what is the worst thing you have been called?



  • garrisonwife
    garrisonwife Posts: 129 Member
    When I was young my dad would call me "little idiot" or "little fool." He's say things like, "Little idiot, can't you do anything right?" Once, when I was about seven, we all went fishing. When we were done, we were walking back up the bank. I was in front, my dad was behind me, and my mom was last. Anyway, I slipped on some mud and fell. I started to stand back up when my dad suddenly shoved me back in the mud with his foot and said, "Little idiot, why couldn't you have been a boy?" That really bothered me for years.

    Big hugs to you!! I'm so sorry you had to experience that. Not only are you a beautiful person on the outside...but you are a ROCKSTAR for getting healthy while facing such a scary health issue! Those of us who have to overcome obstacles with our health...in ORDER to get healthy...well, we kick butt!! :-) I'm rooting for you!! You've come so far, and I know you can get to your goal, and you can be the healthiest you've ever been!! That doesn't sound like something a "little idiot" would do!!! Love, hugs and lots of prayers coming your way!! :-)
  • garrisonwife
    garrisonwife Posts: 129 Member
    Carol the Barrel, ahhh the memories lol

    You most certainly don't look like a barrel, now!! Take THAT, mean people!! ;-)
  • Well, talking back to my father would have only got me a punch in the eye. He trained us well with abuse to fear him. He is old school. Rule with fear. I could write horror stories about growing up....but some things are better off as just accepted they happened and file it away. At this time...I feel sadness for my father knowing he was abused as a child/young man and he just didn't know any better.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    When I was young my dad would call me "little idiot" or "little fool." He's say things like, "Little idiot, can't you do anything right?" Once, when I was about seven, we all went fishing. When we were done, we were walking back up the bank. I was in front, my dad was behind me, and my mom was last. Anyway, I slipped on some mud and fell. I started to stand back up when my dad suddenly shoved me back in the mud with his foot and said, "Little idiot, why couldn't you have been a boy?" That really bothered me for years.

    You should have told him that it was his fault.
    Big hug to you. My mom tried to be abusive like that, but it got to the point where I knew what she was trying to do and started insulting back. Not healthy, no. But it would have killed me had I listened to any more of her childish antics.
  • CaraRahl
    CaraRahl Posts: 72 Member
    I've been called a disappointing waste of space by my family...apparently because I'm not my younger sister...and then they have the nerve to act surprised when I was found by a doctor to be underweight (at 5'7" I was 105 lbs and losing fast) because there was no way that someone my size could possibly be underweight...I still have a hard time keeping myself in a healthy weight range because there's still the feeling that if I was smaller then I'd be prettier like my sister and they'd love me too. Lucky my fiance loves me the way I am and is constantly making sure I'm eating enough and staying healthy :)
  • NK1984
    NK1984 Posts: 5
    At school I was classed as obese and got the usual fat comments but it didn't really bother me and because I knew I was overweight I joked about it myself making it harder for people to bully me. The only comment I can think of that has upset me is one someone said about 18months after leaving school I had lost a lot of weight and met up with some old school mate and they where talking about how unrecognizable I was, and someone came out with "yeah but he's still fatter than most people". The fact I had lost so much weight and was proud of my new self made it hurt a lot.
  • Diane4life
    Diane4life Posts: 5 Member
    All my life I was made to feel worthless. The most hurtful comment I can recall was as a teenager my sister and I were at the beach sunbathing. Some teenage boys walked by and loudly declared "Look a beached whale." That comment still hurts today.
  • this sounds just like my parents, since I was little they have always been on me about my weight, telling me what I can and can't eat.. At dinner they would tell me "okay you have had enough". They were mean, and so hurtful. My grandpa too, he would say things like, you know I love you but how will anyone else love you like that? And he always said I just don't want the other kids teasing you, but my family were the only ones teasing me. I use to cry myself to sleep almost every night, as I got older it just got worse. They would bribe me to lose weight, and tell me to skip meals. Now I don't talk to my family anymore and I have moved out.
  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member
    My ex would say 'oh you're not eating again are you' in a tone of total exasperation even though it might have been the first thing I had eaten all day.

    My mum told me that if the pill had been available in the fifties I wouldn't even have been conceived.

    Fat, greedy, pig, cow, stupid, lazy and all the other nasty words people feel free to say when you're overweight.

    And finally this one which I'm not sure is a compliment or an insult:
    "Have you lost weight?"
    "I don't know."
    "Well it's just that your bum seems to take up less of the corridor than it used to."

    You have to laugh don't you or you'd spend your life crying.
  • Had it only happened once I suspect I would have shrugged it off. It would be several years before the term disappeared, though the pain didn't.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    I've been called just about everything in the book. People are mean. No one thinks about what their words might do to someone in the long run.

    I try not to hyperfocus on what I have been called; it took me years (still struggle, not going to lie) on what people teased me about or called me because I just get sad thinking about it.


    I've been called names, I've been kicked, pushed, tripped and knocked down. I've been spit on, I've been tricked and my stuff has been stolen and vandalized. For reasons relating to my weight and other things that make me who I am. From the time I was 7 until recent times, this all courtesy of my peers and people of all ages. I used to get sucked into thinking about all of the horrible things that people have done to me but it can't be like that, it has to stop. It makes me too sad, as well.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    *kitten*, Nig..r lips, (I'm blessed with full lips). mother fuc..... gay. Pervert. God hater.... you name it. The usual for gays.
    Have been called all of these except the N word...I'm not gay but that is not the issue. Small minds my friend small minds indeed.
  • Serial killer. No idea why either, I would never harm anyone, beyond that, I'm that ridiculous guy who carries bugs outside because I don't want to kill them. Oh well, not really even sure why the observation stuck so long, maybe it did strike a nerve somehow, but not going to fret over it.

    I did, however, carefully note where the person who called me this lives, and I keep detailed notes about his habits and where he goes, along with photographs I have taken of him surreptitiously over the last four years. Soon... soon...
    awww bb haha:laugh:
  • Wow, that's terribly sad!:/

    When I was in high school, I was walking into school and a huge group of guys were talking about how fat I was.
    "She's like a f*cking whale."
    "Damn, that's a big *kitten* b*tch"

    That was a great way to start off my day!

    I remember being made fun of in school, (even though I was a great athlete) because I had a big bum and couldn't fit into those stupid eighties Pierre Cardin & Seafarers... I wore good old fashioned Levis.... Then I got a little older and "junk in the trunk" was the hot thing... Funny how that happens... Eh?
  • Humperstinker
    Humperstinker Posts: 7 Member
    Parents much as we love them do the worst damage psychologically with weight gain.
    I have been in the same shoes they fit many x
  • MudDancer
    MudDancer Posts: 151 Member
    It's a toss up between 2 situations

    I used to work in a public school and there was a group of grade 7/8 boys that would moo whenever I walked past

    I used to live in a house that had been converted into 2 apartments, you could hear all the movements that anyone made. When ever I walked down the stairs, the guy that lived downstairs would yell 'here comes the ****ing whale"
  • hicksang121
    hicksang121 Posts: 19 Member
    Exercise related? About 16 years ago I was crossing the street on a run and since it was hot I was dripping with sweat and only wearing a sports bra and my shorts. These guys drove by and yelled "Yuck!" And sometimes when I wear headphones I turn them down low or don't have music on which gives me the liberty to ignore who and what I choose to. Anyhow, I ran past this guy and his daughter who was in the baby stroller (mind you I'm passing them) and the baby says "Daddy, she's running?" The dad says, "No she's jogging." :huh: Should have kicked him in his knee as I passed. :laugh:
  • Hi, I am encouraged just seeing your progress & hope you are still doing great!
  • Breylin
    Breylin Posts: 23
    Thunder thighs! I was so hurt at first, but my mom taught me to keep composed. I ended up just smiling and saying "Hey Kyle!" every time he called me by that. Eventually he stopped and we even became semi-friends.
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    Reading these posts, I'm intrigued but not surprised by how many are under 30 years old.....a few , actually under 20. Take it from an old guy(54), that what people think of you becomes less and less important as you mature and especially as you fiind success in your life. I've been called many names in my life and it's interesting to go back and see what some of the "popular" people look like today. Additionally. few have attained my financial success, which makes it even funnier. Best advice I can give many of you young ladies is work at the MFP for you........the rest will fall in place.....I promise