Most awkward weight comment



  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    All comments about weight are awkward when you are fat. That's the painful truth...It's when people tell you to lose weight and you don't get it. I've been there...lost 126 lbs.

    They're not any better when you're thin. Being told you need to eat a sandwich is no less painful or awkward than being told to stop eating one.


    Really guys?

    I mean...I'm not disagreeing exactly. And I take this stuff pretty seriously. I NEVER make rude comments to thin people or say "you're so skinny I'm jealous blah blah blah" or "eat a cheeseburger"...not even in JEST because I don't think it's funny. I generally try to make infrequent comments about others' appearance and if I do it's something like a compliment on their scarf, haircut, etc.

    But...I tend to think that in *most* cases, fat-shaming is kind of worse. I'd say out of 100 random people (whether kids, teens, or adults) if you asked them "what would be worse, being made fun of for being too fat or being too skinny" a HUGE percentage would say that it was worse to be fat. There are so many things associated with being fat like laziness, sloppy hygiene, health problems...not the case for being very thin/small.

    Again not really disagreeing just wondering if you truly believe it's EQUALLY bad. I don't see that, I guess.

    Maybe not EQUALLY as I can say from my experience I think comments about looking pregnant hurt more than anything. But for me, I was always very thin as a child and into my teens years. I took dance and rode my bike everywhere. My dad liked to joke that I ate like a horse. But it didn't stop people from asking my mom if she feeds me, or being called names, or having people tell to "eat more, eat more, here have another helping, you're too skinny!!" When you hear it a lot it can have a negative effect. I would stand in front of the mirror and wish I has bigger boobs or a bigger butt, or some "meat" that guys seemed to desire so much. Gahd, I remember a boyfriend gushing to me about this girl he met who had curves and was more what he was looking for so he had to break up with me. Granted, if people tell me I look thin now it does SORT OF make me feel good. I'd don't want to be asked if I am pregnant anymore. I want be healthy and show my daughter what a healthy body image and self esteem looks like. And I want to wear a bikini and not feel like I should have a cover up on.
  • fiaria
    fiaria Posts: 18
    I recently cosplayed a character with a bare midriff. I was showing some pictures from the convention to my younger brother, partially as I was proud of the weight loss but mostly to show the costume. We were looking at a picture very similar to this one:

    He asked if I wanted to lose any more weight, I said just a few more pounds, I'm mostly happy with how I am at the moment. He said 'yeah, you look really good! ...Well, apart from the bump on your tummy. I KNOW! Just tell people you're pregnant!' I couldn't stop laughing.
    Haha, wow, brothers. But I love your Jinx cosplay! What convention did you go to?
  • MucGay
    MucGay Posts: 38 Member
    A patient of mine thought I went and had plastic surgery on my face because my features became sharper.
    Can't blame him, I do have a "face-lift scar" on my right side of the ear/neck area from a tumor removal surgery in the middle of my journey.
  • momtastic2014
    I was working for a missions organization in Jamaica and learned the hard way that Jamaicans are very blunt. One of the Friday free time activities was climbing this mountain to Stickman's house. Stickman came down and the very first thing he said to me was "You're too fat to climb my mountain".... I'm gonna climb that stinking mountain this summer! haha
    My husband is jamaican, so i too had to get used to their bluntness. I lost weight from morning sickness and was also too sick to cook healthy meals for my husband, so he often just picked up some fast food or ate something frozen. He can't cook. When we would visit his family they would tell him that I am losing all the weight and giving it to him. Sometimes they just flat out say we need to stop eating so well haha
  • Rosieannaxo
    I always get awkward weight comments, some are truly funny while some are very hurtful. I can only think of two on the top of my head for some reason.

    1.) I went to Portland, Or. I ate a lot because food in Portland is so amazing and I think everyone should go visit there for the food :). When I came back, I gained a couple of pounds (No regrets!) so I decided to go on a diet. A few days after my return, I visited my grandmother. My grandmother took one look at my sister and me and said the following "Oh, your sister looks so malnourished and thin, she lost so much weight! but you, dear did you eat all her food along with yours in Portland? You look like you gained half of her." And then everyone around us proceeded to laugh along with myself. Though the comment hurt (I mean, who wants to be called fat?), my grandmother has always been really unfiltered. And I did gain a lot but no regrets, I enjoyed every bite! So I took it in stride :)

    2.) So after that Portland comment, I lost 46 pounds. Wahooooo. I'm currently in the normal bmi range and the lowest weight I've been entire life. But I still got a long way to go. While at the mall, my mom was walking behind me and noticed that I have collarbones. So in front of everyone in the store, she exclaimed "You are so THIN! You look like you STARVE yourself! You look anorexic! You have to eat!". I was so embarrassed. Especially because I was standing next to my sister who is the same height and 25 pounds lighter. Also, I was the biggest girl in the room. Then people around me proceeded to stare and a group of thin girls snorted and laughed as they shook they head at me. It was just a big embarrassing situation. I guess since I've always been the fat child, it's just a shock for my mother to see me thinner. But that comment, gosh it keeps me up at night because for some reason, I was just so embarrassed by it!
  • huv123
    huv123 Posts: 54 Member
    After I was diagnosed with my thyroid condition, the specialist asked me how I first realized something was wrong. I told him I lost 25 pounds for no reason. His response: "That's probably a good thing for you." It really tore me up inside, but it was eventually wake-up call to get motivated and lose the weight for good.

    This reminds me when I was in hospital for Crohn's Disease. The resident helping the surgeon told me he had never seen an overweight crohn's patient before (not the exact words, but that is what he meant). I just had to laugh!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    After I was diagnosed with my thyroid condition, the specialist asked me how I first realized something was wrong. I told him I lost 25 pounds for no reason. His response: "That's probably a good thing for you." It really tore me up inside, but it was eventually wake-up call to get motivated and lose the weight for good.

    This reminds me when I was in hospital for Crohn's Disease. The resident helping the surgeon told me he had never seen an overweight crohn's patient before (not the exact words, but that is what he meant). I just had to laugh!

    “grey's anatomy", anyone?
  • moliva4
    moliva4 Posts: 29
    Well... As far as the "you have to eat more, you're too skinny" that was a constant with my older Italian family (well when I was thinner)... Just a normal comment to me at this point, and I figure it's more because they want confirmation that I enjoy their food...


    My ex-boyfriend's best friend (not an ex at the time, and he wasn't present for this) said this other girl was "fat"... he was then describing how big she was and said "She's like as big as you!" Tears were held back, and so they wouldn't come out I was just being really quiet - as soon as I came close to composing myself he'd ask what was wrong, apologized numerous times, and tried to "explain what he meant" which wasn't too far from what was said... This happened about every 15 minutes... Because it wasn't intended on being hurtful, it hurt that much more...

    Uhm... I saw this woman 3 days after we broke up (my ex decided to kiss her in front of me that night) and after seeing her I decided it was a good idea to go back on track for weight loss...
  • imju5tme
    imju5tme Posts: 85 Member
    This past October, I went to the doctor for my yearly physical (this is the doctor who informed me I needed to make some major changes in my lifestyle, God bless her for that!). Her nurse was taking my blood pressure and then pressed her finger into my forearm expecting it to sink in (I guess to see if I was swollen or something), and exclaimed, "Oh! That's muscle!!" Uhhh... surprise?

    Today, 30 pounds lighter, one of my coworkers who, bless his heart, I suspect was raised in a closet and fed under the door due to his lack of social skills (or possibly raised by wild animals), sat down by my desk and leaned over and quietly asked me, "Have you lost weight, or are you just buying bigger clothes?" :noway: Really?
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    In some ways, all weight comments are awkward. :noway:

    Seriously. I hate when people make ANY comment about my weight.
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    When my boyfriend and I first started dating and his mom saw pictures of us together, she called him to find out who I was, etc. He told her that we were seeing one another and her first response was, "You sure do like 'em big, huh son?" It wasn't meant to be hurtful and I took it in stride when he told me, but still. Awkward.

    Another thing that was kind of awkward/funny was that recently I posted a picture of a group and he was in it, and he was sitting bent over and so his stomach was a little poochy (the guy is like 5'9 and between 165-175lbs - so he's not stick thin but he's not fat, either). Anyways, his mom called and mentioned the picture, commenting on how he looks like he's gained weight. His response? "Yeah, thanks mom for calling to be like, 'Hey son! Looks like you're getting fat.'" I couldn't help but laugh at his response.

    I should mention that his mom is an incredible woman and she is absolutely hilarious - both are just examples of speaking before you think!
  • kiwidrop
    kiwidrop Posts: 222 Member
    When I was at my heaviest, about 300 lbs, I went to an aunt's 50th birthday. All my family was there. My family in Jamaican and I absolutely agree about how blunt Jamicans are. Another distant aunt, who I hadn't seen in years came up to me and said 'oh, you've gotten so fat.' It was crushing and felt like a smack in the face....

    After I lost a significant amount of weight, my mother-in-law said 'you've lost so much! My son likes thicker girls, so I wonder what he thinks.' 8 years later and we're still happily married and I'm smaller than I was then.
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    Went to go and get my breast scanned for cancer, and the lady who was checking me laughed and said "You ever thought about getting a breast reduction?"
  • caitlinjm74
    caitlinjm74 Posts: 12 Member
    I had to go and get fitted for a new bra just after Christmas a year ago because my current one was too small. When I told the fitting lady this, she laughed, 'You've eaten all the pies then, haven't you!' Felt really awkward with her fitting me after that.

    Also, a Greek friend of mine just came right out with it and said 'You've put on a LOT of weight since I knew you'. When she saw an older photo of me (when I was doing a lot of exercise) she pointed and said, 'What? But where's your tummy?!' I know she didn't mean badly but still -_-
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    These stories are so painful. I have never been overweight, so I don't know the struggle. But I have gained and lost weight and have heard the weight comments. I can't imagine what it feels like to be asked him i'm pregnant. wtf?????? Even if I wonder, or suspect someone is, it's just good sense to NEVER ASK. Where are people's home training? Good grief...
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    I had to renew my license and was actually feeling good about myself. When I go home my 9 year old wanted to see it so I showed him. He then asked me if they used the fat lens to take the picture............

    That made me laugh out loud!
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    "you know losing a lot of weight makes your face look older"

    so now I have to choose between being fat or looking old. Uh, thanks.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    At last year's extended family Christmas get together, in front of 25 - 30 cousins, aunts, uncles, etc., my 80-year-old grandmother loudly exclaimed when I arrived fashionably late, "Oh my! You've grown so much since I last saw you!" ...Awkward chuckle... Umm, thanks, grandma...! Bless her heart, she said it in the same way she would have marvelled over a child growing a few inches taller. The only growing I'd done was around my waist!

    Gotta love Grandma's - LOL. Somehow they can make a comment and you accept it (may not like it) yet someone else can make a comment and you view it in a totally different way.

    I'm sure one of the most awkward comments would be "When is your baby due". And I don't know who would be more embarrassed the person making the comment after realizing you aren't pregnant or you on the receiving end. Thank goodness nobody has asked me that (yet)
  • tlanute
    tlanute Posts: 13
    I've been asked a few times when my baby is due or how far along in my pregnancy I am.