

  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Just saying Hi, no time to read as I'm at work. I have two appointments to train at the Y tonight and will hopefully be home by 7:30. I plan to catch up then.
    Everyone have a healthy and happy day,
    Patty, Cincinnati
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: it's a snowy Thursday here in Colorado,

    Just time to pop in say I read but not time for comments. Way behind on work have my Chiro appt at 10 so will try and get some work done before I leave.

    DIL #2 had a mold midigation person out yesterday and they told her she has mold on two walls in her basement and that it probably is a result of all the rains we had back in September. She has to get everything out of the basement, tear out the walls and parts of the floor to get it taken care of. Of course it's the kind of work our Son #2 could do if he was home...but alas he's in Afghanistan...this couldn't have come at a worse time...here she is with three boys, pregnant with baby girl due in April, hubby out of the country and now this. The positive is that we are here and so are her parents so we can help with child care....at least we can as soon as we get the boxes emptied.

    Everyone have a good day. I'm still forgetting to close out my diary at the end of the day:grumble: gottl start remembering to do that.

    Laura80111 in Colorado
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    Just marking my place. I really need to take time to de-stess from this week!

    Going Crazy Rita, from CT
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Good afternoon, beautiful ladies!:flowerforyou:

    Margaret - I am just staying in NYC. I think there is more than enough to occupy me there and I like to do things "properly", not just fly by.:wink::tongue: I like to try to get under the skin of a place. City breaks are one of my favourite things in life.:love:

    Alison - what a marathon. Your DSIL is so lucky to have you! I bet the thief couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the keys waiting for him on the wiper! ! ! !

    Well I am waiting to hear back from my brother who has got the day wrong of the Burns Night dinner. He thought it was Friday and has now got to see if he can reorganise the babysitter. He can bring them if he has to, but, as young teenagers, they wont be best pleased! This is the second time he has got a dinner wrong. One time he turned up a week early with the whole family! He also seemed to have forgotten we arranged a time as he asked me again. Hmmmmmmm. I hope it's just because he is super busy.:ohwell: I just want them to come!:sad:

    I've just made the chocolate fudge cupcakes for DH and they look fab. I will have one small bite, but I did lick the bowl - yes Michele! DH has gone out to look at cars as he is thinking of getting a 4×4 with all the floods we keep getting round here. No snow this winter yet, but we can get a lot of snow in our country lanes. He wants a small diesel. Any way, it's nice to have the house to myself.
    Anamika - I put on BBC Asian Network. At this time of day they have "old school" songs, which are great for dancing to.:bigsmile:

    My new artificial spring flowers have arrived. They are so pretty - narcissus, tulips, snowdrops, rananculus, and fritillaries in a cream enamel jug. They don't look quite right in the place where I was going to put them, on the front windowsill, so they are on a side table in the living room. I might move them to the kitchen table when the real flowers I have on there have died. I adore real flowers, but we have radiators under all the windows which is the kiss of death for flowers. I do buy real flowers regularly, much to DH'S amusement, even in the summer, because I can't bear to pick many from the garden.:laugh:

    My friend whose party it was at the weekend rang this morning and we chatted for an hour. She is so happy with the way the party went.

    Ah well. Beginning to feel lonely now. Come home DH!:bigsmile:

    Heather in dry, for once, Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I read the thread about the husband who pays his wife to lose weight and she seemed quite pleased with the deal. If she’s happy, everyone should be happy along with her. Good luck to your son regarding his marriage and family. With his health challenges, it would be nice for him to have a happy home life.

    Joyce: I’m sorry you had a hard time sleeping. You do have a lot on your mind. I’m sending prayers and good wishes for your DH. You seem to be doing well with blood sugar control. That is excellent news.

    LucyT in DE: I am thrilled that you found a good man and will be celebrating your anniversary. The weather will change. We have doggy booties for our dog when it is icy. They come in sizes and you can find them in the chain pet supply stores.

    LinC: You can improve your own health even though you can’t take away the starting spot. In my case, I started out with knee pain and was mad that I was unable to do something I wanted to do, enjoy my horseback riding lessons. The anger gave me enough motivation to turn my life around. I was lucky to find MFP and the tools to get the job done. My trike is my goto exercise option and I love it. It is a road trike, but I have it on a stationary trainer. It has done wonders for my cardio health and also my b*tt. Sometimes I use it to “buy” treats or make up for going over my calorie limits. Since it works to lower my calorie balance, I don’t think it is cheating.

    Heather: Congratulations on booking your flights to NYC. We went to a Broadway play, and I’d recommend that experience. Watching a taping of the Today Show was boring. You stand around outdoors and watch the show on TV. Then they occasionally point a camera at the crowd and you wave. I DON’T recommend that.

    VickiG; Good luck to your dad.

    Rita: You have a full plate at work. Stop by when you can, and remember to take care of yourself along with everything else.

    Sandy: WhatDeb in CNY”ever sickness you have, I hope you get over it quickly. Snuggling with your kitty seems like a great idea.

    Michele: I hope your kitty winds up healthy after the medical treatment. I’ve never heard of a cat having hyperthyroidism and wonder why you’d have several cats with the problem. Are they all from the same breeder? What are the symptoms? I just noticed that Meg has also had cats with the same problem.

    Anne near Vancouver BC: Good luck with the new trainer.

    Amanda: I’m happy that you’ll soon have a surgery date. That will help with planning your visit to your DD, and every other important event in your calendar.

    Deb in CNY: teaching geometry, trig and pre-calc would be a huge challenge. How much prep time do you have? I can’t imagine it would be enough.

    I just ran into a time issue. I need to get ready for yoga. Yay! I’m thrilled to be feeling well enough to go.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning all. I have a sick little grandson at home. Vomiting and diarrhea sure don't want the bug. I'm feeling almost normal today. The breathing is doing much better. I'm going to go and put cabbage in the oven. But I need to find the recipe. I think it was called roasted cabbage sprayed with olive spray and sprinkled with garlic and other spice. Going to go check for a recipe. That' with turkey for lunch. And probably the same for supper.

    Gained a lb at tops last night but didn't have my light pants on. I'm sure they were at least 1/2 lb more than the others. Oh well see to next week being better that's all,

    See you all lighter.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    update~ found SIL car, totaled .... police dogs .CPAP machine and GPS are still in there
    went out and bought myself a wireless printer, I am tired of trying to fight with the hubbys,I have to send stuff to him to print out.
    bought stuff to make pasta failoli (sp) fassul ,oh well spelling was never my strong point, anyway that and some fresh italian bread for the DH for dinner.
    I felt like sandwich and dorito's for lunch and i had it and it is logged, and then broke down and had a s'mores bar.. used up most of my calories but sucking down the water to make up for it:embarassed:
    laundry in dryer,and will get my room clean and strip that bed..
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Allison - it's terrible that someone would steal SIL's car right out of a hospital parking lot. I'm glad she got her CPAP machine & GPS back but what a shame about the car. I have a wireless printer and I absolutely love it. I can be in the living room and print to the printer in the bedroom. It's so nice.

    Lin - sorry to hear about your grandson, hopefully he doesn't share it with you. You don't need that on top of everything else. Glad to hear you are feeling better

    Katla - glad you are feeling better too.

    I am officially sick :cry: I don't have time to be sick. My throat is sore, glands are swollen and have a slight fever. I can't seem to get warm (of course it might be that it's -23C) I've been drinking lots of OJ and taking extra Vit C along with my coldfx. I'm hoping I can kick this thing before it gets too bad. I am still going to go and get my hair cut after work. I'm so looking forward to the weekend, maybe then I can get some rest.

    Have a great day and stay warm.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • colograndma
    Hi ladies.... I am back after 7 months... sorry for being AWOL... Hugs to all
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Sandy,feel better:flowerforyou:
    Went to see Thelma.She is trying so hard to talk,but`s all grabbled.Hate to see her like that.
    So cold,was 57 in the house this am.Windchills and -7 this am
    Gonna catch up on laundry etc.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Still bitter cold here; in the upper 20's, supposed to hit low 30's but I am doubting that............frozen snow and bumpy ice makes outside just dangerous. I do need to go into town tomorrow but not planning on moving before then; although I did clean off and run my car an hour ago.

    Lucy........nice to see you..........next week is supposed to be very cold again so you'll be happy you are on vacation and we will be green with envy.

    Sylvia.........Do you know which Carribean vet school your friend's daughter is at? There seem to be quite a few when I looked. DD did mention them a long time ago.

    Linda.........Soup sounds good to me too...........debating between making ham and bean or baked potato soup for dinner.

    Cynthia............YAY!!!! for the smaller jeans!!!

    Vicki.........Hoping your dad amazes the drs. next week!!!

    Dee Dee...........Good on you for getting out to the track and getting your walking in.........too bumpy and frozen here

    Heather..........Your flowers are needed here; I usually buy a big bunch this time of year to combat the mid-winter doldrums and it's sure time I do that!!!

    colograndma...........Welcome back!!!

  • brendaks62
    brendaks62 Posts: 20 Member
    Ho! i am a newbie so to speak. i will be 52 in March and want to get in shape again. I joined mfp last year and did Ok for awhile. a friend is on mfp also and got me started. i did do my first 5K in July and felt great. then stopped logging food and stopped walking, for whatever reasons.

    Hopefully i am getting back on track again with watching food calories and did start walking on the treadmill again this month.

    How does this board work? do you all just check in periodically?

    be back soon
    from chilly Ohio, or in other words, freezing cold Ohio

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    To whoever it was that asked about the C-Pap. I don't think it is latex free but it's not the mask that is bothering me. I haven't worn any make up for years and I bought some concealer the other day and later that day I had a couple of areas on my face that really itched. My face was actually warm tot he touch and red. This was right on the jaw line. The C-Pap chin strap really bothered it. So I haven't worn the make up now for 2 or 3 days and all the itching and redness is gone.

    Well I went to Cheddars with my friends today for lunch. First thing I did was to ask the waitress if they had a chicken breast that wasn't marinated. She said they have several people that ask for it and yes they could fix it for me. So I said I wanted a small baked potato and chicken breast. Well they have a kids meal that is a 3 oz breast on a bed of rice, and side. I know what would have made it more healthy would be to have steamed broccoli. I have really honestly tried to like broccoli and I just can't eat it. So the potato was really small. Cheddars doesn't have nutritional data base plus if it was in it it would be the normal way of fixing it which is marinated so I just put a Great Value skinless chicken breast. The calories are good. The bad part is that now my husband knows that we can go to Cheddars and he can get his 3 fried food sampler platter he always gets. One of the grop that we used to have in this 'old nurses club' has now moved to Arkansas. It was her husband that had early onset Parkinsons.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    well the soup is made, I whipped up a apple pie also. have a second load of laundry in the wash, and got an update,I guess the GPS and plates were stolen as well as the EASY Pass, but as she was cleaning out the car she found a cell phone, I told her she really needs to call the police and tell them that she found that,could have some more evidence on the weasel that stole the car.
    freezing cold here so staying inside..
    bought an Epson wireless printer 59.00 ,will have to try and figure out how it works
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    Ho! i am a newbie so to speak. i will be 52 in March and want to get in shape again. I joined mfp last year and did Ok for awhile. a friend is on mfp also and got me started. i did do my first 5K in July and felt great. then stopped logging food and stopped walking, for whatever reasons.

    Hopefully i am getting back on track again with watching food calories and did start walking on the treadmill again this month.

    How does this board work? do you all just check in periodically?

    be back soon
    from chilly Ohio, or in other words, freezing cold Ohio


    :flowerforyou: Hi Brenda and welcome to the supportive community you have been seeking.........some of us have been posting here for years or months and others are newer.....some post daily and others less frequently.....some respond to everyone (miraculous) and others respond to a few posts or just share what's going on with them.

    I have read all the posts and it helps me stay on track with my healthy eating and exercise plan.

    Right now I have dogs begging for a walk and a dentist appointment later....I am also planning to call my friend in another state whose son died Monday of ALS.:brokenheart:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where the weather is gray but dry and in the 40's
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good afternoon.DD & I came home from Fl yest.Had a great visit with other DD We visited her DD,then got busy preparing for DD's baby shower for her 1st Grandbaby expected in March.Even tho desserts were ordered from bakery,we had a marathon of making veggie trays,salads etc.We always have a good time just being together,working in the kitchen.
    Shower was huge,nearly 50 ppl.We sit up tables & chairs in the yard,the food tables in the sun room.DD did lovely decorations,
    The expectant Momma got a lot of gifts & we were all tired when it was over.What happened to parties with a cake & a few dishes of mints & nuts? Showing my age!
    Sunday,we had a beautiful day of shopping,late lunch out & long walk on the beach.Monday we packed etc,ready to head home.I slept like a baby Tues/ Wed.On DD's scales,I gained a pd. Will see what mine says next week.
    Very cold here,good excuse for staying in. Have slo cooker full of stuffed cabbage soup using less meat & lentils instead of rice.

    Haven't caught up on mail,but hope everyone is well & busy drinking water,exercising & losing wt. Pat in Ohio
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    On the topic of getting paid to lose weight.... I've had many "bribes" from hubby, but most of them are never paid. He once promised I could get acrylic nails (which he thinks are a total waste of good money) if I hit a certain weight. I did it and got my nails, but it was driving him so crazy that I had them removed after only one month. I've also been promised a porsche (in writing!), but never got it. He did pay for my tummy tuck, though -- which wasn't tied to a weight loss number, but just something that I wanted about ten years ago. I've been really happy with it, as I had an "apron" of skin from two pregnancies with large babies.

    Rita – Life does sound crazy right now. Take a deep breath….

    Barbie – Even when we know it’s water weight, we hate to see it on the scale, don’t we? You are the most committed-to-good-health person I know. I’m reading “Thinner This Year” right now, and learning all of the reasons why strenuous, regular exercise keeps us healthier as we get older. Your good health is certainly well earned!

    Michele – I’m sorry that Lexi is having problems, and hope you get better news than you’re expecting from the testing. I love Downton Abbey, too!

    Laura – I’m sorry to hear about DDIL’s mold problem. I’m glad she’s on top of it, though, as it’s such a health issue for her and the kids.

    Heather – How lovely that you have flowers on a regular basis!

    Sandy – I hope you feel better soon!

    Jane in Colorado
  • colograndma
    Sound like many of you are in the freezer today.... we are at 35. Which actually is warmer than usual. We have had 20-30 for 6 weeks now. Sooooo ready for spring.

    My hubby surprised me, and came by work.... which he never does.... to show me he found my earring that I lost this morning that he had made me. It was right by my car in the employee parking. I had mentioned it to him after I arrived at work that I had lost it. What is so amazing about this is he is recovering from being in the hospital and DX with pulmonary hypertention the middle of December. To come and find it, and bring that to me he walked quite a long ways and had to find me as he has not been to my office here. He never fails to surprise me!

    Any of ya'all on low salt diets? Having to adjust to that and of course he had to quit smoking.... instead of 2 pack a day... he is down to an e-cig every now and then.

    So ready for spring and being in the garden and yard, how about everyone else?

    Hugs to all,
    Connie in colo
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Sorry Joyce misunderstood. Sounds like something in the make-up did not agree with you. Have you tried brands for sensitive skin. Hope it cleared up quickly.

  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Hurray, my hair is FINALLY cut and highlighted. It took and hour to drive what normally takes 15 minutes but I'm SO glad to have it done after all these months. Had to miss my morning workout to get to the salon but am doing to try to get a few minutes on the bike or treadmill after dinner (technically an "off" day) if Aaron's homework isn't too life sucking.

    Glad to hear you're dry Heather after carrying the image of stinky, wet people crammed up with me today :smile:

    I agree with you Margaret that almonds are a good snack. They are just very calorie and fat heavy when I only get 1,200 per day before exercise.

    Can't remember who it was that mentioned flavored waters and artificial sweeteners but I am hooked on Vitamin Zero. I started on the Rise (orange) after I quit sodas a couple of years back. Nothing artificial (sweetened with stevia or xylotol can't remember off hand) and it's the only thing that has brought up my B12 levels without shots. I hate that they only come in those plastic bottles. I only allow myself one per day and the rest is plain water or tea.

    Have to scoot off shortly to get Aaron from basketball. Have NO idea what we're having for dinner yet. There is a threat of school cancellation tomorrow due to excessively cold temps/wind chills. Guess they'll be going until July this year.

    Best wishes to those who are struggling and to all, be your best and treat yourself with the respect you deserve.

    Catch ya'll later.

    Gloria in Metro Detroit.