Most awkward weight comment



  • Mommybug2
    Mommybug2 Posts: 149 Member
    Oh and my mother in law (yep they are the best) hands me a skirt. "I found this in my closet and its too big for me but I thought it might fit you. " Ouch. Worst of all it was a medium and I'm a large.

    The exact same thing happened to me! "Here, this is miles too big for me but it should fit you okay." (This after I had lost 40 lbs and gotten into a size 10 for the first time in years.) The skirt did fit me, but I still felt awful. It went straight into the Goodwill box when we went home.

    Oh yeah and those comments. My always been skinny sister once brought me a bag of clothes and said "Here I didn't buy maternity clothes when I was pregnant just REALLY big clothes. I thought you could wear them now since I'm done having babies."
    A few years later a super skinny girl at work was talking to a girl who was small but pregnant. Pregnant girl says "I had a bridesmaid dress made and they made it a size 18 and even at 8 months it is huge on me" to which the super skinny girl makes a remark about a size 8 being big enough for any pregnant girl. Here is me sitting close to them in my size 14 not pregnant at all :(

    And once I was shopping with a new "friend" and she wanted to go into the 5-7-9 store and says to me and my other size 12/ friend - "Oh you guys can just stay out here since they don't carry clothes for big girls - I mean the racks are really close together so I don't think you'd even be able to get around in there". My other friend and I left her at the mall :D
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    The absolutely charming child across the road yells out "wobble bum" to me when I go outside to collect the mail etc. What gets me about this is that his mother is larger than I am.

    I have a pretty good indication of what is going on in that house.
  • almst50
    almst50 Posts: 5 Member
    Being asked if I were pregnant - even though I'm 4 years post-menopausal...... So much for being motivated!
  • trelisiab
    trelisiab Posts: 5 Member
    I've been asked, "when's the baby due" and my 7 year old daughter is always asking if I have a baby "in there"
  • fitbitsakt
    A number of years ago...I had another 'larger' person - as I was at the time and for many years afterwards - ask me if I was response, 'no, just overweight'.
  • a_linds
    a_linds Posts: 3 Member
    I work with children and I've had more than a few of them ask "if there is a baby in there" pointing to my tummy or ask if I'm pregnant. I don't get upset because they are kids, would be a different story if an adult asked that.
  • ajohnson33
    ajohnson33 Posts: 2 Member
    I got one (well I have many) but a guy I was dating asked me if I needed "specially made pants" because of the size of my rear...mortifying (needless to say he was an idiot and that didn't last long!). My sister and I still joke about it to this day...
  • Mommybug2
    Mommybug2 Posts: 149 Member

    Really guys?

    I mean...I'm not disagreeing exactly. And I take this stuff pretty seriously. I NEVER make rude comments to thin people or say "you're so skinny I'm jealous blah blah blah" or "eat a cheeseburger"...not even in JEST because I don't think it's funny. I generally try to make infrequent comments about others' appearance and if I do it's something like a compliment on their scarf, haircut, etc.

    But...I tend to think that in *most* cases, fat-shaming is kind of worse. I'd say out of 100 random people (whether kids, teens, or adults) if you asked them "what would be worse, being made fun of for being too fat or being too skinny" a HUGE percentage would say that it was worse to be fat. There are so many things associated with being fat like laziness, sloppy hygiene, health problems...not the case for being very thin/small.

    Again not really disagreeing just wondering if you truly believe it's EQUALLY bad. I don't see that, I guess.

    OK - So I'll admit the fat comments hurt/sting while the skinny comments are really just annoying and awkward.

    After I had lost about 50 lbs and was still considered slightly overweight by BMI a co-worker commented about me "wasting away" and I said "Oh I still have a few more to go" and she goes off about how I don't need to lose any more weight from my face. As if I have a choice where it comes from. Sure I'd prefer it all came off my mid-secton but that isn't how it works and she actually claims to have been a personal trainer at one point in life so she of all people should know that :(

    ETA: I think it is more awkward when you know you aren't super skinny or underweight and people make a big scene like you are. I mean unless I have an underweight BMI I am obviously fine and at the time of her comment I was just BARELY in the normal BMI. At that point it feels like they are really just trying to discourage your progress :(
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    "OMG, you lost so much weight! What happened, are you sick? You're not on drugs are you?"

  • rawstrongchick
    rawstrongchick Posts: 66 Member
    I get these comments from women, and all are 'bigger' than me in varying degrees. I'm small framed, but curvy, sporty (so muscled and reasonably fit), and my BMI is 18.8. One of the worst was when a lady I never met before attacked me at a party asking why I was so vain as to "half starve" myself, that my husband "couldn't fancy" me and that I was "setting a terrible example" to my son. I won't repeat my response, but it was equally unpretty.

    It seems you can't win as a woman. If your slim you get inappropriate comments, if your in the 'correct' weight range you get inappropriate comments, and if your in the higher weight ranges you get inappropriate comments!

    When I put on baby weight and I'd not recovered from delivery etc I found I was more widely accepted socially by other women than I am back to my normal self. Sad but true.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Once after an orchestra concert I'd performed in, as we were hauling things back stage, one of the elderly violin players came up to me and put her hand on my stomach--without asking or saying a word before--and said "Ohhhh, you're going to have a baby!" I was like nope, just fat, thanks. I don't think I'd have been so bothered if it hadn't included the touching . . . I'm definitely someone who has a bubble! I threw out the shirt I wore to the concert as soon as I got home that night.
  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member
    When I was younger my mother would always say "You're going to be as big as a house."

    LIke, how is that possible?
  • Mommybug2
    Mommybug2 Posts: 149 Member
    I had to go and get fitted for a new bra just after Christmas a year ago because my current one was too small. When I told the fitting lady this, she laughed, 'You've eaten all the pies then, haven't you!' Felt really awkward with her fitting me after that.

    Also, a Greek friend of mine just came right out with it and said 'You've put on a LOT of weight since I knew you'. When she saw an older photo of me (when I was doing a lot of exercise) she pointed and said, 'What? But where's your tummy?!' I know she didn't mean badly but still -_-

    I started my current job when my first daughter was 6 months. I gained 60lbs and was still 40-50 lbs from my "wedding" weight when I started. A co-worker came over to my desk picked up the picture and asked if it was me and when I replied yes he exclaimed LOUDLY "But your so - your body is..." then he trailed off apparently realizing what he was going to say would be rude and offensive. I laughed it off and said "Yeah I've gained some weight since then, thanks for pointing it out". So at least he walked away as embarrassed as he left me.
  • 9bars
    9bars Posts: 40 Member
    Not me, but I worked in a supermarket and a co-worker on the checkouts was very opinionated. She was putting through someone's shopping, which must have been all junk, getting to a packet of ham she exclaimed oh hooray finally some protein :noway:

    That's reminded once putting our shopping through the operator asked if we were having a party, nope I just ate a lot of cake and chocolate :blushing:
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    I wish it were appropriate to make snarky comments back. It sounds like a lot of you have endured seriously rude people and taken the high road!

    For fat comments/ pregnant comments I would love the common response to be "Thanks for noticing that I'm fat. I'd like to point out that you're very rude and insensitive!" or "Wow I know 5-year-olds with better manners than you!" or "Hey you should really get that blurting problem checked out. I'm so embarrassed for you!"

    And for all the skinny haters I just want to respond with "Thin is relative. Sounds like you're problem not mine!" or "Sure why don't you give me your sandwich and then we can all average out!" or "I'm not wasting away. It's just been a long time since you've seen a waist!"

    The real thing we all need to take up is reminding people "It's not okay to make comments about another person's body."
    (Technically that's harassment when done in the workplace.)
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    OK, this isn't weight related, but while I was on vacation during the holidays I decided to cut off all my hair, when I showed up for work the first day my boss came over and asked, "you cut off all your hair or what?", I jokingly said, "or what" since by this time, I'd had the "hair" conversation quite a few times and was already over it. Of course later I remembered that his wife had gone through cancer treatment the year before and lost her hair though chemo. DOH!!
  • nmslater77
    nmslater77 Posts: 7 Member
    I carry the majority of my extra weight around my middle. So as you can imagine, I have gotten the "are you pregnant" comment numerous times. When men do it, I have to the bell boy at the hotel in CT that barely spoke English and rubbed his stomach while pointing at mine and said "baby?" which I replied "nope, baby is 4 years old, but thanks for reminding me that I have some work to do." Or the man on the airplane that was asking me about my recent trip sailing around the Spanish Virgin islands with my friend and his sailboat...he pointed to my stomach and asked me "so, how far along are you?" which I replied "I'm not pregnant, but thanks for that."

    But the worst is when a woman does it, because COME ON ought to know better!! I was driving my ex husband's Jeep with the windows out and we pulled up next to a minivan full of older women. The lady in the passenger seat looked over at me and asked me when I was due. I flashed her an evil look and said "not should think before asking another woman that question!!"

    But seriously...unless you see the baby crowning, don't ask a woman if she is pregnant.
  • oiypus
    oiypus Posts: 30 Member
    When I was 15-16, I was rummaging through the shoe closet for some boots when my guy friend walked in. When I turned around:
    "You scared me! I thought you were your (tall and skinny) sister. You look thinner when you're bending over."

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I just learned a hard lesson: keep all comments to myself, no matter it's your friend, co-worker, stranger, or celebrity. There are land mines everywhere, when it comes to weight, and body image, especially on the internet...

    It's easy to lose that way too. Invariably you'll have the friend who has lost weight and gets pouty because you didn't compliment them.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    At my current weight I have heard a lot of snarky skinny comments. This one was the worst. One woman said "people are so jealous of your body." Second woman chimed in "it's because she hasn't had kids yet." I have been struggling with infertility for a long time and they both know it too. That one practically made me cry.

    I am so sorry that happened to you. People can be just wretched!!!

    Sort of a different topic...but in the same vein...I have been big my entire life, pretty much, and as a 37 yr old woman I have a typically matronly figure. Large breasts that sag a little (from size and weight loss as well), huge hips and bum, tummy. But I have had the matronly type of figure since I was 14-15 yrs old, it's not a new thing. Anyway I am childfree by choice, I am never having children. But it kind of rubs me the wrong way when it seems like a lot of plus size and female fitness stuff is targeted to "moms losing the mom weight" and "After kids, your 30+ body is wrecked" and so on. It just bugs me in so many different ways!!!