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support for Binge Eating Disorder



  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I got on MFP last night with the intention of posting a question asking if anyone else has binge problems. Then I found this!!!! :flowerforyou: THANK YOU!!!!

    I thought I was pretty much alone. All the TV shows I've watched about people who binge show them going from fast food joint to fast food joint to grocery store to pizza place, eating and eating and eating some more. But ... that's not me. I eat healthy, I've lost over 50 pounds, and on some days ... after I've eaten to my fill ... I get this craving. I go into the kitchen and finish off a block of cheddar. Then reach for something sweet. Then want to get the sweetness out of my mouth and find some crackers. Then I want something sweet again. Then maybe some chips. I do this till I almost feel sick or get so disgusted with myself that I stop. :sick:

    I've been trying for years to get this under control and it goes in waves. Right now, I'm feeling in control and can stop myself at a couple bites if I'm craving something.

    But ... I don't understand why I'm doing this. I'm the type of person who likes to be in control of everything. I plan my days out by the hour, typically. And, trust me, those days don't include binges!! But, they sneak up on me and when I'm out of control, I go all out! :grumble:

    It's embarrassing. And, I haven't talked to anyone close about it. Really not a fan of going to therapy - mostly because I have a feeling I'll just be telling them what they want to hear and not really examining myself.

    So ... here I am. Hello. :flowerforyou:
  • Welcome Leigh14!

    I'm glad you found us, I hope you find this helpful It is a daily problem for me some days I do great. Others are crappy just take it each day at time and hour by hour.

    Bad day for me let myself get to hungry then it hit me binging got to hate it. The rest of the day will be better.

  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Thanks Krymsen. :smile: Sorry about your binge ... glad you took the positive route and said the rest of the day will be better!

    I have read a great deal of older posts on this thread, but not all of them. Has anyone really identified the root of their binge issues?
  • tks, I'm still trying to figure it out, sometimes I just don't know. But one thing I have figured out is stress is a huge trigger for me. So I'm trying to work on handling it better.

    Good luck to you!

    Question this may be TMO just thought I would ask to see if anyone else is going through this.

    I had my tube tied after my son was born, 3 years ago. I started to binge again in Sept. of 10. But I have not had my period for 100 days now I know stress is a big factor in it and weight gain and weight loss. And working out alot does not help.

    Anyone else having this problem? Missing period from binging?
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Missing your period is probably from the excessive exercising. I don't think you are old enough to be going thru the changes. I know it has been 2 months since my period and I may be going thru menopause or it could be from exercise. I am just making sure I keep track of it.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Well I did good today. I have had 2 good days so far and no binges.

    Hope all is well, have a good day tomorrow!

    Good night!
  • I just found this thread and I'm so glad that I did...I felt like I was the only one this happens to. I had 2 days of sticking to my diet and then tonight I binged on a ton of cookies smothered in nutella and the whole time I'm telling myself don't do it but I couldn't stop. Needless to say when I tried to talk to a friend about it they didn't get it and I ended up feeling down and alone. I'm almost crying...this is the first time I haven't felt alone!!!
  • Welcome sarahsanchez79!

    No you are not alone I understand about trying to explain to people they just don't get it sometimes. Just type it out in the forums or in a Journal how you feel it really does help to get an answer from people who are going through the same thing. No you are not the only one.It is bad that I thought the cookies sound really good right know lol! Sometimes crying really does help though I fins if I just let it out which I have a hard time with instead of bottling it up I feel way better.

    But no binging for me right know I feel great today, hour by hour.

  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Bumping to read this tread. Not sure if I'm ready to share yet, but I can relate to a lot that has been posted on here. Nice to know I'm not alone.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Welcome Sarah and Megjo!!


    It is OK to lurk and post if and when you feel comfortable! This is a great support group!
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I binged last night and felt terrible. That's the first time in quite a while... but I struggle with NOT doing it ALL the time. I had the cheese off two pieces of pizza, a couple slices of cheddar, some crackers, some mint chocolate chip cookies, some sugar free vanilla wafers and even more cheese. :sick: I laid down afterward wondering how I could do that to myself and feeling completely disgusting. I tried to look at my feelings, but ... I didn't really have any sadness, anger, stress ... I was just bored. And the food tasted SO good. :sad:

    Today I'm cutting back on my calories pretty severely. Feels kind of like a punishment for eating so much last night. And, even though I know it probably won't make a huge difference and is probably worse for me than if I were to go back to my regular eating schedule .... I feel better knowing that I am paying for my binge.
  • Hey Leigh14!

    First off forgive yourself and keep your self busy so you don't get bored and binge. I find if I have nothing to do I eat so keep busy.
    Just go back into your regular eating route becuase beating yourself up will only make it worse just a thought I have done it so many times.

    I hope your day is better.

    I'm doing great today I even was able to eat only one choc. bar and not go in to a binge. Pat on my back that I was able to only eat one and leave the rest for other day. I'm so proud of myself.

    Have a good day everyone and good luck!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I binged last night and felt terrible. That's the first time in quite a while... but I struggle with NOT doing it ALL the time. I had the cheese off two pieces of pizza, a couple slices of cheddar, some crackers, some mint chocolate chip cookies, some sugar free vanilla wafers and even more cheese. :sick: I laid down afterward wondering how I could do that to myself and feeling completely disgusting. I tried to look at my feelings, but ... I didn't really have any sadness, anger, stress ... I was just bored. And the food tasted SO good. :sad:

    Today I'm cutting back on my calories pretty severely. Feels kind of like a punishment for eating so much last night. And, even though I know it probably won't make a huge difference and is probably worse for me than if I were to go back to my regular eating schedule .... I feel better knowing that I am paying for my binge.

    Punishment has a severe sound to it. I recommend working on your mind set and forgive youself. You are not a bad girl because you binged last night. Sure it was not good but that does not make you bad either. Forgive yourself and think positive thoughts. Today is a new day. One day at a time. So put yesterday behind you and get back on course today. I also do not recommend severe cutting back today. The YO YO eating is no good and sends your body mix messages.

    And lastly remember your poor choices do not make you a bad person or a person who needs a punshment. This is stinking thinking and is very hurtful for you......:-) Have a better day today!
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    I got on MFP last night with the intention of posting a question asking if anyone else has binge problems. Then I found this!!!! :flowerforyou: THANK YOU!!!!

    I thought I was pretty much alone. All the TV shows I've watched about people who binge show them going from fast food joint to fast food joint to grocery store to pizza place, eating and eating and eating some more. But ... that's not me. I eat healthy, I've lost over 50 pounds, and on some days ... after I've eaten to my fill ... I get this craving. I go into the kitchen and finish off a block of cheddar. Then reach for something sweet. Then want to get the sweetness out of my mouth and find some crackers. Then I want something sweet again. Then maybe some chips. I do this till I almost feel sick or get so disgusted with myself that I stop. :sick:

    I've been trying for years to get this under control and it goes in waves. Right now, I'm feeling in control and can stop myself at a couple bites if I'm craving something.

    Thank you for posting this thread!!! I completely 100% am in the same boat! I do not binge every day but almost guaranteed 1 day a week! I start eating something, and it's usually if I start with something unhealthy, like candy, cupcakes, pizza, etc. Then, it's like a switch turns on and I am a madman, I can't stop eating no matter how much I try! I get to the point of no return and suddenly my day (and usually the next 2 days) in a deep depression. So, basically, I eat poorly 1 day and it effects 1/2 my week! It's horrible. It's a horrible feeling and I don't know how to stop it! Why can't I just have one cupcake...or slice of pizza...or____? :cry:
  • I am at the END of a long binge cycle. I still logged everything I ate even though it was terrible. Does anybody else just try to make themselves feel worse on purpose during/after a binge by blogging about it or calling themselves a failure?

    I was really lucky that my MFP friends gave me advice instead of telling me to shut up ^^; Let's all work hard to FIGHT the downward spiral!

    This was the worst and longest binge eating episode of my entire life, ever. I made myself feel physically sick every day. It needs to STOP!
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    I am at the END of a long binge cycle. I still logged everything I ate even though it was terrible. Does anybody else just try to make themselves feel worse on purpose during/after a binge by blogging about it or calling themselves a failure?

    I was really lucky that my MFP friends gave me advice instead of telling me to shut up ^^; Let's all work hard to FIGHT the downward spiral!

    This was the worst and longest binge eating episode of my entire life, ever. I made myself feel physically sick every day. It needs to STOP!

    Hang in there girl! You can do it!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Welcome Sparklewolfie and Kpopa!! Not sure if you posted here before but it is the 1st time I've see you.

    Today has been good for me so far. I am not going to binge tonight. This will be my 3rd good day this week!

    One day at a time!
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Mel - Forgiveness is hard sometimes; I think I have a huge fear of failure, so forgiving myself for temporarily failing is SO hard to do. But, I'm working on it!! And, I'm keeping myself busy tonight as the food calls to me from the kitchen. I'm on here typing to you guys!! :flowerforyou: Congrats on only eating one chocolate bar!! That's a huge feat - especially if those things act as your trigger.

    Molly - You said punishment has a severe sound to it. I think that's why I feel better when I *do* punish myself ... because binging is severe, so I want to go in the complete opposite direction to the exact opposite action. But, what you say makes sense. I'm not bad because I binged ... it's a part of me I'm going to have to learn to deal with. Thank you for your logical advice; my logic was SO screwed up last night!

    kpopa - welcome!!!! I understand you completely when it comes to not understanding why my stop-eating mechanism is broken! lol, it's a battle. Let's fight!!!!! :devil:

    Sparklewolfie - I log my binges, too! And look at them in disbelief. And I absolutely try to make myself feel horrible when I'm binging ...... I've even tried looking in the mirror while I'm doing it! But, I feel so out of control and out of touch. It's the weirdest feeling ever... especially to someone who is used to being in control. Let's beat this binge monster!

    Today I tried to focus on eating only when hungry. I did end up coming in under my calorie goal, but I am not physically hungry. If that physical hunger comes before bedtime, I'm going to have a small spoon of peanut butter. If it doesn't, I'm going to bed - and thanking God! LOL
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good on control with the candy bar

    Good on control maintained today.

    We can do this y'all!!!! This is the end of the thread, the next post will start part 2. See you on part 2!!

    Good night!
This discussion has been closed.