Biggest Loser Finale...what is going on??



  • CLD79
    CLD79 Posts: 53 Member
    DjinnMarie- Those were her stats at 150 and 19%. Prior to gaining the weight she was training to swim at the olympics and was a competitive athlete Those were her numbers last show.
  • oakaustrian

    If you think she looks healthy, then your perception is way off.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    The concern is where does she go from here? There's a chance she's set herself up for a lifetime of disordered eating. There's a fair chance that after such extreme dieting she'll go on a binge fest now and regain say 20lbs in a couple of weeks, but as she has little muscle left she'll end up with a high BF%.

    I hope she uses some of her winnings to pay for a good dietitian and trainer who can help her rebuild some muscle in a healthy and sustainable way.
  • MelissaWI
    MelissaWI Posts: 133 Member
    DjinnMarie- Those were her stats at 150 and 19%. Prior to gaining the weight she was training to swim at the olympics and was a competitive athlete Those were her numbers last show.

    I know this was said as well, I am trying to show someone this and can't find a clip or stat or anything.. does anyone know where to find it?
  • Starryjewell
    Starryjewell Posts: 2 Member
    Not cool at all. She looked so very sick. Not a very good example at all. How uncomfortable to watch her, now, in the upcoming weeks talk about her "inspiring" transformation.... For the networks,the trainers' responses, the interviewers themselves... I wonder how many will back out on interviewing her. Eeesh !
  • tamikathomas1675
    I am a big fan of the show and I was pretty disappointed this time. Rachel really looked sick and I'm concerned that her win sends the wrong message. I sawJillian's reaction and Dolvett didn't look too proud either. I really hope Rachel is in a good place mentally, and not obsessed with being skinny- otherwise that weight will come right back!
  • TNM2014
    TNM2014 Posts: 40 Member
    Trying to explain this to my 18 year old college student over the phone was very hard. Shame on NBC for allowing and awarding this behavior . This was a very bad move for BL and a sad reality of what lengths one will go to just to win. I don't believe it was just the money that drove her to this point. It was more so her need to win and have control. and not having the right support system is even more dangerous. We must lift her up in prayer.
  • snyggme
    snyggme Posts: 1 Member
    This finale was hard to watch. I am sure it will inspire change in the rules of the game. As for all the eating disorder comments and comments about what is healthy or if someone can be a certain weight and body fat. Every person is different and although the visible signs of eating disorders become apparent in late stages, you don't have to be thin to be anorexic. Eating disorders are very real and harm so many people every day, it breaks my heart to see what this once inspiring show has become. I am not going to speculate as to whether anyone does or does not have an eating disorder - but telling the youth of America that losing over 100lbs in 7 months isn't good enough is simply the wrong message to send.
  • CLD79
    CLD79 Posts: 53 Member
    Melissa- Dr. H tells her this if you look at the intro before she comes out in the finale. (Find the finale and fast forward to the into package before they introduce her to come out around 1 hour 30 minutes). She is still at the ranch when this meeting was taking place and she left the ranch at 151 lbs. He says " you are at a 19% body fat and within 5 pounds of appropriate weight for professional athletes." She then goes home and in three months drops to 105 for the final weigh in. That is what I am talking about as unhealthy.
  • FirecrackerJess
    FirecrackerJess Posts: 276 Member
    I'm not going to say that ### is too much or ### is too little, but on Rachel, on what I saw tonight, I was horrified. To me she looks sick and unhealthy. She looked wonderful on the last week on the ranch, during the last competition where she won the car. She looked GREAT. When she walked out, I couldn't believe it was her. Then I saw Jillian's face, and Bob, and I knew I was not the only one thinking that her appearance was a problem, that she may need some help.

    Can someone look healthy and be healthy at that weight? Yes. Did Rachel? No. Not to me.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    She needs to put on 10-15 pounds now. Hopefully if she did that she wouldn't fall back into her bad habits.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Agree! An adult woman should not weigh 105 lbs!

    sorry? i am an adult woman and am very comfortable at 105 lbs. this **** is ridiculous. if this were reversed, can you imagine the uproar over someone crowing about how "an adult woman should not weight 275 lbs" or some such bull**** like that.

    i don't watch this show, but i think for her height (5'4" apparently) 105 lbs is not abhorrent! i agree that it sounds like it happened quite drastically and very fast - but those stats are not "sickly" and "anorexic". jesus.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Wow when she tripped going up the stairs i thought she was going to break something because she was so thin and fragile. Her arms, everything about her looks sickly and the judges could tell the look on their face showed they were not happy
  • caitlindb88
    caitlindb88 Posts: 14 Member
    I think this will prompt a change in the rules. It's just not fair to put smaller contestants up against huge ones. It makes it unfair and the smaller contestants will feel the pressure to become drastically underweight to win, risking their health. I hope they listen to everyone's concerns.
  • caitlindb88
    caitlindb88 Posts: 14 Member
    I mean for holy cow, I'm 5'7 and my goal weight is 135. She is only 3 inches shorter than me and she's 105!? Cray-cray.
  • VickieZureich
    VickieZureich Posts: 37 Member
    Rachel not only looked unhealthy, she looked annorexic and it really aged her face...She had deep wrinkles and she is very young. I agree....its Crazy~
  • megsasb
    megsasb Posts: 29 Member
    IMHO.. When everyone else walks out in skinny tight dresses, even Holly who is awesome, then she has to come out in a dress that's not fitted to show it all off.. It was obviously to hide what others had already seen. Highly shocked! I'm 5'3 and my smallest when I was like 16 was 107lb but I still had a booty and bobs!
  • Momma2Juliana
    I'm sure the trainers pulled her aside after the show and talked to her about it. I knew she would win. After all I did pick her on day 1 to be the biggest loser winner but my jaw seriously dropped when I saw her walk out on stage. It will not surprise me if her weight loss and how thin she got isn't all over the news. I'm thinking Inside Edition with a MD weighing in on what he thinks.

    I really think she was so focused on winning that it probably didn't even cross her mind that she might not be in a healthy BMI range.
  • YvetteNZ
    YvetteNZ Posts: 2 Member
    They should make a minimum body fat percentage so that this doesn't happen again. She was so perfect when she left the ranch, she had no choice but to become unhealthily skinny or lose the prize...

    Maybe everyone has a goal weight and if you get there first you win? I dunno... I'm sure Jillian would have spoken to her afterwards to make sure she put some weight back on. Jillian looked so worried and I've never seen Bob clap so slowly!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Agree! An adult woman should not weigh 105 lbs!

    sorry? i am an adult woman and am very comfortable at 105 lbs. this **** is ridiculous. if this were reversed, can you imagine the uproar over someone crowing about how "an adult woman should not weight 275 lbs" or some such bull**** like that.

    i don't watch this show, but i think for her height (5'4" apparently) 105 lbs is not abhorrent! i agree that it sounds like it happened quite drastically and very fast - but those stats are not "sickly" and "anorexic". jesus.

    *****es be jealous