you can't lose stomach fat if you don't eat "clean"?



  • rexiecatmeow
    rexiecatmeow Posts: 43 Member
    i disagree w that statement. i do not eat clean and i have a pretty flat stomach especially for having 3 kids ...i do try to make healthy choices but never "clean eating".
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    Calorie deficit=weight loss (and this can be done with all types of foods)

    A medical reason is the only reason you should eliminate any items from your intake.

    for the 135th time:noway:
  • christinemadden0223
    christinemadden0223 Posts: 175 Member

    "clean" diet has very little to do with it, honestly. But it is easier to keep water under control and keep a caloric deficit when you aren't eating a lot of junk food.

    Well put. I lost a lot of weight eating at a deficit but lots of processed food and some days you could see my abs, and some days I was so bloated you couldn't. Likewise, I lost a tiny bit of weight eating mostly fruits, veggies and lean meats and my abs looked flatter anyways because I wasn't all puffed up =)
    Your best bet? Try to eat healthy foods, add "treats" and things you can't live without in moderation while still eating at a deficit, add some cardio to help get rid of fat and add some lifting to define muscle. Good luck!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    In my experience, it means eating at a deficit. I have never been super ripped, but when I was at my ideal weight I could definitely see some ab definition and I didn't eat "clean" at all. Now, I do believe that people who eat "clean" may have an easier time seeing stomach definition, and my see those results faster than those of us who just eat whatever the heck we want. But it CAN be done no matter how you eat.

    Ab definition comes from having a low body fat percentage - period. How do you lose fat? You eat at a deficit (granted, not too big of a deficit, or you're risking losing muscle as well). But as long as you are burning fat effectively by creating a small calorie deficit and working out, your'e going to lose stomach fat and start to see dem abs.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    It should probably be stated that despite the fact that you don't need to eat "clean" (man, I hate that term), you do need to pay attention to macronutrient ratios while maintaining a deficit in order to preserve lean muscle while you chip away at fat stores.

    A lot of the reason people advocate "clean eating" is because it's generally easier to fit you macronutrient ratios into your calorie budget when you eat more whole foods. Restaurant food is notoriously difficult to track macros with, and "junk food" will usually have loads of carbs and fat with very little protein and be very calorie-rich.

    Given that a fairly high protein intake and lower overall calories are what you're going to end up wanting to shoot for, it makes the junk food an easy thing to cut out. That having been said, I regularly save room in by diet for cheeseburgers, fries, ice cream, etc as long as they fit within my calorie total for the day and my macronutrient goals.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    btw, as a side topic, stomach fat is the last to go for a lot of people, especially men, but some women too. So, you may have to wait until the fat is gone everywhere else then the abs will start coming in quickly.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Can someone look at my diary from yesterday and tell me if that looks good, food wise.

    And thanks for the answers!

    you're pretty far under your goal, especially as you worked out, but it looks fine other than that.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Calorie deficit=weight loss (and this can be done with all types of foods)

    A medical reason is the only reason you should eliminate any items from your intake.
    I agree, however... A medical reason is the only reason you must.
    You decide if you want to eliminate items. That's a personal decision, based on many factors.
  • Banya7
    Banya7 Posts: 11 Member
    MY PERSONAL experience is to cut back on carbs, not just eat clean. No alcohol, period and most all of my sugar came from fruit or vegetables when I took this picture. (I am 45 bu the way)

    I am a clean eater due to an auto immune disease I have, if I eat processed, refined or chemically laden foods, I have pain levels off the charts. But I think I look better now than I have for the last 15 years.

    Wow! That's awesome! You look amazing and by cutting out the things you don't need in your system. Albeit the reason was intense pain but maybe that was your body telling you something. Good for you! Very inspirational. :happy:
    LINIA Posts: 1,159 Member
    The answer is in what do you want to be visible, fat loves to cover muscle---- based on your own body, how much muscle do you want to be prominent and easy to see? Stomach fat is oretty stubborn.

    Even extreme bodybuilders have to eat very clean, this is a personal answer that you must decide for yourself.

    Many people are a fantastic weight on the scale but that may not be enough for you. All the best????????????
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Can someone look at my diary from yesterday and tell me if that looks good, food wise.

    And thanks for the answers!

    Your numbers in your diary from yesterday look pretty solid, although you left quite a bit on the table, so to speak. I shoot to get as close to my calorie budget as I can every day. Remember that the number MFP gives you to eat per day is the goal you are shooting to achieve. Undercutting it substantially isn't the best idea long-term.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    MY PERSONAL experience is to cut back on carbs, not just eat clean. No alcohol, period and most all of my sugar came from fruit or vegetables when I took this picture. (I am 45 bu the way)

    Pretty terrible advice.

    Eat at a deficit, get plenty of protein, and do resistance training. You will lose fat.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Only ab work will get you definition in your abs, and you still need to do your cardio and eat fewer calories in order to lose the fat. But you need to eat a good, healthy diet with protein and fruits and vegetables for optimal progress. Learn to cook and your weight loss will be so much easier.

    Yah have definition in abs by default.

    Cardio does not help you lose fat a calorie deficet does.

    As said more then a dozen times...abs are revealed in the kitchen. If you want "bigger" ab muscles you need to work them and eat at a surplus.

    Not saying ab workouts aren't good they are fine but in all reality you can do as many crunches and sit ups as you want but if you have a layer of fat you will never see them.

    I lift weights don't do any ab workouts and I am seeing some definition...but I still have appx 10-20lbs of fat to go still before I am at the bodyfat % I want to show my abs.
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    Body fat% is the answer (unless you have gastrointestinal and health issues or Malnutrition )
  • jeedsjds13
    jeedsjds13 Posts: 58 Member
    This is just personal thought, but I believe what you eat is 'almost' irrelevant in terms of defining the muscle structure (Note the word almost there as fuel for the body IS relevant for proper body function). However, what you get out of it (ie. your physique) is what you put into it in every sense. Yes, to get definition, you need to work the muscles, but you also need to feed them properly for the best effects. Sure, people can lose weight eating junk, but the amount of strain put on the body as it has to filter everything is surely increased significantly, and I don't see how just eating right can strengthen and firm a muscle. It needs to be worked.

    Main point: As it shows in my post, there is a lot of confusion, and always will be as the body is a very complex machine.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Sure, people can lose weight eating junk, but the amount of strain put on the body as it has to filter everything is surely increased significantly

    This makes zero sense.
  • at_night_bookstore
    at_night_bookstore Posts: 249 Member
    you cant exclude the fact that genetics do have some influence on this subject.
    i have a brother (same parents) who eats whatevver he wants, doesnt work out and has an 8 pack and every visible muscle there is.
    I have to lose 50pounds and watch what i eat and im still miles away from him. at the end, you take all the info from this blog and make your own coz no body is identical to another... NEVER...


  • stefaniemazz
    stefaniemazz Posts: 179 Member
    Can someone look at my diary from yesterday and tell me if that looks good, food wise.

    And thanks for the answers!

    you're pretty far under your goal, especially as you worked out, but it looks fine other than that.

    I do that on purpose, as I do have a cheat/re-feed day on Saturday.
    But other then that, it looks okay?
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    all you need is a deficit and good macros. Paired with a good progressive loading routine you just need to put in the effort and your are on your way.
    I eat ice cream and chocolate every day.
    Abs are not all there yet, but next summer they will be :)
  • stefaniemazz
    stefaniemazz Posts: 179 Member
    MY PERSONAL experience is to cut back on carbs, not just eat clean. No alcohol, period and most all of my sugar came from fruit or vegetables when I took this picture. (I am 45 bu the way)

    Pretty terrible advice.

    Eat at a deficit, get plenty of protein, and do resistance training. You will lose fat.

    Thank you. I am not going to cut out carbs, those are essential in my opinion.

    I try to get a lot of protein, and weight train about 3 days a week. Thank you! :)