Most awkward weight comment



  • Just once in my lifetime I want someone to tell me I am too thin! I will hug them and kiss them!:heart:
  • One of the first times i ever met my sister-in law and after she lost around 60 pounds and weighed 135 at the time she said she was still fat and that it was so disgusting. Hello, i'm standing right beside you and i weigh 185. lol, i wasn't really insulted, more shocked than anything and i don't even think she even realized what she'd just said... or possibly cared.
  • AmyL159
    AmyL159 Posts: 1 Member
    I work with older adults and they said "kids say the darndest things" but whoever "they" is must have never worked with the elderly. I had one gentleman say he could tell how many children I had by looking at my shape. He guessed 4. I've never had any children...
  • kathystrauss1
    kathystrauss1 Posts: 142 Member
    I was running around like crazy at work and I stopped to get something for the father of one of my patients. He looked at me sincerely and said "Kathy, for a fat girl you sure have a lot of energy". Well gee, thanks I guess. I'm pretty sure he meant it as a compliment and he was from Kuwait so there was some cultural/language differences. It cracked me up though and I told him just a tip but most American women would not take that as a compliment!
  • I have 2 that have stuck with me my ENTIRE life:

    1. my older sister (she's super thin) told me (a day after starting to eat better), "I have always said to myself, you would be so pretty if
    you lost weight".

    I wanted to slap her but cried for a month instead.

    2. we were visiting relatives that we haven't seen since I was a baby. My "aunt" grabs my arm and says "I have a fat one like this at home! I should have brought her" (referring to her daughter).

    Rude. Rude...where are people's manners?
  • Yes, family are the worst! I was told I had the biggest butt on the Drill Team. At 5 feet 5 inches and 115 pounds I can assure you many of my friends out weighed me! Their butts were also bigger lol! This set off a lifetime of dieting and body image problems for sure!:embarassed:
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Hall of Shame Moment:

    Years ago I was standing in line at a grocery store and noticed an old friend I hadn't seen in awhile.

    So, my goodness I still feel like crap for this.... I touch her stomach and all excitedly and loud, "How far along are you!?"

    Her: "I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat."

    I could have slapped myself and dug my own grave. I felt so bad and could imagine how she felt. ... other people were in line. Man, I was young and didn't think.

    But I still feel bad for that. Serves me right. I never made that mistake again.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Just once in my lifetime I want someone to tell me I am too thin! I will hug them and kiss them!:heart:

    me too~ I truly admire and wish to be thin, just for once...
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    And, I get others telling me to not lose anymore more weight too.

    But, I'm 173, 5'10. Yes I'm at a healthy BMI,,,the high end... lol.., but trust I can afford to lose more weight.
  • sarahwilson12
    sarahwilson12 Posts: 70 Member
    One of the worst comments I've ever heard was one towards my hubby. When we were in college, Facebook had that whole "hot or not" thing. As a joke, my (now) husband rolled up his shirt & made a funny post, revealing his gut. Admittedly, he was overweight, which was half the idea behind the joke. My grandma then commented on it saying, "Please tell me this means you're trying to lose the weight. - Love Grandma & the family"!!! I was SO mad about it!

    As for me, well, my nephew said to me recently, "No offense, Aunt Sarah, but you kind of look pregnant when you were walking down the stairs." Then, on Christmas 2013, my mum & I were talking about how uncomfortable I am with my weight gain & she said, "I wasn't going to say anything since I didn't want to hurt your feelings, but... you do look pregnant."

    Ugh... needless to say, I'm planning on using these comments as motivation to lose the weight!
  • crumbtinies
    crumbtinies Posts: 29 Member
    At my office Christmas party this past December I was helping myself to the desert table and I had just put a big piece of cake on my plate when a colleague said really loudly in front of a bunch of other people "careful, that's going to make you fat." I cannot for the life of me figure out why she said that. I'm not really known for dieting or anything, and my weight has always been steady and perfectly fine for my height. My piece of cake just didn't taste as good after that.

    Another time, not so much awkward as kind of funny/sad. A few years ago when I had first lost about 20 pounds, my family and I were visiting my grandmother in her nursing home at Christmas. After about fifteen minutes of chatting with everyone my grandma asked "where's Ashley?" My dad pointed to me and said "she's right there." My grandmother looked at me, turned to my dad and said "that's not Ashley." My family spent the next few minutes trying to convince my grandmother that yes it was me. She finally let it drop but continued to shoot me side eye for the rest of the visit. We laugh about it now because it was so typical of her to be that stubborn, to think we were trying to fake her out and I was really some random stranger being passed off as her granddaughter, but it is also kind of sad because that is the last time I saw her before she died.
  • JBearsMom21
    JBearsMom21 Posts: 90 Member
    I went to my bf's family get together and one of his aunts said "You have lost so much weight! I hope you're not starving yourself!"...Ermm uhh thanks? I just laughed it off but I wanted to die inside. Starve myself? Really...?
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I have been told by coworkers that i need to "stop watching what i eat" because "You're so thin already!" I commented that "Well, I have gained about 18 pounds in the past four months. I'd like to get to where i was" and she said "What? Where have you gained weight? Are you going to donate an organ or cut off a leg?"
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I went to my bf's family get together and one of his aunts said "You have lost so much weight! I hope you're not starving yourself!"...Ermm uhh thanks? I just laughed it off but I wanted to die inside. Starve myself? Really...?

    after reading the entire thread, I notice that everyone responds with different level of sensitivity to different words...To me asking if I am starving is really not a big deal because I actually do have to starve myself to lose weight. My dear sis-in-law is the same way; she always jokes about her starving strategy. But I guess to some people this is not a good thing to be asked ...I hope I didn't offend you by saying this. :flowerforyou:
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    I have one friend who keeps telling me I am "wasting away to nothing!" I love her dearly, and I know she means well, but really, I weigh 229 lbs, still have about 100 to go, and am not likely to waste away for a very long time. I also feel it's an insult to those who truly are wasting away, from starvation or illness or disease treatments. She has a relative who is very overweight and has had one of the more drastic bariatric surgeries, and keeps extolling its virtues to me too, which I don't understand as I am obviously doing something right and she thinks I am wasting away... Another friend said I was getting "svelte", and because we are very close friends we had a discussion on what that word meant, and she allowed as how she misunderstood the meaning. (One definition is "gracefully slender, lithe".) She thought it was more in the "getting" part, losing the weight, I guess.
  • enchromaticc
    enchromaticc Posts: 33 Member
    Many times, my parent's friends and my aunts and uncles say: "Wow, you look so much bigger than your age!" Thanks? :ohwell:

    I've also gotten: "Be careful what you eat, a young girl like you should have a better figure." Also, I've gotten offered wine at a party...even though I'm underage. When I said that I was I got the response: "Oh I didn't know! You're so big!"

    My dad also says : "You're going to keep getting fatter and fatter and fatter if you eat like that" :embarassed: Talk about awkward? I've also gotten: "If you keep going this direction, by the time you're my age, you'll be huge!" Or my mom: "You're going to be HUGE when you grow older." Gee, thanks mom.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member

    My dad also says : "You're going to keep getting fatter and fatter and fatter if you eat like that" :embarassed: Talk about awkward? I've also gotten: "If you keep going this direction, by the time you're my age, you'll be huge!" Or my mom: "You're going to be HUGE when you grow older." Gee, thanks mom.

    My husband keeps saying that to me, too. How mortifying~:brokenheart:

    but again, if our family can't tell the truth, who else will?
  • I was 200lbs when I got pregnant. I got so terribly morning (all day) sick that my weight dropped to 172lbs.
    In the 2nd trimester I was feeling better and eating again. I went for a checkup and when the nurse saw the scale at 180lbs
    She told me "I was going to break the scale". I almost broke into tears right there.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    All comments on someone's weight/body are generally kind of awkward and inappropriate, I find.

    I think there've been two recently that were pretty bad, though:

    - this summer, ironically as I was going to the gym, I got on the bus and sat down, and the older lady sat opposite me across the aisle laughed and turned to her friend and said "and you thought YOU had a spare tyre!" and they openly laughed at me whilst everyone around us just looked uncomfortable.

    - one of the secretaries where I'm based told me not to lose any weight, that I should go to the Middle East and get a job bellydancing because "they like big women" (admittedly I *am* a bellydancer in my free time but wtf)

    WTF?? Oh my gawd. People are so stupid. and rude.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    All comments on someone's weight/body are generally kind of awkward and inappropriate, I find.

    I think there've been two recently that were pretty bad, though:

    - this summer, ironically as I was going to the gym, I got on the bus and sat down, and the older lady sat opposite me across the aisle laughed and turned to her friend and said "and you thought YOU had a spare tyre!" and they openly laughed at me whilst everyone around us just looked uncomfortable.

    - one of the secretaries where I'm based told me not to lose any weight, that I should go to the Middle East and get a job bellydancing because "they like big women" (admittedly I *am* a bellydancer in my free time but wtf)

    WTF?? Oh my gawd. People are so stupid. and rude.

    agreed. these aren't unintentional slip; these are plain insults...I thought older people should know better....