Food posts on FaceBook- am I being mean?



  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    I don't think it's any of your business.

    There is an obesity epidemic in this country and we spend an insane amount of our GDP on medical expenses, including the costs of all the conditions created and exacerbated by overweight and bad diets. It warms my heart when I read the Success Stories and read about how many meds people were able to discontinue (with their doc's agreement) after they lost weight.

    We all pay for this care, through higher insurance premiums, higher taxes to fund health care for the poor, and covering for absences in the workplace. So yes, it IS my business. I also want everyone to feel the way I do. You know what I'm gonna do to celebrate my 61st birthday this weekend? I'm signing up for a sprint triathlon- 1/2 mile lake swim, 12 mile bike ride and a 5K. It saddens me to see how many people are in poor shape and just chalk it up to age or a sedentary job (I have one of those). It doesn't have to be that way.

    Really? You want EVERYONE to think just like you??? too. I want everyone to love bacon and bourbon and hate stupid posts like this. You don't get to tell people what to think or what to eat and then justify it by spouting off about insurance premiums. I've done sprint tris and plenty of other races and like to live and eat healthy. So do many of my friends - here and in real life. We don't shove our views down people's throats any more than we would our religion or our politics.

    Take care of yourself and mind your own business you nosy little female dog.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    I AGREE! Bacon is meat candy! :)

    Mmmm....delicious meaty candy....*homer simpson drool*
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,233 Member
    So you'd be unhappy if I invited you to help vote for Christmas dessert:


    And btw-I already know the calorie counts. You probably don't want to though, that 400-something you mentioned is chump change in comparison

    And this photo is enormous. There are two more cakes off the side. But I'm too lazy to resize.
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    I love the food porn / recipe posts. Always tease my friends and ask when they are going to make some and bring it over. I know they wont, and they know I wouldnt eat it anyhow... but darn, to get that all worked up over food pix that someone else posts on fb...
  • Zomb1eMummy
    Zomb1eMummy Posts: 104 Member
    Personally I don't really care, I sometimes even "share" the post as well. A lot of those recipes are delicious and I like to challenge myself to making a healthier dupe. Plus, it will not kill you to have a binge every now and then.
  • astrovivi
    astrovivi Posts: 183 Member
    drives me nuts when ppl say anything in moderation, what the hell does that really mean??? on the MFP ppl who say you can treat yourself, you just have a bite to get your craving to go away,... I don't know one person be it skinny or heavy that can eat one bite of your favorite thing.......You gotta want this more then you want to eat anything........I keep telling myself personally NOTHING will ever taste as good as thin will feel...................

    oh seriously, WAT?

    moderation means moderation.

    many of us who have been lean most of our lives eat a bit of everything, all in moderation.
    We don't all feel the need to greedily scoff every last cookie in the jar, you know.

    For some of us, one is plenty to make us happy.

    That's what normal is.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
  • Synamin
    Synamin Posts: 80 Member
    So, I finally got tired of (some) of my FB friends who post almost nothing but recipes on FB. And not just ANY recipes. You know the kind I mean- bar cookies covered with half an inch of frosting, casseroles loaded with bacon and cheese, something called "millionaire spaghetti pie"... sadly, the people who post these recipes really need to eat less of this stuff- they're all overweight. And every one of these recipes starts with "Hit 'Share' so this will be saved on your timeline so you won't lose it." and they comply. Now I don't wanna get all preachy on FB, but about a week ago I decide to look up the nutritional info on one of these concoctions. Umm, if you really do divide the 13 X 9 X 5 pan contents into 15 pieces, one Banana Nut Brownie with cream cheese frosting has 459 calories and 48% of the recommended max for saturated fat. And who eats just one when the rest of the pan is staring at you and the first one was so good?

    So, I posted that info, just as a public service and all... and did that for 2 more particularly egregious recipes I've seen since then. One friend got all defensive and said that it was OK as an occasional treat.. which is how she replied when I commented on some cheese/bacon/egg casserole thing she posted at Christmas.

    Disclosure: I do like some of that stuff, but my tactic is to go to a place where I can get ONE serving (e.g., a good bakery), take it home, enjoy every single calorie and fat gram, then go back to my usual good habits. No way I'd let piles of that stuff live in my kitchen.

    So- how do YOU deal with FaceBook Foodies?

    Since it's none of my business what other people decide to cook and eat, I don't do anything to deal with them.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    drives me nuts when ppl say anything in moderation, what the hell does that really mean??? on the MFP ppl who say you can treat yourself, you just have a bite to get your craving to go away,... I don't know one person be it skinny or heavy that can eat one bite of your favorite thing.......You gotta want this more then you want to eat anything........I keep telling myself personally NOTHING will ever taste as good as thin will feel...................

    oh seriously, WAT?

    moderation means moderation.

    many of us who have been lean most of our lives eat a bit of everything, all in moderation.
    We don't all feel the need to greedily scoff every last cookie in the jar, you know.

    For some of us, one is plenty to make us happy.

    That's what normal is.

    *Hugs chocchillimango and steals her chocolates while she is distracted*
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Bottom line - you do not have to look at it. Simply delete the people or block their posts from being seen on your main page. I have had many people/friends/family members I have deleted off of facebook due to difference/offensive topics or pictures.
  • newlife888
    newlife888 Posts: 83 Member
    When people's posts annoy me, I hide their posts from my timeline. Problem solved!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I honestly just ignore them. 99% of the recipes I see posted grossed me out anyway even before I began watching what I ate (one tonight...taco casserole with Doritos! Why??).

    Tumblr, on the other hand...the recipes I see there almost always look good!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Tell them, "and that's why you're still fat!"
    it's none of my business what other's post on their walls. If you don't like it, unfollow them.
    Doesn't this also apply to people who don't like what someone has to say about the recipe they posted?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Can you post the recipe for this spaghetti pie?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    I AGREE! Bacon is meat candy! :)

    Mmmm....delicious meaty candy....*homer simpson drool*

    Hey there chief, you like bacon? You ever have a chocolate bacon milkshake? WUT WUT! I even created a special vanilla cure for that bacon.
  • astrovivi
    astrovivi Posts: 183 Member
    drives me nuts when ppl say anything in moderation, what the hell does that really mean??? on the MFP ppl who say you can treat yourself, you just have a bite to get your craving to go away,... I don't know one person be it skinny or heavy that can eat one bite of your favorite thing.......You gotta want this more then you want to eat anything........I keep telling myself personally NOTHING will ever taste as good as thin will feel...................

    oh seriously, WAT?

    moderation means moderation.

    many of us who have been lean most of our lives eat a bit of everything, all in moderation.
    We don't all feel the need to greedily scoff every last cookie in the jar, you know.

    For some of us, one is plenty to make us happy.

    That's what normal is.

    *Hugs chocchillimango and steals her chocolates while she is distracted*

    LMAO that's the spirit!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    drives me nuts when ppl say anything in moderation, what the hell does that really mean??? on the MFP ppl who say you can treat yourself, you just have a bite to get your craving to go away,... I don't know one person be it skinny or heavy that can eat one bite of your favorite thing.......You gotta want this more then you want to eat anything........I keep telling myself personally NOTHING will ever taste as good as thin will feel...................


    Fresh baked cookies.

    Shrimp and grits

    Peanut butter cup ice cream mixed with dark chocolate chunks (my dessert tonight)

    All taste better than skinny will ever feel.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Googling Millionaire Spaghetti Pie pissed me off royally on many levels.

    1) there is a Millionaire Pie with no spaghetti
    2) there is a Million Dollar Spaghetti pie..get the name right
    3) There is a Millionaire's Spaghetti with no pie.
    4) they consist of cream cheese spaghetti and ground beef, etc. not the stuff I think a millionaire would eat?
    5) they seem suspiciously more like a poor man's lasagna?
  • EricRazorbacks
    EricRazorbacks Posts: 42 Member
    I would never say anything to someone on fb about the recipes they choose to post. I will copy the recipe and share with a group of like-minded friends so we can all share in the horror of it together, and I am not a foodie by any means. I should note that I never get anything on my newsfeed that looks as deliciously awesome as that chocolate eclair pie, I get stuff that looks like this*:


    *Not an actual recipe, but the best visual representation of the "Dear god, wtf IS that? Why? Why?" reaction that generally accompanies the recipes I get.

    Looks like mayo-heavy Russian salad with meat, cheese, and bread. All things I love, and which are totally awesome together. Judge away! Haha.