The Beautiful People



  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member

    Its a curse being beautiful as any one who is will tell you, and boy do we put up with some crap and verbal abuse all unsolicited and born out of the culprits own perception of their lack of self worth....

    Yes, I remember it like yesterday. Being an overweight teenager and teasing all the pretty popular people. How hurt they must of been!
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Loved this post...
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    YAY for beautiful people... inside or out!!! :heart:

    (also.. yay for your doctor who ticker!)
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    The beautiful people, the beautiful people. It's all relative to the size of your steeple.
    you can't see the forest full of trees.......\m/
    giphy.gif \m/
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    Instead of seeing what is on the surface, try to look beyond the muscles and the toned bodies and look at what that person did to achieve it.

    It is worth pointing out how 99% of the headless picture people, the main people who show of their bodies, are the one's who swear up and down how easy it is. "Just eat at a deficit. Lift heavy."

    I don't have the best body, but I do show it off on occasion becuase I am very proud of where it is compared to where it was. And while it is not EASY, it is exceedingly SIMPLE. Just eat at a deficit. Hit proper macros. Lift heavy.

    Believe it or not, lifting heavy is not the only way to get a great body. I am very proud of where I am today and I barely strenght trained at all until recently.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Having been married for a couple of decades, it's easy for me to see inward beauty and ignore outward beauty.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The beautiful people, the beautiful people. It's all relative to the size of your steeple.
    you can't see the forest full of trees.......\m/
    giphy.gif \m/

    ^^ :love:

    I heard his voice when I saw the thread title. "The beautiful people, the beautiful people..."
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am far from abs and being in shape, I'm actually morbidly obese, and I have always thought I was hot, even with my jiggly arms and cellulite. Now I'm just working on a body to match the thought I have in my head of myself lol. Sure I get "insecure" or whatnot, but it doesn't make me feel worthless to see a hot bodied person, it inspires me.
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    Having a 6 pack is more work than it is worth. I had one at one point. It was exhausting thinking that indepthly about what I ate. In addition there is nothing functional about having a six pack. Also how often are you going to walk around without a shirt on. To me its not worth worrying about.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Instead of seeing what is on the surface, try to look beyond the muscles and the toned bodies and look at what that person did to achieve it.

    It is worth pointing out how 99% of the headless picture people, the main people who show of their bodies, are the one's who swear up and down how easy it is. "Just eat at a deficit. Lift heavy."

    I don't have the best body, but I do show it off on occasion becuase I am very proud of where it is compared to where it was. And while it is not EASY, it is exceedingly SIMPLE. Just eat at a deficit. Hit proper macros. Lift heavy.

    Believe it or not, lifting heavy is not the only way to get a great body. I am very proud of where I am today and I barely strenght trained at all until recently.

    D- You should be proud! We aren't friends on here, so I can't see your photos, but I have read some of your posts in the forums. I know that it does take wanting it. I am with you on being proud of where I was compared to where I am. I will admit though, that I do sometimes still struggle with wanting to be validated. Slowly, I am over coming that!

    GymGypsy- you are correct that there are many wasy of getting what you want. Each person has different goals and different ways of going about what they want. I do believe D is one of those who is trying to let people know that they don't need to over complicate things.
  • JamericanBoy
    JamericanBoy Posts: 484 Member
    Instead of seeing what is on the surface, try to look beyond the muscles and the toned bodies and look at what that person did to achieve it.

    It is worth pointing out how 99% of the headless picture people, the main people who show of their bodies, are the one's who swear up and down how easy it is. "Just eat at a deficit. Lift heavy."

    I don't have the best body, but I do show it off on occasion becuase I am very proud of where it is compared to where it was. And while it is not EASY, it is exceedingly SIMPLE. Just eat at a deficit. Hit proper macros. Lift heavy.

    Believe it or not, lifting heavy is not the only way to get a great body. I am very proud of where I am today and I barely strenght trained at all until recently.

    D- You should be proud! We aren't friends on here, so I can't see your photos, but I have read some of your posts in the forums. I know that it does take wanting it. I am with you on being proud of where I was compared to where I am. I will admit though, that I do sometimes still struggle with wanting to be validated. Slowly, I am over coming that!

    GymGypsy- you are correct that there are many wasy of getting what you want. Each person has different goals and different ways of going about what they want. I do believe D is one of those who is trying to let people know that they don't need to over complicate things.

    Tru dat.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    So very well said.... Most of the people here that have posted pics of themselves in those particular threads should be proud, and showing off a little of all the hard work, good for them! It should not take away or detract from any of the hard work every other person is doing! They are just a little further along :wink:

    Personally I go to those threads to help me get motivated to continue kicking *kitten*... Specially on days like today that just suck *kitten*. Those pics give me that motivation to keep going.
  • stetienne
    stetienne Posts: 560 Member
    Am I the only one who has a Marilyn Manson song stuck in my head now??
    Immediately started playing in my head.
  • THECaptainObvious
    THECaptainObvious Posts: 399 Member
    Thank you for posting this!
  • AprilMae1975
    I have been having a converstaion over the past 2 days with a fellow MFP friend. I won't call him out, but I will say that in a way, the eye candy threads have kind of brought his mood down a bit. He mentioned that there are a bunch of beauitful people talking about how hot they all are. I am not one for pity parties and refused to let him stay there too long.

    Here's the thing, often we see only what we want to see. We see skinny, we see six packs, we see sexy. Then we look at ourselves and we nit pick every last thing we don't like and make comparisons (ie I hardly ever get told I look good) What you don't always see is the story behind that six pack. You don't see the hard work that brought that person enough confidence to feel sexy. You have to remember that not a single person woke up with a rock hard body or flat stomach. There was a lot of sweat and hard work involved.

    Many people started off over weight, unhealthy, or simply not having the body they want.They have had to learn, grow, motivate themselves, and make the commitment to make each day count towards the bigger picture.

    I know my friend isn't the only one struggling. We all do at some point. Just remember this, there is beauty in all things. You are not going to transform yourself over night. Instead of seeing what is on the surface, try to look beyond the muscles and the toned bodies and look at what that person did to achieve it. Rather than wallow in self pity and shaming yourself, see that it can be done becuase there are some kick *kitten* people doing it every single day.

    You made me smile with this. I find myself comparing myself to others and wondering what it would be like to be one of those "beautiful" people. What I need to do instead is see the beauty in me......Thank you for the reminder :heart:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Instead of seeing what is on the surface, try to look beyond the muscles and the toned bodies and look at what that person did to achieve it.

    It is worth pointing out how 99% of the headless picture people, the main people who show of their bodies, are the one's who swear up and down how easy it is. "Just eat at a deficit. Lift heavy."

    While I don't think it is easy, I think some of those comments are in repsonse to people who over analyze weight loss and getting fit. I don't think it's easy to get that kind of body, but it's not as complicated as some people make it either.

    Yep. There's a difference. Yes, it's simple, but that's not to say it's easy - or quick!
  • mathiseasy
    mathiseasy Posts: 165 Member
    You made me smile :) Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I think there was a time where I would have been where your friend is. Those posts don't bother me. It could very well be me at some point. And a lot of it is just a bunch of folks goofing off wasting time.

    But there are a lot of beautiful people here. Not just hotties on the outside, but on the inside too.

    Great post OP. I hope your friend sees the beauty of himself and not worry about the goofiness of others (or to see it for what it is).
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I participate on those threads. And yeah, they are a confidence booster. A few years ago I was borderline morbidly obese. My husband was embarrassed to be seen with me, and made that very clear. I felt horrible about myself, and who I saw in the mirror.

    So I started working out. Slowly at first. I did the Couch 2-5k. Some of the weight started dropping off. I started running races. I started going to the gym. I was still fat. Very fat. But less fat than I had been.

    Then my husband left me. Rocked my world. Turned it upside down. He hooked up with this tiny little blonde girl, literally half my size, and 15 years younger than him. For the first time since high school, I was alone.

    I hit the gym with a vengeance. And you know what, I came through it. I think I look pretty damn good. I feel confident in showing off all that hard work. Piss and moan about all you want about the "narcissistic asshats". But I worked goddamn hard for this. And I'll show it off any time.

    Today I'm working out twice, because I can, and because I still have more hard work to put in. Stop cry babying about it, and put the hard work in yourself.
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    After being on the internet/message boards for well over a decade, I've realized that I can easily avoid the posts and threads that I am not all that interested in. I have bypassed the eye candy threads (actually most of Chit Chat), but I DO hit the Success Stories every day. These people inspire me.

    And as far as comparing myself to other woman, I'm nearly 40 and have stopped that long ago. Now I just compare myself to where I was and where I want to be with my body.