Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Susan~Grapeseed oil is a light, clean tasting oil – made from pressed grape seeds. It has a moderate heat point, so great for sautéing. You can’t use it for baking though because it loses its nutritional value at high heat points as do oils such as olive oil. When baking I use safflower oil. We had the same thing happen with the weather here 3 years ago – we were supposed to get 2-3 inches of snow but ended up with 8 inches and then ice on top, it just shut down the city. I was stranded at home for 5 days. Down here, we aren’t equipped to handle it.

    @Tracy~Sounds like a terrible sinus infection, I hope the doc-in-the-box can load you up with meds. Hope you can get some rest, feel better.

    @Amanda~It will be great to have a workout partner.

    @Laurie~I’m jealous of your massage, I’m way overdue.

    @Madeline~I felt the exact same way when I lost Cocoa, I didn’t stop crying for days. We get so attached to our pets, its hard – I promise it will get easier. You need to allow yourself time to grieve. Then, maybe one day you’ll be ready to adopt another loveable pet.

    AFM~Good workout with trainer yesterday, typical session with some intervals thrown in. We talked a lot about my cardio program and the changes I need to tackle my boredom and to keep my body guessing.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, elliptical (or spin) DONE (arc trainer)
    Tuesday~Gym, treadmill NOT DONE
    Wedneday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Gym, intervals on treadmill/bike
    Friday~Scheduled Rest Day (doing some shopping)
    Saturday~Gym, running
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thursday truth - The last 2 days I have been eating horribly. I have not been having a real lunch so by the time I get home from work I am starving. Then I mindlessly eat. Yesterday I hit my candy jar and ate 4 pieces of Ghiradelli squares. I managed to stay under my calories so it wasn't a big deal. However the truth was, I didn't really want them. I just ate them because I was hungry, had to wait for dinner to cook and they were there. :ohwell: I am going to do my best to make today a better day and put the last 2 days behind me.

    hansea - Wahoo for new staff coming aboard.

    Holly - Don't worry about keeping up with the forum. Concentrate on your school work and family. They certainly should come first before us.

    Skinny - Oh, I didn't realize it was a national exam. :ohwell: I can imagine the type of pressure you are under right now. Wahoo for no grading goals!

    I love the Groundhog idea for February. My vote is for that. My goal could be XX grams protein in a day. Since I struggle with getting my protein up there.

    Susan - That is great that you managed to resist the goodies all week! Keep up the great work. That is definitely a good thing that Cyrus was very young and doesn't remember much. My cousin's other son was only 1.5-2 at the time so he doesn't remember it either. It is interesting how it effected the boys differently due to their age. My cousin, like you, is doing the best she can to give her boys the best life they can. I have to say she is an amazing mom and those boys are lucky to have her. You are an amazing mom too and Cyrus is so lucky to have you!

    Alupinsk - Glad to hear you are feeling better after your run. Wahoo for the clothes fitting you different because you are smaller.

    Laurie - Congrats on the loss! We had more snow too but this time was 1-2 inches and not terribly bad. Schools were able to open on time.

    Kaye - Does your daughter get just as excited when her student's have victories? I cannot describe the feeling I get. My students struggle with so much. They work so hard on a daily basis. It's so wonderful to see them succeed!

    LOL Robin. Yippie for sleep. I really do enjoy my sleep. I woke up at 5 this am to use the bathroom. It was a bit early (I usually wake up around 6:30) so I climbed back into bed and fell back asleep. I didn't wake up until 8 this morning. I could not believe I slept that late. Thank goodness I don't go into to work until after lunchtime or else I would be in trouble. LOL

    Amanda - Congrats on joining the gym. That is great that you have a friend who is pushing you and encouraging you along the way!

    Tracy - That sounds painful and uncomfortable. I had a sinus infection just like what you described that brought me to tears. Hopefully the walk-in Dr. can give you some meds to help clear you up. I hope you are feeling like your self in no time.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    One of my MFP friends posted a link to an interesting site. I've been playing on it all morning. Check it out.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Yup., Exactly what we all thought -- sinus and ear infection. I also have "impacted" ears that cause them not to drain. I have antibiotics and pain meds. Then after I feel better, I need to go in and get the wax impaction cleared. Well, I've taken both meds and heading to bed. Here's to Tylenol with Codeine....:yawn: :heart:
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Did not log that night at the buffet, but have been logging all other and eatting better. I find I got back into the habit of snacking and now I log it and it really eats up my calories. I am again glad to relearn this and will try to drink more water when I want a snack.

    @skinny - Thanks for the suggestion and that is what I did, take little portions of and get a taste and go back for other things. As you said when I got done tasting everything I wanted I did not have to go back and load up on a second serving! I did go get more shrimp that was really good there. It was so good, they kept my water filled and I kept sipping on it.
  • SmartDad73
    SmartDad73 Posts: 26 Member
    If anyone is looking to add friends for support, please add me!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    This is not food related, but I'm sure many have seen or heard the stories out of Atlanta. I had a friend stuck at the Popeye's corporate office with 40 other people. My other friend slept in his office at Honey Baked Ham. Normal hour commutes were taking 5-10 hours. Kids were stranded at schools and had to spend the night. Home Depot allowed people to sleep in lawn chairs overnight People were sleeping on floors in different retail shops. A friend posted this story. As it turns out, I know these rescuers!! Scott use to sell us ham at Arby's. His wife, Jane, is a hoot!!! It doesn't surprise me one bit they got out into that crazy weather to help others. They're good people in this world that's for sure. Plus, we live in a small world. Of the 6+ million people in Atlanta and I know this couple!! Love it!!!

    Atlanta Mom, Infant Rescued During Winter Storm Leon Gridlock -
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Everything is going pretty well.... had a bad eating day yesterday and did a lot of exercise to try to avoid the consequences. My daughter is down with some sort of bug and is just unhappy and tired and cranky and fevering. Low grade but poor sweetpea. :cry: She is enjoying hanging out in Mom's bed all day having naps and watching cartoons though.
    Had a crappy day at work... the guys were riding me and normally I'm pretty mild in temperment (at work) and just laugh it off. Unfortunately TOM hit and I lost my sense of humour... one thing, then another thing and then again. :mad: I blew. :explode: Told him he was upsetting me and I was getting pissed (can't remember the exact wording I used but that sums it up). I could not do EVERYTHING he was asking for instantly, especially since he kept adding extras on top to help himself out and taking me away from the job I HAD to do. I barely spoke for the rest of the evening. I was justified but hormones made it a little over the top! :blushing: I'll probably talk to chef tonight... maybe can resolve some of my issues. I feel a bit of a drama queen today.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Happy Friday Eve!! :drinker:

    Thursday Truth – I have been taking a break from the Forums. They have been taking up entirely too much of my time. I’d been spending hours and hours everyday between work and home. Every time I logged any food, I’d peep in to see what was going on. Before I knew it, it was nearly time to log food again!

    @tlh – I’m sorry to hear about your sinus and ear infections. One is bad enough, but BOTH, yikes! :sick:

    @susan – There are such great human interest stories coming out of Atlanta right now. What an amazing couple Scott and Jane are! It’s so nice to hear about the people that step up in a time of need. I’ve been following the different stories on CNN. The people taking others into their homes for the night, incredible! :flowerforyou:

    @Nettie – You have the right attitude, put the last few days behind you and just MOVE ON!! You can do it! :bigsmile:

    @Amanda – I’m glad you have a buddy to workout with at the gym. My 20 yr old daughter is on this journey with me and she will be my workout buddy, as soon as we can get our schedules to sync. :smile:

    @Lives2Travel – I bet you are excited for your daughter to be home. Enjoy the weekend! My son is out of state in college and I am always thrilled when he comes home. It’s a shame that he seems to spend most his time visiting with his friends more than his family. :smooched:

    @Robin – Congrats on the extra-curricular sleeps you’re getting in! Nothing like a good nap! :yawn:

    @Madeline – I’m sorry to hear about your puppy! I have a 11 yr old pug that I know one day will be gone and I don’t know how I will deal with the loss. :brokenheart:

    Tomorrow is my weekly weigh in. Here’s hoping the scale continues to move down, down, down! :glasses:

    Until next time; peace, love and weight loss! :heart:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Thursday Truth, sticking to my eating plan is a challenge, especially when I get tired.
    Nettie: I've done the same thing and just eaten junk because I'm hungry and tired...without really thinking too much about it.
    Robin: glad you have new meds that are working for you and you can get some sleep. I'm having the opposite problem right now...I wake up every day around 5 or 6 a.m. no matter what time I go to bed. Is this a sign that I'm getting healthier? I hope so. Sleep is a huge issue in my family as 6 parents and 3 babies 1 year old that don't sleep through the night...I hear about it a lot, and If I mention that I slept well, I feel really guilty! lol! Don't you feel deserve and need your rest to heal. Good for you.

    another truth: I didn't lose any weight this week, but kept to my plan religiously, so I took measurements. If they're accurate, I did lose a few inches, so I'm ok, and looking forward to a loss next week.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    After reading many posts about the southern States, I'll have to watch the news and see what happened in Atlanta....a big snow storm I guess. I hope everyone is ok. It's something you really need to be prepared for.
    I must say it's back to a normal winter here (central Ontario), (cold, dark, windy, snowy). For the last 2 years I'd say we've been spoiled with milder winters...not this time. I'm ok with it and dress for it (I have several balaclavas), but it's tough as babies can't be out in the frigid temperatures more than a few minutes, and our family has 3, so we're doing a lot of indoor activities
    On the plus side, beautiful ice formations have formed on the lake.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Sorry I was mia the last couple of days. The combonation of a cold and tom just knocked me down for a couple days. I was up and back at it today though. To the person who lost their pet my sincere condolences. I know how hard this time is. I just lost my dog of nine years over the summer and when I talk about her it still brings tears to my eyes. Dont ever let anyone control how you greive . My annoying kitty got in a nasty fight and now is driving me nuts since he cant go back out until he heals. I have tried to keep him in since he wont quit fighting but he always manages to dart out at some point. We hoped getting him fixed would help but havent noticed anything yet. Luckily he is very well behaved with people so I am able to patch him up without him or I getting hurt in the process. Well now that I have rambled on about the cat I have to go and finish dinner. Hope you all have a great night and yay for tomorrow being Friday.

    Todays workout per HRM:
    45 min
    801 calories of which I claimed 400
    1.98 miles
    5198 steps
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Mel- check out the article that Susan posted about her friends, at the bottom of the article are links to other articles about the snow and ice storm they had. They are not prepared for the snow storms and don't have the plowing equipment to clear the roads.

    Susan- Your friends were truly amazing to be helping so many people.

    RobinEgg-Glad you were able to get some decent sleep :drinker: you deserved with everything you have experienced lately.

    I recorded a new lower weight today, which is great. It was close to yesterday's weight, so I decided to make it official today. I am down three pounds. It is nice to see the scale moving after such a long time.

    Today, a co-worker told me that she was taking a sign language class and she wanted me to join her. It started tonight so very short notice. The co-worker is originally from South America and Spanish is her primary language. She still has difficulty learning English so she wants to learn sign language to help her with the English. I loved studying sign language back in college and afterwards so it was great to join the class tonight. Luckily, the meeting I was suppose to have was cancelled and I could attend the first class tonight. So now, I have class every week for 15 weeks and will earn 3 credits when I am done.

    The massage was nice and relaxing today. I am just sorry that I had to drive all the home then back up the road for the highway. In the end it was worth it.

    My exercise plan for the week
    Sunday-walking DONE
    Monday- trainer (1/2 hr) plus my own workout, climbing maybe DONE no trainer but her workout
    Tuesday- gym maybe or rest REST
    Wednesday- Trainer DONE
    Thursday- Rest DONE
    Friday-Rock climbing
    Saturday- Swim/ aerobics
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi All!

    Sorry I haven't been on here in awhile. I've been dealing with some depression lately. I think it's seasonal affective disorder (SAD...what an appropriate name!) and I cannot for the life of me find my mood light. It's a special lamp that is supposed to simulate sunlight and affect the neurons in your brain to produce serotonin. I have no idea where it is, but Feb. and March are my worst months for that, so I've gotta find it soon!

    I had my first workout with my new trainer, Kelsey. She kicked my butt! We did two miles on the bikes in 10 minutes, which was difficult, but not too bad. Then we got on the elliptical machines. I could only do 7 minutes of that and two of those minutes were backwards, but she said that's okay as long as my legs are moving. THEN we went to the treadmill and walked 2.5 mph at a 5% incline for 10 minutes. I worked hard on that because I thought we'd be done after that....NO WAY!!! Then we went to the multi-function room where we did squats, overhead presses, lunges, and crunches on a ball. I was okay until we got out the steps and tried to step up and down on the same leg. As long as I was doing my right leg, I was fine, but as soon as I tried to step on my left, it gave out. My knee hurt sooooo badly, I couldn't even finish! It was kind of a disappointment, but she did give me some exercises to do to strengthen my knee (which is an old gymnastics injury from, oh, I'd say 12 years ago...funny it should hurt now!)

    When I was in junior high and high school I did power tumbling and was one of the strongest people in my class. I had MAJOR muscles! haha! I weighed 150 and thought I was fat, then! Now, at double that, I'm realizing that there are things I want to be able to do and just plain can't yet. I'm excited for the days when I can do things that don't hurt me . Also, now I'm a gymnastics coach at the YMCA and I want to set good examples for my girls. I try to tell them to be kind to their bodies and to promote healthy living, but it's obvious I wasn't doing either of those things, so I sounded like a big ol' hypocrite!

    I haven't been to water aerobics all week. I plan on going in tomorrow morning, providing I can walk! haha!

    So: my goals for next week are to go to water aerobics three times and work out with Kelsey once. Fortunately, I have a job where I only work four hours each on Tues. and Thurs., so I have plenty of time to devote to well-being. Unfortunately, it leads to a lot of sitting around, watching TV, and eating. I did really well on my eating today, but I skipped breakfast, which is something I've been working on. I want to eat breakfast at least 5 times next week.

    Madeline: I'm so sorry about your loss, and that's exactly what it is: a loss. Pets are so much a part of the family, and I fear for the day when I have to say goodbye to my little Brandy-dog. I'll tell you a story to describe how precious she is to me:

    When I was in the throes of a HUGE depressive attack, I thought about ending it all permanently. I was doing dishes and the thought just popped into my head: "If I just drop the radio in the water and stick my hand in, I won't have to deal with this crap anymore." I picked up the radio and was moving it to the dishwater when I felt something cold and wet on my leg. It was Brandy's nose. I put the radio down because I knew that if I were gone, no one would take care of her and love her like I did. I couldn't do it. I had to live for her. That was a huge turning point in my life. I haven't considered suicide ever again...Praise God! But I know exactly how you feel. If I have to put her down, I will because I don't want her to suffer. BUT it will seriously tear me up inside because I feel she saved my life. I owe her that.

    So, now Brandy is 10 years old and she's supposed to live about 12-15. I can tell she's slowing down, but when she sleeps, she still has "puppy dreams" and I know she's not ready to go yet! I do feel so badly for you, Miss Madeline. I will be sending happier thoughts your way...

    loves to all :love:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @hayley--sounds like you had a great workout! Even if you are very sore tomorrow, I bet doing the water aerobics will really help loosen up your muscles. That Brandy sounds like a wonderful friend--I bet she sensed your emotional state and came to comfort you. Dogs definitely know how their owners are feeling, and though they may not understand why we are sad or angry or happy or scared, they sense and respond. I know if I'm sad about something, gunner comes to snuggle with me. And if I'm stressed or frustrated, he knows to steer clear--sometimes I think my DH needs to take lessons from him! :laugh:

    @laurie--congrats on the new lower weight!! :drinker: I look forward to getting there again as well. I managed to lose 2 of the 6 lbs I added to my ticker on Jan. 1st, and have kept it off, but no new movement in a couple of weeks. :ohwell: enjoy the ASL class. I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but I used to work with children with hearing impairments--most moderately to profoundly deaf. They had a variety of other issues as well--developmental delays, emotional or behavioral disorders, etc. I learned a lot of sign language while working with them, though I never came anywhere close to being fluent.

    @tammy--when I was a kid, my mom took in a stray Maine Coon for the winter b/c she felt sorry for it. We named him Maximillian, and he would go out hunting any night it wasn't too cold for us to let him out, often bringing home "presents" to leave on our doormat. :laugh: He would also often get into fights as evidenced by the scrapes and scratches we would find scabbed over days later, but fortunately, never anything serious. In the spring, she gave him away b/c she's not really a cat person and we got our first dog shortly after that.

    @mel--we also had relatively mild winters the past two years and were probably due for a more "normal" level of cold and snow. However, what we are experiencing this year is beyond payback. We just got through another bitterly cold blast and now we have a storm coming that is supposed to dump another foot of snow tomorrow night. A lot of the municipalities are already running out of salt b/c the barges can't get through the frozen rivers. We still have at least 6 more weeks of winter, and Chicago has put out warnings that they will not be slating any side streets for this coming snowstorm. This is one of the few instances I can recall being glad I live in the suburbs. :tongue:

    @robinB--good luck on your weigh-in tomorrow! :flowerforyou:

    @p1xy--sorry your daughter is sick--hope she gets better quickly.

    @susan--thanks for sharing that story--and what an amazing coincidence that you happen to know them!

    @ushkii--glad you had a great meal at the buffet without overdoing it! :drinker:

    @tracy--feel better! :flowerforyou:

    @nettie--I hate it when I fall into that mode of just eating whatever is handy b/c I'm so hungry. I'm am struggling with a similar issue b/c my schedule changed at the semester and I'm still getting used to it. Last semester, I ate breakfast during my 3rd period open and lunch during 5th period. Then I would have a snack during my 9th period resource duty. This semester, I have a 5th period study hall, so I have to wait until 6th period to eat lunch. The past 2 days I have eaten my 9th period snack during study hall b/c I'm already hungry at that point. The result is no later afternoon snack which means I'm starving when i get home and eat dinner too early which leads to too much hunger later in the evening. I know I will get it figured out, but it will take some trial and error to avoid going to bed hungry. :ohwell:

    @amanda--great NSV that you weren't worn out or in pain after all of that activity!! :drinker:

    @L2T--woohoo for the scale budging!! :drinker:

    @robin--I'm also torn between feelings of jealousy and joy about your ability to get lots of sleep now. :tongue:

    @kaye--I hope the sleep doctor can do something to help with your sleep. As a lifelong insomniac, I can definitely commiserate.

    @alupinsk--glad you are feeling good after the run--yay!

    Thursday Truth:
    My claim about having no grading yesterday was a big lie--albeit an unintentional one. I forgot that I gave a unit test right before finals that still needed grading. We couldn't put it on last semester b/c then the kids would have no time to do correction, so I set the pile to the side and completely forgot about it until the other AP teacher said something about it today. Fortunately, there is only one question that isn't multiple choice, so very easy, quick grading.

    Today I came home from work exhausted. I could also feel a migraine coming on, so I decided to take a nap instead of going to the gym. I got in a good hour on the couch before gunner decided to bug me, but it was better than nothing and my headache is now gone. I have to be at work early for a meeting tomorrow, so it's off to bed for me.

    Grading goals:
    1. 50/71 AP tests
    2. x/52 JRP thesis statements

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--gym (lift + HIIT) NOT DONE
    Tues--gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE (it was still way too cold!)
    Thurs--walk gunner + (lift + HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + (lift + HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @susan-you've got this. **good vibes** The sweets might be tempting, but they're not worth it unless you factor them in to your day. :)

    @mel- I weigh every day at the same time of day. It helps me see that my weight does fluctuate. For instance, I've weighed in at 225.8 for the last 3 days, and today it jumped up to 230. I ate a high sodium dinner last night, and drank a lot of water before bed. I know the 1200 calories I netted yesterday did not make me gain 5lbs. It actually makes me freak out less now that I'm seeing trends.

    @helena- welcome back :)

    @robin- have you ever seen the show Ruby? You remind me of her. She's just so sweet and caring.

    @hayley - you'll get there. As someone who was a chronic overeater, I had to consciously make myself finish my dinner last night so I could get my minimum 1200 calories in for the day. Once you get into the habit of counting and eating right you'll be surprised just how hard it can be to fill those calories.

    @laurie- I hope everything pans out with your trainer. Lucky for you that you got the workout beforehand.

    @nettie- try JCP for clothes. The one by me has had a TON of sales lately. Got 2 sweaters and 2 pairs of shorts for $15.

    I saw today that next week we (Northern Ohio) may get another blast of snow. They say for my region 8+ inches. :( I'm so tired of this.

    <Begin Rant>
    I'm starting to stress. February is a very busy month with work and I may have taken off more than I can chew. I have 2 programs both next week and the week after. (One of which I have to make cupcakes for.) Our work Sunshine Committee put on a bake sale where employees can pre-order foods, and it went over much better than we expected. So far we raised about $200, and that's on baked goods ranging from $1-$5...library people like to eat I guess! I will be a baking fiend next week, which means I must scour my kitchen to prepare for the baking madness. Also in the midst of planning our Summer Reading Program, which is frustrating because in public work you can't plan anything without there being a committee for it, so it is going much slower than I'd like.'s coming along. Another busy day at work today. Haven't slept much, and I think a lot to do with that is because I have so much to do. I'm hoping I can try to relax Sunday before the madness begins on Monday again. </end rant>

    Friday Fitness:
    I still can't do much upper body with my arm. I'm not sure what's going on with my body though. I'm not sure if it's because of a change in my body, or if I've changed my posture, but my arms aren't hurting as bad when I run. Going to attempt another leg day today or tomorrow along with a run. I do a lot of HIIT running because I can sprint for short periods better than a slow run/jog for long periods. I need to start working towards longevity, so I think I'll try to set the pace at about 5.0 and see how long I can run/jog. If I can hit 10 minutes before I get winded, I'll be happy.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I cannot believe January is over. It flew by and brings us closer to Spring!

    Now it's time to set some goals for February:

    Lose 7.3 lbs - That would put me at 199.9 on March 1st. Not too sure it will happen given that my weight loss over the last 2 weeks has virtually stopped, but what the heck, I'm going to go with the attitude that I can make it happen.

    Drink 4 glasses of water every day (glass is a 20 oz Tervis tumbler).

    Stay within my calorie goal (as averaged during a week). I don't stress about being over on a day, but I do adjust the next one.

    And last, but not least: STOP stressing over what the scale says and exercise some patience. Yeah, probably won't do well on this one, but at least I'm going to try.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • Helenavee42
    Thursday truth: I guess this is a good truth but I have been doing week 2 of C25K wrong... It states jog 90 seconds and walk 2 minutes but I've been jogging 90 seconds and walking 90 seconds. You're probably wondering how I could be doing it wrong while using the app. I let the app run silently to show that I've completed the workout but I plugged the intervals into runtastic and that app just keeps on yelling at me when the intervals change. I was worried I'd need to add an extra day or 2 in for week 2 since I felt like I was struggling a bit yesterday, mostly because of the cold, but now I know why I was and I may be more prepared for week 3 than I originally thought! Truth 2-My calorie intake has been a bit too low the past few days mostly because I haven't had a chance to go grocery shopping. I need to go tonight.

    @Susan- I have my diary open to friends so feel free to friend me! :happy: Thanks for the recipe! It looks great!

    So I typed all that out yesterday and did not post it! I did the same thin on wednesday.

    Friday Fitness- I'm rearranging my schedule a bit since I took a rest day yesterday. Instead of running it's legs and core day for You are your own gym basic program, then I'll run saturday, and do another strength workout on sunday.

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    It's Friday!!! Wahoo!!!

    I had 2 NSV this week.
    ~ Earlier in the week while putting on my sports bra it rolled up in back. Instantly I thought it was another sports bra fiasco. I was completely surprised when I was able to reach back and up, grab it and pull it down. Wahoo for shrinking fat and increased flexibility.
    ~ I am sure many of you can relate to the clothes in the closet that just do not fit correct scenario. I had about 4 pairs of work pants in the closet that were difficult to button. In a drawer I had 3 sweaters that I purchased online from Kohls and never wore because they were a bit snug. This week I was able to wear those pants to work and one of the sweaters. I didn't feel self-conscious in them or uncomfortable at all.

    Today I am scheduled to see my little boy I told you all about earlier in the week. I am excited to see if he will repeat the same behavior for me. I really hope he does. If he does I will begin to take baseline data on his new skill for a week, request a meeting with the entire team (School staff, home staff and his family) and see if we can devise a plan to move him forward. This would mean huge gains for him. I am so excited. :happy:
    Tracy - Glad to hear you have some meds. You will definitely start feeling a lot better soon.

    ushkii - Glad to hear you are getting back into the swing of things!

    RobinB - I can relate to the getting distracted by reading the forums. I have had to limit myself to forum time in the morning while I am sipping my coffee and eating my cereal.

    Mel - Congrats on the measurements. Tomorrow is my measurement day. I've been working hard all month so I am hoping for some decent results.

    Laurie - Congrats on the sign language class. I took it in college and really liked it too. Last year, I taught my preschoolers how to sign the book Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother Too? by Eric Carle. I invited all my students mothers in and we preformed it for Mother's Day. It was so cute and the moms loved it!

    Hayley - It's amazing how our furbabies know just want we need exactly when we need it. I have experienced situations where everything seems to be going wrong and I am completely frustrated. Then one of my furbabies does something to let me know they are there. Their random acts make all my problems seem so much less serious. I love my furbabies and cannot imagine my life without them.

    Skinny - It makes me feel better knowing that you can relate. Yesterday I had the complete opposite problem as the days before. I couldn't figure out what to eat for lunch so I made a quick salad and threw some pine nuts on top to bump up the calories and protein. This time I ate a healthy lunch but it was about 200 calories under what I normally have. By the time I got to work I was starving. I didn't think ahead to bring a snack with me. I was so busy though that the hunger didn't bother me that much. As soon as I got home I began preparing dinner. Being busy helped the urge to snack. I felt so much better after dinner and was quite full. However, my calories for the day were only around 900. :grumble: Even though I was full, I ended up making a smoothie. I was still rather low so I ate some veggie straws just to bump up my calories. One of these days I will get my food troubles worked out. I feel like I am in a food rut and just don't want anything that is in the house. I think it would help a lot if I went food shopping and stocked up the fridge again. :ohwell: I have been really bad with getting my water in too the past few days. I don't know what my problem is lately. :noway:

    Alupinsk - Thanks for the JCP tip. I will definitely check them out. I have had luck with buying stuff with them before. But never a great deal like the one you got!!! That is amazing!

    Lives - Those are great goals for February.

    Helena - Your C25K story made me chuckle. That sounds exactly like something that I would do. Thanks for sharing. Kudos for being more prepared for week 3 though. That's great!

    wzastrow - Welcome! Feel free to add me if you wish. I am on here daily. I try to cheer on my MFP whenever I can.

    Susan - My heart goes out to the people who were stuck. Thank goodness for good Samaritans who helped out.

    We had a similar situation here on LI last year when a fierce blizzard came through our area. People were foolish and waited too long to leave work for whatever their reasons may have been. When the storm began it came down very heavy and quickly. Vehicles were stranded all over, even the rescue vehicles. The scenes from Atlanta looked all too familiar. However, we had a lot more snow. It was crazy.

    p1xyn1xy - Sorry to hear you had a bad day. Today is a new day, hopefully a better one for you.
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    My knee still hurts today from my workout with Kelsey yesterday. I can bend it, or I can put weight on it. I can't do both!

    I'm a little excited and a bit nervous for my weigh-in tomorrow (I always weigh on Saturday mornings because my weekends are sooo crazy that I either overeat a lot or I don't eat enough, depending on the weekend.) Also, Saturdays give me a whole week to make up for a "bad weekend"! haha!

    I was talking to my hubby the other day about Brandy (my furbaby) and told him the story I shared here. He said that it is entirely possible that I am (again) not using a filter and over-sharing. (I kinda have a problem with diarrhea of the mouth...) I told him that my overeating and subsequent weight gain is the sum of many parts, and one of those parts is when I was so depressed that I couldn't get out of bed, couldn't hold a job, couldn't operate on any type of schedule. I'm not there anymore. I work about 8 hours a week (thank God the hubby is a hard worker or we'd REALLY lose weight,...cuz we'd be starving!) When I got married, I was able to go on my hubby's insurance, which helped greatly with the treatments for depression. Living paycheck to paycheck like I was, I couldn't afford a mood light, couldn't go to the doctor when I needed to, and sometimes had to go a month or so without meds because I couldn't afford them. That's a really scary thing. I'm glad and extremely grateful to have some stability in my life now, and I feel that now is the time to work on my physical health, after spending the last 7 years being concerned about my mental health. It was only recently that I realized that they are one and the same. I can't be healthy mentally if I still have the overeating, high -calorie, no-exercise mentality. It just doesn't work to treat one and not the other. That's my two cents!

    skinnyjeanz = you were right. I got up to go to water aerobics today and although my knee is still sore, it felt good to see my friends again and I enjoyed the exercise that I could do. Thanks!

    JNettie = I had the exact same problem today. I went to put on my sports bra and it rolled and I couldn't reach it to get it straightened out...Thanks for the inspiration. I know I won't always have this body, and I look forward to the day I also surprise myself with my new body!

    Alupinsk = I LOVE JCP!!!! They have some great clothes, for really inexpensive prices, especially if you are buying in the off-season. We have a good one in Davenport and I like to go up there. The one in my town in Iowa is really small and the plus-sized clothes look like...well, what my mom calls "Little old lady clothes". Elastic waistbands and embroidery. Not something a woman in her early 30s would want to wear if she had another choice! haha! I do love that store in Davenport though. I have decided that when summer comes, I'm going to try to get a pair of denim capris, and that will be the first place I go!

    Lives = those sound like excellent goals! Best of luck!!!

    loves :love: