November Weight Loss Group



  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    i have been slacking on exercise but I have been good on my diary...down 1lb this week goodbye skittles and starbursts!

    I am so Glad everyone is doing so great...congrats to all! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    LIST OF GOALS - Please copy and update as you lose.

    Stellcorb- loose 5 lbs and be able to jog 3 miles in 30 minutes -down 2.1 lbs this week!
    Janna674- lose 4 lbs --down 1lb this week
    EboniA - lose 3 lbs
    AmandaR910-Finish 100 Push Ups Program and no weight gain (pregnant, so not shooting for a loss here, SW 217.2lbs on Nov. 1st).
    ifychudy- to lose 5lbs
    tiarapants - want to get as close to 145 (which will put me in normal BMI) as I can (150lbs at present)
    Dounia - 11/3/2010 SW=121.4; Goal = loose 4 pounds this month
    tffnrod25 - SW-241 GOAL- 10 LBS -3 LBS= 7 MORE POUNDS TO GO
    Mollie1037 - SW 367/GW 357/CW 364 - 3 lbs lost and 7 to go!
    lozf85 - to lose 5kg
    aimee - SW 134; GW 130
    Cnbethea- SW 163.2 / CW 160.8 down 2.4
    RoJo40 SW 232 GW140 CW 218 to lose 15
    Semperfiwife - going for inches! Plan on going from size 10 jeans to size 8!
    jacqueline0821 - lose 5 lbs.
    tattoodfreek- to lose 2 pounds SW 140.6
    luciferon - lose 8 lbs (lost 2lb so far!)
    gig76- lose 4lbs SW 129lbs (down 2lbs~127lbs now just 2 more to go)
    AngelSharum - to lose 2 pounds & 600 minutes of exercise
    melliebee - lose 5 lbs in November. SW 142 GW 137 & Work out 5x/ week. (DOWN 2 LBS WOOHOO!!!)
    sahramel - lose 8 to 10 pounds
    MontanaB - loose 6-8lb (3down - 3 to 5 to go!!)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    i have been slacking on exercise but I have been good on my diary...down 1lb this week goodbye skittles and starbursts!

    I am so Glad everyone is doing so great...congrats to all! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Those little babies (starbursts) are good aren't they!! If we could only eat just ONE or even 2.:laugh: Congrats on 1 pound Janna!!
  • BlutAura
    Nearly half way through and another 4.4lbs lost! Think I'm gonna upgrade my target to 10lbs.

    LIST OF GOALS - Please copy and update as you lose.

    Stellcorb- loose 5 lbs and be able to jog 3 miles in 30 minutes -down 2.1 lbs this week!
    Janna674- lose 4 lbs --down 1lb this week
    EboniA - lose 3 lbs
    AmandaR910-Finish 100 Push Ups Program and no weight gain (pregnant, so not shooting for a loss here, SW 217.2lbs on Nov. 1st).
    ifychudy- to lose 5lbs
    tiarapants - want to get as close to 145 (which will put me in normal BMI) as I can (150lbs at present)
    Dounia - 11/3/2010 SW=121.4; Goal = loose 4 pounds this month
    tffnrod25 - SW-241 GOAL- 10 LBS -3 LBS= 7 MORE POUNDS TO GO
    Mollie1037 - SW 367/GW 357/CW 364 - 3 lbs lost and 7 to go!
    lozf85 - to lose 5kg
    aimee - SW 134; GW 130
    Cnbethea- SW 163.2 / CW 160.8 down 2.4
    RoJo40 SW 232 GW140 CW 218 to lose 15
    Semperfiwife - going for inches! Plan on going from size 10 jeans to size 8!
    jacqueline0821 - lose 5 lbs.
    tattoodfreek- to lose 2 pounds SW 140.6
    luciferon - lose 10 lbs (lost 6.4lb so far!)
    gig76- lose 4lbs SW 129lbs (down 2lbs~127lbs now just 2 more to go)
    AngelSharum - to lose 2 pounds & 600 minutes of exercise
    melliebee - lose 5 lbs in November. SW 142 GW 137 & Work out 5x/ week. (DOWN 2 LBS WOOHOO!!!)
    sahramel - lose 8 to 10 pounds
    MontanaB - loose 6-8lb (3down - 3 to 5 to go!!)
  • AmandaR910
    Nearly half way through and another 4.4lbs lost! Think I'm gonna upgrade my target to 10lbs.

    Great job!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Congrats everyone who has lost so far this month and is sticking to their goals! Effort is how we get there! This weight is not going to leave by itself!

    I am down 2.2 this week, which means I have hit goal for the month already. I am going to keep sticking with the (mostly) clean eating, and keep up my exercise.

    LIST OF GOALS - Please copy and update as you lose.

    Stellcorb- loose 5 lbs and be able to jog 3 miles in 30 minutes -down 2.1 lbs this week!
    Janna674- lose 4 lbs --down 1lb this week
    EboniA - lose 3 lbs
    AmandaR910-Finish 100 Push Ups Program and no weight gain (pregnant, so not shooting for a loss here, SW 217.2lbs on Nov. 1st).
    ifychudy- to lose 5lbs
    tiarapants - want to get as close to 145 (which will put me in normal BMI) as I can (150lbs at present)
    Dounia - 11/3/2010 SW=121.4; Goal = loose 4 pounds this month
    tffnrod25 - SW-241 GOAL- 10 LBS -3 LBS= 7 MORE POUNDS TO GO
    Mollie1037 - SW 367/GW 357/CW 364 - 3 lbs lost and 7 to go!
    lozf85 - to lose 5kg
    aimee - SW 134; GW 130
    Cnbethea- SW 163.2 / CW 160.8 down 2.4
    RoJo40 SW 232 GW140 CW 218 to lose 15
    Semperfiwife - going for inches! Plan on going from size 10 jeans to size 8!
    jacqueline0821 - lose 5 lbs.
    tattoodfreek- to lose 2 pounds SW 140.6 - CW 138.4 - 2.2 Lost!
    luciferon - lose 10 lbs (lost 6.4lb so far!)
    gig76- lose 4lbs SW 129lbs (down 2lbs~127lbs now just 2 more to go)
    AngelSharum - to lose 2 pounds & 600 minutes of exercise
    melliebee - lose 5 lbs in November. SW 142 GW 137 & Work out 5x/ week. (DOWN 2 LBS WOOHOO!!!)
    sahramel - lose 8 to 10 pounds
    MontanaB - loose 6-8lb (3down - 3 to 5 to go!!)
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    Congrats everyone who has lost so far this month and is sticking to their goals! Effort is how we get there! This weight is not going to leave by itself!

    I am down 2.2 this week, which means I have hit goal for the month already. I am going to keep sticking with the (mostly) clean eating, and keep up my exercise.

    congrats! i see you are almost done! What is your goal weight when ur done losing?
  • AmandaR910
    I finished Week 3 of the 100 Push Ups!!!

    And I started the 200 squats thing. Probably going to regret the 42 squats I did today tomorrow lol.
  • vanspy65
    vanspy65 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, hope I can join! Since the month is almost 1/2 over, my goal is to lose 5 more lbs this month!

    Stellcorb- loose 5 lbs and be able to jog 3 miles in 30 minutes -down 2.1 lbs this week!
    Janna674- lose 4 lbs --down 1lb this week
    EboniA - lose 3 lbs
    AmandaR910-Finish 100 Push Ups Program and no weight gain (pregnant, so not shooting for a loss here, SW 217.2lbs on Nov. 1st).
    ifychudy- to lose 5lbs
    tiarapants - want to get as close to 145 (which will put me in normal BMI) as I can (150lbs at present)
    Dounia - 11/3/2010 SW=121.4; Goal = loose 4 pounds this month
    tffnrod25 - SW-241 GOAL- 10 LBS -3 LBS= 7 MORE POUNDS TO GO
    Mollie1037 - SW 367/GW 357/CW 364 - 3 lbs lost and 7 to go!
    lozf85 - to lose 5kg
    aimee - SW 134; GW 130
    Cnbethea- SW 163.2 / CW 160.8 down 2.4
    RoJo40 SW 232 GW140 CW 218 to lose 15
    Semperfiwife - going for inches! Plan on going from size 10 jeans to size 8!
    jacqueline0821 - lose 5 lbs.
    tattoodfreek- to lose 2 pounds SW 140.6 - CW 138.4 - 2.2 Lost!
    luciferon - lose 10 lbs (lost 6.4lb so far!)
    gig76- lose 4lbs SW 129lbs (down 2lbs~127lbs now just 2 more to go)
    AngelSharum - to lose 2 pounds & 600 minutes of exercise
    melliebee - lose 5 lbs in November. SW 142 GW 137 & Work out 5x/ week. (DOWN 2 LBS WOOHOO!!!)
    sahramel - lose 8 to 10 pounds
    MontanaB - loose 6-8lb (3down - 3 to 5 to go!!)
    Debkins - lose 5 lbs
  • TruSunshine
    Hello All! I would like to join (although we are halfway through the month). I meant to post on the 1st but life has been so hectic :noway: Anyways, here are my stats so far:
    Nov 1st = 191.2
    Nov 7th = 188.8
    Today = 186.8
    Making that a total of 4.4 so far for the month! :love: Since my goal was 5 and I'm almost there, I want to add another 4lbs. Go me!!

    LIST OF GOALS - Please copy and update as you lose.

    Stellcorb- loose 5 lbs and be able to jog 3 miles in 30 minutes -down 2.1 lbs this week!
    Janna674- lose 4 lbs --down 1lb this week
    EboniA - lose 3 lbs
    AmandaR910-Finish 100 Push Ups Program and no weight gain (pregnant, so not shooting for a loss here, SW 217.2lbs on Nov. 1st).
    ifychudy- to lose 5lbs
    tiarapants - want to get as close to 145 (which will put me in normal BMI) as I can (150lbs at present)
    Dounia - 11/3/2010 SW=121.4; Goal = loose 4 pounds this month
    tffnrod25 - SW-241 GOAL- 10 LBS -3 LBS= 7 MORE POUNDS TO GO
    Mollie1037 - SW 367/GW 357/CW 364 - 3 lbs lost and 7 to go!
    lozf85 - to lose 5kg
    aimee - SW 134; GW 130
    Cnbethea- SW 163.2 / CW 160.8 down 2.4
    RoJo40 SW 232 GW140 CW 218 to lose 15
    Semperfiwife - going for inches! Plan on going from size 10 jeans to size 8!
    jacqueline0821 - lose 5 lbs.
    tattoodfreek- to lose 2 pounds SW 140.6
    luciferon - lose 10 lbs (lost 6.4lb so far!)
    gig76- lose 4lbs SW 129lbs (down 2lbs~127lbs now just 2 more to go)
    AngelSharum - to lose 2 pounds & 600 minutes of exercise
    melliebee - lose 5 lbs in November. SW 142 GW 137 & Work out 5x/ week. (DOWN 2 LBS WOOHOO!!!)
    sahramel - lose 8 to 10 pounds
    MontanaB - loose 6-8lb (3down - 3 to 5 to go!!)
    Trusunshine - to lose 9lbs (lost 4.4, 4.6 to go)
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Congrats everyone who has lost so far this month and is sticking to their goals! Effort is how we get there! This weight is not going to leave by itself!

    I am down 2.2 this week, which means I have hit goal for the month already. I am going to keep sticking with the (mostly) clean eating, and keep up my exercise.

    congrats! i see you are almost done! What is your goal weight when ur done losing?

    Thank you! I actually did pass my goal weight already. My goal was 140, and I am currently at 138.4. I really don't think I need to focus on losing pounds anymore. I would like to lose a little more fat and build a little more muscle. So I'd like to be leaner, not lighter, LOL. 137 is about the lightest I can remember being in the last 10 years or so, but I never went any lower than that. I can't imagine I will this time, either. Out of high school/early college I was about 125. So, I know my body can support that low of a weight, but I don't have any need to be that lean. LOL. I am pretty comfortable where I am at. I just would now like to focus on appearing more muscular and athletic.

    Welcome Debkins! Of course you can join us.

    Trusunshine it's good to see you again! You are doing great!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    LIST OF GOALS - Please copy and update as you lose.

    Stellcorb- loose 5 lbs and be able to jog 3 miles in 30 minutes -down 2.1 lbs this week!
    Janna674- lose 4 lbs --down 1lb this week
    EboniA - lose 3 lbs
    AmandaR910-Finish 100 Push Ups Program and no weight gain (pregnant, so not shooting for a loss here, SW 217.2lbs on Nov. 1st).
    ifychudy- to lose 5lbs
    tiarapants - want to get as close to 145 (which will put me in normal BMI) as I can (150lbs at present) Down a pound to 149
    Dounia - 11/3/2010 SW=121.4; Goal = loose 4 pounds this month
    tffnrod25 - SW-241 GOAL- 10 LBS -3 LBS= 7 MORE POUNDS TO GO
    Mollie1037 - SW 367/GW 357/CW 364 - 3 lbs lost and 7 to go!
    lozf85 - to lose 5kg
    aimee - SW 134; GW 130
    Cnbethea- SW 163.2 / CW 160.8 down 2.4
    RoJo40 SW 232 GW140 CW 218 to lose 15
    Semperfiwife - going for inches! Plan on going from size 10 jeans to size 8!
    jacqueline0821 - lose 5 lbs.
    tattoodfreek- to lose 2 pounds SW 140.6
    luciferon - lose 10 lbs (lost 6.4lb so far!)
    gig76- lose 4lbs SW 129lbs (down 2lbs~127lbs now just 2 more to go)
    AngelSharum - to lose 2 pounds & 600 minutes of exercise
    melliebee - lose 5 lbs in November. SW 142 GW 137 & Work out 5x/ week. (DOWN 2 LBS WOOHOO!!!)
    sahramel - lose 8 to 10 pounds
    MontanaB - loose 6-8lb (3down - 3 to 5 to go!!)
    Trusunshine - to lose 9lbs (lost 4.4, 4.6 to go)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    LIST OF GOALS - Please copy and update as you lose.

    Stellcorb- loose 5 lbs and be able to jog 3 miles in 30 minutes -down 2.1 lbs this week!
    Janna674- lose 4 lbs --down 1lb this week
    EboniA - lose 3 lbs
    AmandaR910-Finish 100 Push Ups Program and no weight gain (pregnant, so not shooting for a loss here, SW 217.2lbs on Nov. 1st).
    ifychudy- to lose 5lbs
    tiarapants - want to get as close to 145 (which will put me in normal BMI) as I can (150lbs at present) Down 2lbs to 148
    Dounia - 11/3/2010 SW=121.4; Goal = loose 4 pounds this month
    tffnrod25 - SW-241 GOAL- 10 LBS -3 LBS= 7 MORE POUNDS TO GO
    Mollie1037 - SW 367/GW 357/CW 364 - 3 lbs lost and 7 to go!
    lozf85 - to lose 5kg
    aimee - SW 134; GW 130
    Cnbethea- SW 163.2 / CW 160.8 down 2.4
    RoJo40 SW 232 GW140 CW 218 to lose 15
    Semperfiwife - going for inches! Plan on going from size 10 jeans to size 8!
    jacqueline0821 - lose 5 lbs.
    tattoodfreek- to lose 2 pounds SW 140.6
    luciferon - lose 10 lbs (lost 6.4lb so far!)
    gig76- lose 4lbs SW 129lbs (down 2lbs~127lbs now just 2 more to go)
    AngelSharum - to lose 2 pounds & 600 minutes of exercise
    melliebee - lose 5 lbs in November. SW 142 GW 137 & Work out 5x/ week. (DOWN 2 LBS WOOHOO!!!)
    sahramel - lose 8 to 10 pounds
    MontanaB - loose 6-8lb (3down - 3 to 5 to go!!)
    Trusunshine - to lose 9lbs (lost 4.4, 4.6 to go)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Congrats Tiarapants and to all others losers also!!!

    Have a good week!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    LIST OF GOALS - Please copy and update as you lose.

    Stellcorb- loose 5 lbs and be able to jog 3 miles in 30 minutes -down 2.1 lbs this week!
    Janna674- lose 4 lbs --down 1lb this week
    EboniA - lose 3 lbs
    AmandaR910-Finish 100 Push Ups Program and no weight gain (pregnant, so not shooting for a loss here, SW 217.2lbs on Nov. 1st).
    ifychudy- to lose 5lbs
    tiarapants - want to get as close to 145 (which will put me in normal BMI) as I can (150lbs at present) Down 2lbs to 148
    Dounia - 11/3/2010 SW=121.4; Goal = loose 4 pounds this month
    tffnrod25 - SW-241 GOAL- 10 LBS -3 LBS= 7 MORE POUNDS TO GO
    Mollie1037 - SW 367/GW 357/CW 364 - 3 lbs lost and 7 to go!
    lozf85 - to lose 5kg
    aimee - SW 134; GW 130
    Cnbethea- SW 163.2 / CW 160.8 down 2.4 down .8 = 3.2
    RoJo40 SW 232 GW140 CW 218 to lose 15
    Semperfiwife - going for inches! Plan on going from size 10 jeans to size 8!
    jacqueline0821 - lose 5 lbs.
    tattoodfreek- to lose 2 pounds SW 140.6
    luciferon - lose 10 lbs (lost 6.4lb so far!)
    gig76- lose 4lbs SW 129lbs (down 2lbs~127lbs now just 2 more to go)
    AngelSharum - to lose 2 pounds & 600 minutes of exercise
    melliebee - lose 5 lbs in November. SW 142 GW 137 & Work out 5x/ week. (DOWN 2 LBS WOOHOO!!!)
    sahramel - lose 8 to 10 pounds
    MontanaB - loose 6-8lb (3down - 3 to 5 to go!!)
    Trusunshine - to lose 9lbs (lost 4.4, 4.6 to go)
  • AmandaR910
    LIST OF GOALS - Please copy and update as you lose.
    AmandaR910-Finish 100 Push Ups Program and no weight gain (pregnant, so not shooting for a loss here, SW 217.2lbs on Nov. 1st).

    Reorganized a bit and now I'm on track to finsh the 6 week program 100 Push Ups in just under 4 weeks, on 11/30!!!

    When I started I could only do 16 modified push ups in a row, and it was HARD.
    Yesterday, I did my normal sets 20, 25, 20, 20, and then three max sets of 40, 48, and 40!!! So proud of the improvement.
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Checking in. No weight loss for me

    11/1/10 ===== 209lb
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Congrats Cnbethea on weight loss!!

    Congrats Amanda on push-ups and almost 9 months pregant!!! When is the little one due?

    Congrats Ifychudy on maintain.......:-)
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Congrats to all who have lost thus far and to those who are still comitted to it :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I am happy to report a loss of 1.4 pounds :bigsmile:

    LIST OF GOALS - Please copy and update as you lose.

    Stellcorb- loose 5 lbs and be able to jog 3 miles in 30 minutes -down 2.1 lbs this week!
    Janna674- lose 4 lbs --down 1lb this week
    EboniA - lose 3 lbs
    AmandaR910-Finish 100 Push Ups Program and no weight gain (pregnant, so not shooting for a loss here, SW 217.2lbs on Nov. 1st).
    ifychudy- to lose 5lbs
    tiarapants - want to get as close to 145 (which will put me in normal BMI) as I can (150lbs at present) Down 2lbs to 148
    Dounia - 11/3/2010 SW=121.4; Goal = loose 4 pounds this month - 1.4 =2.6 pounds to go:drinker:
    tffnrod25 - SW-241 GOAL- 10 LBS -3 LBS= 7 MORE POUNDS TO GO
    Mollie1037 - SW 367/GW 357/CW 364 - 3 lbs lost and 7 to go!
    lozf85 - to lose 5kg
    aimee - SW 134; GW 130
    Cnbethea- SW 163.2 / CW 160.8 down 2.4 down .8 = 3.2
    RoJo40 SW 232 GW140 CW 218 to lose 15
    Semperfiwife - going for inches! Plan on going from size 10 jeans to size 8!
    jacqueline0821 - lose 5 lbs.
    tattoodfreek- to lose 2 pounds SW 140.6
    luciferon - lose 10 lbs (lost 6.4lb so far!)
    gig76- lose 4lbs SW 129lbs (down 2lbs~127lbs now just 2 more to go)
    AngelSharum - to lose 2 pounds & 600 minutes of exercise
    melliebee - lose 5 lbs in November. SW 142 GW 137 & Work out 5x/ week. (DOWN 2 LBS WOOHOO!!!)
    sahramel - lose 8 to 10 pounds
    MontanaB - loose 6-8lb (3down - 3 to 5 to go!!)
    Trusunshine - to lose 9lbs (lost 4.4, 4.6 to go)
  • vanspy65
    vanspy65 Posts: 6 Member
    Stellcorb- loose 5 lbs and be able to jog 3 miles in 30 minutes -down 2.1 lbs this week!
    Janna674- lose 4 lbs --down 1lb this week
    EboniA - lose 3 lbs
    AmandaR910-Finish 100 Push Ups Program and no weight gain (pregnant, so not shooting for a loss here, SW 217.2lbs on Nov. 1st).
    ifychudy- to lose 5lbs
    tiarapants - want to get as close to 145 (which will put me in normal BMI) as I can (150lbs at present)
    Dounia - 11/3/2010 SW=121.4; Goal = loose 4 pounds this month
    tffnrod25 - SW-241 GOAL- 10 LBS -3 LBS= 7 MORE POUNDS TO GO
    Mollie1037 - SW 367/GW 357/CW 364 - 3 lbs lost and 7 to go!
    lozf85 - to lose 5kg
    aimee - SW 134; GW 130
    Cnbethea- SW 163.2 / CW 160.8 down 2.4
    RoJo40 SW 232 GW140 CW 218 to lose 15
    Semperfiwife - going for inches! Plan on going from size 10 jeans to size 8!
    jacqueline0821 - lose 5 lbs.
    tattoodfreek- to lose 2 pounds SW 140.6 - CW 138.4 - 2.2 Lost!
    luciferon - lose 10 lbs (lost 6.4lb so far!)
    gig76- lose 4lbs SW 129lbs (down 2lbs~127lbs now just 2 more to go)
    AngelSharum - to lose 2 pounds & 600 minutes of exercise
    melliebee - lose 5 lbs in November. SW 142 GW 137 & Work out 5x/ week. (DOWN 2 LBS WOOHOO!!!)
    sahramel - lose 8 to 10 pounds
    MontanaB - loose 6-8lb (3down - 3 to 5 to go!!)
    Debkins - lose 5 lbs down 1
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    *************CORRECTED LIST**************

    LIST OF GOALS - Please copy and update as you lose.
    Stellcorb- loose 5 lbs and be able to jog 3 miles in 30 minutes -down 2.1 lbs this week!
    Janna674- lose 4 lbs --down 1lb this week
    EboniA - lose 3 lbs
    AmandaR910-Finish 100 Push Ups Program and no weight gain (pregnant, so not shooting for a loss here, SW 217.2lbs on Nov. 1st).
    ifychudy- to lose 5lbs
    tiarapants - want to get as close to 145 (which will put me in normal BMI) as I can (150lbs at present) Down 2lbs to 148
    Dounia - 11/3/2010 SW=121.4; Goal = loose 4 pounds this month - 1.4 =2.6 pounds to go
    tffnrod25 - SW-241 GOAL- 10 LBS -3 LBS= 7 MORE POUNDS TO GO
    Mollie1037 - SW 367/GW 357/CW 364 - 3 lbs lost and 7 to go!
    lozf85 - to lose 5kg
    aimee - SW 134; GW 130
    Cnbethea- SW 163.2 / CW 160.8 down 2.4 down .8 = 3.2
    RoJo40 SW 232 GW140 CW 218 to lose 15
    Semperfiwife - going for inches! Plan on going from size 10 jeans to size 8!
    jacqueline0821 - lose 5 lbs.
    tattoodfreek- to lose 2 pounds SW 140.6
    luciferon - lose 10 lbs (lost 6.4lb so far!)
    gig76- lose 4lbs SW 129lbs (down 2lbs~127lbs now just 2 more to go)
    AngelSharum - to lose 2 pounds & 600 minutes of exercise
    melliebee - lose 5 lbs in November. SW 142 GW 137 & Work out 5x/ week. (DOWN 2 LBS WOOHOO!!!)
    sahramel - lose 8 to 10 pounds
    MontanaB - loose 6-8lb (3down - 3 to 5 to go!!)
    Trusunshine - to lose 9lbs (lost 4.4, 4.6 to go)
    Debkins - lose 5 lbs down 1