Texting in Movie Theater



  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    So move seats.

    So you are saying that I should move seats because some tool is using a cell during a movie?

    I have moved seat because some "tool" decided to sit in the one in front of me. I will switch seats in a heartbeat for a better viewing experience.

    Well if others want to move for a better experience then that is on them but once I have picked my seat I will not be moving so that someone can use their cell and not disturb me. If the phone is out of my line of sight then no harm, no foul. What do you do if no seats are available?

    People using the excuse of them having to be able to be reached any time day or night is BS. The only people that are exempt from this are Dr's, Police, Fire, ect. Moms, Dads, Brothers, Sisters, ect.... It can wait. It is what happened before there was this technology.
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    It was previews and he was texting his daughter. There is no reason on the planet for ANYONE to get this bent over a text sent during the previews, especially when he clarified it was to his young daughter. My child would take precedence, and if I was saying 'hey honey the movie is starting, I won't be available for a while, but if it's an emergency call' sort of thing?

    The ex cop is off his rocker, but will probably get off on Florida's 'stand your ground' law, and that family just lost a provider and a father for the dumbest reason ever heard. I hope his conscience eats at him for the rest of his natural life for what he just did, or he does something to make it right, like cash out life insurance to help provide for this family, although they can probably sue him anyway.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    I think the real issue is why would you let people bring guns to a public place!? What is the need?
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    So move seats.

    So you are saying that I should move seats because some tool is using a cell during a movie?

    I have moved seat because some "tool" decided to sit in the one in front of me. I will switch seats in a heartbeat for a better viewing experience.

    Yes. I've moved because of noisy kids, couples, etc.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member

    Eh, I have kids who need to be able to reach me any time, and clients who get pissed if they can't. I wouldn't take a call, but my phone isn't getting shut off. And trust me, when I am on the phone, it's far less of a distraction than the crying baby, or the person chomping on their popcorn.

    There was a time before cell phones, and everyone was fine with not being able to reach someone for an hour and a half to two hours...

    Oh yes. I remember the days that if there was an emergency at home someone would call the movie theater and someone would come into the movie searching for someone.

    much less distracting.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    So move seats.

    So you are saying that I should move seats because some tool is using a cell during a movie?

    I have moved seat because some "tool" decided to sit in the one in front of me. I will switch seats in a heartbeat for a better viewing experience.

    Yes. I've moved because of noisy kids, couples, etc.

    The discussion is on cell usage during a movie... not noisy people. Although I will say that I have moved before for this exact reason, which turned out to be a hassle. If there is no where else to move you are stuck, especially if you are not alone.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    a good amount of blaming the victim here.

    sounds like Chris Rock about OJ simpson: "Now I'm not sayin' he shoulda killed 'em....but I understand"
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member

    Eh, I have kids who need to be able to reach me any time, and clients who get pissed if they can't. I wouldn't take a call, but my phone isn't getting shut off. And trust me, when I am on the phone, it's far less of a distraction than the crying baby, or the person chomping on their popcorn.

    There was a time before cell phones, and everyone was fine with not being able to reach someone for an hour and a half to two hours...

    Oh yes. I remember the days that if there was an emergency at home someone would call the movie theater and someone would come into the movie searching for someone.

    much less distracting.

    But really, how often did this occur? I have never seen it, but not saying that it never happened. If I would guess most all cell usage during a movie is not an emergency. And how often does a life or death event happen while one is in a movie..... Or just in every day life in general?
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    a good amount of blaming the victim here.

    sounds like Chris Rock about OJ simpson: "Now I'm not sayin' he shoulda killed 'em....but I understand"

    ^^^ LMAO!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    During the previews it wouldn't bother me, but during the movie it is distracting. If I pay movie ticket prices I want to be able to get lost in a movie for a couple of hours without a light display drawing my attention away.

    Agreed. I had a smartphone for awhile and I just did not get that into it. I felt it wasn't really worth the $ and sold it for more than I paid. I honestly feel a bit sorry for people who are SO attached to their phones that they seem as though they really can't relax and enjoy any other experience fully.

    I agree, but I am more sorry and disgusted by people that are so attached to their guns that they need to take it everywhere, including a movie theater.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Agreed. If you're a doctor or another person that needs their phone on them at all times, then just exit the movie theater to check your phone. It isn't that difficult!

    I agree with this. I am a corporate pilot and am on call 24x7. The only problem with your statement is I had a guy behind me get pissed off because I left the theater three times during the movie to check messages. It seems like you can't win either way. Trust me, I wish I could turn off my phone for 3 hours at a time, but my contract requires me to be able to be reached and return messages when I am on call. No way around that other than not going to the movies at all, which would not make my wife happy.

    Sit in the last row.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    So move seats.

    So you are saying that I should move seats because some tool is using a cell during a movie?

    I have moved seat because some "tool" decided to sit in the one in front of me. I will switch seats in a heartbeat for a better viewing experience.

    Well if others want to move for a better experience then that is on them but once I have picked my seat I will not be moving so that someone can use their cell and not disturb me. If the phone is out of my line of sight then no harm, no foul. What do you do if no seats are available?

    People using the excuse of them having to be able to be reached any time day or night is BS. The only people that are exempt from this are Dr's, Police, Fire, ect. Moms, Dads, Brothers, Sisters, ect.... It can wait. It is what happened before there was this technology.

    I get there early to get a "good" seat, but if someone comes in after me, and sits in the seat directly in front of me, then I will move. That's just because I can't see over people very well. When I went to see "Conan" as a kid, I moved ten times before the movie started because people kept coming in. I would rather someone send a text message during the previews than to be *looking for a seat* during the previews. That annoys me how late some people arrive. But that's part of going to a public event...dealing with the public. >_<

    I don't go often, but when I do, I go for the matinee and not until after a film has been out for a few weeks. I hate to go to a theater when it's crowded. The last time I did was to see "LOTR: Return of the King." For that, I went to the theater with the stadium-style seats, and I sat in the center on the very back row. Of course for that one, it was a lot of nerds who got there as early as we did. :laugh:

    I have no mobile phone service, so to me, it's funny that people are willing to pay for that just to connect with their friends 24/7. I hate phones in general, but I realize some people derive enjoyment from them. To me, caller ID and voice mail is enough.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member

    Eh, I have kids who need to be able to reach me any time, and clients who get pissed if they can't. I wouldn't take a call, but my phone isn't getting shut off. And trust me, when I am on the phone, it's far less of a distraction than the crying baby, or the person chomping on their popcorn.

    There was a time before cell phones, and everyone was fine with not being able to reach someone for an hour and a half to two hours...

    Oh yes. I remember the days that if there was an emergency at home someone would call the movie theater and someone would come into the movie searching for someone.

    much less distracting.

    But really, how often did this occur? I have never seen it, but not saying that it never happened. If I would guess most all cell usage during a movie is not an emergency. And how often does a life or death event happen while one is in a movie..... Or just in every day life in general?

    I was more responding to the "just turn it off." Yes. It used to be much more difficult to reach someone a while ago and people made it through, but as a parent, if something happens to my child, I want to know immediately. Maybe it never happens. And if it doesn't I am the happiest man in the world. But my phone will be on, and in my pocket, just in case.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I agree, but I am more sorry and disgusted by people that are so attached to their guns that they need to take it everywhere, including a movie theater.

    People carry their guns in public because "the public" includes crazy people like the pig in the article.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Since everyone else is stating what the think is right or wrong:

    1.I do NOT turn my phone completely off in a movie theater. I turn it to vibrate and stick it in my pocket. I don't care what people did 10/20/50/insert any other number of years ago. I have the technology to receive a phone call from the person who is watching my child if something catastrophic happens. We always sit on the very back row, so catching a peak at my phone to make sure it isn't the person watching my daughter isn't bothering anyone. If the person watching my child calls, knowing that I am in the movie theater, I know it is important. I would quietly walk over to the steps, walk down them and into the lobby and take the call. Hasn't happened yet, but we also only go to the movies maybe 3 or 4 times a year.

    2. It was the gosh darned previews! Really?! I have been in theaters where not everyone is in the theater sitting down during previews. People walking in, sitting down and getting situated would be more distracting to me than a text message

    3. Either I or my husband always have our guns on us, including a movie theater, to protect us from asshats like the former cop in the article.

    4. I hope the grouchy, old cop pays for taking a husband and father away from their family over a gosh-darned preview.
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    What can you expect from them Crazie Floridians...

    Love it. I'm one of those Crazy Floridians. :laugh:

    But seriously that's only two hours away from me and I hadn't heard about it until now. Very scary.

    I don't care if someone texts or talks quietly during the previews. Probably wouldn't mind if someone received and sent a quick text during the movie even. Repeated texting or talking during the actual movie would piss me off. (not enough to shoot someone though)
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    It's rude, sure. And it would bother me if they were making noise (had a loud ring tone on or something similar). But during the previews? :huh:

    I mean, even if it was the actual movie, that's no excuse to shoot someone. Nevertheless, my sisters get in last minute texting during the previews all the time. It's never bothered me. Their phones are always off once the film gets going.
  • chris2267
    chris2267 Posts: 57 Member
    If you are going to have the dang phone , you need to be respectful of those around you. I always turn it on vibrate/silent and have the brightness turned way down.
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I agree, but I am more sorry and disgusted by people that are so attached to their guns that they need to take it everywhere, including a movie theater.

    People carry their guns in public because "the public" includes crazy people like the pig in the article.

    *snaps open lid to can of worms*

    Well damn, then every single person should just carry a gun and then you can have an old fashion shoot out. Heck, if the wife would have been carrying a gun, then she could have shot the retired cop...and then someone else could pull a gun and shoot her for shooting the cop, etc etc.

    *ducks head and runs for cover*