All calories ARE NOT created equal !!!



  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    See, this is the kind of stuff that confuses me. I was under the impression that it didn't really matter WHAT you ate, as long as you stayed in a deficit, you would lose weight? Then I see posts like this and it makes me think I'm doing something wrong. I have very little weight to lose in the first place and since it's coming off so slow (5lbs in 3 months) this post makes me think i'm doing something wrong

    It depends. People who struggle with losing weight may have other issues. For example, I had trouble losing weight because my insulin was incredibly high, and for some *insert magic here* reasons I was "unable" to lose weight. I don't know - but the calorie thing now works for me as long as I don't eat many bad carbs because my body as a reflect produces a lot of insulin when I eat carbs. A calorie is a calorie, but there are other things that could interfere with burning such calories I guess!

    what the heck is a bad carb? Are there foods I should be avoiding? I'm asking because I have been creating a deficit and working out and I am still not losing. I am constantly bloated and retaining water. It makes me think the food I'm eating is backfiring on me. I don't eat a lot of junk, but I don't eat clean either. Posts like this make me feel bad for eating fast food on occasion even though i'm still creating a deficit. ughhh. I log every single thing that goes in my mouth and a lot of times I try to OVERESTIMATE to give myself some leeway just in case I am wrong. I am in the green everyday and I am still either putting on water weight, or staying the same. :frown: :cry:

    That's probably a topic for another thread, but you might look to reduce your carb macro a bit and see if eliminating certain types of processed carbs (e.g., bread, grains, etc.) in favor of fruit, veggies, etc. alleviates the bloated feeling. You don't have to cut carbs out entirely, but it may be worth experimenting a bit in this area and see how your body responds to different amounts of macronutrients and different sources of macronutrients each day. You may find that your body is simply intolerant of certain foods, which leads to the bloated feeling.

    As for staying the same weight... make sure you're using a food scale, but again that's probably best reserved for another thread. In any event, don't let it demotivate you - if you stall out for a lengthy period of time, just think of it as you need to change up your routine slightly.
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    See, this is the kind of stuff that confuses me. I was under the impression that it didn't really matter WHAT you ate, as long as you stayed in a deficit, you would lose weight? Then I see posts like this and it makes me think I'm doing something wrong. I have very little weight to lose in the first place and since it's coming off so slow (5lbs in 3 months) this post makes me think i'm doing something wrong

    It depends. People who struggle with losing weight may have other issues. For example, I had trouble losing weight because my insulin was incredibly high, and for some *insert magic here* reasons I was "unable" to lose weight. I don't know - but the calorie thing now works for me as long as I don't eat many bad carbs because my body as a reflect produces a lot of insulin when I eat carbs. A calorie is a calorie, but there are other things that could interfere with burning such calories I guess!

    what the heck is a bad carb? Are there foods I should be avoiding? I'm asking because I have been creating a deficit and working out and I am still not losing. I am constantly bloated and retaining water. It makes me think the food I'm eating is backfiring on me. I don't eat a lot of junk, but I don't eat clean either. Posts like this make me feel bad for eating fast food on occasion even though i'm still creating a deficit. ughhh. I log every single thing that goes in my mouth and a lot of times I try to OVERESTIMATE to give myself some leeway just in case I am wrong. I am in the green everyday and I am still either putting on water weight, or staying the same. I'm just so frustrated, I don't even know what to do anymore. It makes me want to give up but i know if I do that I won't get anywhere for sure:frown: :cry:

    There's no such thing as a bad carb. Carbs can make you retain water, though. How many calories are you eating, and what are your workouts? How long have you not been losing? I noticed you don't have a lot of weight to lose.

    When I mean bad carb I talk about those that are high on glucose, which at the same time is not good for weight loss purposes. Carbs are important in your diet if you are exercising. You should eat carbs but the "good" ones such as whole wheat, for example. That's what I mean with good - bad carbs. They all do the same thing, of course.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    See, this is the kind of stuff that confuses me. I was under the impression that it didn't really matter WHAT you ate, as long as you stayed in a deficit, you would lose weight? Then I see posts like this and it makes me think I'm doing something wrong. I have very little weight to lose in the first place and since it's coming off so slow (5lbs in 3 months) this post makes me think i'm doing something wrong

    It depends. People who struggle with losing weight may have other issues. For example, I had trouble losing weight because my insulin was incredibly high, and for some *insert magic here* reasons I was "unable" to lose weight. I don't know - but the calorie thing now works for me as long as I don't eat many bad carbs because my body as a reflect produces a lot of insulin when I eat carbs. A calorie is a calorie, but there are other things that could interfere with burning such calories I guess!

    what the heck is a bad carb? Are there foods I should be avoiding? I'm asking because I have been creating a deficit and working out and I am still not losing. I am constantly bloated and retaining water. It makes me think the food I'm eating is backfiring on me. I don't eat a lot of junk, but I don't eat clean either. Posts like this make me feel bad for eating fast food on occasion even though i'm still creating a deficit. ughhh. I log every single thing that goes in my mouth and a lot of times I try to OVERESTIMATE to give myself some leeway just in case I am wrong. I am in the green everyday and I am still either putting on water weight, or staying the same. I'm just so frustrated, I don't even know what to do anymore. It makes me want to give up but i know if I do that I won't get anywhere for sure:frown: :cry:

    There's no such thing as a bad carb. Carbs can make you retain water, though. How many calories are you eating, and what are your workouts? How long have you not been losing? I noticed you don't have a lot of weight to lose.

    Hi Holly; I just started insanity last week, so I'm on about day 7. I burn about 400 calories per workout. Before then, I was doing the 30ds and zumba and burning about the same amount. I try to take in 1600 calories when I do the workouts and 1400 when I don't. I've been stalled for about a month; or gaining water weight (it has to be water weight). I didn't know that carbs made you retain water. Decreasing them sounds like a good idea. At this point i don't know what else to do; almost makes me want to try a fad diet but I don't want to put on 100lbs after i'm done with it lol

    to parkscs; I already use a scale.

    I'm not trying to hijack this thread but these type of posts really confuse an already easily confused person lol:embarassed:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    When I mean bad carb I talk about those that are high on glucose, which at the same time is not good for weight loss purposes. Carbs are important in your diet if you are exercising. You should eat carbs but the "good" ones such as whole wheat, for example. That's what I mean with good - bad carbs. They all do the same thing, of course.

    There's nothing wrong with glucose for weight loss purposes. Same with fructose, sucrose, dextrose (which is actually glucose) etc. There's nothing special about whole wheat; in fact, some people are allergic to wheat and there are some that claim whole grains have "antinutrients" which are detrimental to health.

    There are no good carbs and bad carbs. The entire concept of "good" and "bad" macros obscures the real issues and makes things more complicated than necessary.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    See, this is the kind of stuff that confuses me. I was under the impression that it didn't really matter WHAT you ate, as long as you stayed in a deficit, you would lose weight? Then I see posts like this and it makes me think I'm doing something wrong. I have very little weight to lose in the first place and since it's coming off so slow (5lbs in 3 months) this post makes me think i'm doing something wrong

    It depends. People who struggle with losing weight may have other issues. For example, I had trouble losing weight because my insulin was incredibly high, and for some *insert magic here* reasons I was "unable" to lose weight. I don't know - but the calorie thing now works for me as long as I don't eat many bad carbs because my body as a reflect produces a lot of insulin when I eat carbs. A calorie is a calorie, but there are other things that could interfere with burning such calories I guess!

    what the heck is a bad carb? Are there foods I should be avoiding? I'm asking because I have been creating a deficit and working out and I am still not losing. I am constantly bloated and retaining water. It makes me think the food I'm eating is backfiring on me. I don't eat a lot of junk, but I don't eat clean either. Posts like this make me feel bad for eating fast food on occasion even though i'm still creating a deficit. ughhh. I log every single thing that goes in my mouth and a lot of times I try to OVERESTIMATE to give myself some leeway just in case I am wrong. I am in the green everyday and I am still either putting on water weight, or staying the same. I'm just so frustrated, I don't even know what to do anymore. It makes me want to give up but i know if I do that I won't get anywhere for sure:frown: :cry:

    There's no such thing as a bad carb. Carbs can make you retain water, though. How many calories are you eating, and what are your workouts? How long have you not been losing? I noticed you don't have a lot of weight to lose.
    And certain carbs can cause some folks to feel more hungry. Some folks find it's easier to eat at a deficit without those carb sources.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    And certain carbs can cause some folks to feel more hungry. Some folks find it's easier to eat at a deficit without those carb sources.

    That doesn't make them bad carbs. If a particular food doesn't satisfy you or makes it harder for you personally to meet your goals, then don't eat it. Simple as that.

    Saying that the food is "bad" just obscures the issue.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    See, this is the kind of stuff that confuses me. I was under the impression that it didn't really matter WHAT you ate, as long as you stayed in a deficit, you would lose weight? Then I see posts like this and it makes me think I'm doing something wrong. I have very little weight to lose in the first place and since it's coming off so slow (5lbs in 3 months) this post makes me think i'm doing something wrong

    It depends. People who struggle with losing weight may have other issues. For example, I had trouble losing weight because my insulin was incredibly high, and for some *insert magic here* reasons I was "unable" to lose weight. I don't know - but the calorie thing now works for me as long as I don't eat many bad carbs because my body as a reflect produces a lot of insulin when I eat carbs. A calorie is a calorie, but there are other things that could interfere with burning such calories I guess!

    what the heck is a bad carb? Are there foods I should be avoiding? I'm asking because I have been creating a deficit and working out and I am still not losing. I am constantly bloated and retaining water. It makes me think the food I'm eating is backfiring on me. I don't eat a lot of junk, but I don't eat clean either. Posts like this make me feel bad for eating fast food on occasion even though i'm still creating a deficit. ughhh. I log every single thing that goes in my mouth and a lot of times I try to OVERESTIMATE to give myself some leeway just in case I am wrong. I am in the green everyday and I am still either putting on water weight, or staying the same. I'm just so frustrated, I don't even know what to do anymore. It makes me want to give up but i know if I do that I won't get anywhere for sure:frown: :cry:

    There's no such thing as a bad carb. Carbs can make you retain water, though. How many calories are you eating, and what are your workouts? How long have you not been losing? I noticed you don't have a lot of weight to lose.

    When I mean bad carb I talk about those that are high on glucose, which at the same time is not good for weight loss purposes. Carbs are important in your diet if you are exercising. You should eat carbs but the "good" ones such as whole wheat, for example. That's what I mean with good - bad carbs. They all do the same thing, of course.

    Yeah, still no such thing as a bad carb. And there's nothing wrong with lots of glucose.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    See, this is the kind of stuff that confuses me. I was under the impression that it didn't really matter WHAT you ate, as long as you stayed in a deficit, you would lose weight? Then I see posts like this and it makes me think I'm doing something wrong. I have very little weight to lose in the first place and since it's coming off so slow (5lbs in 3 months) this post makes me think i'm doing something wrong

    It depends. People who struggle with losing weight may have other issues. For example, I had trouble losing weight because my insulin was incredibly high, and for some *insert magic here* reasons I was "unable" to lose weight. I don't know - but the calorie thing now works for me as long as I don't eat many bad carbs because my body as a reflect produces a lot of insulin when I eat carbs. A calorie is a calorie, but there are other things that could interfere with burning such calories I guess!

    what the heck is a bad carb? Are there foods I should be avoiding? I'm asking because I have been creating a deficit and working out and I am still not losing. I am constantly bloated and retaining water. It makes me think the food I'm eating is backfiring on me. I don't eat a lot of junk, but I don't eat clean either. Posts like this make me feel bad for eating fast food on occasion even though i'm still creating a deficit. ughhh. I log every single thing that goes in my mouth and a lot of times I try to OVERESTIMATE to give myself some leeway just in case I am wrong. I am in the green everyday and I am still either putting on water weight, or staying the same. I'm just so frustrated, I don't even know what to do anymore. It makes me want to give up but i know if I do that I won't get anywhere for sure:frown: :cry:

    There's no such thing as a bad carb. Carbs can make you retain water, though. How many calories are you eating, and what are your workouts? How long have you not been losing? I noticed you don't have a lot of weight to lose.

    Hi Holly; I just started insanity last week, so I'm on about day 7. I burn about 400 calories per workout. Before then, I was doing the 30ds and zumba and burning about the same amount. I try to take in 1600 calories when I do the workouts and 1400 when I don't. I've been stalled for about a month; or gaining water weight (it has to be water weight). I didn't know that carbs made you retain water. Decreasing them sounds like a good idea. At this point i don't know what else to do; almost makes me want to try a fad diet but I don't want to put on 100lbs after i'm done with it lol

    to parkscs; I already use a scale.

    I'm not trying to hijack this thread but these type of posts really confuse an already easily confused person lol:embarassed:

    Yes, agree with the person that said you may have a sensitivity to certain carbs. Water weight can have several different sources, like excess carbs, a new exercise routine, or TOM for example. Just be aware that if you cut out a lot of carbs, the second you add them back in, there will be some water retention again. Please don't try a fad diet!
  • HannahDee1202
    well done you!!!!!!!! that's the way I would like to lose weight. you have given me inspiration :drinker:
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    See, this is the kind of stuff that confuses me. I was under the impression that it didn't really matter WHAT you ate, as long as you stayed in a deficit, you would lose weight? Then I see posts like this and it makes me think I'm doing something wrong. I have very little weight to lose in the first place and since it's coming off so slow (5lbs in 3 months) this post makes me think i'm doing something wrong

    It depends. People who struggle with losing weight may have other issues. For example, I had trouble losing weight because my insulin was incredibly high, and for some *insert magic here* reasons I was "unable" to lose weight. I don't know - but the calorie thing now works for me as long as I don't eat many bad carbs because my body as a reflect produces a lot of insulin when I eat carbs. A calorie is a calorie, but there are other things that could interfere with burning such calories I guess!

    what the heck is a bad carb? Are there foods I should be avoiding? I'm asking because I have been creating a deficit and working out and I am still not losing. I am constantly bloated and retaining water. It makes me think the food I'm eating is backfiring on me. I don't eat a lot of junk, but I don't eat clean either. Posts like this make me feel bad for eating fast food on occasion even though i'm still creating a deficit. ughhh. I log every single thing that goes in my mouth and a lot of times I try to OVERESTIMATE to give myself some leeway just in case I am wrong. I am in the green everyday and I am still either putting on water weight, or staying the same. I'm just so frustrated, I don't even know what to do anymore. It makes me want to give up but i know if I do that I won't get anywhere for sure:frown: :cry:

    There's no such thing as a bad carb. Carbs can make you retain water, though. How many calories are you eating, and what are your workouts? How long have you not been losing? I noticed you don't have a lot of weight to lose.

    When I mean bad carb I talk about those that are high on glucose, which at the same time is not good for weight loss purposes. Carbs are important in your diet if you are exercising. You should eat carbs but the "good" ones such as whole wheat, for example. That's what I mean with good - bad carbs. They all do the same thing, of course.
    There are no "bad" carbs.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    See, this is the kind of stuff that confuses me. I was under the impression that it didn't really matter WHAT you ate, as long as you stayed in a deficit, you would lose weight? Then I see posts like this and it makes me think I'm doing something wrong. I have very little weight to lose in the first place and since it's coming off so slow (5lbs in 3 months) this post makes me think i'm doing something wrong

    It depends. People who struggle with losing weight may have other issues. For example, I had trouble losing weight because my insulin was incredibly high, and for some *insert magic here* reasons I was "unable" to lose weight. I don't know - but the calorie thing now works for me as long as I don't eat many bad carbs because my body as a reflect produces a lot of insulin when I eat carbs. A calorie is a calorie, but there are other things that could interfere with burning such calories I guess!

    what the heck is a bad carb? Are there foods I should be avoiding? I'm asking because I have been creating a deficit and working out and I am still not losing. I am constantly bloated and retaining water. It makes me think the food I'm eating is backfiring on me. I don't eat a lot of junk, but I don't eat clean either. Posts like this make me feel bad for eating fast food on occasion even though i'm still creating a deficit. ughhh. I log every single thing that goes in my mouth and a lot of times I try to OVERESTIMATE to give myself some leeway just in case I am wrong. I am in the green everyday and I am still either putting on water weight, or staying the same. I'm just so frustrated, I don't even know what to do anymore. It makes me want to give up but i know if I do that I won't get anywhere for sure:frown: :cry:

    There's no such thing as a bad carb. Carbs can make you retain water, though. How many calories are you eating, and what are your workouts? How long have you not been losing? I noticed you don't have a lot of weight to lose.

    Hi Holly; I just started insanity last week, so I'm on about day 7. I burn about 400 calories per workout. Before then, I was doing the 30ds and zumba and burning about the same amount. I try to take in 1600 calories when I do the workouts and 1400 when I don't. I've been stalled for about a month; or gaining water weight (it has to be water weight). I didn't know that carbs made you retain water. Decreasing them sounds like a good idea. At this point i don't know what else to do; almost makes me want to try a fad diet but I don't want to put on 100lbs after i'm done with it lol

    to parkscs; I already use a scale.

    I'm not trying to hijack this thread but these type of posts really confuse an already easily confused person lol:embarassed:

    Yes, agree with the person that said you may have a sensitivity to certain carbs. Water weight can have several different sources, like excess carbs, a new exercise routine, or TOM for example. Just be aware that if you cut out a lot of carbs, the second you add them back in, there will be some water retention again. Please don't try a fad diet!

    I won't :) I just feel so desparate sometimes. I feel like I could be fitter, but I am slowwwwwllllyy losing inches so that's probably about the only thing keeping me going right now. At least it lets me know that i'm doing something right :indifferent: I just never knew it would be this hard. I'll try to cut back on the carbs a little and see if that helps with the water retention.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    And certain carbs can cause some folks to feel more hungry. Some folks find it's easier to eat at a deficit without those carb sources.

    That doesn't make them bad carbs. If a particular food doesn't satisfy you or makes it harder for you personally to meet your goals, then don't eat it. Simple as that.

    Saying that the food is "bad" just obscures the issue.
    Did I call them "bad" carbs?
    Granted, I don't care if others call them "bad". They can call food whatever they want.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Don't get hung up on semantics over "good" or "bad" carbs. You need to find what works for you. Some people may do poorly eating certain types of carbs and that leads them to refer to them as "bad" carbs, other people may find they do much better eating a relatively low amount of carbs (say 100g or less per day), but that doesn't mean they're "bad" for everyone. Provided you keep your calories at the same point, I see no harm in experimenting a bit with your macros.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Calories in VS. Calories out is not TRUE! :noway: I was staying under calories (strictly) & working out hard (whats considered hard for me. lol.), but eating whatever I wanted. That didn't work. I was losing really slowly and weight would fluctuate like crazy. ie, gain few lbs, lose them back, then lose half a lb from where i started. It was crazy. I was also crazy hungry all the time. :explode: Ok, cut down a little on the carbs, now I am back on track. :drinker: I am not even working out as hard and still losing more weight :laugh: . Now that I have cut the carbs down to one carb- enriched meal per day, for the last week or so, the weight loss is more steady and consistent. Everyone's body is different. Some people do well eating lots of carbs, and still lose, as long as they stay under their calories. Not me! Some have Weight/ Bloating issues eating a lot of meat, protein, or consuming a lot of sodium.
    Considering I am a controlled diabetic (I don't take meds b/c my blood sugar is regulated now that I have lost weight.) my body still does not like a lot of carbohydrates (sugar). It does not process and break them down well. Carbs turn straight to stored fat in our bodies. Our bodies burn a protein for fuel before it will chooses a carb for fuel. It will just store the carb as fat. Now I am consuming more protein. I am not on any low carb plan, I am just eating what for one meal per day, then the other meals are mainly, meat & low carb veggies.
    So find out what your body's glitch is. If you are struggling with the scale and you seem to be doing everything right, do a process of elimination to your diet. Not cutting things out, but decreasing your consumption of that particular culprit, whether it be protein (meat), carbs (bread, pasta, rice, wheat, potatoes, corn, sweets, sugar, milk, peas), gassy veggies, etc.

    A few things... You have no open diary, and if I'm willing to bet... its because you don't track accurately. Beyond that, I'm fairly certain the reason you're now seeing weightloss is because you created a larger deficit via the eliminations of carbs and not replacing those calories under other macros.

    ding ding ding...we have a winner...

    I would also add that since OP is diabetic he/she obviously has a medical condition that would make them sensitive carbs; hence, cutting back on carbs would make sense...

    but at the end of the day, a calorie is a unit of energy.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP, I'm happy you found what works for you. Don't let the low-carb criticizers get to you. They do this to everyone who eats low carb. Personally, I feel way better eating low carb and high fat. The weight and fat loss is an added bonus!

    the only thing the "low carb critics" are saying is that low carb is not some magical idea that leads to faster weight is the calorie deficit that low carb creates that leads to said weight loss...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Have not read the responses as I am sure it will be pretty predicable. However, from the OP...
    <snip> Now that I have cut the carbs down to one carb- enriched meal per day, for the last week or so, the weight loss is more steady and consistent. <snip>

    Was the fact that the OP had only dropped her carbs for a week raised? Dropping carbs = less water weight. One week is far too early for any change in diet to make such a sweeping 'conclusion'.

    How can you even determine weight loss is more steady and consistent in a week?
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    See, this is the kind of stuff that confuses me. I was under the impression that it didn't really matter WHAT you ate, as long as you stayed in a deficit, you would lose weight? Then I see posts like this and it makes me think I'm doing something wrong. I have very little weight to lose in the first place and since it's coming off so slow (5lbs in 3 months) this post makes me think i'm doing something wrong

    If you have very little weight to lose it WILL come off extremely slowly. Take heart, you're doing it right. Now keep on doing what you're doing, maybe add in some weightlifting, rely on the measuring tape more than the scale and see the magic happen.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    See, this is the kind of stuff that confuses me. I was under the impression that it didn't really matter WHAT you ate, as long as you stayed in a deficit, you would lose weight? Then I see posts like this and it makes me think I'm doing something wrong. I have very little weight to lose in the first place and since it's coming off so slow (5lbs in 3 months) this post makes me think i'm doing something wrong

    It depends. People who struggle with losing weight may have other issues. For example, I had trouble losing weight because my insulin was incredibly high, and for some *insert magic here* reasons I was "unable" to lose weight. I don't know - but the calorie thing now works for me as long as I don't eat many bad carbs because my body as a reflect produces a lot of insulin when I eat carbs. A calorie is a calorie, but there are other things that could interfere with burning such calories I guess!

    what the heck is a bad carb? Are there foods I should be avoiding? I'm asking because I have been creating a deficit and working out and I am still not losing. I am constantly bloated and retaining water. It makes me think the food I'm eating is backfiring on me. I don't eat a lot of junk, but I don't eat clean either. Posts like this make me feel bad for eating fast food on occasion even though i'm still creating a deficit. ughhh. I log every single thing that goes in my mouth and a lot of times I try to OVERESTIMATE to give myself some leeway just in case I am wrong. I am in the green everyday and I am still either putting on water weight, or staying the same. I'm just so frustrated, I don't even know what to do anymore. It makes me want to give up but i know if I do that I won't get anywhere for sure:frown: :cry:

    There's no such thing as a bad carb. Carbs can make you retain water, though. How many calories are you eating, and what are your workouts? How long have you not been losing? I noticed you don't have a lot of weight to lose.

    When I mean bad carb I talk about those that are high on glucose, which at the same time is not good for weight loss purposes. Carbs are important in your diet if you are exercising. You should eat carbs but the "good" ones such as whole wheat, for example. That's what I mean with good - bad carbs. They all do the same thing, of course.

    Why is glucose worse for weight loss than say fructose? Are you saying you should not eat fruit?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,024 Member
    OP, I'm happy you found what works for you. Don't let the low-carb criticizers get to you. They do this to everyone who eats low carb. Personally, I feel way better eating low carb and high fat. The weight and fat loss is an added bonus!

    the only thing the "low carb critics" are saying is that low carb is not some magical idea that leads to faster weight is the calorie deficit that low carb creates that leads to said weight loss...
    Agreed. Low carbs for some people (my wife) leads to a higher level of satiety and minimizes cravings for carbs allowing a deficit to be more manageable. Personally I've reduced my carbs as well for the last 5 years and represents about 25% of my consumption, which is around 200g's of carbs a day, and I must admit that it also has similar effects based on periodic nom noms of refined carbs. As far as the EBE is concerned, no, there is no magic.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    OP, I'm happy you found what works for you. Don't let the low-carb criticizers get to you. They do this to everyone who eats low carb. Personally, I feel way better eating low carb and high fat. The weight and fat loss is an added bonus!

    the only thing the "low carb critics" are saying is that low carb is not some magical idea that leads to faster weight is the calorie deficit that low carb creates that leads to said weight loss...
    Agreed. Low carbs for some people (my wife) leads to a higher level of satiety and minimizes cravings for carbs allowing a deficit to be more manageable. Personally I've reduced my carbs as well for the last 5 years and represents about 25% of my consumption, which is around 200g's of carbs a day, and I must admit that it also has similar effects based on periodic nom noms of refined carbs. As far as the EBE is concerned, no, there is no magic.
    Very nicely stated.