
  • Good morning ladies,:smile
    I have just finished reading a lot of the posts and would love to be able to comment on all of your posts but unless I write things down I forget who said what!!!
    Amanda, your grandies are beautiful and apsolutely perfect. enjoy them, my granddaughter lives across the road and is now three going on 13!!! but love having her there. My grandson lives 4 hours away so I don't get to see him as much as I would like and I have a new one expected in December (also 4 hours away)
    Because I have to work in our coffee caravan in the weekends I can't get away as much as I would like, my weekends are filled with biking, taking Hayley for her swimming lesson, coffee making etc. Weekends just fly by. the house work is a very lick and promise but I only have so many hours in a day unfortunately. In between times I try to quilt and read etc and just relax. Still I have so much to be grateful to God for, 2 healthy grandchildren, 5 healthy children and stepchildren, a DIY husband (typical male, just wish he would finish his projects) a good job, a half finished bathroom :bigsmile: etc.
    The days are drawing out over here now, so I can get home from work and get into my vege garden. DH put up a fence this year so the dogs don't dig out the plants, I feel very privilaged (the gate isn't hung yet though!!) I enjoy my vege garden and hope that this year because the plants are now being stressed by being dug up, I might get more produce from it. Its a horrible day today windy and wet, I cant see the windturbins on the hill because of the low cloud. Never mind off to church in a minute and then will spend the afternoon making coffee and reading.
    Have a good day ladies.
  • :flowerforyou: Good Evening Everyone..........

    Just a quick dip in tonight.
    I hope you're enjoying your weekend so far. I can honestly say I have been good and I'm really hoping the scales indicate that soon!!

    Yesterday it was so good to see such a lot of people at the Funeral service and back at the house ...I was glad to help. I was also very proud of our 9 year old Godson who was very good.. all day .....:heart: it was his Grandfather who passed away.

    :bigsmile: We put a few last minute touches to our suitcases ..I'm sure we'll find more to add..LOL . Thank goodness for those digital luggage hand weigh machines. I'll pack mum's things tomorrow. Then off we go on Monday.
    I've put my painting stuff in too .... On this holiday I'll try and finish a picture for my step mother. She'd "ordered" a pink picture and I started doing a watercolour of an orchid bloom.

    #1 son will have his instructionns about feeding the cats, watering the plants and ...feeding the garden birds too. When we went away in August he didn't do that and it took ages for them to return to the garden. :laugh: They obviously decided to eat elsewhere when our restaurant was temporarily shut.

    :smile: We've just been invited to spend tomorrow morning with #1 son and co. Walking their new dog on our nearest N.Wales beach. It shouldn't be rainy but no doubt it'll be windy. Always windy at Talacre! I'm looking forward to this ...good exercise and a good family get together.

    So ..not sure whether I'll "Pop in" tomorrow.... .if I don't, please keep your fingers crossed that I'll be good on holiday.
    It maybe a pipe dream but I'd like to get back lighter than when I left !!!

    :heart: Take care all you lovely ladies!!

    :flowerforyou: Jackie
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I had posted this in another thread and thought you'd all get a kick out of a story from my past.

    Wine is made by putting grapes into a large round vat and having all your grandchildren strip to their undies and smash the grapes with their feet while singing and throwing grapes at each other. This makes for very good wine unless the grandmother and aunts come home to purple children (this grandfather made red wine) with purple everywhere. In that case the grapes are put through a mill to get them smashed up enough and the grandfather is in the dog house along with the uncles who witnessed, but did nothing to put an end to the spectacle.

    Some say the grandfather and uncles where just letting us kids have fun and see what it is like to really be Italian. Others say the grandfather and uncles tasted too much of the last batch of wine to have made good choices on that day. Either way it is a wonderful memory for all of us who where there on that blessed day.

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Well...here goes. I am struggling tonight, ladies. Floundering is more like it. I am being brutally honest on my diary. Though, not knowing me, no one has any reason to believe that. If there is one thing I despise it's dishonesty. To the best of my knowledge I am being honest. I have went up a pound. I don't know why. The steroids that I have taken have messed with my endocrine system so bad. It's slooooowww:ohwell: I have had a wonderful week, even though I've had a lot of pain. It did ease up and I was able to start back with PT this week and go shopping. I have been happy with that. I have to say that I am at a place I just don't know what to do to my food intake. I can't go below a thousand consistantly because of my health. I knew when I started it would be slow. It's just, sometimes, like now, I feel like I am "spinning- spinning my wheels"...does anyone have any suggestions? I would sure appreciate some imput...if you would like to view my diary. There is no one one here I wouldn't consider it an honor to call friend.:flowerforyou:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Birdie - I probably do incline on the treadmill once every two or so weeks. I have to admit, I get bored easily, so I need to constantly change things up.
    Thanksgiving this year should be interesting. Jessica wants to "make" dinner, which translates into "mom will do it and just do it at her (J) house". So far, I'm bringing my roasting pan, a gravy boat, my mixer, a serving plate, serving dishes, serving spoons/forks, perhaps skewers, my vege chopper and 12" fry pan. When I asked her what she's doing about dessert, she said "oh, I'm leaving that to you". Just last night she told me that Zac's parents were also coming, so that'll be 11 so far. Really, I haven't made Thanksgiving dinner in YEARS, Christmas eve is our biggie. Looks like I may do a smaller Christmas Eve since I'll also be doing Thanksgiving.

    Don't really know why, it was probably the decongestant, but I woke up at 3 this morning. I was able to get in an hour of yoga, tho. I got this DVD "yoga burn" by Rodney Yee. I was surprised at how much I was sweating, and I couldn't believe it when the hour was over. I'll probably go to the Y for yoga at 9 also.

    Welcome Leslie!

    mimi or anyone else - whenever I roast asparagus, I always snap it. I understand that it breaks at the point where the stalk starts to get fibrous. Yet, I sometimes feel bad because it seems like I'm throwing out about half of the stalk. What do you do to the fibrous part to make it soft? I steamed it once, and it was still very fibrous.

    kackie - I don't think I'm totally over the effects of the flu shot, but they are much, much, much better. I'm not achey any more, I just find that I get cold whenever I'm the least bit tired. I'm sure that this too shall pass.

    Remember that friend I was telling you about? Well, she has commented to me on several occasions "we should be eating healthier". She just made plans with some other people to go to this German restaurant. I'm sure the food is very good, but looking at the menu, almost everything is fried. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is broiled. There is a fish that's poached in onion soup. Never heard of that, but I'm thinking that onion soup will make it high in sodium. I'm thinking that I'll get the boneless all natural chicken breast without the gravy, no spatzel, and instead of the vegetables which have some sort of butter on them, I'll get the steamed broccoli but I do have to order that without the butter. hmmmm.....she says she wants to eat healthier but what does she do? Then, she's planning we'll go to this other lady's house for dessert. Honestly, for dessert I was planning on just having a cup of tea. Looks like I'll be making something to take. I'm in the mood for fruit, wonder what I can do with fruit? I'm not looking so much for a fruit pie or cake, just the fruit. Any ideas, anyone? Gotta think on this more.

    Got in 2 hrs of yoga today. Then did marathon baking for dessert for Jessica. Made an angel food/pineapple cake, brownies (that Vince likes), pumpkin spice muffins, chocolate cookies (Jessica and Vince will like them) and an apple pie. I'll make a chocolate cheesecake since Jessica likes cheesecake but I don't think I can make it until right before I take it up there.

    I'm feeling a bit chilled right now so I think I'd better lie down.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I sent a personal message to Chiclet because I have been missing hearing from her and some of you have mentioned her. Here is a portion of the reply she sent me:

    Things have been very hectic around here. I barely have time to log my food, if at all. I have been staying on track healthy eating wise, but not necessarily eating everything I should.
    My mother is here now from Washington and it has monopolized all of my time. I was told the entire time she was in the Rehab faclity that she was walking with her walker. Wrongggg!!! When I flew down there, last week I found out all she could do was barely stand. So when I flew back with her it was with a wheelchair the entire time and the flight crew lifting her from her seats! At home with me I have had to hire a home caregiver to help me with her as I cannot lift her on my own. I have changed her insurance, but it does not go into affect until Dec. 1st, and her current insurance only covers her in urgent care and emergencies. So we are paying for the home care on our own.
    I am exhausted and am hurting all over. I thought I was working out before! My lower back, knees calves, arms, everything hurts! I have bruises and cuts all over me. Don't ask me how I got them, I haven't a clue!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I know we have been thinking of her and the challenge of bringing her mom to live with her.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Barbie, Thanks for the update from Chiclet. We have all been thinking of her. Jeannie
  • Hello Everyone .Thanks for sharing all your wonderful events in your life like twin grandchildren and trips to Tahoe. Your ticklers of weight loss and stories of exercise are inspiring. Thanks for making me feel welcome.
    I'm new to the board, as of Nov 8th., and only get an opportunity to get online about once a week. Every one have a good week and start making plans for the Thanksgiving week. Remember if you fail to plan you plant to fail. You are in my thoughts Kath.
  • :flowerforyou: Helloooooooooooo......
    Quick in and out ............
    :smile: A good start to the day ...scales were on my side . Down 3lb now ...yippee!

    :smile: We had a lovely walk on the beach at Talacre. Yep it rained and yep it blew a gale but it was fun.

    Still putting things in the cases ....and taking them out!
    :laugh: We're soooooooooooo looking forward to seeing #2 grandsnon tomorrow....can't wait.

    I hope you've all enjoyed your weekend. :flowerforyou: For those of you battling against ...goodness knows what problems...as well as trying to lose weight that is.....know that on MFP you're in a great place.

    Back in a couple of weeks then.............

    :heart: Jackie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Thank you for the update on Chiclet. I also have been wondering about her, but hadn't taken the time to send her a PM. If she is reading, hang in there. We are thinking of you and hoping for improvement in your mom's condition.

    This is the weekend for technology to make my life more difficult. My less than a year old vacuum decided to quit working yesterday, and I am in the middle of a major project, so I will have to borrow my mom's to finish the job. This morning the digital cable box in my bedroom starting resetting itself every few minutes, while the other one in the living room works fine and uninterrupted. According to the cable company rep, if this keeps happening, I will need to have them replace the box. Fortunately, I can take the bad one in and get a replacement, so I won't need to hang around waiting for a repair tech.

    Made a yummy beef stew on Friday night and some again for lunch yesterday while my cleaning lady/friend was here helping me. We tore my spare bedroom apart yesterday and redid the closet. I am trying to get certain projects accomplished so that next Saturday, while the "piglets" are at the groomer, I can have my carpets cleaned. I am bound and determined to have Thanksgiving here this year, and I sure hope I can pull it off.

    Have to get back to work.


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Had to come back to share this funny that was posted on another thread....Sad but true words.


  • Hello everyone!

    My name is Nanette and Barb invited me to this thread! I'm grateful to have found a thread with women in my age group. I'm looking forward to reading your posts and getting to know you!

    A little about myself: I'm from Illinois my entire life where I've raised and homeschooled my three daughters. We have all struggled with weight issues our entire lives. Each of us are embarking on a new lifestyle. I need the support of people my own age who understand a little bit about what I'm going through menopause wise. :noway:

    So there you have it! Hope its okay for me to just jump in and I like I said, I look forward to reading! Have a great rest of your weekend!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Barb - thanks for the update about Chicklet. If you're "talking" to her any more, please send her my best.

    Hello Kath -- you've come to a wonderful place. Stop in as much as you are able to

    Barb (weaklink) - LOVED, absolutely loved, the "funny". Isn't it sad?????

    Welcome Nanette. So glad you joined us (and thanks, Barb, for inviting her)

    Did an hour of hula hooping on the Wii today. Tomorrow I'll take an extremepump class. Got this margarine that I'm going to donate to the local soup kitchen. Vince commented that we have so much in the refrigerator. But they don't serve meals on Fri, Sat or Sun and since this is something that needs to be refrigerated, I'll maybe take it there tomorrow. After the extreme pump class, I'm going to get my hair permed and then do a LITTLE food shopping (will get yogurt for Vince, this is the store that triples the coupons). Then come home, get the margarine, take it to the soup kitchen, probably stop at the ATM, then bowl a few games, go to the store for more margarine (hey, it's buy one, get one free, and I take the coupons out of the boxes so each box of margarine winds up costing me around 50 cents).

    Gonna go work on the cross stitch, then watch some TV. Everone, have a great evening!

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Nanette & Kath: Welcome, welcome to a wonderful group of women. I look forward to getting to know more about each of you & I wish you great success on this journey.

    Barb: Your cartoon is just perfect! Humor is a good thing and maybe it will get us out the door on days that we are not so motivated to get our exercise in, huh? And your cute little animated icons are darling. I must have missed the "lesson"...if you feel up to repeating, I would love to give it a try! Wish you lived near me to give me a few lessons in person!

    Our neighborhood oyster roast was very nice...we had a good turnout and the weather was perfect. We all brought a few side dishes and we had a caterer steam the oysters and they also had chopped bar-b-q, fried chicken(?), cole slaw and rice. Not too many vegetables last night! Lots of people brought desserts...I brought some fruit and cheeses. The oysters were great and done just right. I ate lots of them! We had a fire in the fire pit which we needed once the sun went down. All in all, a very nice time with neighbors!

    My walk/runs are more enjoyable with the cooler air and I am slowly increasing my "jogging" time...I can now run about 6 minutes then I walk several more, run a bit...etc... I will never be a "runner" but it helps boost my calorie burn, so I'll keep at it.

    I hope that all of you are enjoying your weekend. I think we are all beginning to think of Thanksgiving and that involves lots of planning doesn't it? We will have everyone here so I am very excited. Love to each of you, Kackie:heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: I went to a bridal shower today and enjoyed the fun (I won both the unscramble the words game and the game of complete the quote about love but I took only one prize) :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I did well with the food and ate veggies with salsa and only four mini spinach quiches and skipped the brownies and punch that probably had about a month's worth of sugar.

    :flowerforyou: we went out to a big turkey potluck last night and i ate lots of turkey........Instead of dessert, I ate stuffing and potatoeslaugh laugh laugh

    :flowerforyou: it threatened rain all day but I managed to get the dogs to the dog park and do some work in the yard.

    :flowerforyou: thank you to all of you who encouraged me about getting a colonoscopy....it probably won't happen unit January.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, thanks for the great cartoon and good luck getting your house ready for Thanksgiving

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Nanette and Kath, welcome to the greatest thread on MFP......I hope you'll check in every day

    :flowerforyou: the dogs are telling me that it's time for me to come to bed :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
    :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Barb: Your cartoon is just perfect! Humor is a good thing and maybe it will get us out the door on days that we are not so motivated to get our exercise in, huh? And your cute little animated icons are darling. I must have missed the "lesson"...if you feel up to repeating, I would love to give it a try! Wish you lived near me to give me a few lessons in person!


    Kackie,to answer your question, I use this website (free and safe-no viruses..etc.):

    When you find an image you want, copy the code for it, paste it in to the post, and away you go.

    BTW, anytime you want to see where an image in a post came from, just use the quote button for that post and you will see the image code, which will tell you where it came from. You can actually copy that code from the post and paste it elsewhere, or else go to the website and pull it from there.

    Nanette, I am glad to see you followed my suggestion to pop in here. We look forward to getting to know you. We only have one Nanette, but there are 4 Barbara's (Barbiecat, auntiebk, and Barbiecat1..who hasn't been around lately, and me.)

    I mentioned my vacuum quit. Fortunately, it was just protecting itself.:noway: It has a sensor that automatically shuts the motor down if it overheats. The vac store is open on Sundays, so I called and talked to the tech. He said that it probably was overheating as a result of the bag being full. I had just changed it before this happened. I also found a clog this morning that probably contributed to the problem. Anyway, it worked like a charm all day. I made a major dent in my housecleaning/purging project.

    It is fortunate I have made so much progress because my plans for next weekend WERE to finish up the cleaning, and get my rugs cleaned. Unfortunately, this afternoon I learned that one of my favorite great aunts passed away on Saturday. She and her two daughters both live about 200 miles from where I do. To complicate things further, one of their cousins, who happens to live not far from me in Oregon, has a son who is getting married on the same day as the funeral. So now certain people are going to be forced to choose one or the other.

    My parents already decided they weren't up to making the trip for the funeral, and I was not involved in the wedding, so I am going to make the drive to central Washington to say my good-byes to a great lady. Fortunately, the same friend who has been helping me with my house project is willing to step in and be here on Saturday when the rug cleaning is scheduled. In addition, she is willing to spend the night with my "piglets" on Friday and get them to the groomer for me on Saturday morning.

    BTW, Nanette, the "piglets" I refer to are my doggies, who are nicknamed "The Three Little Pigs." I have a Lhasa Apso, a Shih tzu, and last year I acquired a Yorkshire "Terror," after his human momma passed away.

    Now as long as the weather doesn't go to h3LL in the mountain pass I have to cross to get there and back, I should be okay.

    Well, it is late and I am exhausted, so BFN

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Greetings everyone. Happy Monday. Hope everyone had a good weekend and a nice start to the week!

    Lynn, on your question of calories...I don't think it is too healthy to go under 1,000 calories. I strive for around 1,200 calories per day but use a kinder, gentler approach to myself if I happen to go over into my exercise calories. Sometimes we just want something, and while it isn't good to always gratify those cravings, I feel that total deprivation does me more harm than good.

    Birdie, I'm assuming the gorgeous, thin person with the child in your post picture is YOU! My goodness, you look fantastic!

    Kackie, sorry I missed your birthday...hope it was happy.

    Love the animated smiley's guys...I can barely remember to use the ones we have available here every once in awhile!!

    Amanda - sorry about grandson's fingers...the amazing things they do in medicine, I'm sure they will fix his problem nicely. You also, look fantastic!!

    Funny story (kind of)...DH and I got into a little spat on the way up to Omaha last Friday when I read something in an e-mail he'd written to a nephew and wanted me to read. I accused him of hosting a one-person pity-party. As one thing led to another, he accused me of being "such a goodie-two-shoes" and told me I was always "so happy"...ouch, hurt me somemore dear!!:laugh: Now I'm just being naughty!!

    Have a good day everyone!

    Edit: Barb, sorry to read about your Great Aunt's passing. I too enjoyed your cartoon!
    Also, welcome to the new posters!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Here is the most recent message from Chiclet:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I have been doing exercises for my mom in strengthening her legs and arms, and miraculously yesterday she was able to stand assisted by one person and today acutally was able to move her feet 1 step each for each foot, while the caregive held her and transferred her to the commode. I yelled out exuberantly, "You moved your feet!!" and she said had this huge smile on her face and said. " I did and I owe it all to your exercises!" It's funny, she grumbles, complains and chews me out when I am working with her, (I feel like one of the trainers on the "Biggest Loser" pushing her to new goals. To hear her thank me and smile with accomplishment made me feel so good. Unfortunately, from the lifting the caregiver had done for her to transport her from bed to wheelchair to commode, it has either bruised or broken her rib. It hurts for her to breathe deeply. I can't get her into the doctors until the 1st of December when her insurance kicks in here in California. If the pain gets too bad, I can take her into urgent care or an emergency room, but that is all her current insurance allows in California.

    I have been very fortunate to be able to take advantage of an organziation that provides on loan for as long as needed medical supplies and equipment. We are receiving a hospital bed and a hoist to help her. Don't know exactly where I am going to put all this, but she really needs it and it will help her so much. They arrive on Tuesday. We are eagerly awaitng them. My mom is so much more happier now being here in California and she is eating what I do and her body rfunctions are responding well to the change. Tell sister veggie queen my mom loves the roasted veggies.

    Well I am off to bed as I am exhausted. Hope everything is allright with everyone. Oh, I saw Amanda's grand babies, they are beautiful.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    If you want to send her a personal message, go the beginning of the thread and find a post from her, click on her name above her picture and there will be a box on her profile that says "send message".

    :cry: Barb, sorry to hear about your Great Aunt and glad to hear that you were able to arrange pet sitting so you can go and pay your respects.

    :flowerforyou: Terri, one of my goals is to maintain a "complaint free" attitude and I love how it makes me feel.....someone on this thread mentioned a book called " the Complaint Free Life" and a friend a see often loaned me the book (interesting, because she is a chronic complainer and hasn't read the book :laugh: :laugh: )
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi Ladies

    Just a quickie to say that I'm finally under 150! Yay!

    I've been pretty busy acting as a 'doula' for my daughter and her beautiful babies. I must say, her husband is an absolute star! He is so competent! Unfortunately, Natasha has had to be re-admitted to hospital this afternoon as her blood pressure is going high again. I'm waiting to hear back from them to see if I can go up to see her this evening. Fingers crossed she's ok.

    Anyway, if I'm not around much at present, you know why - but know that I am thinking of you all.

    Amanda x
  • well done Amanda one day I will be able to say that (well in my case under 68kg)

    Hope Natasha is ok, will pray

This discussion has been closed.