Husband does not get it??



  • silverinc13
    silverinc13 Posts: 216 Member
    I hear you, my gym opened late this morning so I said I guess I'll just go into work an hour late - and he says oh no don't do that! Men :P

    This guy is dead weight! Good lord, drop him before he turns you into one of those bedridden fat sacks you see on TLC.

    I know right, his priorities are so off - I think he was just mad that I was driving over the snow on the driveway before he could snow-blow it, thus making it a requirement that he shovel instead of snow blow. So lazy.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    My husband has said he is afraid I'll get skinny and leave him. I assure him I'll NEVER be a skinny woman, but I want to be strong and healthy to insure I'll have a long life with him. That being said, he always worries when I walk alone even though I carry pepper spray, but he just plain worries.

    once I get my permit ill be carrying a gun if I walk alone....if its pepper spray it will be the one that shoots a 13ft stream at 90mph kimber pepper blaster.....the spray has to be up close and you will be in range yourself
  • Rebekah718
    Rebekah718 Posts: 134 Member
    I think he genuinely is concerned for you maybe next time suggest he come with you. I think it's hard when our husbands seeing us change but nurture them and fill him up with praise let him know you might change your life style but your heart still be!songs to him.
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    If your husband's not getting it from you he'll get is somewhere else. You might want to rethink that.
  • angel1776
    angel1776 Posts: 15 Member
    Only you would know if he is genuine or trying to sabotage your efforts. A lot of us go on and on about our weight loss/ increased fitness because we are so proud of ourselves and some spouses just don't understand it or get bored with hearing it.

    I would say that -40 windchill is really cold, so at least wear hats, gloves and good socks and running shoes. I used to do a lot of running for hash house harriers in the past and when it was snowing and cold, I had a rain mac type coat. it was thin, so easy to wear and carry if I got too hot, but also is waterproof and keeps the windchill off. as long as you are safe and warm, then carry on with your efforts.

    In my experience, men do love their partners looking better and better, but either enjoy other men looking, knowing they can't touch... or if they are insecure, hate it if other men are looking. Only you know which one is your husband. That said, you should be doing this for you, no one else. Good luck x
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Lost faith in humanity.................
    sarcasm meters need adjusting
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    whats -40c?

    I just read another post from OP - running in -40 in a sports bra? Are you egging him on for a reaction? Invite him to join you on your runs.
  • Hi guys, I've seen you help others on here for martial problems before, and i finally need it..

    I was going to go running today.. My husband said it was too cold and that he was worried!! Is he worried that I'm going to get too hot and leave him?? is this sabotage?? I told him that I'm my own woman and I'm doing this for me!! He said honey you need to put on a coat and hat if your going to run in -40 windchill.. But I read that running increases your body temp anyway, so i told him to check the science. plus being cold burns more calories!!

    I'm really upset right now!! why doesn't my husband get my fitness journey?? any advice??

    Sounds like he is worried and I am in Texas so I am much more sensitive to the cold. Most times I gave up on exercise was because I get out in 30 degree weather and back in the house. Now I am trying to imagine -40! Plus you are not going to warm up in 2 seconds, maybe a minute after running and that is just enough time to catch a cold.

    Also you can turn this around "well if your that worried you can buy me a treadmill or a gym membership and I wouldn't be outside"
  • Jgal8123
    Jgal8123 Posts: 1,378 Member
    Lost faith in humanity.................
    sarcasm meters need adjusting

    No kidding! LOL
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    thanks for some help and no thanks to the rude people on here attacking me!!

    He doesn't do it every time, just when i go out running in a sports bra.. I think he doesn't want others to see me?? I only started running since new years.

    Also not canadian lol! I live in michigan!

    So your husband didn't want you to go running in a -40 windchill in a sports bra, and you believe you have marital problems? No, honey. It could be classified as a problem if your husband was pushing you to go running in -40 weather because he wants you to lose weight. Count this as one of your blessings that your husband generally cares about your well-being.
  • syedsaad
    syedsaad Posts: 156 Member
    Seriously ? come on your husband is worried about you and telling you not to go out in cold without proper gear .... i am not saying that dont go ..... but atleast dont suspect his intention ....
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    -40 windchill is extremely cold and extremely dangerous.

    I honestly cannot tell if this is a trolling post or if you are serious because this seems insane to me - and I'm from Iowa where it gets just as cold.

    My thoughts exactly.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    -40 windchill is extremely cold and extremely dangerous.

    I honestly cannot tell if this is a trolling post or if you are serious because this seems insane to me - and I'm from Iowa where it gets just as cold.

    My thoughts exactly.

  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    "He said honey you need to put on a coat and hat if your going to run in -40 windchill.."

    I think he was looking out for your health, he most likely did not want your boo bees jamming the snotcicles up your nose and intefere with your breathing.

    Just one old man's opinion......
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    Do what you want, what you want with your body....channeling a little R.Kelly and Lady Gaga
  • esquire9
    esquire9 Posts: 91 Member
    whats -40c?


    Typical american answer - metric is not a "canadian" thing. There's only 3 countries in the world (US and 2 other 3rd world countries) that still use the backwards imperial system, maybe it's time for the US to step it up a notch.

    If you dont like it stay out.
    You need all the tourism you can considering your country is on the verge of bankruptcy.

    I was going to say something bad about Canada, but I just can't. You gave us Mario Lemieux...


    ... and Sidney Crosby.


    You people are beautiful.

    Speak for yourself...they also gave us Justin Bieber

    LOL winner !
  • loz7801
    loz7801 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd say You must have a pretty good life if this is the **** you're worried about.
  • esquire9
    esquire9 Posts: 91 Member
    What is sarcasm ?
    Lost faith in humanity.................
    sarcasm meters need adjusting