
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Snow was real pretty today, only about an inch and very light, small small flakes, I'm sure it won't stay on the ground long. When the cat comes in my room that means she doesn't close the door behind her. Silly cat, don't know why she doesn't have the intelligence to do that! Anyway, the phone rang at 9 AM and woke me up. I had the alarm set for 10 to get up, eat some breakfast , do my required (LOL) stuff on the computer before my day starts. You know one has to feed your virtual dog in Criminal case and do your mission for the morning mission in Egg Buddies. Class at the Y was 11:15. It's good to see my sister at the Y, we don't see each other as much as we should. We live here in the same city and sometimes go as much as 6 weeks between seeing each other. So I see her 3 times a week at the Y. She is in an aquatics class at the same time I'm in my class. But I go in the dressing room and spend some time as she is changing out of her swim suit. Not a lot of time but at least we see each other. The instructor today does her class totally different than the one on Monday. She used the resistance bands a lot more. I need to see if there is a video on U-tube for me to reference to and do a work out with. I really feel my muscles being used with that.

    I just checked on the internet and my cat's medicine, Atopica, only comes in the liquid. Wish it did come another way. I know when she had pancreatitis and I had to give her pills I would put it in food and she would some how eat the food and leave the pill behind. It's been only 2 days since I started decreasing her dose and so far I don't see any issues. It starts out with a little sore and then the balding starts.

    Well time to get off here, see how my favorite golfer is doing in his PGA tournament today and then get on my bike.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    TGIF! Crazy busy and miss reading the posts! I am still hanging in there....

    Rita from CT
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Goodnight everybody. I closed my food diary with red numbers. Baked brownies for someone who had done me a favor and ate several.
    Hope I have better sense tomorrow!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Good evening,

    Barbie Happiness project came from library when we were out of down so I reordered it.

    Vicki frustrating about fellow worker. In those situations I would try to tell myself I will try to do the best job I can. I cannot control the boss or the other person. Easier said than done.

    Joyce Sorry about your cat. I hope she is improving.

    Plano Teral liked your quote. Glad to have this group to help through the tribulations.:smile:

    Heather tea sounds lovely.

    Meg take care of you right now. Thinking of you.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Liz right direction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mkd scary! Glad you are all okay. (they had an earthquake in their area)

    Sylvia and Linda I had a fun class of kindergartners today! They were cute. The teacher had a blurt board for the ones who needed to stop and think and a kindness board to help us all remember to be more kind. We had more kindness than blurts. A good day!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    evening chica's,
    well all your prayers have been working my brother is in a regular room and out of CICU, and having clear liquids,he is still going through withdrawl's of the meds he was on ,so he had the shakes, and now that his head is getting clearer by the day,he will have some decisions to make, no one can make those for him, they are his and his alone.
    so now i need your prayers for his decision making. I want my brother around a long time
    whatever I had came and went ,thank goodness and I have the weekend off so that is good.
    a friend of ours is giving us a motorized wheelchair for my FIL he is getting very unsteady on his feet and am hoping this helps.
    although it is a smaller chair I am hoping it fits in the house, I will assess the stituation tomorrow
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member

    WHAT do men do all day? Really!?! Huge list for tomorrow's party to be done and you can guess the rest. OK -- now that I'm home from my 10-hr day at the office I've got to get busy.

    BBL.....thanks for listening.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Don't know what it is today, but so many times I've been so tempted to just splurge. Then I remember that quote "what you eat in private you wear in public" and I haven't. Thanks for the quote (I forget who said it originally, but it's a definite keeper)

    barbie - hope Jake gets better fast. I'm sure you didn't mind the extra dog walking....lol

    Joyce - cats do have short term memories but they are also creatures of habit. ((((hugs))))) I see Cynthia mentioned the Easypill. We use Pill Pockets. Don't think you can use them since she can't eat for 2 hrs before and 2 hrs after getting it. But if you ever need to give Melody any medication in pill form, I highly recommend the Pill Pockets.

    Heather - sending you good thoughts for your knee

    Linda - good for you putting yourself first!

    Patty - our Y has, to me anyway, a lot of older members. But the new CEO is very bent on getting younger members and appealing to them. Most younger people leave this area to go to an area where there are more jobs. I always loved teaching the senior strength classes. Those people were always so really thoughtful and nice. Oh, you had a few who would complain about everything, but most people knew that and just let it roll off their shoulders. The seniors, to me, were the ones that I most liked to teach. I'm so very happy for you and really wish you the absolute best taking your test.

    Meg - we know what it's like, you're so busy, all the time. Here's hoping things improve with your dad and your kitty. We'll be here when they do. Remember to take care of yourself

    Heather - have a wonderful dinner. Sending good wishes for your knee

    katla - there's just absolutely no comparison to homemade chicken soup and canned, none whatsoever. Homemade is SOOO much better

    Plano Teral - glad you're so much better now

    Joyce - how wonderful that you see your sister, even if it is just for a short time.

    Cynthia - we all sometimes go over. The important thing is not to do it all the time and I know that you won't. That was very nice of you to make the brownies for your friend.

    Gail - sometimes I think hubbys wait until the last minute, then when they can't get it all done, they look to us to help.

    Exercised, stopped at WalMart for a few things, then went to play mahjongg only I was the only person there so I went to Lowe's Foods then to get Vince his donuts at Dunkin Donuts. They raised their prices! Then came home and we finished putting away all the Christmas decorations. Now all three cars are in their garages!

    Going to look right now for a chili recipe that I can make in the crockpot. Let's see, I have chickpeas that need to be soaked and some kidney beans in the freezer. Maybe I can do something with them.

    Michele in NC
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Wow, what a crazy week. Work is busy, DD has kept me busy too. She's having a rough time and really leaning a bit more on me. I didn't go to the Y tonight but did the wii fit run for about 30 min. Tomorrow is weigh in day....fingers crossed. It's been a good week food wise.

    I'm off to bed early.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    BRRRR, I was always getting a little peeved when Charlie would go overboard when he was cold. And he was cold everywhere. He always wears a hoodie and he would frequently pull the hoodie tight around his head, put his arms in the pockets even in the middle of the summer. So now the last couple of months I am cold. Now with me it's just my hands, but they are freezing. Even if I am outside, and that includes in a car, for 5 minutes it takes a lot to warm up. My best way is to put my hands inside my sleeve or on my belly. I was going to go to Kohl's tonight and look at their work out clothes and see how they fit. There is a sale this week. I also need to got to Target and get some resistance bands. Friday night is one of Charlie's Karaoke nights so I like to shop then. But not now. I hope tomorrow during the day is good. It's 29* right now. A year ago I would be fine at this temp, didn't bother me at all. I don't know what bothers me more, the temperature or the fact that I am getting to be as bad as my husband.

    I have found a video on U-tube on Silver Sneakers resistance bands!!!!! One happy girl. Today I tried really hard to remember what we were doing so I could repeat them at home. But my cognitive problems just won't let me. so I am so tickled I found some Silver Sneaker videos. i hope I can find a full Silver Sneaker classic class. That would be a 45 minute workout I could do at home on the 5 days I don't go to class.

    Margaret, thanks for your thoughts about my cat. She has a n allergy and is on a long term maintainence medicine. She looked so pitiful with all her hair off her chest and belly, even down her legs and tail was starting. Now she has a full luxurious coat. I look forward to taking her to the vet in March for her annual. He is the one who put her on this medicine and got her some relief. Her other vet would just give her a shot of cortisone for temporary relief. So he hasn't ever seen her full coat. When we first got her from the rescue I was wondering if she was part long hair. my previous cat, Adora, was a domestic short hair and Melodies hair is so much richer. Of course I don't know much about the Torteise shell cats, maybe this is their typical coats. And she knows she looks good now, she loves to prance!!! She is my profile pic but has grown a lot since I got her almost 2 years ago.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    LizPlus- love your critter photo...is that a squirrel or a hamster or what? It's cute.
    Meg- Good to hear you're ok and with your father. Hope he gets well soon. I hope also your cat recovers. Seems as though when it rains, it pours!
    Hi to all the new peeps! Glad you found us!
    I'm hungry!! But I'm going to sleep now. Tuckered out, no eating. Trying to stay at 1200 cals. Did JM 30 Day Shred today..day 11!

    Here's a great quote from Mama June, talking about her relationship with her DH, "I'm the one who wears the stretch pants in this relationship!":laugh:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :explode: :explode: :explode: Clicked on something and lost my post, it went back to the homepage :explode: :explode:

    And Breathe!

    quick recap

    Heather enjoy yourself in London and at the posh hotel, take care of your knee.

    Joyce love the photo of your cat - I love torties, we have two tabby cats and a black and white one. Wizz the black and white one is almost 18yrs old and has to take thyroid tablets everyday, luckily we don't have to starve him. He has a pouch at breakfast and when DD comes home from work she gives him his tablet and then a few mins later gives him another pouch. If he eats first he is sometimes sick and brings the tablet up.

    Thank goodness it is Saturday I can relax a bit - no work (only housework).:bigsmile:

    Well better get the exercise done I'm determined to keep it up. I had a bad day yesterday with empty calories (too many of them) so hope to do better today.

    Take care.

    Viv York UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Just off to the British Museum to see the Columbian Gold exhibition. Knee still swollen and stiff but I've strapped it and it's holding in there.
    Meal last night fab. Will tell you more later.:flowerforyou: :love: :heart: :drinker:
    Heather in London UK
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Another wet day in London. My poor gardens are beyond saturated.

    First off, I want to send my love and prayers to all of you who are suffering from aches, pains and ailments or caring for loved ones (human or otherwise) with ailments. As we grow older we seem to need to put aside more time for others don't we? Big hugs.

    Yesterday I got a bee in my bonnet and got in to cleaning mode. I'm not the best housekeeper in the world, but at least like things to be clean even when they are not entirely clutter free. Well, my living room, hallway and kitchen are now spotless. I just need to get my husband on-board to help keep things that way. I have threatened to get a squirt bottle (such as one uses to train pets) and spray him with it when he doesn't put things in their right place. One of my pet peeves is that he always dumps the recycling on the draining board next to the kitchen sink. Why??? There's absolutely no need for it. Walk a metre and put them in the recycling bins!

    Another thing he does which I can't abide is shut the bedroom window. Even though I feel the cold dreadfully, I need the room to be aired - even if it's only for a few hours a day.

    It's a good job I adore him, otherwise he'd be for the chop! (Only kidding - his faults are nothing in comparison to mine).

    I packed two suitcases yesterday. (No, not for my DH - although, if he ever did decide to leave me I know full well that I'd have to pack his bags!) One is an overnight bag for when I have my surgery and the other - much, much larger case is for when I go to Germany once my new granddaughter arrives.

    I really hate not being able to organise my diary. Not knowing exactly when I am having my gallbladder removed and not knowing exactly when I'm going off to Germany - yikes, I need to be in control! On top of that, the other woman who works at the gallery is going away for most of March and April, so my boss keeps asking me which of her days I will be able to cover. The simple answer, and one that I have to remind him of constantly is that I don't know, but the days that I can't cover, my DH will do. He does know that I'm already working every day except Sunday for the next couple of weeks.

    So, as I’m here, I’d better actually do some work!

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Amanda:smile: Thanks for the giggle this morning, I can just see you squirting your hubby with a water bottle:laugh: , and then you having to pack his bags if he were to ever leave:laugh: ! I`m sure it`s very annoying not knowing when your surgery will happen:angry: , and the baby, well they come when they are good and ready:tongue: ! I need to get a bee in my bonnet also, I need to declutter:embarassed: !

    Alison:smile: So glad to hear Sean is doing a bit better:flowerforyou: , hope he continues and realizes he never wants to be in that place again!

    Heather:smile: Sounds like your trip is fabulous! Hope your knee feels better:flowerforyou: !

    Viv:smile: Enjoy your day off work:bigsmile: !!!

    I`m meeting a friend for coffee and shopping today:bigsmile: ! Something fun on this beautiful Saturday! Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in beautiful but cold NC
  • MegaMolly
    MegaMolly Posts: 5 Member
    Hello ladies

    Glad I found you all. Support is always necessary.

    I started diet and exercise 9 days ago. Managed to keep diet at 1000-1100 kcal per day and trying to exercise (brisk walking 30-40mins) at least 4 times per week. So far so good although I might be shedding weight far too quickly. I was amazed actually. Started off at 81kg/178.5lbs and this morning I clocked 76kg/167.5lbs. That's 5 kg/ 11lbs. I know I'm eating 100-200kcals lower than recommended but I got to a stage where I don't feel hungry, so unless I'm doing something very wrong I'd like to stick to this routine for a while. I'm 5ft 3"/161cm.

    However I've just read something about BMI and BMR and am worried about my body thinking I'm starving it and starting to store fat instead. I'm drinking plenty of sparkling water (about 4 ltrs per day) but I'm also finding that I'm getting constipated. I suppose I should increase fibre to counteract that? I'm also thinking that maybe I can continue with this routine until I'm down to 70kg/ 154lbs; then go up to eating 1100-1200kcal while I try to get the weight down to 60kg; and go up to 1200-1400 to get down to 55kg which is my target.

    I've opened my diary, so if any of you are kind enough to have a look and comment I'd greatly appreciate any thoughts. I don't want to be on diet forever. My aim is to get back to normal eating by April (by normal I mean eating 1800 per day and anything extra will have to be counteracted by exercise).

    Thank you :)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Happy Saturday,

    Deedee drinking water as I type.:drinker: Ahh yes declutter the never-ending chore.

    Alison I agree I hope this experience shakes him up enough that he makes the changes he needs too. He is lucky to have your support.

    Gail What do men do all day?:laugh: :laugh:

    Michele like the quote definitely a stop and think moment before I pick up that bowl of ice cream. That cookie dough definitely does not go with my skinnies.

    Sandy hugs to you and your DD. KIDS!

    Joyce I am glad your cat looks like her picture again. She is a beautiful cat.

    Heather hope you like the Museum. Probably tell by my posts I enjoy museums too.

    Amanda love the squirt bottle idea. Hope surgery goes well.:flowerforyou:

    Megamolly kudos on your weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!Yes fiber, fiber, fiber added slowly to your diet. Magnesium helps too.

    Limit TV/computer
    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee.:drinker:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    morning ladies,
    trying to type with a dog in my arms,
    Sean was sent back down to intermediate care and put back on adivan,sometimes I think the drugs they use are worse than nothing..
    the pancreatitis is what is causing all these elevated levels and he is still halousinating,(sp) sorry my spelling has never been great..
    so this is going to be a long haul I am guessing, did get out and race walk this morning and will go run some errands.. going to check out the chair for my father in law, if it is to big, will not take it I guess.. going to make him some food to take over, a run to Sam's and over to see Sean. busy day,but ok.
    I bid for a phone I wanted on ebay 120.00 I guess thats not horrible, and at least I will get a smart phone. anyone have a windows smartphone? I am not a huge techie that will be downloading all sorts of stuff, just the essentials
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cynthia: A couple of women in our group bake frequently. Michele comes to mind. Maybe she can help you devise a strategy to stay out of the treats. I don’t bake unless I plan to eat, for the most part. I did discover that I can manage cupcakes and muffins by having one and freezing the rest of the batch. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I love the kindness board and blurt board. I wonder if I can install them at home for my own use. The one I need most is the blurt board. How does it work, exactly?:huh: :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I agree that there is nothing from the store or restaurant that compares to homemade soup. The canned stuff did help a bit and we didn’t have fresh chicken or time to thaw and cook frozen chicken.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy from ON: I’m sorry your daughter is having a tough time. She’s lucky to have you for a mom.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I’m glad your kitty is doing well with her medical treatments, and sorry you’re having problems with staying warm. I get cold hands when I’m tired.:flowerforyou:

    Susan: Who is Mama June?:huh:

    Viv in York UK: Enjoy your Saturday. I hope you get the rest you need.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Enjoy your time at the Museum. I hope there are plenty of places to sit and rest your knee.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: The one thing I don’t understand is why the doctors can’t schedule your surgery and give you a date. That confuses me. Is there a medical reason for it? You seem to be doing a great job of managing all your uncertainty and controlling the things you can control.:flowerforyou:

    MegaMolly: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. It sounds to me like you’re not eating enough. MFP recommends a MINIMUM of 1200 calories a day. I’ll admit that I haven’t always netted that number after exercise, but it is what I aimed for. Now I’m learning to maintain. I am on a diet for life, but it is a diet filled with the things I love, and no serious hunger or cravings. Long ago I went on a “diet” of 800-1000 calories a day and lost a bunch of weight. As soon as I went back to my normal eating habits, I started regaining the weight, and the new pounds brought buddies. It took a while, but I ended up heavier than ever. Try to find a balance that you can sustain and be happy with. I have used exercise to “earn” extra calories all along so that I can go out with friends and family or have a special treat. It wasn’t fast, but I’ve reached my goal and now I am learning to maintain. There are several others her who have been maintaining for years. Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:

    I’m on the mend, but not well yet. I slept in a recliner downstairs so that I wouldn’t choke and cough all night, and I still don’t feel like taking the dog for a walk. Poor DH would like to get out and DO things, and I’m not ready yet.:noway: At least I"m seeing improvement. :happy: Have a great day.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    What an impressive and motivated group.. so glad i stumbled across you.

    I'm working Vhard to drop 50 lbs by my 50th birthday in one year and am highly motivated to make permanent lifestyle changes to lead a healthy and happy 2nd half of my life. I need to lose 92 to reach my final goal.

    Working from home in Canada for a few months while doing EHR for 11 specialists (gastro, endo, pulm) and caring for my elderly mother - home is Alaska with my hubby, dogs & a very chatty parrot.

    Following the DASH plan in combo with the Mayo Clinic diabetes study recommendations. I'm down 35 overall since last September but really need to kick things in gear to shed the rest of my "insulation"!

    I'm a bit of a blabber-fingers but feel free to ADD ME , I still have a lot to learn and I see that you all are making the WOE (way of eating) work for you.

    Marni (Canookie)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great sat,
    Gonna visit my senior friend,Thelma.She had her 2nd shoulder surgery Wed.
    Hugs to you all:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: