OMG Everything I know is wrong!



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Why would you close your diary if you want help. Seems like a pointless activity if you ask me.

    The OP says she was sharing her experience in case it might help others. She didn't ask for help.

    but christ she got it in spades! makes me wonder how vile you keyboard warriors would be to someone who actaully ASKED for your "expert" advice

    If the advice was accepted with "OMG, thank you oh intelligent one.", vile factor would be low. If the advice was met with "Thanks for the advice, but I think I'm going to try something else." the claws and fangs would come out. And then the "friends" would come to join in the mob mentality.

    I find it amusing that some of these folks are the "Eat more to lose more" crowd.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    That's fine. This is the problem I have.

    Everyone can say their peace, what works for them, etc and if the OP doesn't agree then keep it pushing.

    Why keep on engaging trying to tell an adult what she is doing wrong or what she should be doing?

    I know most mean well, but beating a dead horse still doesn't bring them back to life.

    Say your opinion, advice and keep it pushing. At the end of the day looking out for yourself is all you need to do.

    And I say that with the utmost respect.

    Probably because people don't want to spread misinformation to others that are reading this advice and thinking "geez, I workout and I'm not losing weight... maybe 3000 calories is the answer for me too!" Your body simply does not stay the same weight for 2+ years because you are eating too little and the people you're berating know this. So, why tell someone they're wrong? Because they're telling others misinformation and there's already way too much of that on this forum.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Do not know who she is referring too nor do I care but that seems to be the theme around these part; Condescending adults who think they know it all and obviously unhappy with themselves! Positive people do not shove ideals down folks throats. Do not engage yourself with that type of BS! Keep it pushing!

    It's me, dear heart. And I am quite happy with myself. I'm positive that if she takes your advice and that of her nutritionist, she will gain weight, and we'll see a post in a month or two titled "help, I'm eating what my nutrititionist told me to and I gained weight!"

    Naw it was me pointing out she doesn't weigh her food and her burns were high...and I didn't start the "condescending attitude" go back to the first page....and I am quite happy with myself too...did you not see my NSV today...

    *skips away smiling*
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    As an aside, I have seen plenty of "nutritionists" that give horrible advice...

    Exactly and based on anything I read to become a "Certified Sports Nutrionist" doesn't take 8 years...

    You "should" have an undergraduate degree from a college but it doesn't have to be in sports medicine, or can be in liberal arts...even then if you have worked as a personal trainer for 4 years you can write the 220 T/F question exam and get 75% and pass...

    Yah I'm gonna listen to a liberal arts grad who manaaged 75% on a 220 question exam...../sarcasm

    8 years is usually required to become a registered dietician. /no sarcasm

    But she isn't seeing a registere dietician she is seeing a "sports nutrionist" way different.

    Not necessarily. Many dieticians refer to themselves as nutritionists.

    That's like saying that many brain surgeons refer to themselves as nurses aides.

    No, not at all the same. Not even close, really.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - I think you were given advice that makes sense to you and I am glad that you are going to follow it. Worst case, you gain a few pounds. At least then you can find out if it works or not.

    Personally, I went 6-8 weeks of no weight loss on a low cal diet (around 1300 cals). Weighed/measured everything and still did not lose. I upped my cals to 1600 and started losing again. (I do 40% carbs/30% protein/30% fat)

    I finally had my RMR tested and I was burning about 250 cals more a day than what the online calculators say I was.

    I am now eating 1850 or so a day and still losing .5-1.25 pounds a week. I am not a marathon runner (or any runner for that matter). I weight train 3-4 days week for 60 mins each day. I walk non weight training days for around 4 miles. Weekends I usually go 8-10 miles each day.

    Can you eat more to lose? Heck yeah and I am happier for it!

    Enjoy more food and let the nay-sayers have their way. Good luck and I hope that you report back what your success was.

    increasing from 1500 to 3100 is going to result in a gain of a little more then a "few pounds" Assuming 2100 is maintenance that would put her in a 1000 calorie A DAY surplus, equaling 7,000 calories a week, for just about a two pound per week gain ...Which would be an 8 pound gain over one month....
  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    WOW- 6 pages???!!!! :laugh: on this one little topic. I really appreciate the information. I am 65 and lucky if I spend an hour exercising 6 days a week, so I will probably never use the info but I am sure someone needs it. Everybody is different and even though everyone is calories in-calories out now, everybody uses food differently, exercise affects everybody differently and no one knows it all!!! I think it is great that this person has gone to a professional and shared the advise she was given. And I for one would love to hear more about her journey, if she has the nerve to post ever again. Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    My brother is a marathon runner and it is typical for runners to gain weight. I am not a nutritionist - just sharing what I know. With the amount of running you are doing your exposing your body to internal oxidative stress which triggers your cortisol levels to go up. Check out this video.
    Hope it helps!

    This is very true. OP: Did your doctor test your hormone levels?

    Yes and my Thyroid all perfect.

    You must be overeating or your HRM isn't working properly anymore and is overestimating calories burned when you exercise because if you don't have anything going on hormonally, then there's no reason why you aren't losing weight.

    I certainly don't think increasing calories to 3100 is the right answer. That sounds kind of silly to me.

    I'd recommend seeing a dietician instead of a nutritionist for a second opinion before you start eating 3100 calories and end up with a bigger problem and more unhappy.
    FYI my "Nutritionist" is also a registered "Dietician". and my maintenance would be so high because of my activity level. Remember I run marathons and lift and cross train. I don't sit on a couch all day and eat pasta.

    Well you must be eating something because you aren't losing weight.

    Again thank you for your concern but now I am starting to feel like you and a few others are harassing and attacking for the sport of it which is so MFP forums and I should know better than to engage. I am sorry that you feel the need to point out that you think I am doing something wrong. This is why I sought professional help because I thought I was doing something wrong. I don't need a random stranger harassing me through the internet. I closed my diary after leaving it open for 3 years because i felt harassed by one of the other posters. No one here that is offering their opinion in the way you and a few others are is trying to help, it seems to me that you are more bored than anything and like attacking others on the internet and pointing out their shortcomings because you arent ok with yourself.

    and here we go ..the "I am being bullied" complaint..that train is never late

    OP no one is bullying you ..we are questioning the reasoning behind your posts and debating them...
  • Phoenixchichima
    yeah, thats not my problem ;) but i'm happy for you. what a great thing for a professional to tell you that you arent Ms chubby anymore, but an athlete. If I ever get here, I know I"ll have a hard time seeing myself as an athlete too.
  • kateasimmons
    I'm experiencing a lot of the same thing, actually. I've lost almost 40 pounds and increased my activity level exponentially (I went from 187 and doing some yoga here and there to 149 and taking 10 Mixed Martial Arts classes a week). Recently I noticed that my stamina and strength was decreasing and that recovery time was way longer than it should have been. I increased my food intake significantly and I'm feeling much better, getting stronger and starting to lose weight again.

    As long as it's healthy food, it's fuel for all this activity!

    Good luck!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OK - I am confused now..where did OP say that she was cutting to 2100? the only thing I see is increasing to 3100? this post is confusing
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    I find it amusing that some of these folks are the "Eat more to lose more" crowd.

    Nobody is saying this isn't the case. There is obviously an upper limit to how much you can eat to continue to lose weight. Most people here are doubtful of what she's eating and what her progress will be like if she eats what has been "recommended".
  • Phoenixchichima
    ps. i'm not being facetious, except in saying I'm not there yet. it is great that you've made a transformation & I really salute you on that. re; calories. I have insufficient expertise myself to comment on that except to say good luck. smart job checking w/a professional.
  • niki87lewis
    niki87lewis Posts: 147 Member
    OK - I am confused now..where did OP say that she was cutting to 2100? the only thing I see is increasing to 3100? this post is confusing
    its mentions quite a few times....helps to read the whole post before jumping in with advice :laugh:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I find it amusing that some of these folks are the "Eat more to lose more" crowd.

    Nobody is saying this isn't the case. There is obviously an upper limit to how much you can eat to continue to lose weight. Most people here are doubtful of what she's eating and what her progress will be like if she eats what has been "recommended".

    Oh, thanks for that clarification. I thought they were just being supportive.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I'm experiencing a lot of the same thing, actually. I've lost almost 40 pounds and increased my activity level exponentially (I went from 187 and doing some yoga here and there to 149 and taking 10 Mixed Martial Arts classes a week). Recently I noticed that my stamina and strength was decreasing and that recovery time was way longer than it should have been. I increased my food intake significantly and I'm feeling much better, getting stronger and starting to lose weight again.

    As long as it's healthy food, it's fuel for all this activity!

    Good luck!

    You recognized your calorie deficit was too low, so you increased to a higher amount of calories while still maitaining a deficit. Good job, that's exactly how it's supposed to work! You've protected your lean muscle mass and will still lose weight.
  • RawCarrots
    RawCarrots Posts: 204 Member
    I'm just in for the updates \o/
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I find it amusing that some of these folks are the "Eat more to lose more" crowd.

    Nobody is saying this isn't the case. There is obviously an upper limit to how much you can eat to continue to lose weight. Most people here are doubtful of what she's eating and what her progress will be like if she eats what has been "recommended".

    Oh, thanks for that clarification. I thought they were just being supportive.

    No, just pointing out that the information she was sharing is incorrect and could lead to problems for others who might try to follow it.
  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
    Like I said she is sending me to the head sports nutritionist next month. and told me not to weigh myself for a month. She is bring me up to 2100 in the next 6 weeks slowly so I don't have a major weight gain. It's called a slowed metabolism. Again I posted this to help others in the same position I am in.

    This is where she said she's eating 2100.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    It doesn't really make sense for her to say you can't lose weight because you aren't eating enough calories. If you aren't eating enough calories you should be having trouble with losing too much weight, including lean muscle. You should weigh everything you eat and calculate how many calories you need using your TDEE, and then eat below that to lose weight. If you aren't losing weight it's because you are calculating your intake incorrectly and not eating at a deficit.

    This. Quoted for truth.

    It does make sense...if you do not fuel your body properly it will hold on to EVERYTHING it has. It's like a car, the farther you go the more gas it needs. Simple.

    Thank you. This is exactly what she said. I eat more than the 1300 I was consuming plus some exercise calories and I would put on weight! She has me slowing increasing my calories so my body adjusts. She will still keep me at a deficit to help me lose but she wants me more at 2100. I am 5'9 I run at least 25 miles a week plus cross training and lifting and weigh 187 pounds.

    njd this is where it came in...almost down to the bottom of page 1
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OK - I am confused now..where did OP say that she was cutting to 2100? the only thing I see is increasing to 3100? this post is confusing
    its mentions quite a few times....helps to read the whole post before jumping in with advice :laugh:

    I have been in and out of this one since the beginning...If you had read the whole thing you might have noticed that. Oh wait, did you just do, what you accused me of doing..?? Ironic...