

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just popping in to save my place. I was frantic earlier because I couldn't find you. Thank you, Barbiecat for helping me out!

    Going to settle in for the night and hope I get some sleep. I swear that I will do some individual responses at some point. I have things to say, but no time to work them in.

    Oh, one thing---I eat chocolate! I try hard to keep only dark chocolate, preferably Hershey's or Dove's that are individually wrapped. One, I don't binge on dark chocolate like I can tend to do with milk chocolate and, two, individually wrapped keeps me accountable because I count them out beforehand and then count the empty wrappers before I put them in the trash.

    Very tired Carol in NC says good night!
  • alwayssummer
    Hi again! I'm hopelessly confused by this board thing, but I"ve read the posts and am so touched by all the stories, the support, etc... I hope to figure this all out because I definitely want to be here :flowerforyou: Got a great workout at the gym tonight and have been very successful with meal planning and staying well within my calories.

    Right now my job is incredibly stressful and I am trying very hard to stay away from stress eating. I am distracting myself with other things but the job, coupled with a still new diagnosis of cervical dystonia, make me feel at times at my breaking point. I hope to stay on track with this group. You ladies are all amazing :happy:

    We are going to St. John in February so I would really like to be down 15 pounds by the 20th.

    Good night all!

    Amy on Martha's Vineyard
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Sylvia-Your husband must be my husbands twin! :laugh: He too finally voiced feelings that he wants to lose weight ad then promptly buys the Value Size box of Fruit Loops at the grocery store. I try so hard to be supportive and not lecture but seriously...

    Joyce-Great news that you can drop the cholesterol meds! :flowerforyou:

    Jane-Yay for the bathtub! Quite true the things we take for granted!

    Barbie-Thanks for the info about Gretchen Rubin's daily quote!

    Pds-Prayers and hugs! :brokenheart: This is a great place to come for support!

    My neck is really painful tonight. I must have aggravated it doing my water class last night but it was a fun workout. There was only two of in the class so the instructor joined us in the pool and we did some great new stuff with weights. Unfortunately, I accidentally got water in my bad ear which was just starting to feel a little better, Going to a specialist to have it checked out on Monday. Enjoying my new classes this quarter-Eng Comp and Intro to Criminal Justice. Both will be a lot of work but great instructors! Quit the work study because my boss thought she could scold me like a five year old but will still have H & R Block to keep me plenty busy! Still getting exercise in and pretty healthy food choices but cant get back into the swing of logging yet. Totally my fault, finding every excuse in the book not too. :noway: Feeling happy tonight that I gave a friend, going through a cancer scare, a referral to my gynecologist. He looked over her test results, ordered a blood test to check things for sure, but assured here it was not looking at all like cancer. He is an excellent doctor and I have trusted him with my issues in the past so I'm so glad she went to him for a second opinion before surgery. Done rattling on for tonight.:laugh:

    Hugs to all! :drinker:

    Kathy in not super duper cold anymore IL
  • grandnana931
    Hi Ladies!

    I am not new to MFP but I am determined to "let it work" to help me lose 100 lbs. Previously I was too worried about what others thought to really pay attention to what I needed and to "let the process" work.

    I am a 57 year-old wife of almost 40 years, mother of 4 and grandmother of 8. I am currently not working unless you count helping to raise 2 of our grandchildren. My daughter-in-law and son are separated and due to that they lost their house so we let my DIL and their 2 children move into our house and my son followed a week afterwards. He lives in the basement while the others live on the main floor. Very, very long story. Anyway I am stressed to the max which makes me crave sweets and I have gained 30 lbs since all this started last May.

    I have briefly read some of the posts and thought this would be a very supportive group to help me on my road to a healthier life. I have finally realized I need to do this for me and I am really tired of carrying around all this weight. I need to have knee replacement but right now I am too embarrassed to go to the doctor. I would like to lose the weight first if at all possible but at a minimum I would like to lose 50 lbs prior to surgery (hoping I can wait that long) so if nothing else I am hoping that will keep me motivated.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone in the next few weeks.

    Debi from TN
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Gail, I don't blame you at all in not singing in the choir anymore and being with your husband in a pew. I prayed and prayed for years that my husband would join the church. So when he was 40 years old he finally did. He has a wonderful voice and I knew would be a very welcome addition to the choir. I had never known a time when I wasn't in the choir. I am a die hard alto and love being harmony. He has a lovely tenor voice. What I didn't take into consideration was that he loves hearing himself sing and he really didn't know how to harmonize. So he started looking for excuses not to go to church. And I think I was so happy to have him with me in church I had him involved in everything I was doing. Being a preachers kid, I as used to being part of everything. Well he got burnt out and let a silly little incident with someone cause him to stop completely. If I could do it over again I would be content to just sit in the pew with him and not having him jump in head first and get burnt out. I stayed in the choir. When I got MS I couldn't see myself dropping out of choir. It would have been like cutting off a limb. So I was able to get a bar stool, keep it in the choir lost and when ever we stood to sing I just stood up and slipped myself onto that bar stool and sat to sing. Many people never knew I was sitting. So why have I not step foot inside a church for years now. That's the question of the year.

    OK, what do you do to get rid of thunder thighs. They wiggle and jiggle when I walk. I'm glad I am comfortable in jeans. Now come spring and summer when it is time for capris, I hope they won't show.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm back from the painting party, and it was great! We painted a little and laughed a lot. I had forgotten how much fun my friends are.

    Meg, I have actually tossed out a few moon pies and he goes out and buys a whole nuther box! Same with dreamscicles. The only time he will go shopping is to buy junk. I think my husband should have an ID card that he is required to show to checkout clerks which would show if he has his wife's permission to buy stuff. Or a note pinned to his shirt. When I got home there were two moon pie wrappers on the coffee table.

    The fog was so thick when I was coming home that I could not see our corner on the highway. Luckily the temp was 35, so it wasn't freezing.

    I hope everybody had a great day.

  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Well, it happened.
    A water pipe busted behind the vanity in the master bath...flooded the bathroom, seeped down through the walls and flooring and flooded the living room. It was a gusher for at least a good 40 minutes before Ron, the handyman was able to shut off the water source. DH and I are out of town and the lady who takes care of Dad heard water...raining from the ceiling!! Thank goodness she saw it sooner rather than the next day! The pipe handle was so rusty that she could not turn the valve shut. Once Ron got there he cranked it off with a wrench and they mopped up water. Carpeting soaked and hardwood floor is probably going to buckle. Ron called in to report the damage and left the house.
    Now the other shoe drops...can you guess what happened next?
    The living room ceiling collapsed. Yep. AND...it is still dripping water from what collected in the spaces. Nothing we can do although a plumber is coming tomorrow to repair the busted pipe. Have to get insurance claim involved now with the ceiling and flooring.
    Poor old Dad said he would have been able to stop the flooding sooner if he didn't have "this damn Parkinsons", bless his heart. I told him it was a good thing he is living with us, otherwise no one would have caught the break for days! Another thing, I was worried they would have to shut off the water main and then he wouldn't have any water service, but Ron located the right pipes to shut off. What a day...on the phone all afternoon.
    Heather- Guess where I was when I got the call? Having my roots colored!!!
    Michelle- Did my 30 Day Shred, 27 minutes. I am impressed with your hour of workout. It's exhausting!

    "I'm plum wore out!" Susan
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Sandy- I am going to have to post my mug shot. Trust me, I am not photogenic and my pictures always make me look ridiculous. My kids have a good time finding unique words to describe my photos.LOL!

    Katla- Oh, the crunches I mentioned yesterday? Never happened. Watched Diners, Drive-ins and Dives instead! But I did the 30 Day Shred about an hour ago!

    Barbie- 14,000 steps by noon....you amaze me. How long did it take you to lose your weight? Maintaining? Calories/day? I am always curious about these stats although I know everyone is different. I try to narrow my intake to 1200/day and I have recently been eating back my exercise. I prob shouldn't. Sounds like you have tremendous discipline.

    Pds- I hope each day will bring solace for your grief. Grief is such a fragile part in one's heart. Hugs.

    Kathyszoo- Fruit Loops! My sister's husband used to heat bologna on top of the toaster oven. She said she would always find a slice or two. My hubby eats marmalade straight from the jar, by the spoonful. I told him that's so sugary and he still buys the stuff and then tells me what brand he likes best!
    G-nite, Susan
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good evening,

    Again sorry I cannot respond to all. Iam writing from my DSIL computer in Chicago.

    Welcome to any Newbies.:flowerforyou:

    Susan so sorry about the pipes.:mad: No news from our son so I assume our pipes are good.

    Heather !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!about the clothes.

    Joyce !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!about the meds.

    Alison hope you are taking a care of you. I know how stressful it is to have a family member in a hospital situation and belligerent to you on top of it. Been there. :heart:

    Had a great day here in Chicago went to the Art Institute in the afternoon and of all things the featured an exhibit on the history of food in art. The Norman Rockwell Painting of Thanksgiving Dinner was in it. It is the one they used in Modern Family episode when Haley used it for a project where they family acted out the painting. So much focus was on the turkey that you didn't notice the rest of the fare was sparse because he painted it during WWII when there was rationing, so there was no wine, pumpkin pie and other treats. Another piece of information that stood out to me was a painting from the late 60s that had a large steak. At that time Americans ate 85 pounds of beef a year per person. It also explored what people eat and why from a cultural perspective. Excuse the pun the exhibit did give me food for thought.

    We then went to visit the old library that had beautiful stain glass window and mosaics. Then went to the ped-way that had more stain glass art work

    We went to the Berkhof, an old German restaurant for dinner. I am not sure I spelled it correctly. I allowed myself to have a root beer because it was homemade. Sometimes calories are worth it.

    We finished the day be going to the taping on Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me, a radio show, at the Chase Bank auditorium. They tape the show on Thursday to air on Saturday. They taped for two hours but edit it to be an hour. We had great seats and it was hilarious. It will interesting to hear the edited version of the show.

    limit TV/computer

    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee.:drinker:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Bump for later- I'll try and get back later, but must exercise now!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    morning ladies,
    it has been a roller coaster ride the last 5 days, I go into work at 9, so I am icing my heel and having my lemon water,but until we get my brother in some sort of stable condition,I will not be doing any formal exercise, I will log the food and what exercise i get, I get..
    still trying to eat within my limits,
    was with my brother last night while Jean went out to dinner.. he woke up while I was there,and tried getting out of bed, asking me to cut him out of the restraints, wanted some orange juice and something to eat, which I wish I could give him,but right now he has assperated pneumonia,his stomach is distended and hard,because he will not let them put the ng tube in to clear his pancreas,right now they are dealing with the detox.and I got some pictures of him ,so when he is sober I can show him what he is putting himself and his family through..
    I am hoping his son will be on board to go through the intervention with is..to get him into a longer rehab,when he is awake and agree's he and Jean will get married so he will have the insurance to do it.. we shall see how it goes..
    I work 9-3 today and then will get home check on everyone and maybe go to the al-anon meeting.
    thanks for all the love and support and prayers,it means alot :heart:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Kay/PNW - go to http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=a00007 for info on de Quervain's Tendinosis. The website includes a write up and picture of the Finkelstein Test which is one of the markers. Your comment about lifting anything was also true for me - also certain hand/wrist positions like when you fasten your bra band behind your back, pouring motions, etc.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day today:flowerforyou: ! It`s Friday:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ! Maybe I will have some time this weekend to chat with everyone again!

    I do want to share something that happened yesterday...I stopped by Dillards to replenish my concealer and stopped by the purses to have a look, I met the cutest, spunkiest, sassiest lady, her name is Helen and she`s 82 years old, she was telling me she puts on her high heels and goes dancing every Friday night, it`s her date night! She was so full of life and happiness and extended that happiness to me, her smile just lit up her face and brightened the entire area. I think I was truly in the presence of an angel on earth! It was amazing to me how good I felt the rest of the day, and this morning I`m still thinking about this amazing women. One day I hope I`ll be able to leave the same kind of impression on another person!

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in rainy NC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    I forgot to tell you yet another burst pipe story - this one in my office building. We moved to a different suite about 2 years ago, but Monday a pipe for the sprinkler system burst in the suite we used to be in. What a mess! A lot of tenants have been affected since it is on the second floor. The landlord was very quick to respond and relocate folks, and several of the suites have been gutted. Selfishly, I'm glad we had moved out -- the pipe that broke would have been over our server and other electrical equipment and that would have been a huge outage.

    Back in the 160's this morning - wahoo!

    Off to work - today is DH's birthday, so I expect we'll be going out to dinner tonight.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I just don't have time to catch up to all this morning Have notes on pages 19 and 20 and had to wait until this morning because didn't want to type all that and find out we were at post 500.

    I will be back after the funeral that's why I must run right now a little after 9 need to be there in around 10 or shortly after.
    talk about me and dogs after.

    See you all lighter
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, ladies!!

    Have been reading but that's it; been very busy past few days..........so, just general comments for the most part.

    Katla.........Although I'm struggling with the food and exercise portions of my MFP right now, I AM keeping to your water sched.---thank you so much for promoting this!!!

    granmallie..........I had an uncle who lived in NYC who was a drunk---in fact, my mother had 2 brothers and they were both drunks.........he would periodically come home to PA. to our house to "dry out" and regain his health............he was the nicest, most generous man when sober but certainly caused a lot of expense and trouble when not........ran through 4 wives and a bunch he didn't marry; had 2 kids that we knew of...........and, what did he do for a living???????
    a bartender at a swanky place on Lexington Ave.; knew many, many of the stars of the 50's and 60's......ahhh, the stories he told!!!!!

    Christmas ornaments.........I also have my favs.; will forever be sorry I didn't keep any of my childhood ones from my mom's house; when I cleaned her house out I had just been diagnosed with a cardiac issue, and, not knowing what was going to happen, I got rid of all kinds of "stuff" that mattered to me but I didn't want to "leave" for others to deal with.........one of my very special ones now is a cross stitch made by a very good friend who died in her 30's ---that's always the first one on the tree.

    Empty nest........I think I prepared myself all of DD senior year of h.s.........now that she's a college senior I get a lot more calls from her than when she was a freshman. We did have one incident just at the beginning of freshman year that almost resulted in my pulling her out of the college...........she was stung by a bee twice in a couple weeks and the second time went into anaphylactic shock and was rushed by EMTs to the local hospital---at one point in the ambulance they couldn't get a BP; I never knew until she was discharged from ER and needed insurance numbers to get meds filled.......the school had sent a 19 y.o. student with her and their version of aftercare was to have her sleep on the floor of this girls room that night. The next day I had some VERY choice words for the college president about how this wasn't a matter of DDs privacy (since she was all of 18 and one month they didn't feel I needed to be notified by them) but a "notify next of kin" matter . Never in my life did I ever think I would speak to a college president like I spoke to THAT woman (and her staff).........the president was actually present when DD was loaded into the ambulance..........how in the world they could justify not notifying me, I'll never understand.

    Dee Dee..........hope you saw that beautiful sunrise; it was just gorgeous this am. Oops, guess not, you are reporting rain!!!

    Well, I've run out of time if not words..............very best to everyone!!!
    mid-Atlantic.........blue skies and sunny, warm-ish, well, better than it was earlier in the week!!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies!

    Thank you for your kind words on my clothes neurosis.:blushing: It's amazing what an energy block that was, worrying myself to a frazzle. Now I've done something about it I feel a new woman!
    Meg - I do like fashion, but I like comfort even more! I can't wear high heels and don't like bare arms much of the time so my choices are limited. I find "best" clothes the most difficult. I can manage 'smart casual' OK. I spend nearly all my time in exercise clothes or jeans, so it is a bit of a shock when I have to dress up. Nor do I like wasting money!:laugh: Having said all that I am probably more fashionable than most women my age. My ctriterion is, "Would a younger person wear this?" as I don't want to look old ladyish.:laugh: But, of course, there are many younger clothes that I can't wear.:noway:

    Debi - welcome!:flowerforyou: WOW you have a lot on your plate. Yes, you need to take care of you.:heart:

    Susan - oh my goodness! How horrible, all that damage! Let's hope the wooden floor is ok at least. ((((×))))
    I always ate back my exercise calories to lose the bulk of my weight, but nowdays, for the last couple of lbs I am going 200 under as I have such a huge allowance now from MFP. 1450 plus exercise cals! That would be 1900! I am currently eating around 1700. And full!
    I think one of the reasons I didn't find it too hard to lose weight is because I enjoy my food so much. I always eat MINDFULLY and can't imagine what it would be like not to. I relish every bite. Food is one of my greatest passions and is an unending source of interest for me - history, culture, politics, nutrition, presentation, marketing and flavour!

    Margaret - your Chicago trip sounds wonderful and the exhibition just up my street! Food in Art! Both my passions in one!:bigsmile: The stained glass also sounds great. I once wrote a nearly published novel with a stained glass maker as the heroine. The German restaurant is one I wish I could have accompanied you to. I love hearty German food. We had some terrific meals in Dusseldorf a couple of autumns ago and excellent beer. Tonight I am cooking red cabbage German style to have with sausages. Oh yum!

    DH woke up this morning having a panic and not dure why. He collapsed on the bed in a cold sweat. He is so cross as he thought he was over all that with his medication. His guess is that it is the trip to London and the party, so I am not the only one! Don't think his worries are about the clothes though, more about having to meet new people. He is now reading one of my DDIL'S new books -- "This Book Will Make You Calm". Here's hoping! :tongue: :laugh:

    Raining again. I hope my ex, who lives in a wooden house on an island in the Thames with his family, is safe. My son thinks so, but the report on the news is that the levels are still rising. One year they came to within a cm of coming in. I texted him, but, as usual, no reply.

    Oh well folks, must get on.
    Love Heather UK
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'll start by replying to page 19 and 20 from yesterday.

    You mentioned my dogs. Expensive but you learn by your mistakes.
    I always said if you have the body and shape show it off.
    Don't need to be a bikini. But nice bright clothes. we don't have to dress in black.

    Hopefully they will be able to patch me up. Waiting to go for
    Lung capacity check and a stress test.
    Seen the nurse practioner and she don't fool around.

    30 lbs is a great accomplishment even if it took a year.
    Hope your feeling better.

    Jump right in it's as easy as that. A bunch of very active women.
    And all understanding our problems.

    Very hard to help a stubborn man. Who claims they know all.

    Gym's, pools any place of exercise is crazy Jan. and Feb.
    Then slow down come March. When the nice weather comes they
    Start walking.

    They are home on a very strict diet. Like us it's for their good.
    We must do it no matter how hard.
    You were not preaching just laying down fasts.

    No one has been that excited to see me. As those dogs when
    I walked into the vets office.

    I also played around 200 for years getting so very close then gaining again.
    I'm sure it was some kind of brain game my body was playing.
    I got under in Jan. of 2013 when I was diagnosed with diabetise.
    But when I got comfortable with it gained it back.
    Almost under again.

    Going to go get more notes.

    Then start to slow down
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Bump again! No time! Barbiecat, Thanks for the reminder about removing the candy dish! j j:)

    My SMART goals for January:
    I will lose 5 pounds by January 31 through consistently going to Curves at least 4 times a week and increasing my daily steps to average 8,000 steps a week. My ultimate goal is to weigh 145 or less pounds and be healthy by this time next year.

    Amendment to goal: if I cannot make it to the gym 4 times in a week, I will exercise to my walking video for at least 30 minutes.

    SMART goal - Specific, Measurable, Actionable/achievable, Realistic, and Timed.

    Week 1 steps average: 6315 Curves 3 times (closed do to snow and holiday). Did my video once to make up for it.
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning All :happy:

    It is collllld here in Halifax...keeping my toes inside as long as I can..have a book at the library I need to pick up...I usually take out several authors to see which one I like..tried one and taking those ones back..mark them off my list..yes I keep a book of the books I read ..the ones I enjoy and the ones I do not..I need them wrote down or I would not remember if I have read them...my 'ol brain goes on *out of order* quite often :noway:..... I am having a try at **Raspberry chocolate truffle coffee**..not sure yet if it is a like or not :tongue: I actually lost a lb...Yay for me!!!!...I have been on a standstill for over a month...So losing that lb is a *Yippee*:happy:

    ++++ Jeri-- we must be almost 500 posts..lots of chatty ladies on here...all great supporters

    ++++ Tiara-- January is definitely a cold month here..I pray all have their pets inside!!!

    ++++ Sandy-- In our gym here we do not have a tv to watch or a plug in to have something else..great idea of taking a mobile DVD with you...the workout seems forever sometimes without something to hear or watch...

    ++++ Pds06-- The hurt will ease over time..it is now easier to accept my sisters death but the hurt is still there at times...we will all be with you to help you thru it..they were for me...

    ++++ Heather-- That is so great that your goal is so close and wonderful that you can get into your earlier years clothes..have fun at your party

    ++++ Jane-- Hope your day got better!!

    ++++ Joyce-- What a lovely post about DD..I often look at my DC and wonder how they have become who they are...they are so giving and caring..I am proud to be their mom...

    ++++ Sylvia-- My DH says that he wants to lose weight and he has because he goes for long walks... 2 or 3 hr walks...but he still cannot break the habit of binging in the evenings...then wonders why his weight isn't lower :noway: ..go figure!!!!

    ++++Grandmallie--Sorry that your brother is so ill..You are a great sister to be there with him thru this!!

    ++++ Barbie-- You sound like you have so much fun doing the line dancing..would love to see some

    ++++Sue-- You were right to speak up to your wants to the radiologist...seeing a specialist is so much better

    ++++ Rita-- Is your walking video Leslie Sansone...I would like to try another if yours isn't her..could you give me the name of the video you do??

    ++++Katla & Joyce--I also have a hard time when it comes to chocolate..especially the Lyndt chocolates..they melt in your mouth :tongue: ..had to give away my chocolate fr Christmas..I don't trust me to not eat them :sad:

    ++++ Nancy-- When my DD and DS went off to university... I cried for days...it broke my heart especially when they moved out on their own...my DD now has 2 boys of her own..keep waiting for my DS to meet that special person..but in my family a lot of brothers never married..I pray MS doesn't go that route...you need that someone to get you thru the years...so I keep on hoping!!!

    ++++ Kay-- My DH used to be the same way whenever I mentioned getting my hair cut..so one day I went out and got it cut..now he likes this cut better..and tells me when it is too long

    ++++ MegBlair-- Glad you got your heat back for your office..being cold is so uncomfortable

    ++++Kathy-- Good for you..getting your friend a more suitable dr and hopefully a better diagnosis...

    ++++ Deb-- Sounds like a housefull of people and stress..no wonder you gained..not your fault..just reaching out for some comfort food to get you thru the stress...you will lose those lbs

    ++++ Susan-- Hearing about a lot of pipes bursting from the cold temps..hope you get yours all fixed up!!

    ++++ Margaret-- Sounds like quite an adventure and fun on your trip...good for you :happy:

    ++++ Dee-- What a lovely lady to meet...put a smile on my face just reading it..

    Well I must gussy up in my Parker and scarf..and hit on out to the Library.....I pray you all have a great day and weekend!!!

    Liz fr Halifax NS