4 Years of being single



  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    It'd be nice to stop doing my laundry every week, stop cooking every meal for myself, stop spending valentines day alone... etc.

    Solution; do your laundry only every other week, invite friends for dinner and cook for them :smile:

    That's what I do and I have been single my whole life. Luckily valentine's day is called friends day back here :flowerforyou: And I got awesome friends!
  • BettyChampion
    BettyChampion Posts: 40 Member
    if you answered seriously in this thread, please delete yourself

    Some people have no sense of humour. This thread could have been amazing but for all those dullards giving proper advice. Bore off losers!!!
  • Donners185
    Donners185 Posts: 329 Member
    No man!!! Never!! Don't settle. I mean.....it's not your fault women aren't battering down your door fighting over who gets to wash the skid marks off your knickers is it????? Some people in life just seem to get it harder than others and you my friend seem to be one of those unfortunate people. Hang in there!!! We're all here for you! :flowerforyou:
  • shell13b
    shell13b Posts: 55 Member
    Well ONE you never settle and TWO women are not put on this earth to take care of you...relationships are a joint effort. Are you going to help do laundry and cook?
  • cooky_monster
    cooky_monster Posts: 68 Member
    Enjoy being single :happy: And remember the grass is always greener on the other side. Once you find a partner you will probably wish you were single again :laugh:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I meet lots of women, but it's never the right person at the right time. I have certain standards like in school or college degree, into some type of fitness, open minded, that I haven't budged on.

    As seen by some posts, some people see 4 years of voluntarily being single as me having a problem. If I go in relationship for a few months, then women will see me as desirable and won't be seen as stale meat anymore.

    With how awesome I am, I usually get "4 years single? You must be a player."

    I'm habitually single (are we allowed to slap people when they ask HOW AREN'T YOU MARRIED?!) I have standards as well, and I tend to not budge much either, hey I'm only 25 I am allowed to be picky! I feel like you shouldn't ever lower your stands on things like education and well being, I can't date someone I cannot converse with, besides intelligence is sexy! If you have things like "must be 5'4' and 12 pounds and a rockin body", time to reevaluate, you might meet a chubby girl with the potential to be 'the one' but you are too close-minded to see past that, and understand that weight can be lost.

    Thanks for serving your country (if that bit is true) and good luck on your search!

    ETA: I hate laundry just as much as the next person, soooo if that's a requirement, ditch it. No one LIKES laundry

    i dont think theres anything wrong with wanting someone with a rockin body. if thats what you want, and you lower your standards thats settling. i get it, some people dont care and the "inner beauty is what matters. most guys arent in greek god shape either.

    I WANT someone with a rockin body too, but I also understand that there's a rockin body underneath a layer of fat if people want to work at it. I was only suggesting, that maybe he look at that as a malleable 'requirement' people gain and lose weight all the time, if he finds someone who is perfect, but is currently overweight, yet going to the gym and eating right to correct that, he shouldn't wash his hands of her.

    Also, you're the guy who insinuated that all a woman has to offer is laundry, cooking and sex. So I basically take everything you say with an entire gallon of salt, not just a single grain

    thats not what i was saying, i know they offer other things. not triyng to be rude, its simply my preference. im from a small town, want someone with those values.

    Bless your heart, asking a woman "if she doesnt cook or clean what does she offer, sex?" is the douchiest comment I have seen all week, and I hear some douchey things. I say this from a small town in Texas, thank you very much, and advise you kindly shove your 1950's ideals up your *kitten*. In 2014 I aspire to be more than someone's housewife, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen

    wow, you mad? youre a perfect example of why i dont need a GF. good luck with your pant suit wearing goals of 2014.


    I am a "traditional" woman to a degree and I wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole. My younger husband married me because I am not a "feminist" or as you put it "pant suit wearing goals"....

    I feel it is his job to be the main bread winner, it is his job to take the garbage, mow the lawn, shovel the driveway, till the garden, throw in the wood, clean the basement, keep my man child in line etc. I never expect him to dust or wash walls, scrub floors etc. I do that. But I shovel too, keep the fire buring, mow, tend the garden etc. And I work...so guess what if I am doing the "man" jobs he can do some of the "female" jobs....like dishes, laundry etc.

    That being said if that is the type of woman you want go get it but be prepared to be the "sole" bread winner. Most women who cook clean etc don't work. You prepared for that???? You prepared to come home tired everyday because you are working 60 hours a week to keep bills paid cause she is home all day, cooking your meals, doing your laundry, raising your kids????

    You are headed for a long hard road young man....have fun with that.
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    It's been closer to 5 years for me. I couldn't care less about someone doing my laundry but yeah those holidays like vday and christmas do get kinda lonely :( But after going through hell in my marriage I will not lower my standards in what I'm looking for in someone....been there....done that.
  • Still1Workoutatatime
    I bet he puts out on the first date

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Just like OP said

    I wish somebody can do my laundry, clean the bathroom, cook me food....

    wait, is that a maid?

  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member

    if she doesnt cook or clean what does she offer, sex? not trying to be rude at all, but we have guy friends to hang out with. personally id like a more traditional wife. probably why im single i guess. that and i havent been on a date in years.

    Maybe OP meant that his significant other can do laundry, cooking, etc. That has been women's duties for thousands of years(only less in the last several decades). Nothing 'wrong' with wanting that.

    As for him, he can build, move, clean, do other stuff. He doesn't mean he'll just sit back and enjoy.

    Equality doesn't mean that men and women should split everything 50/50. Sometimes women will put in more work in certain chores, sometimes men will. Some men will enjoy doing laundry and scrubbing, most won't. It's not about what sex you are, it's about different personalities.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Ehh I kinda like housework, I perform it with a tinge of hatred and rage, usually work up a sweat, it is like an extra workout for me.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Rather be single than settle
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Most women who cook clean etc don't work.

    My fiance does 99% of the house work (I clean the cat box) and all the laundry. Trash goes to whoever grabs it. I do 99% of the cooking (Also on that note, guys, don't believe women when they say how they're "slaving" over a stove. It's flat out not that hard). Doesn't snow here so I'm not sure who would shovel but I get what little yard work we have. Both of us work full time. Neither of us work 60 hours a week (seriously, cut back and enjoy life more if you work 60 hours). She also she makes at least 50% more than me.
  • Beastmaster50
    Beastmaster50 Posts: 505 Member
    Long term single people need to accept its their fault if they can't find someone. Be the change you seek. Change the person in the mirror and see what happens. No one is "all that". The day I decided to make a point to say something nice to everyone I met, my life instantly got better.
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    Wait...there's a "right one" to do your laundry? :laugh:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Most women who cook clean etc don't work.

    My fiance does 99% of the house work (I clean the cat box) and all the laundry. Trash goes to whoever grabs it. I do 99% of the cooking (Also on that note, guys, don't believe women when they say how they're "slaving" over a stove. It's flat out not that hard). Doesn't snow here so I'm not sure who would shovel but I get what little yard work we have. Both of us work full time. Neither of us work 60 hours a week (seriously, cut back and enjoy life more if you work 60 hours). She also she makes at least 50% more than me.

    Yup I do 90% of the housework, I refuse to take the garbage and clean the cat litter...we split cooking....btw making homemade donuts and bread and pie is hard work...

    We both work full time too and I used to make 2x what he did (he got a better job) I work 40 hours, he works 48 (shifts) but if I didn't work he would be working 60hours to keep us at the lifestyle we are...

    I am not saying women who cook and clean don't work but if you are looking for an "Old fashioned non pant wearing" woman be prepared to get what you wish for because woman who are old fashioned don't want to work...hell "modern" day woman don't always want to work. I don't want to...but I do. But I don't take the garbage that's icky.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I would say NEVER settle for less based on experience. I was single for 5 yrs after I left my partner of 8 yrs. I recently settled for less and it has been a complete nightmare. This Christmas I dumped him and will just be okay with me.
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    if you answered seriously in this thread, please delete yourself

    Some people have no sense of humour. This thread could have been amazing but for all those dullards giving proper advice. Bore off losers!!!

    Maybe you just don't get dry sense of humour :wink: :laugh:
  • mmartinez_az
    I've been single for over 4 years. I consider myself successful, in shape, attractive, etc.

    "I just haven't found the right one."

    At what age or point do I settle for less just so I can 'be in a relationship'? It'd be nice to stop doing my laundry every week, stop cooking every meal for myself, stop spending valentines day alone... etc.

    Sounds like you need a maid not a girl, etheir that or your a Mexican from a ranch.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Most women who cook clean etc don't work.

    My fiance does 99% of the house work (I clean the cat box) and all the laundry. Trash goes to whoever grabs it. I do 99% of the cooking (Also on that note, guys, don't believe women when they say how they're "slaving" over a stove. It's flat out not that hard). Doesn't snow here so I'm not sure who would shovel but I get what little yard work we have. Both of us work full time. Neither of us work 60 hours a week (seriously, cut back and enjoy life more if you work 60 hours). She also she makes at least 50% more than me.

    Yup I do 90% of the housework, I refuse to take the garbage and clean the cat litter...we split cooking....btw making homemade donuts and bread and pie is hard work...

    We both work full time too and I used to make 2x what he did (he got a better job) I work 40 hours, he works 48 (shifts) but if I didn't work he would be working 60hours to keep us at the lifestyle we are...

    I am not saying women who cook and clean don't work but if you are looking for an "Old fashioned non pant wearing" woman be prepared to get what you wish for because woman who are old fashioned don't want to work...hell "modern" day woman don't always want to work. I don't want to...but I do. But I don't take the garbage that's icky.

    Fair points on the pies and breads. I usually save the more elaborate stuff for the weekends though I'm not masterchef by any stretch. I'm talking more meat, sides, casseroles, etc. It's eye roll inducing to hear about how tough it is to throw something in a pan or a dish. Let's face it, the cow/chicken/pig and the migrant worker who picked your veggies did the hardest parts for you.