Diet Coke Cake?



  • winningthin
    winningthin Posts: 31 Member

    I liked your post - solid point about one having the right to make decisions that best suits their own lifestyle and/or preference (my take on your point). All points are well taken in the posts. Great to impart good knowledge, but at the end of the day, one must do what's right for them and hopefully, they're good healthy choices.

    All the best to everyone.
  • laurre
    I agree with you wholeheartedly, and was trying to think of a way to say NO way am I putting any Diet soda is anything I eat. Would you use rat poison for a treat?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I agree with you wholeheartedly, and was trying to think of a way to say NO way am I putting any Diet soda is anything I eat. Would you use rat poison for a treat?

    I just don't understand it myself. Artificial sweeteners are one of the things that they say keep very far away from and yet it is so highly condoned on this website.

    People think they are making a healthier choice just because the calorie count is lower when in fact, the majority of the time the higher calorie, higher fat item is way healthier than the low calorie, artificial sweetener filled alternative.

    Give me a REAL piece of cheesecake made with organic and raw ingredients than a chemical filled box mix cake.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I just saw a recipe for Funfetti cake made with Diet Cream Soda. I wouldn't have even thought about cream soda! Amazing!
    :love: Me neither! Yummy! These will be the next batch I make. Can't go wrong with funfetti!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I actually prefer diet coke cupcakes (I always do cupcakes for easy portion sizes) to regular ones! They are super moist and sooooo good. I don't top them with anything. I actually think frosting would be overkill on these. My favorite so far is red velvet cake mix and 10 oz of Diet Dr. Pepper. Make sure you actually measure 10 oz. though. 1 and 1/4 cup. YUM!

    Me too with the icing thing I didn't even put any on the cake (and I am a huge icing fan lol)..b/c it was so sweet.
    Think for my jobs thanksgiving dinner I'm going to do the red velvet cupcakes (my boss will appreciate this as she is dieting too)
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I have to admit, I was kinda skeptical about this, but I figured what the heck. So friday night My bestfriend and I made it. We used 1 box super moist devil's food and 12oz of diet coke. Nothing else. As it started to fizz when we added the stuff together, we both got pretty nervous. When it was done, It was so soft and fluffy and smelled so good. I tried it. It was sooo good. Didn't even need the cool whip frosting. Even her 8 year old daughter liked it!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    For sure!!! It is really yummy!!!
    By taking out the eggs, you lose not only the extra calories but the extra cholesterol and sodium.
    When you add the can of diet soda, depending on which one you use, all you are adding is a small amount of sodium which is going to be divided by the whole cake. So if you have one that is only 20 mg for the whole cal then you are adding maybe 2 mg of sodium for each piece of cake eaten.

    And for the person who said it is only 50-75 calories per peice of cake difference... while you are right, that is a big difference for some when they are already losing 170+ calories to indluge in this little treat and may only be eating 1200 calories in a day.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    For sure!!! It is really yummy!!!
    By taking out the eggs, you lose not only the extra calories but the extra cholesterol and sodium.
    When you add the can of diet soda, depending on which one you use, all you are adding is a small amount of sodium which is going to be divided by the whole cake. So if you have one that is only 20 mg for the whole cal then you are adding maybe 2 mg of sodium for each piece of cake eaten.

    And for the person who said it is only 50-75 calories per peice of cake difference... while you are right, that is a big difference for some when they are already losing 170+ calories to indluge in this little treat and may only be eating 1200 calories in a day.

    I would gladly consume the extra calories to have REAL FOOD MADE FROM WHOLE INGREDIENTS. But then again, I don't count calories and I only indulge a couple of times per year on VERY special occasions.

    Boxed Cake mix and Diet Soda are NOT REAL FOOD.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I would gladly consume the extra calories to have REAL FOOD MADE FROM WHOLE INGREDIENTS. But then again, I don't count calories and I only indulge a couple of times per year on VERY special occasions.

    Boxed Cake mix and Diet Soda are NOT REAL FOOD.
    Seriously - why do you keep posting if you disagree with the topic so much? If you don't like it, great, you don't have to eat it. Nobody is forcing you to eat anything you don't want. Just as with the rest of the posters, choosing to eat the cupcakes. Goodness, just agree to disagree.

    Just sayin.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Here's a link to Hungry Girl's different cake versions. Enjoy! :drinker:

    F/U later Mae
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    JStarnes, My sentiments exactly. How many times did she re-post? Grokette we have seen your posts and understand that we all have a choice and some choose to enjoy things you do not. This is a hard enough journey for most and we are doing the best we can. The reference to condom lube was uncalled for. You enjoy your treats your way and we will enjoy ours our way. We (chemical eaters) agree to disagree so let it go and be happy on your own personal journey. This is supposed to be a supportive forum please keep it that way.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    JStarnes, My sentiments exactly. How many times did she re-post? Grokette we have seen your posts and understand that we all have a choice and some choose to enjoy things you do not. This is a hard enough journey for most and we are doing the best we can. The reference to condom lube was uncalled for. You enjoy your treats your way and we will enjoy ours our way. We (chemical eaters) agree to disagree so let it go and be happy on your own personal journey. This is supposed to be a supportive forum please keep it that way.

    How is it uncalled for when I learned it from a fellow MFP'er? He listed what the chemicals were that are in Cool Whip. Do you not want to know what is in the so-called food you are eating?

    I am being supportive by posting the HONEST truth to people. Most people don't understand what the hormones, antibiotics and chemicals are doing to our bodies, your emotions, your temperment, etc are all affected by the CHOICES you make.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I would gladly consume the extra calories to have REAL FOOD MADE FROM WHOLE INGREDIENTS. But then again, I don't count calories and I only indulge a couple of times per year on VERY special occasions.

    Boxed Cake mix and Diet Soda are NOT REAL FOOD.
    Seriously - why do you keep posting if you disagree with the topic so much? If you don't like it, great, you don't have to eat it. Nobody is forcing you to eat anything you don't want. Just as with the rest of the posters, choosing to eat the cupcakes. Goodness, just agree to disagree.

    Just sayin.

    I want people to know what is in the food they are eating. I am not being disrespectful or anything, just pointing out facts.

    people should be more concerned about what they are allowing the food manufacturers to do to our food supply - which is to make a whole bunch of fake foods.

    Others have posted in agreeance with me and just like you all, I have a right to voice my opinion also.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Ok. I won't bother with it anymore, Grokette. It's a waste of time.

    I LIKE my chemical cupcakes.
    Whip me up another, Beaker! :tongue:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I just don't understand it myself. Artificial sweeteners are one of the things that they say keep very far away from and yet it is so highly condoned on this website.
    Condoned by who? I don't mean to barge in, but its not like there are health food police on MFP. Everyone on here has the right to eat what they choose and what they feel is best for them. Everyone ought to also be aware that these forums are NOT moderated by health professionals and any advice or tips given are not necessarily the most health conscious. And if for whatever reason someone wasn't, there are countless self-righteous know-it-alls to remind us daily -- It's hard to imagine anything being condoned or not on here.

    If I suggested that MFP "condoned" BeachBody products just because they allow the obnoxious trainers to constantly post a barrage of obnoxious promos all over this site, I'd be missing the point of the site entirely. It's a forum for people to post what they want. And if other people want to eat aspartame, please get over it. And while you're at it, get over yourself.

    It is so frustrating to see these kinds of posts all the time... I rarely agree with what other people choose to eat, but a majority of grown adults are not looking for another over-bearing nagging mother. If someone wants your advice, they'll ask for it. The recipe section is not such a forum.
    End Rant
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Megalayne,, Well said! Thank you.
  • duckdogs
    duckdogs Posts: 31 Member
    Sometimes people have to do what they have to do to keep them steady on their course. Someone who has alot of weight to lose could benefit from a "Diet Holiday" by having a special treat. Unless we all lived in a cave, hunted down our meat and ate the roots and grubs we found we would all be in a perfect world-wouldn't we. Not too realistic, though. Then we would get the vegetarians on our cases - Joke, joke ; o ) - hunting down meat!

    I get truly tired when people blow off others who are trying. Yes we need to be healthy and yes we need to stay away from
    "Bad foods" but sometimes we need a little help through our menus/day. I drink loads of diet pop and I like the occasional cake-mix. If we can trim the calories great. It would be a wonderful world indeed if we could eat scratch carrot cake forever - but - that's kinda where I got my XL butt from in the first place.

    A realistic piece of Chocolate cake - please - I need a lift ;oP:noway:
  • RachM
    RachM Posts: 113 Member
    I for one think this cake idea is AWESOME! I plan to make one this weekend, and if all goes well it might very well be my go to recipe. Everyone should be able to eat what they want, who cares? You make a choice every day what you put in your mouth, be it highly processed food, high fat food, high carb food. We never see the Living life low carb people on here complaining about what we put in our mouth! Good for you for being very cautious with what you eat, I for one am really busy and choose to not spend my extra time making sure everything i eat is organic or nautral. I believe its all in what we choose to direct our enegry towards, but good for you for taking the time to care! :smile:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    mmmmmmmm better life through chemistry :)

    Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

    Enjoy your day and don't let any grouchy people get you down!
  • emmerrs
    emmerrs Posts: 158 Member
    I want people to know what is in the food they are eating. I am not being disrespectful or anything, just pointing out facts.

    ***people should be more concerned about what they are allowing the food manufacturers to do to our food supply - which is to make a whole bunch of fake foods.***

    Others have posted in agreance with me and just like you all, I have a right to voice my opinion also.

    That middle bit up there, that is being judgmental, you've told people what they should do and what they should feel. Generally speaking, people like to have their own opinions and not have others opinions forced on them.

    From time to time, I eat boxed cake, I eat kraft cheese slices, and I drink diet soda on a regular basis. I know what is in those foods, I know they aren't good for me and I choose to eat them anyway. That is my right, and its also your right to not to follow my example.

    However, you are not right in saying that people should do certain things, tell them that your way is the way that they should do things, and put down what they are doing.