any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • Love this thread! I'm 5'3" and weigh 124 currently. I would love to get to around 110-112 where I was before I had my three kids. It's so frustrating because my mom is not supportive at all. She just tells me "oh you're fine, you're skinny" when I have handfuls of fat on my hips, waist, and thighs. I had full term twins so I've accepted the fact that I will never have a flat stomach, but I want the excess fat off the rest of my body. I am extremely small framed, tiny hands and feet (ring size 4 1/2), so any excess weight really shows on me. I love actually seeing support for us girls who just want to feel good for ourselves and not be told "we're skinny already"!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Love this thread! I'm 5'3" and weigh 124 currently. I would love to get to around 110-112 where I was before I had my three kids. It's so frustrating because my mom is not supportive at all. She just tells me "oh you're fine, you're skinny" when I have handfuls of fat on my hips, waist, and thighs. I had full term twins so I've accepted the fact that I will never have a flat stomach, but I want the excess fat off the rest of my body. I am extremely small framed, tiny hands and feet (ring size 4 1/2), so any excess weight really shows on me. I love actually seeing support for us girls who just want to feel good for ourselves and not be told "we're skinny already"!

    You sound just like me! I'm also 5'3" and small framed. We even have the same ring size, although the diamond ring hubby just gave me a couple months ago keeps trying to slide off now! Did my ring size go down??? I have 2 kids and am trying to get rid of all the excess padding that somehow made a home on my midsection and thighs...

    I am going to get down to 115 and reassess, but I would love to be down to 110 by New Year's! I haven't been that small since high school or maybe even jr. high!
  • emh009
    emh009 Posts: 14 Member
    Just the post I needed! I'm new here, 5'8 and starting at 150. I don't know if I necessarily have a goal end weight, I'd like to see 130, but I'm more interested in getting back down to a consistent size 4-6 instead of the 8-10 I'm at now. I've found that forcing myself to record every little thing that I eat has been incredibly helpful so far (the whole two days hah), because if I know I have to write it down and hold myself accountable then I think twice before I eat it. Any other tricks I should know going into this? What are some of your daily calorie goals like?
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Yay! I totally support and am inspired but the people on here loosing lots of weight - but I only have a little to loose - I'm 5"5 and at my heaviest weigh 138 - now I'm 132 and I would like to go back down to my happy weight, 119 :) Any body else find the hardest thing about loosing a little bit of weight is that is comes off so slowly? I lost my first 6 pounds pretty easily, now I feel like I'm swimming against the tide! x
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Yay! I totally support and am inspired but the people on here loosing lots of weight - but I only have a little to loose - I'm 5"5 and at my heaviest weigh 138 - now I'm 132 and I would like to go back down to my happy weight, 119 :) Any body else find the hardest thing about loosing a little bit of weight is that is comes off so slowly? I lost my first 6 pounds pretty easily, now I feel like I'm swimming against the tide! x

    Same here. :\ it sucks too because you know you are so close and you just want to get there already!!
  • shoelady1
    shoelady1 Posts: 2 Member
    So glad i found this post! I am 127pounds and between a size (8-10) european sizes (irish) not sure what that is in American sizes! But I only want to get down to 120-122lbs. I am very smally framed and only 5ft 2", i am thin but i just want to lose these extra few pounds for myself so i totally understand everyone on this post! any advise or help would be much appreciated! x
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    welcome newbies! the last few pounds take forever, I just looked at my history and I lost7 lbs in 10 months (117 to 110) and it is constant vigilence to keep it off. I often wonder what I would weigh if I ate what I wanted.
    I did 1200 cals/day and switched to maintenance, which is 1400 cals/day. It is not so much about the scale anymore, I know I still have a roll around the middle. I would like to be more fit. For now I am just running but I must get into some regular strength training. Maybe I need to get back into 30DS regularly.
    I was married last year and did a "trash the dress" photo shoot last month. I had a lot of fun and like many of the pictures, but I still have a double chin, I guess there really isn't anything to do besides lipo! if anyone wants to check out the pics, please do:
  • jlh526
    jlh526 Posts: 3 Member

    I am in the EXACT same boat as you! My boyfriend has lost about 20 lbs and is at a good healthy level and I am not loosing a thing! He doesnt diet he just does the elliptical. (I swear guys have it easier) I am trying to eat healthier and workout consistently but no results yet. The weekends are totally my weakness-- I go out and then all I want to do is eat because I'm hungover and when I'm hungover I am never thinking about eating healthy. Maybe we can inspire each other to stay on track! I have the last football game this weekend so it'll be really hard but I have got to do something about the weekends! Oh yeah and this week I told him I'm cooking so I have control over what we're eating!

    Glad to hear someone else is going through the same thing :) And yes, I definitely know what you're talking about with the BF losing weight, it is sooo much easier for guys. I have to keep reminding myself over and over that although we might both enjoy food equally, what our bodies will do with that food is most definitely not equal ha. And right there with you on the weekends! I'm really going to try and make an effort this weekend. It's just so discouraging to be healthy all week, and then have it erased from the weekends. SO, this weekend I'm going to try and plan what I'm going to eat after a night out and have it all ready, instead of deciding in the moment.

    Good luck to you with the football games, I know how tough that can be!!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    welcome newbies! the last few pounds take forever, I just looked at my history and I lost7 lbs in 10 months (117 to 110) and it is constant vigilence to keep it off. I often wonder what I would weigh if I ate what I wanted.
    I did 1200 cals/day and switched to maintenance, which is 1400 cals/day. It is not so much about the scale anymore, I know I still have a roll around the middle. I would like to be more fit. For now I am just running but I must get into some regular strength training. Maybe I need to get back into 30DS regularly.
    I was married last year and did a "trash the dress" photo shoot last month. I had a lot of fun and like many of the pictures, but I still have a double chin, I guess there really isn't anything to do besides lipo! if anyone wants to check out the pics, please do:

    You switched to 1200 calories for the lose 7 pounds?
  • shoelady1
    shoelady1 Posts: 2 Member
    welcome newbies! the last few pounds take forever, I just looked at my history and I lost7 lbs in 10 months (117 to 110) and it is constant vigilence to keep it off. I often wonder what I would weigh if I ate what I wanted.
    I did 1200 cals/day and switched to maintenance, which is 1400 cals/day. It is not so much about the scale anymore, I know I still have a roll around the middle. I would like to be more fit. For now I am just running but I must get into some regular strength training. Maybe I need to get back into 30DS regularly.
    I was married last year and did a "trash the dress" photo shoot last month. I had a lot of fun and like many of the pictures, but I still have a double chin, I guess there really isn't anything to do besides lipo! if anyone wants to check out the pics, please do:

    Just had a look at ur pics there they are gorgeous u look tiny in them anyway! Really stunning! well done!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    yes, I was on 1200 cals/day and exercising (but usually eating the exercise calories) and got to goal weight, so I can eat 1400 cals/day to maintain 110 lbs.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    and thanks, shoelady!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I was eating 1420, or something like that, and I just reduced it to 1310 today. Hopefully that'll help me. I've had 2 bad weekends in a row, especially with sodium, and I can't seem to get out of 121 so I am hoping it's from my bad 2 weekends. I am back on track now. I am trying to get down to 110. I am 5'1.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I just read this, not sure if it's valid but thought I would share:
    If winter hibernation tends to pack on the pounds – there are some magic tips to remedy those “feeling fat” months. As easy as trying 4 new tips can help keep weight off and even make you lose fat. Here are 4 simple tips you can do to lose weight during the winter holidays.
    Eat Coconut High in MTCs this fat makes you lose weight, and cannot be store as fat in the body. It acts more like a carbohydrate for immediate energy, without any high glycemic response in the body. Learn more in the ebook “Health Search and Rescue".
    Food Combine Certain foods that are combined together keep fat around your belly. Try this trick - when eating a protein don’t eat it with any carbohydrates. There are easy tricks to combining certain foods for fat lose found in the book “Health Search & Rescue” at
    Reward Yourself with something sweet. Learn and make some raw food recipes that you can take with you to parties and enjoy yourself. Below is a recipe that will help you lose weight in the holiday season.
    Don’t try Miracle Diets There are some diets that basically deprive your body of valuable nutrients, causing you to lose weight, and as soon as you go off the diet, your body tries to compensate and ends up packing on the pounds. Use the food beautiful principles in the book “Health Search and Rescue” and get a custom Holiday Proof diet plan with Nutritionist Sarah King.

    “Not So Hungry” Hungarian Coconut Balls

    1 1/4 cups mashed potatoes

    1 1/4 cups(coconut sugar)

    2 TBS unsweetened cocoa powder

    1/4 cup lemon juice

    2 TBS rum flavored extract

    1/2 cup raisins

    1 1/4 cups flaked coconut

    1 tsp lemon zest

    1/4 cups flaked coconut


    1. - Put raisins together with rum extract and lemon juice to soak up the flavor for 1 hour set aside or start earlier in the day.

    2. - In a medium bowl, stir together the mashed potatoes, coconut sugar, and cocoa. Stir in 1 1/4 cup coconut, the raisin mixture and the lemon zest.

    3. - Roll dough into large walnut size balls. Roll the balls in remaining coconut. Refrigerate for two days, to pull out the best of the flavor ENJOY!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Oh, I have been missing alot of cool posts! Welcome to the newbies!

    Yes, both coconut oil and apple cider vinegar are rumored to be excellent for weight loss, can't seem to take either consistently though :ohwell:

    I have cut my base calories to 1140, since I will be eating my exercise calories I won't go below my bmr. When I resume eat stop eat I'll go back up to 1300 on non fasting days. Everytime I dip below 118, something pushes me back up. It is hard to stay motivated.
    On the other hand, I lost inches. My last 118 a few weeks ago was with a 24.5 inch waist and 35.5 inch hips. Now I'm down to 24 and 35 even though I weigh the same. I went on a job interview yesterday and my size 4 suit was too bug, had to change the pants at the last minute! So, I guess I'll go shopping though I'm probably in between sizes at this point...
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I do not eat my exercise calories, so right now I am sticking to 1310 calories a day.

    I contacted the gym here on base and they are offering 3 free sessions with a personal trainer so I left a message so they can get back to me. I'd really like to talk to one and get some help with the last pounds. I am doing Turbo Fire and have 2 1/2 more months left of it and then I do Insanity, but some extra exercise during Turbo Fire might be great and switching things up a bit. Plus, I want to know if I am consuming enough calories or not. After the 3 free sessions, it's only $10 a session after that which is cheap! Hopefully they do it after my husband's home from work or during the weekend so he can watch our daughter.

    I put my scale in a closet for now. I won't weight myself for about a month. I am sick of seeing it and stepping on it every day. It depresses me!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yeah, my first goal-weight Monday weigh in! I have never been at goal weight on a Monday.
    This week will be hard to stick to my running schedule if I do tuesday/thursday/saturday because I will be at the in-laws for Thanksgiving, and still there for Saturday. Maybe I should do Monday and Wednesday so I only have one day to squeeze in while traveling. It will be too cold to run outside so I guess I will need to find a treadmill somewhere...
    how is everyone else managing? worries about Thanksgiving? I know I will just eat too much because I don't want anyone to give me a hard time.
    The hardest thing is my in-laws chex mix, it is so good, but I found out they make it with bacon grease! AND butter!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    hey everyone, i'm so close to my Thanksgiving goal... I think I was at 120 Sat morning, but it's still that TOM and I had other factors that didn't show 120.. it did show 121, though :D that gives me hope that maybe I'll hit 119 by Thursday morning! I'm fasting today and Wednesday, and then I'll fast again on Friday to make up for Tday... I'm going to eat how I feel like eating on Thanksgiving because plan-and-simple, I like to eat and I deserve it :D I'm sure I'll eat less than past years though, since my tummy has shrunk, but at least I'll still feel like I'm eating how I like to eat :)

    I read that the average American consumes 3500 calories on Thanksgiving - I really have a hard time believing that I do... we'll see. I might log all my food just for the heck of it.
  • I am with you i am 148 and just want to get to 125 and fit into smaller clothing i am starting today by cutting out soda first it is my worst enemy!:happy:
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    I'm at a healthy weight too, but want to get back in shape and stop eating so much junk (and fit into my clothes a little better). I've been at this two weeks and feel so much better, regardless of numbers. Good for you!
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