Biggest Loser Finale...what is going on??



  • tannamarie999
    There are pics of her up this morning. Can't post one here but here is a link. 105 is too small for someone 5'4'. Maybe they should have a bottom limit.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • apf2013
    apf2013 Posts: 53 Member
    Totally agree that Rachel is too thin. Hope she adds a few pounds now that she won.
  • Trishsimon
    I think the girl who won is too skinny she actually looks sick and like she has an eating disorder its gone too far this time.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    I just posted the same thing on my profile asking if anyone watched it last night!! The look on Jillian's face when Rachel walked out was absolute horror! I seriously hope she just did that for the win and she will gain some weight. I could not believe it. She looked way too thin and sickly !
  • Durgrim
    Durgrim Posts: 3 Member
    I can only hope she lost that extreme amount of weight to win and now she'll get smart and start putting back some lean muscle mass.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Is anyone really surprised?

    The Biggest Loser has never been about health or achieving a good relationship with food, your eating, exercise and your body. It sets an absolutely terrible example.
    Thank you! I watched the show only once and was appalled at how disrespectful everyone is to the contestants, treating them like idiots who just need to get off their lazy a****. And on top of that, they're milked for sob's pathetic and I can't understand why people continue to watch this &*^$.
  • tseabee
    I also thought Rachel looks sickly now! But way to go TUMI! She looks great! And I loved that she said how she trains hard by running, I think Tumi lost her weight the right way and just my opinion but it looks like Rachel just starved herself to win the money!
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
  • purpleprose
    Nevermind. Decided it wasn't worth it.
  • Llamedos1960
    It is possible to be that weight and still be healthy.

    I was the same weight and 5' 9" up until my mid twenties. And it wasn't from watching what I ate. I ate anything I wanted to. I was perfectly healthy, served in the armed forces and swam competitively. It was just the way I was built.

    I do have to say that I think I looked better when I put a bit more weight on - unfortunately, the weight kept rising and rising and ... can I put my life into reverse please?
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    We watch as a family and my girls were in shock! They even said "WOW!!! She looks so old and fragile."

    I think that Jillian and Bob thought she took it to the extreme. I rooted for Rachel all along but she looked ill and anorexic like and that made me sad for her.

    I wonder if The Biggest Loser now thinks they've gone too far?
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    I guess, to be honest, I would starve myself too in order to win that much money. ... and gain some back to a healthy weight after the show. Actors do that for movies all the time. Risky though.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Meh, she won a ton of money and is probably healthier than she was when she was fat. Hopefully she can find some sort of healthy life now that the competition part is over. Damned if you do, damned if you don't I guess.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Agree! An adult woman should not weigh 105 lbs! They need to have a rule that you can't win if you are under the recommended BMI for your height... if they need to change the rules elsewhere to make it more fair, since some people have an advantage because they have more to lose, then so be it, but that was not cool. They should not encourage people to win by being anorexic because they have to achieve a certain percentage of weight loss that is ridiculous and unhealthy for them. Anorexia is NOT cool! I usually like TBL, but that was not good at all. She was appallingly skinny and needs to gain 20 lbs stat! Hopefully she does so now that she won! Jillian's Oh my God, Oh my God, did not seem like a good kind of shock.

    While she does not have the body type that I want, I think we should be careful in what we say. I am under my recommended BMI and on the border of healthy and underweight, according to the charts, and you certainly can't say that I am "all skin and bones". "Appallingly" skinny to you, is what some people are naturally. They eat just as much as I do, exercise less, and are completely healthy. I'm sure I would get bashed if I called somebody appallingly fat. Lets be careful with what we say, since I am positive there are healthy, active, well fed women on here that have her exact body type.

    With all due respect I have looked at your pictures and you look nothing like Rachel did at the finale.
  • laur1406
    laur1406 Posts: 1 Member
    I completely agree with the under weight clause. As a society we can not condone unhealthy images to our young.
    I have always loved The Biggest Loser, but last nights finale changed my view of the show. the show producers need to revamp rules for the contestants.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Agree! An adult woman should not weigh 105 lbs! They need to have a rule that you can't win if you are under the recommended BMI for your height... if they need to change the rules elsewhere to make it more fair, since some people have an advantage because they have more to lose, then so be it, but that was not cool. They should not encourage people to win by being anorexic because they have to achieve a certain percentage of weight loss that is ridiculous and unhealthy for them. Anorexia is NOT cool! I usually like TBL, but that was not good at all. She was appallingly skinny and needs to gain 20 lbs stat! Hopefully she does so now that she won! Jillian's Oh my God, Oh my God, did not seem like a good kind of shock.

    While she does not have the body type that I want, I think we should be careful in what we say. I am under my recommended BMI and on the border of healthy and underweight, according to the charts, and you certainly can't say that I am "all skin and bones". "Appallingly" skinny to you, is what some people are naturally. They eat just as much as I do, exercise less, and are completely healthy. I'm sure I would get bashed if I called somebody appallingly fat. Lets be careful with what we say, since I am positive there are healthy, active, well fed women on here that have her exact body type.

    The difference is, you still have muscles. She doesn't, anymore!

    So its ok to have a low body fat percentage as long as you have muscles? Maybe she doesn't want an athletic build. It said she was at 19% body fat. I guarantee you that jillian michaels has a lower BF percentage. I have a lower body fat percentage. What makes her unhealthy and jillian not? She wanted a more slender build. I have seen competitions with women who have a lot of muscles, and 13% body fat. THAT is unhealthy for a woman. They don't even menstruate any more. Yet we celebrate them and call them awesome and bash this woman? While you may not find it attractive or desirable, it doesn't give you the right to bash her. Plenty of men and women call me gross and ugly for having muscles. I don't see how it is any of their business unless they are my husband.

    She was ay 19% BEFORE she left the ranch.....big difference.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Agree! An adult woman should not weigh 105 lbs! They need to have a rule that you can't win if you are under the recommended BMI for your height... if they need to change the rules elsewhere to make it more fair, since some people have an advantage because they have more to lose, then so be it, but that was not cool. They should not encourage people to win by being anorexic because they have to achieve a certain percentage of weight loss that is ridiculous and unhealthy for them. Anorexia is NOT cool! I usually like TBL, but that was not good at all. She was appallingly skinny and needs to gain 20 lbs stat! Hopefully she does so now that she won! Jillian's Oh my God, Oh my God, did not seem like a good kind of shock.

    While she does not have the body type that I want, I think we should be careful in what we say. I am under my recommended BMI and on the border of healthy and underweight, according to the charts, and you certainly can't say that I am "all skin and bones". "Appallingly" skinny to you, is what some people are naturally. They eat just as much as I do, exercise less, and are completely healthy. I'm sure I would get bashed if I called somebody appallingly fat. Lets be careful with what we say, since I am positive there are healthy, active, well fed women on here that have her exact body type.

    You beat me to it. Pardon me but I'm a young lady who floats comfortably between 104 and 107lbs. And I think I look pretty darn good, thank you kindly. My bmi says I'm underweight, you assume I'm skeletal and yet every doctor I've had has given me the thumbs up health-wise. Quit making such rash generalizations and coming up with arbitrary "acceptable" weight ranges for women other than yourself.

    Please and thank you:)

    Good for you for "floating" in an underweight state, but given her starting weight, I HIGHLY doubt that her new "normal" weight is going to be "floating" in an underweight area.
    You don't go from basically morbidly obese to dramatically underweight and have it be not seen as alarming.
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    It may be possible to be healthy at that weight and height but not in the way she did it. There are a mere 30 days between the last regular episode and the finale. Let me re-word that. She went from 150 to 105 in 30 DAYS. That kind of rapid weight loss isn't healthy when you are already so close to what the trainers/doctors had referred to in the last regular episode as "close to an athletic weight. A 45 lb loss in a month might be acceptable when you're at 260....but definitely NOT from what she weighed at the previous weigh in. As a woman close to her age, exact height, and similar in build, the lowest I've gotten was which point my coworkers voiced concern that I should stop losing weight (and yes, I agreed. Any lower and I feel I would have looked anorexic......and Rachel ended the season a full 22 lbs under that weight.