Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hey girlfriends!!!! Well, I spent 3 hours at the hair dresser's yesterday! LOL.......I had a lot of hair to cut off! She ended up taking off about 12 inches!!!!! That's a whole foot! Crazy!!!

    Hurry up and post those pictures! Can't wait to see the new you.
  • gdivant
    gdivant Posts: 19 Member
    Deb - we are wishing you the best on your interview! I bet your hair is gorg.

    Sharon - you are amazing! I ditto what Deb said. I LOVE your energy - keep it up.

    I've been in a bit of a funk with knee pain. I also had 2 celebrations this week. I only pushed play 2x in the last 5 days. :noway: I can't believe its been so few days. No worries - just a little bump in my road to a thinner body. I refuse to let birthdays & holidays completely derail me this time. Good luck Sara - having a plan definitely helps!

    I have a 30 day commute & a 7:30 starting time. I tried briefly to be a morning am person, but I'd get up at 5 am & spend 30 mins shuffling around looking for exercise clothing in the dark or falling back asleep in the bathroom! I'd wake up and barely have time to get 20 mins in. After 3 weeks of that I went back to p.m. workouts. However, I loved the amazing energy I got from a 20 min. am workout...I'd be skipping around the office singing good morning to my coworkers.

    Have an awesome, healthy weekend everyone!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Gdivant - thank you for your kind words! AM workouts aren't for everyone that's for sure. In fact, when I tell people I get up at 4:30am to get mine done I mostly get either blank stares or looks of horror! :laugh: Just like finding your soulmate workout, you also need to find the time that works best for you so you stick to it.

    Cheers to a great weekend! :drinker:
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi girls! Ok, I'm in need of your help! Good news is, the interview went well. Bad news is, I'm in some sort of stupid slump! Grrrrr!!!! As everyone is congratulating me on my interview (and they want to see me again), I'm thinking to myself, is this somthing that I really want to do? It's not new to me, I've done it before and I know my product but then I think, I love my Beachbody so much that I also applied for a position at LA Fitness in my area, so now I feel like I have to wait first before I hear from the gym before I can make a decision. I don't know, this always happens to me, I swear. And I shouldn't complain but consider myself lucky but I hate having to make these decisions.

    Anyway, because I've been in this slump, I haven't gotten my workouts in! I know! I know!!!! I've kept my eating good but haven't pushed play! I need your help!!!!! I plan on pushing play today but I feel like I'm constantly online looking for new jobs!

    So, enough about my problems; glad to see you ladies are doing good and moving forward! Feel free to message me, or write in all caps! I don't care, something to help me get going and out of this slump! This isn't like me!!!!

    Thanks girls!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I have been in a major slump this week too. i haven't done to good on eating and I haven't pushed play. I am hoping to start over fresh on Monday.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I have been in a major slump this week too. i haven't done to good on eating and I haven't pushed play. I am hoping to start over fresh on Monday.

    Alright girl, let's make a pact! Let's both of us make sure we get back on the wagon and push play Monday and start fresh! Deal?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    C'mon Girls I know you can snap out of this slump. Everyone goes through them once in awhile but how long you allow yourself to remain in that state is up to you. You guys are so close to achieving your goals so don't stop now. Our little band of shrinkers don't quit. Do I need to roundhouse kick you in the butt?!?!??!!!!! LOL!

    Love you both and just want to see you succeed! Deb, follow your dreams girl. If you're making enough with the BB thing to sustain the wait and you think that's really your heart's desire then there's more to life than grinding the gears to earn a paycheck. Take a good look at where you were before BB vs. where you are now...what does your heart tell you is the right decision? I know you'll do the right thing for yourself. I'm here for you if you need to vent.

    Ok enough pep I did TF 45 EZ and Bodybugg said I burned 425 calories. Too tired to join my husband and puppy on their morning walk but will be out there with them tonight for the 2nd one.

    Hope you all are having a great day. Push play y' know the results are worth it!
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I have been taking it easy the past couple of days..for the weekend that is. I have decided that I really have to be less hard on myself and maybe not add any extra workouts to the already made schedule..I"m going to have a look at the schedule that pixy sent and see how that might work for me. I've just been feeling really worn down lately..its hard when your working full time and have a child to care for, so I"m trying to lighten up on myself and get up in the morning to do a workout, not going over an hour...

    So I'm not sure if I will be working out today..I will see how the day goes. But tomorrow I will be up early to work out!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
    take care,
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I have been in a major slump this week too. i haven't done to good on eating and I haven't pushed play. I am hoping to start over fresh on Monday.

    Alright girl, let's make a pact! Let's both of us make sure we get back on the wagon and push play Monday and start fresh! Deal?
  • marsbar_0789
    would these be something that you are able to do in an apartment? I really would rather not drive my downstairs neighbours crazy if at all possible:smile:
  • gdivant
    gdivant Posts: 19 Member
    Hmm - I guess I didn't click Post Reply on my message last week - cause I don't see it!

    Anyway I'm here! I took few days off due to knee pain and PMS blahs. But I'm still pushing play, and I'm seeing some results. I went on a fad diet before finding TF and "lost" 8lbs, but my body fat increased 10%. I only wanted to jump start my diet, but I gained all 8 back when it ended. And I was way more jiggly than before - even though I was exercising. :grumble: Now with TF, healthful eating (honestly logging calories - even the overages) & patience my body fat is back to where I was prior to the fad diet fiasco.

    Good luck Prixy & Deb on your interviews, that's wonderful news.

    I'm on vacation for much of this upcoming week and will traveling, so it will be challenging. I'm going to cut myself some slack, relax and enjoy my family. I plan to weigh on Monday and NOT gain over the next 7 days. I hope to squeeze in some exercise, maybe drag my sister along for a walk or two while I'm at home.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • Sociallysavvyva
    Sociallysavvyva Posts: 14 Member
    I'm looking forward to starting Chalean Extreme next beginning January 1! I'm currently doing Insanity and P90X together.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    would these be something that you are able to do in an apartment? I really would rather not drive my downstairs neighbours crazy if at all possible:smile:

    I live in a second floor apartment with neighbors above me and below me. I've been doing Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme for a few months now and I haven't had any disgruntled neighbors banging down my door telling me to quit jumping around. I don't wear shoes during the cardio workouts tho and I'm careful to do the plyo moved in one part of the floor in my living room because it doesn't squeak when I jump. But other than that, I've been fine with doing this in an apartment. I just move my coffee table out of the way and you don't need a ton of space. I don't do it first thing in the morning though, i workout around 6pm during the week and around 10am on the weekends. So maybe if I was jumping around at 6am, it might be a different story... haha

    Also, I did pretty decent with the Thanksgiving dinner at my friend's house yesterday. I stuck to one plate of food with a small scoop of each thing I wanted to eat. I kept it to 2 beers and one cupcake only for dessert. For dinner, Randy and I went to a sushi place in Dupont in DC and I actually ate raw fish. I never had before and it was pretty tasty. So we ate pretty healthy for dinner, and then I had a few drinks that night. Overall, I'm happy with how I did. And with how things are going with Randy. We had a little chat this morning and we're definitely dating exclusively now :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Girls! Rest day today but hubby, puppy, and I went for a 55 min walk this morning. Bodybugg said I burned 332 calories. Week 18 starts tomorrow with HIIT 25 and some strength training. Can't wait!

    Off to watch the Giants - Eagles tonight...GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Hello! I thought I'd join your group. I'm on the last two weeks of CLX, and I just ordered TF tonight. I plan on starting the hybrid in a couple of weeks. I have lost 90 pounds in the last five years (with two more kiddos in there), and I've been stuck at 155 for a year. I am hoping this hybrid will help me get to my goal weight or at least closer to the body I want.

    Can I ask about results of your doing the hybrid, anyone? I know everyone's different, but I am so frustrated with being at the same weight and my waist not shrinking.

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    YAY Amy you found us!!!!!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hey Amy! Welcome to our group! I'm sure you'll love the hybrid, it's definitely a good way to break a plateau. Personally I had it break a month long plateau when I started the hybrid and I've continued to lose weigh and shrink my waistline since. When I started the hybrid, I think I weighed around 165 and I was in size 12 pants. Now I'm 153 and I'm just about in size 8 pants! So the results are definitely possible. I started the first week of September, so that change is all within less than 3 months. I'm hoping to be under 150 by time I finish the hybrid (in about 6 weeks), possibly closer to 145 and fitting into size 6 pants :)
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Hey Amy! Welcome to our group! I'm sure you'll love the hybrid, it's definitely a good way to break a plateau. Personally I had it break a month long plateau when I started the hybrid and I've continued to lose weigh and shrink my waistline since. When I started the hybrid, I think I weighed around 165 and I was in size 12 pants. Now I'm 153 and I'm just about in size 8 pants! So the results are definitely possible. I started the first week of September, so that change is all within less than 3 months. I'm hoping to be under 150 by time I finish the hybrid (in about 6 weeks), possibly closer to 145 and fitting into size 6 pants :)
    Thanks! That definitely gives me some hope! I'm kind of going nuts on this almost year long plateau. :wink:

    I did CLX Extreme abs and Lean 1 today. My TF package has shipped, so I'll start in about 2 weeks. :smile:
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend!

    I decided yesterday to just do the Turbo Fire program for now. I am going to wait until the new year to start the hybrid. The reason being that I definitly need to buy some extra weights as I found with some of the CLX workouts that I needed a higher weight that 10lbs...and I just cant afford to go and buy some new weights so close to Christmas. So I might actually put this on my Christmas list for Santa!

    So that being said I decided to start from Week 5 in the TB schedule ( from the book) because I have been doing TF since the beginning of Oct. I also decided to stick to this schedule with adding some yoga classes to it...I'm not going to do any extra workouts because like I said earlier I have been feeling run down and with all the things on the go for Christmas I just cant afford that.

    So this morning I got up and did Turbo Fire 55ez...burned 601 Calories!! Woohoo!! And I dont feel too tired as of yet!

    I am excited to being the hybrid, but I want to get the full benefits out of it, so its bettter to wait!

    If you all dont mind I would still like to keep posting here!

    Have a great Monday everyone! Only 5 weeks until Christmas!!

    ( hope your interviews went well prixy and deb! I'm wishing you both luck!!)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Awesome job Rhonda!

    Did HIIT 25 and Upper 20 this morning. Bodybugg said I burned 318 calories!

    Ugh least it's a short week. What are you doing for exercise on the holiday to counteract the eating? I'm planning to do TF 60 that morning and then we'll need to take the puppy for his walk. Want to get that in before we go to my parent's house for dinner.

    Have a great day everyone!