
  • missjenniemay
    missjenniemay Posts: 2 Member
    Cynthia T60 - Am so sorry to hear about your brothers painful situation...I don't know the details, but can speak from my own experience that the best way to help those I love with their struggles is to live as an example and to take care of myself physically, mentally and spiritually. It has taken years - and is something I work on everyday - to accept the things I cannot change and have the courage to change the things I can. The challenge is knowing the difference. Big hug and warm thoughts to you today.
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Hi ladies, my names Linda, I've been a member of Mfp for a couple of months and I've just found your great forum for 50+ women, hope you don't mind if I join in.
    Congratulations on reaching 30lb weight loss Renny tha'ts a great achievement.
    Heather, I'm a natural bottle blond too, hubby does my roots for me wich saves on the cost of a hairdresser.
    Are there any ladies on here that enjoy running? I took up running about 15 months ago when I still had 20lb to lose and was losing my mojo to carry on, running really speed up the weight lose and I hit my goal weight just before Christmas 2012. I've kept up the running ever since and now love it and am thinking of entering a half marathon in October.
    Well time to get the lazagne on the go for dinner, will be having a small portion with a large salad and forest fruits and ice cream for sweet.
    Have a nice evening everyone.
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Alison - so sorry your brother is having such a rough time with detox. It can be extremely difficult, especially for the family. Will keep you and all your family in my thoughts, my friend. :heart:

    So many new ladies!! Welcome to you all. Since we have so many new folks, thought I would take the opportunity to remind us all that we are almost ready to start a new set of postings! We go up to 500, then Barbie (bless her) starts a new one for the month. She will make sure there is a link you can click on to get to the new page. It's usually in the last message posted before we start again.

    Drink lots of water and stay WARM!!

    Jill in western MA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Alison so sorry about what you are going through because of your brothers actions. He made choices, you can't change that. Your grief is normal. Wish I could give you a big hug and a shoulder. A virtual hug will have to do:heart::flowerforyou: He will need you when he gets his life together since he will be beating himself up a lot.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Cynthia T60 - Am so sorry to hear about your brothers painful situation...I don't know the details, but can speak from my own experience that the best way to help those I love with their struggles is to live as an example and to take care of myself physically, mentally and spiritually. It has taken years - and is something I work on everyday - to accept the things I cannot change and have the courage to change the things I can. The challenge is knowing the difference. Big hug and warm thoughts to you today.
    Hi, this must have been meant for Grandmallie; I'm sure she'll appreciate your good thoughts!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Gail metro ATL: A half hour walk is an excellent start for getting back from the holidays. Good luck finding a comfortable wrist brace. I’m just starting to transition out of the ones I’ve been using for my wrist. I needed two so I could wear one while washing/air drying the other. They’re made by Ace, and we got them at Walgreens. Thumb and all four fingers had good mobility. You might want to look and see what you think.

    BJ, SW ON: You have a great attitude about the cold, and enough experience to know how to take care of yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Debbie in Queensland: Welcome. You’ve come to a good place for support and encouragement. Weight management always boils down to calories in v calories out unless there is a physical illness. In menopause your whole body chemistry is in an uproar and you may not be burning as many calories at rest as you did before. Tracking food and exercise for a period of time will let you find a new maintenance level. I’m at the end of the losing stage now and working on learning to maintain. I know that I will need fewer calories to maintain now than when I was younger, but I haven’t found my balance point yet. Join us getting and giving support.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I’m confused about what will happen when your cable company goes digital. We have Direct TV now, and the satellite dish is on the roof but the TV gets its signals through the house cable system. We had Comcast before. Everything was provided through wiring even when they switched to digital format several years ago.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I sense a bit of competition developing. Have fun with it.:flowerforyou:

    Viv in York UK: Good to see your post; and sorry to hear that you’re so tired.:flowerforyou:

    Tazgirl: I learned something new from you. I didn’t realize that sugar would cut the heat in spicy food. Stay warm.:flowerforyou:

    DebA: It is good to hear from you.:flowerforyou:

    SherriB: I’m glad you know what to do to “get back on the horse.” It has taken me long years to learn I’ll have to stay "on the horse" forever to keep the weight off of me. Luckily, I’ve learned how to handle things here on MFP without starving.:bigsmile:

    Alison: Sending prayers for you and your brother. Last year when DH was in the hospital with his stroke they put a fellow going through drug withdrawal into his room for a short time. The man was screaming and moaning, in a world of his own. It was horrible to witness. I can only imagine how much more upsetting it would have been if he’d been my friend or relative. (The man was moved when I complained.) Hugs to you, and prayers for you and your brother.:flowerforyou:

    Heather in UK: Your comment about people rowing around flooded villages brings home the reality that climate change is worldwide and is affecting everyone. Good luck glamming up to show off. :bigsmile: You deserve the fun of it.:flowerforyou:

    Juanita in Sudbury: Shaking cold and flu bugs takes its own sweet time. I hope you’re better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Renny on Vancouver Island: CONGRATULATIONS! 30 pounds lost is a wonderful milestone.:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    JB: I read your blog post and enjoyed the ideas there. Thank you for sharing.:flowerforyou:

    Melodie: Welcome to a very supportive group of women. Let us know where you’re from. We have women here from all over the world, and it is fun knowing. This has become a group of supportive friends for me. Some group members have even arranged to meet in person. One thing I have learned the hard way is that going back to old habits leads directly to getting the old results. :grumble: Eating healthy foods in the right portions needs to be a permanent change. I’m working on it with the help of these ladies. I hope you’ll be one of us.:flowerforyou:

    Abakan: Welcome.:flowerforyou:

    Jill in W MA: Thank for the reminder to keep an eye out for the thread change. :flowerforyou:

    We’re having a day of famous Oregon drizzle, and it may be the best weather in the country. :bigsmile: In the past twelve months I’ve come to appreciate our famously damp climate for the blessing it is. Stay warm and safe.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful, temperate and drizzly NW Oregon

    “Love yourself—accept yourself—forgive yourself—and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.” Leo F. Buscaglia

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • Fantastic effort :wink:

    Well done Renny
  • Good morning everyone!

    More bad news :sad: My knee has decided to play up. It started on Saturday when I got to DSIL'S. It was fine during my gymming, but I might have overextended it without

    Heather from saturated Hampshire UK. It's just stopped raining. Take care in the cold! Thinking of you.:heart:

    I read that your knee was playing up because of 'oversexting'. Spat my tea out when I realised my mistake. Should get to specsavers :glasses:

    Mandy:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    One way of losing weight I guess:wink:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day.
    Hubby and I both had drs appt.He got orders for pt for tendinitis and medication for his migraines.
    My dr appt,not so good.need to loose 20 lbs by july.Changed my ticker to show wt from his office.
    One day at a time.
    Granmallie,prayers for your brother and you also.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,205 Member
    Good afternoon,
    I am typing from my DDIL computer, so my responses will be shorter, so sorry if I miss you.

    Alison prayers for your brother:flowerforyou: .

    Renny !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    jb thank you for the blog. I agree awareness is a key to helping with weight loss.

    Made it to Chicago. Warmer than MN but they actually have more snow. Side streets are a mess. They have no where to put their cars so they just plow around them. We did pack a shovel for if we get stuck. Went to Culver's for lunch ( the have great frozen custard twice the calories of regular ice cream). Proud of myself did not get the custard.


    Limit TV/computer

    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee.:drinker:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,000 Member
    evening ladies,
    well made it through work, and as soon as I called my brother's girlfriend this morning, she knew none of this was going on, she left work and ended up at the hospital. she will leave around now and go home take a shower and get some rest. i did go over there this afternoon.the shock for me has worn off but the poor guy wakes up in a stupor and wants the restraints cut off.
    I will be taking my camera tomorrow and taking a picture of him in this state.
    because when the time comes for an intervention which should be before he is released, I will show him what he looked like , and what he is putting his family through, just sorta a kick in the head so to speak.
    believe you me , the only one that can change him, is him... alcohol and drugs do alot to mess up families,and people..
    so any of you dealing with family member's with addictions,God Bless You:heart:
    Thank you for all your love and support it truly is a blessing
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: : warning vent to follow ....

    :noway: :noway: What a night! Hubby is having a bad evening and had a fall, he banged his head and bruised his elbow.:sad: but why are men so stubborn !! He will not relax and go for a lie down for a little while, (he can't even sit in the chair without falling asleep and nearly falling out the chair, and keep banging his head on the wall).. I've been up and down all night and he keeps saying that he is fine and watching a DVD on his computer. :grumble: :grumble: I know it's not his fault (he suffers from narcolepsy which is a sleep disorder) but he will not help himself when he has bad days. I feel bad that I can't help him!

    Vent over - thanks for listening :smile:

    :flowerforyou: Alison sending hugs - it must have been quite a shock seeing your brother in that way.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the newbies :flowerforyou:

    Had a giggle about the over sexing knee :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Sometimes I mis read a word too.

    It's getting late so I'll get myself off to bed - tomorrow is another day:bigsmile: .

    Night night :yawn:

    Viv in York UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Alison, deep sympathy for what you are going through. My son was in those restraints about 10 years ago, and it was heartbreaking to see him like that, but he has thanked me since for staying by his side through that and rehab. I wish I had thought to take a picture to show him when he relapsed. He did relapse twice. Now thankfully he is off drugs and doing well. He doesn't even drink beer now. I hope for the best for your brother.

    I went to cardiac rehab today but they didn't let me exercise because my leg is still so sore. They said maybe Friday.

    It's a muddy slushy mess outside now, and starting to snow again. Will this winter ever end?

    Gotta go make supper.

  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Grandmallie, Prayers for your brother and you.
    Welcome Melodie
    Well I did it, I signed up to take the last portion of the Personal training test so I can become certified. They should call me to set up my test time and hopefully I will pass.
    I'm at work at the Y right now, I have a half hour until we close.
    Good night from Cincinnati, Ohio Patty
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Allison - you & your brother are in my prayers. Addiction is a horrible thing.

    Patty - good luck on your test

    Sylvia - take gentle care of yourself, your poor body when through quite the trauma

    Margaret - be safe with all that snow.

    It's finally warming up a bit here. We were up to -15 C but they are saying +6 C on Saturday. I hope the warmth stays long enough to melt all the ice. I walk like a penguin outside because I'm so scared of falling. The cold is horrible on my knees.

    I did a bit of a workout last night at home, I have a couple of DVDs and the wii fit. I also have a treadmill but it's in a difficult place right now. I did go tonight...wow is it a busy place now. How is everyone else finding the gyms or Ys? All the people that have made New Years resolutions.

    Early night tonight.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies.
    :heart: Renny Congratulations on the loss 30 lbs I remember how that felt...AWESOME you are my inspiration to keep trying.so I can feel that way again.
    :wink: Linda so glad doggies are better and you will have them home with you again.
    :cry: Grandmallie I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through. I have 2 sisters who are recovering alcoholics, a brother in-law who almost died from drugs and 2 cousins who did OD. They all went through rehab programs and none worked until they were ready to quit. I was very lucky to have friends who understood what I was going through and told me about programs for families of addicts. There may be one where you live, if that is something that might help.
    :smile: Thank you everyone for your comments on the poem.:heart: I love poetry it always seems to make me feel better.
    :bigsmile: Welcome to all the new newbies. When I started this journey with MFP I never imagined having so many wonderful women to share this battle with and it is a battle. There are so many temptations out there and some people just don't get it. This is a constant struggle to stay in control of what we eat. There are those that say “OH one little cheat won't hurt” OH HELL :huh: YEAH it can hurt.:angry: Sometimes that slip can lead to a landslide that plummets us into another uphill battle to gain control. :noway: As long as I stay strong and keep logging my food and exercise and as long as I have the support of my MFP family I CAN win this battle.:love: I just have to keep with the program.:love:
    :happy: I am done with my preaching for tonight LOLOL
    :flowerforyou: Stay safe and warm sending Hugs and Prayers and Love, Rose from thawing Delaware
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • pds06
    pds06 Posts: 299 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words of support.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am reading “Willpower”. It was recommended by Gretchen Rubin who wrote “The Happiness Project”. The book examines willpower and self control regarding many more applications than just in regards to eating. It has been fascinating reading. It’s a fairly new book (2011) and I found it in the library. The authors make a strong case for strategy as a tool to improve self control which was one of the best tools I learned from “The Thin Commandments Diet”. They also recommend monitoring----weighing yourself every day (and keeping records so you can see how far you’ve come) and keeping a food diary. They suggest rewarding yourself (I put stickers on my calendar for reaching goals) and staying out of situations that demand more self control than you have available.

    :bigsmile: It has been an interesting bonus for me to find many wonderful books to read as a result of sharing with all of you on this thread.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Linda in ON…..I am doing the happy wagging dance for your doggies coming home.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Jill …thanks for the reminder about how the new thread starts after 500 posts……actually MFP does that automatically…..I just start the new one at the beginning of each month.

    :bigsmile: Jb, thanks for sharing your blog

    :flowerforyou: Alison, have you looked for meetings of Al-Anon or Nar-Anon? Al-Anon is for family and friends of alcoholics and Nar-Anon is for family and friends of drug addicts.

    :bigsmile: Renny, congrats on your weight loss.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful rainy NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 19,000 steps today…

    :bigsmile: My word for 2014 is “Mindful” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to be present in all that I do

    January Resolutions (with week one comments)
    *dance at least three dances a day for extra practice (often but not every day)
    *yoga twice a week (three times would be better)—(twice so far this month)
    *play with Bernie the cat at least 5 minutes a day (not every day, but often)
    *don’t take things personally(so far, so good)

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    We are definitely prolific in January. We're going to need a new thread real soon!

    I battled the cold every day this week to do my 2.65 mile walk. Tuesday was in the teens, so I stopped by Academy Sports after work and got me and DH each a buff. We pulled them up over our faces like bank robbers. It really helped to keep the wind off.

    I'm so close yet so very, very far away from Onederland. I will definitely be counting it when I reach 199.9! I honestly believe I have a psychological block about crossing that number. I've been close since October of 2012, within a lb in April of 2013 and am now back to 13 lbs away. But, hey! I was 18 lbs away right after Christmas. 2014 is going to be my year. I will reach a healthy weight before I turn 60.

    Kay, do you use the iPad app to log your food? I use the app to log and go to the web to read the message board. To me, it is much easier to add food from the app. Although I don't like it as much since they upgraded it. Something about it is weird and different from before. By the way, I am Kay also. I just usually forget to add a signature. MFP friends usually call me Katie because of my screen name, but nobody in real life does.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member

    Grandmallie- good idea to take photos of your brother during detox...he probably will have no memory of what he is going through right now, or will he? My friend was an heroine addict and my husband and I never had a clue. We knew he drank alot, but we had no idea whatsoever he was into heroine. Did you know your brother was an addict? I like what someone said, to be a good role model for him, that you are! Good luck to him, I hope he pulls through and stays clean. It's a rough road.

    Day 4 of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. The before and after pictures on mfp are fun to see and sure do motivate.
    Maybe I will get down on the floor after I post and do some crunches...anyone want to join me?

    Heather- tomorrow I am getting my hair cut...no more pony-tail. I am getting it cut just uder my ears. I, too, am having the roots done, and viola! a blonde again! I think I will take a before and after pic, then send it to my daughter. She loves that stuff.