Looking for Support/Motivation for Jillian workouts :)

Hi Everyone,

I did search and couldn't find a reasonably current thread relating to Jillian workouts currently in progress so thought i'd start one.

I am 39 and the big 4-0 is six months away. I have a big summer holiday planned to celebrate and would love to feel comfortable enough in my skin to not worry about wearing sleeveless tops or swimsuits by the time we go. So....I thought i would dust out my Jillian DVDs ( I have done most of them before with good results but not in the last 9 months or so) and work my *kitten* off literally!

Starting stats, CW 144, BF% 33 at 5ft4". I'm really not worried about the scale, just looking for the BF% to reduce to 25% if that's possible. Eating 90% clean but not ruling out treats on special occasions. Planning to start with RI30 (it's the one i find easiest) tomorrow 13/Jan/14.

Hoping someone will join me to help keep the motiviation flowing :) TIA

Di :happy:


  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    I'm looking at starting nmtz again this week doing it on alternate nights to c25k.
    JODLES3 Posts: 1 Member
    I too have gong through phases of doing Jillian's workouts and I'm also needing some motivation to get back in to some sort of exercise! I do had the MFP app for ages but have never gone on this website and seen the 'community' Might just be the kick up the backside I need!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    That's great Ladies, thank you :) I am sure we can motivate each other to keep going through the tough periods :D

    Di :happy:
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :) Looking to complete my Monday workout this afternoon. I was feeling good yesterday so actually completed RI30 L1 yesterday too :D It was as i remembered it - hard work but do-able. I modified about half the workout which i was quite happy with considering it was the first exercise i have done in a while :D Feeling a bit sore but not too bad.

    I'll check in later, hope things are going well for you.

    Di :happy:
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Well, I managed to fit my workout in before evening meal so really happy to have completed the two days. The squats were a bit harder where i was sore but at least nothing in Jillian lasts too long!

    Hope you managed to fit yours in too :D

    Di :happy:
  • poptart2012
    poptart2012 Posts: 45 Member
    Just starting JM RI30 today. Third go at it. Third times a charm right? lol
  • sc193usa
    sc193usa Posts: 20 Member
    I'm starting 30DS today! Hoping to do it 5 days a week, with scattered rest days depending on schedule and exhaustion. Hopefully writing it down will get me to finish!
  • ktully93
    ktully93 Posts: 160 Member
    Just some support or advice is to alternate workouts. I found when I did 30DS 10 days straight I got completely burned out. So the next time I started I alternated 30DS with RI30 every other day. It went much better and I didn't get bored. I completed Body Revolution this past October, and I really enjoyed the workout rotation every two weeks. It really keeps things fresh and challenging.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Evening Everyone :)

    How did all the workouts go? I am 3 for 3 so really happy with that. Might take a walk instead tomorrow just to give my muscles some time to repair, but i'm enjoying the workout at the moment so I might carry on!

    Nowhere near as sore today as i expected to be :D Good luck to everyone starting out, it is hard work but absolutely worth it :happy:
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    I'm doing 30DS (again). On Level 1 day 4. Thinking about going up on my weights since the "burn" is fading. LOL! Good luck everyone!
  • sc193usa
    sc193usa Posts: 20 Member
    Hello all! I successfully did my first day of 30DS. I decided to take yesterday as a rest day, as I did my weekly Pilates class which worked basically every muscle that wasn't already sore. I'm very sore today, but am planning to do another day of 30DS tonight. Well done everyone for keeping at it! It's motivating to know there are other people who are working on this too!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Evening All :)

    Well done everyone, we are a motivated bunch at the moment - Hooray! Great news sc193, sounds like you are keeping your body guessing and getting the most for your burn - hope the 30DS goes well tonight :smile:

    Cathipa - Did you up your weights? What were you working with and what are you planning on now? I usually change weights depending on the exercise but can't manage any more than 5lbs now i'm just starting back! Hope you get the burn back :happy:

    I decided to do Level 2 of Ripped today - clearly i had forgotten the 2 minute cardio session in plank in the first set! :noway: managed the first set just before collapsing and did the second set modified - still means i can keep pushing and improve right?

    I have a bit more time tomorrow so i might try a bit of NMTZ or BFBM - see how sore i am :laugh:

  • Hi guys!

    I just started the 30 day shred today and it went great! It felt good to use the weights I just got and feel the burn in my arms and shoulders.
    I was wondering if you guys do this workout every day? And also... When do you go from one level to the next? I don't have all the information. On days when the air is not too cold outside (I have asthma), I do about half an hour of alternate sprints.
    Eating pretty clean too...

    I am 5"8 (175cm) and current weight is 189 pounds (85.9 kilo) and my goal weight is 165 pounds (75 kilo)
  • sc193usa
    sc193usa Posts: 20 Member
    Hello all!

    I sadly failed last night. Right after work I went out to dinner with my fiance for our anniversary, and it wouldn't have been pretty if I had worked out after that (but I did only eat half of my meal and box the other half, so small victory). I think on days like yesterday, I'm going to have to start doing the video in the morning. But tonight it's happening, come hell or high water!

    SuperFlissa-I'm planning on doing the workout 5 days a week, and progressing to the next level after 10 days of doing it (so one level every two weeks at my pace). Apparently Jillian says to do: 2 days of 30DS,1 day cardio, 2 days of 30 DS, 1 cardio, and then 1 rest day. The 30 days of shredding definitely don't have to be done in 30 days, that's just a marketing gimmick.

    DLD53-5lbs, i'm impressed! I'm in crazy amounts of pain after my 3lbs. What are NMTZ and BFBM?

    Cathipa-How's it going, did you up your weights? How did 30DS go last time you did it?

    Keep up the great work all!
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    I'm on level 1 day 6. I still haven't upped my weights since I keep forgetting to get them out the night before. I'm going to try tomorrow. I hadn't heard to alternate days with cardio, but I typically save my cardio for the weekend since that when I'm off and can get up early when there is sunlight and go for a walk/run before starting my day. I think I'm doing pretty good though:) I don't cringe anymore when the alarm clock goes off at 5:30 since I know then can (and needs to) be done.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Evening everyone :)

    How's it going today?

    Cathipa - Well done you for getting up so early! I typically am up then but never seem to get my workouts in as well as all the school/lunch/breakfast stuff! Hope you get your weights sorted :)

    sc193usa - I'm a firm believer in letting life in every now and then! I'm glad you had a great anniversary and well done for boxing half :D Hope you get your workout done tonight, i know some people who swear they had better results with Jillian doing every other day! I have to admit i don't use the 5lb weights much at the moment, just the presses and rows really. I'm looking forward to the day i can use them with my triceps as i really need work there! NMTZ is No More Trouble Zones and BFBM is Banish Fat Boost Metabolism both of which are Jillian's... they are split up into 7 circuits of about 8 mins each i think and NMTZ is strength/weights based and BFBM is cardio based. Lots of people seem to alternate them for best results but because they are longer in total than the shred or rip (about 60 mins i think) i tend to choose the others. But there is nothing to say you couldn't just choose the circuits you wanted for the time you wanted. I didn't manage to try them today - must do it soon :D

    Hi Superflissa :) I typically do Jillian 5 days out of the 7 too - usually with one day of light cardio (this week a 3.5mph walk for an hour) and one full day rest. I agree with sc193usa that the 30 days is just a gimmick and while it can be done you should really do what works for you. I also think you should go up the levels as you feel is right. If it gets easy (or you get bored) move up - you can always go back if it doesn't suit :) My plan is just to keep doing 5 days of some kind of Jillian pretty much forever if i can manage it! Definitely up to my holiday in June though! Hoping to be fully shredded/ripped by then!

    Well, I also failed today :( Just didn't feel great, I started Ripped L1 but had to stop, so using today as my rest day instead of tomorrow. Fingers crossed it was just a one off - I really want to do this!

    Hope everyone's workout is a happy one :D

  • SenoraLaura
    SenoraLaura Posts: 4 Member
    Hello All! I am doing the JM Body Revolution. I'm in week 2 workout 2. It's so much different than her other discs! To me it's more of a party and I like the workouts. There are discs that are just cardio... that is the challenging part to me.

    Please feel free to add me. I like to hear how others are doing and need all the support I can get!
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    I'm trying to do killer buns and thighs three days a week, basically the days where I don't run.
    Only on level one, but I can feel it.
    It's fun and a good work out.
  • sc193usa
    sc193usa Posts: 20 Member
    lucyloutoo and SenoraLaura welcome! I did manage to get my workout in yesterday and actually ended up doing some more circuit things with a coworker over lunch. I brought everything with me to work today, and am hopefully going to do my day 3 of 30DS over lunch with my coworkers. This might be the schedule breakthrough I need!

    SenoraLaura-how long are the body revolution workouts? I'm unfamilar with the structure of those discs.

    Cathipa-I'm mega impressed with you for getting up early! It's all I can do to get up early enough for the coffee machine to have enough time to run before I need to leave.

    DLD53-Hope your workout goes well and that you feel better!
  • pps7
    pps7 Posts: 46
    Hello all! I've been doing JM workouts 2-3 times a week for the past 6 weeks. I run on the other days. I alternate between 30DS, NMTZ, & 6w6p. I like changing it up. So far, I've had decent results. Nothing dramatic but i'm starting to feel stronger. I'm turning 40 in 2014 also. I'm pretty much starting maintenance today (yeah!!!) but I'm going on a beach vacation in 2 months and would love to tone up.
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    Hi everyone!

    It's been a long time since I'm been on the message boards, but I've recently gotten back into a workout routine with Jillian. I'm not sure about what the abbreviations mean, except for 30DS. I had great success with the 30DS about five years ago, and right now I'm alternating between 30DS, Body Revolution Phase 1, and a non-Jillian cardio with Turbo Jam.

    I think I hurt my arm with Body Revolution, so I've been avoiding that for a few days. But I'm always looking for any variety I can add to keep me wanting to work out. I'm looking forward to checking in on this board to see what everyone else is up to!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :)

    Didn't get a chance to post yesterday - Friday is always busy in our house! Welcome to everyone joining in :D

    bree1609 - Welcome, Congrats on getting back to Jillian, she's not easy to love but i do love the results! How is body revolution? I looked at that one but the cost put me off - especially as i know i get results from the others! Hope your arm gets better soon :)

    pps7 - Welcome to the 40 in 2014 club ;) great that you have been getting results - stronger is brilliant. Where are you heading for your beach vacation? I'm sure you'll have loads more results in 2 months :)

    sc193usa - Well done you for getting your workout in, how did it feel? did you find it better with your co-workers? Thanks for the thoughts, i still felt a bit rough yesterday but better again today :D

    lucyloutoo - Welcome :D I've never tried killer buns and thighs, do you get any upper body at all? Glad it is fun - that's half the battle right?!

    senoralaura - Welcome :D I've always found the cardio bits of Jillian harder than the strength - I am trying hard to get my overall fitness level up so that feels better - is the body revolution one week per level? Hope it continues to go well :)

    Well i managed to fit in a RI30 L1 yesterday but i admit it wasn't my finest effort :( I was still feeling a bit rough but i figure something is better than nothing. Feeling much better again today and i've had an invite to a surprise party in 20 days time so as a mini-goal i thought i'd start the 30DS again and do L1 and L2 before the party. I'm going to take photos and measure rather than weigh (as i find the number on the scale so demotivating if it doesn't fit with what my head thinks it should say based on my effort!) Fingers crossed it will show a difference :) Planning Day 1 in a couple of hours before lunch, i'll let you know how it goes :D How are you all measuring your progress?

    Hope everyone has a great day, Di :happy:
  • DebbieSusanne
    DebbieSusanne Posts: 18 Member
    I just recently turned 40 and I'm on L2 of RI30. Today is my last day of L2. I thought L1 was pretty easy so I thought no problem with L2. Well, it has kicked my butt. I have had to modify most of the plank moves and a few others. :) I try to do Jillian 5x a week and I also do a cardio (zumba type) class 2x a week. I did her 30DS with some friends off and on after work but I didn't do it consistently. I bought both the RI30 and 30DS DVD's and I plan on doing 30DS when I complete RI30. I NEED 30 minute workouts so I'm interested in anything else that is quick but gets a good overall body workout. I try to do Jillian in the morning before work and I try to walk in the afternoon after work on my treadmill before I start dinner except on the days I do the cardio class I only do that on those 2 days.
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    I should clarify, jm looks like she's having fun, not me!! :)
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Evening Everyone :)

    Lucyloutoo - :laugh: Jillian always looks like she's having fun! At least if we don't find it fun we get the results :wink:

    DebbieSusanne - Welcome to the group :smile: Glad you are getting on well with RI30 - L2 is quite a change from L1 i think and L3 and 4 are mental! Here's hoping for great results for you :smile:

    Well, I managed 30DS L1 as planned, and doing the 5 days of RI obviously helped as it wasn't that bad :smile: However...My quads are starting to complain about my stairs now! Interesting to see how i feel tomorrow for day 2!

    Happy Jillian-ing everyone :happy:
  • ritornare
    ritornare Posts: 42 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I went a bit Jillian crazy in the last few months :laugh: I started with 30DS in October/November, then did RI30 in November/December and as of now I'm alternating Killer Buns and Thighs, BFBM and NMTZ (the latter being my absolute favourite) :bigsmile:
    Feel free to add me if you want an extra dose of support :flowerforyou:
  • srichardallen
    srichardallen Posts: 20 Member
    I've been using Jillian's videos throughout the past month or so.
    I just recently bought Extreme Shed and Shred and have really loved the video and the different techniques and styles of workouts used.
    I also have been impressed with Yoga Inferno.
    I think all of Jillian's videos are great, though.
    It's nice having different videos to chose from every day to switch up the routine.
  • lizzymcg
    lizzymcg Posts: 47 Member
    I do not have the best track record in sticking with Jillian, but always start with good intentions! My record is seven days (30DS), but this time I am going to complete the whole thing this time!

    I am currently doing Ripped in 30, on Week 1 Day 6. I am adding some cardio about every other day. I am on a short break (just had a tooth removed :( ) but I'll be back to it in a day or two.

    I would love to join this thread!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :)

    Welcome lizzymcg, srichardallen and ritornare :smile: Sounds like you are all going great with your Jillian DVDs so far - hopefully we can motivate each other to complete them all and we'll all be ripped, shredded and shedded for ever :laugh:

    I am feeling good this morning as i managed to complete day 2 of the shred by 7:30am :happy: Thankfully my quads weren't as bad as they felt yesterday and it was hard work but manageable. Took my pics yesterday too so hopefully i'll have some real results to show for it in 28 days.

    Hope you all have a great Sunday :happy:
  • pps7
    pps7 Posts: 46
    Hi everyone!
    I went a bit Jillian crazy in the last few months :laugh: I started with 30DS in October/November, then did RI30 in November/December and as of now I'm alternating Killer Buns and Thighs, BFBM and NMTZ (the latter being my absolute favourite) :bigsmile:
    Feel free to add me if you want an extra dose of support :flowerforyou:

    NMTZ is my favorite too!