lose journey
  • UpToTheChallenge
    You are a beautiful woman and you are doing something to make a change. You are working hard and you aren't giving up. Some people give up because it's "too hard" and never get to feel the pride or sense of accomplishment because of that. You get to. You can look in the mirror and be proud of yourself for what you are doing.

    "She believes she could, so she did."

    Keep on keeping on, girl!
  • mcsweetly
    mcsweetly Posts: 133 Member
    That is awful and I hate to tell it doesn't happen to anyone else, but something very similar happened to a friend of mine not too long ago. The only difference is it was a car of college boys. Keep at what you are doing and realize they may one day have some weight issues and think back to this and finally feel some remorse.

    You are doing great! keep at it!