how you got fat?



  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Posts: 98 Member
    Depression and drinking. Traded beer for hiking, still eat the same, 50 lbs down
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    College Double science major and lots of concert/jazz band activities ( I graduated HS weighing 95 (too thin very very fast metabolism) and I graduated college weight 145)
    Eating lots of high calorie vegetarian foods - french fries, pasta, bread, chips, avocados, peanut butter etc.
  • rexiecatmeow
    rexiecatmeow Posts: 43 Member
    I never got over weight but I got unhealthy and added some body fat b/c I was a competitive figure skater and then I stopped in my late teens, when I was on the ice countless hours a day I never had to watch what I ate, so I continued not being active and didn't watch what I ate and I went from a very low body fat to a normal person and I hated it b/c it wasn't what I was used to. I got over that after I got pregnant with my first.
  • boobeey
    boobeey Posts: 78 Member
    I got fat by eating fast food everyday while in high school, began taking birth control and became a true lover of cooking and tasting everything i cooked.
  • Just loved junk food too much as a teenager..
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    I have never really been over weight, but I did gain 10 pounds one summer. My daughters were playing summer ball and had us constantly running, had us eating fast food more times than not! It made me sluggish and lazy which kept me from working out! By the time they were back in school, I was on a mission, I am back to rarely eating out again and working out regularly. I lost those 10 pounds and then lost 20 pounds more than my original weight.
  • davemap
    davemap Posts: 71 Member
    Upon getting my provisional driver's license i then had the Tool's to get around everywhere (with out my skateboard), Then next came the fast food as my parents were not into it. Slowly but surely the combination of not exercising and and eating takeaway alot got the best of me.

    Having said this i was always prone to being chubby when i was younger.
  • kittyd7015
    kittyd7015 Posts: 4,546 Member
    kebabs and takeout
  • Jerrysdugan
    Jerrysdugan Posts: 4 Member
    I find it amazing that for many of us, the weight gain seems to be the result of something else we were fighting within ourselves.

    For me, it was mostly I enjoyed food, lots of food, and I disliked exercise, especially any exercise. Tied in with that was my perspective of the future. At some point I must have lost hope even though on the outside I carried on like I had hope, and I also lost confidence in myself having gone through a professional ringer for a few years. It took my son wanting to be active with me, my wife sharing her concerns for my health with me, and my daughter asking if I looked forward to dancing with her at her wedding (she was only 9 years old at the time, so this kinda freaked me out.)
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    I got fat against my will. When I was a baby I was very tiny and a neighbor said jokingly to my mom, "Wow. She's so tiny. Aren't you feeding her?" she took it as an insult to her mothering skills and way overfed me and my brother. so by the time I started kindergarten I was 100 pounds. after my dad died she really overdid it and by 6th grade I was 180. that was my heaviest. at 12 years old I had to tell my mother to stop cooking for me and had to start figuring this stuff out for myself.

    your mom is effed up. a 100 lb kindergartener. I am pretty sure that is child abuse.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Kids. I stayed that way for too long because I was lazy and had too many excuses.
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    How you got fat?

    If that is not the silliest question ever. Obviously, I ate food. Good tasting food, loaded with calories and sodium, oh, and soda, pop, fizzy drinks or whatever you may call it. I use to double fist the old Mt. Dew cans, sometimes a Mt. Dew IV. Oh and donuts, God, those are good! Oh, and candy, I blame it on Halloween as a kid, you go door to door, ringing the bell, and somebody gives you candy, sometimes lots, and it was freeee!
    Not to mention McDonald's and Burger King. I am thinking about suing those two SOB's for making such delicious food. If it wasn't for them, oh and wait, it's television, I watched so much programming growing up, I didn't have time for exercise. Wait, wait, I will blame video games, I sat playing to many video games.
    No, I know what it was, it was college, all the partying and alcohol, and the stress, I gained the freshman 15 times 4, yeah thats it.
    No, it's because I got married, and settled down.

    (insert sarcasm anywhere)
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    extreme trauma

    that resulting in my padding myself so trauma would never ever happen again

    thats what it really boils down to
  • same here. LOL
  • Stress, depression, anxiety!!! I had alot of bad habits.
  • _Fenrir_
    _Fenrir_ Posts: 471
    By not eating breakfast or lunch, and having a massive carb tea almost daily.
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    A lot of things went on in my life.

    Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism at 5 gained 40 pounds in a month
    School shooting
    Loosing close family members
    Got in a horrible car accident

    During all the rough times of life I chose to eat my pain/sorrow away.
    I was somewhat active until I broke my neck and back in the accident.
  • jspicher81
    jspicher81 Posts: 26 Member
    cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger [...]
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    It was a three-step process.

    Step 1 - stuff food into my mouth
    Step 2 - stuff more food into my mouth
    Step 3 - repeat steps one and two

  • i basically told myself, "ill start the diet ting tomorrow," every freaking day. also the stress with the exams at school didn't help.