your worse or humiliating experience when fat?



  • J_ab
    J_ab Posts: 5 Member
    Got kicked off a ride :/
    what makes it worse was the people I went with I just met. bad first impression
  • huv123
    huv123 Posts: 54 Member
    ..and one young woman who passed me by muttering under her breath 'if she can do it, I can do it.' The humiliation fled and I eventually made it to the top.

    I know it's terrible but it's a bit funny too.
  • nikifavorido
    nikifavorido Posts: 41 Member
    A lot of my body and mental issues, I think started from when I was a child. I come from a 'big' family. We love our food, no question about it. I can remember being put on a 'diet' when I was about 10 and yes it worked, but as soon as I came off, the weight came back. Enter the teenage years... I became a secretive eater, as if I was found to be eating between meals (I was hungry..) I would be told off. Then being told by a family member that 'you won't get a date/boyfriend if you're fat'. That didn't really help whatsoever! I have also had the 'oh.. when is it due'... and at one point I got so fed up with it that when the the latest little old blue rinsed hair lady asked me this.. I doubled over and said.. omg.. about now!' Her face was a picture!!!
    Over the past few years, since a close family member retired from work, he has also piled on the pounds.. but to my mind so what.. he's the same person inside and I love him exactly the same. However, during a heated moment, he admitted to me that he is ashamed of me because of my size! Where does one go from there... :( Being out and about one eveing in local pub, I was sat in bar chair, waiting for friend to arrive, when this complete male stranger came over and started chatting.. I'm a chatty sort, so I responded... only for him to reach over and pat me on the belly and say 'very impressive'! I slowly looked him up and down and immediately patted HIM on his equally paunchy belly and said 'yes, but not half as impressive as yours'! He didn't speak to me rest of evening, cannot work out why! :tongue:
    It's true however, that you HAVE to be in the right frame of mind to change anything.. you will change when YOU want to.. not because other people want you to. Yes, my family and friends are concerned about my health, as are yours, but it's no good half heartedly starting something when you're not ready for it. This year I AM ready for it. BRING IT ON.. so.. off to the gym I go in a min like a good little girl.. even stepping through the gym door is an achievement in itself. We CAN do it, we WILL do it, but in OUR own time. Good luck to you all xxx
  • Kayzia_M
    Kayzia_M Posts: 97 Member
    Where to start...
    1. My boyfriend's mum telling her husband (under her breath-or so she thought) that there was no way she would allow her son to keep dating me...needless to say, we broke up few weeks after that.

    2.My Uncle telling me that i was so fat that i'd probably have to be rolled onto the plane. this same Uncle called me stupid during a family reunion because id spent a year in Senegal where almost everyone is tall and thin, and came back still fat.

    3. M
  • Kayzia_M
    Kayzia_M Posts: 97 Member
    Where to start...
    1. My boyfriend's mum telling her husband (under her breath-or so she thought) that there was no way she would allow her son to keep dating me...needless to say, we broke up few weeks after that.

    2.My Uncle telling me that i was so fat that i'd probably have to be rolled onto the plane. this same Uncle called me stupid during a family reunion because id spent a year in Senegal where almost everyone is tall and thin, and came back still fat.

    3. the worst was probably when a family member told me i was so fat and ugly he was embarrassed to be seen with me.

    I'm learning to love myself after hearing comments like these all my life and taking it one step at a time.
    :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    When my ex came at my door and said "Wow, are you going to register yourself for the biggest loser?" I closed the door again.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Oh gosh, so many:

    1) Been asked many times if I was pregnant;
    2) Been yelled at my co-worker's drunk boyfriend on Christmas when I came to relieve her the bar with a greeting of "Hey everyone, fat and ugly is here! It's time to go!"
    3) Been told while I was bartending, "Okay I'm almost drunk enough to f*%k you now; are you going home with me or what?"
    4) Cutting off a drunk customer and having them say, "Did you eat everything in this bar you fat c*%t?"
    5) Having people moo at me while I'm running;
    6) Having random strangers offer to give me their fat clothes that no longer fit them;
    and 7) Having someone yell, "Hey Jenny called and wants you to call her back! Jenny Craig!" while I was riding in my car.....

    There are so many more like this that I pretty much can't list them all.

    Just a few more:

    1) Asking someone to move out of my entry way so I could get out from behind the bar and having them say, "Maybe if you weren't so fat, I would not have to move for you" and
    2) Being told, "Hey I asked this guy I worked with who was working last night and he said he didn't know but it was some fat and ugly girl so I assumed it must have been you."
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    Ugh. I tell you, it's no wonder I can't stand being around people. The level of cruelty I'm reading in this thread is beyond comprehension.

    Just yesterday afternoon I was waiting for my commuter train to go home, and everyone was standing on the platform waiting for the doors to open. When they finally did, some stupid woman behind me went, "Moooove, Betsy, mooove."

    In the old days I would have bit my lip and kept walking, maybe cried a little. But... something in me wouldn't let me this time. I turned around, looked her right in the eyes, and said as loudly as I could, "I'm really glad that you said that, just now. Because it says much more about you than it will ever say about me." And I walked away.

    I heard a couple of people behind me go, "Good for her." One applauded.

    It's weird, but in that moment I was really, really proud of myself.
  • sherekhan95
    sherekhan95 Posts: 1 Member
    Well, there was always name calling, especially when I was younger, but, for some unknown reason, it never really bothered me. I`d just ignore those people. I wasn`t insulted even the slightest bit.
    One time though, I was walking over to my friend`s house when I heard someone oinking. At first I ignored it, but then I heard it again. I turned around and saw two older guys leaning against a building, sharing a cigarette and sneering at me.
    There was another time when I was in a water park. I got stuck in a float and it took two guys to get me out of it.
    Two years ago, I hooked up with some random guy while being drunk at a New Year`s party and he told me he liked big girls.
    But, the most humiliating experience for me was while chatting with my pen pal. A friend of mine had just posted some pictures on fb from the previous night and I looked really horrible in them. He had seen them and sent me a message saying: You`re really cute. I should have known there was something terrible coming after that. He said he`s an amateur fitness trainer and that he could send me a diet. Then he called me `whale girl`. I was so embarrassed, I could hardly see the keyboard from tears blurring my sight. I acted surprised and told him something about being perfect and satisfied with my body, but I couldn`t even convince myself that was true, let alone anybody else. That was one of my many breaking points, especially because back then I had 15 kg less than now. I vowed to myself that I would get fit and beautiful, meet him, seduce him and leave him. And I mean to do that.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Ugh. I tell you, it's no wonder I can't stand being around people. The level of cruelty I'm reading in this thread is beyond comprehension.

    Just yesterday afternoon I was waiting for my commuter train to go home, and everyone was standing on the platform waiting for the doors to open. When they finally did, some stupid woman behind me went, "Moooove, Betsy, mooove."

    In the old days I would have bit my lip and kept walking, maybe cried a little. But... something in me wouldn't let me this time. I turned around, looked her right in the eyes, and said as loudly as I could, "I'm really glad that you said that, just now. Because it says much more about you than it will ever say about me." And I walked away.

    I heard a couple of people behind me go, "Good for her." One applauded.

    It's weird, but in that moment I was really, really proud of myself.

    I"m applauding right now!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I vowed to myself that I would get fit and beautiful, meet him, seduce him and leave him. And I mean to do that.

    Gross. I think you should forget this person existed, start focusing on the positive, and surround yourself with supportive people.
  • blindedbyawesome
    blindedbyawesome Posts: 56 Member
    asked if I wanted to wear a "wide load" sign when I went water skiing
  • yogagirl100
    yogagirl100 Posts: 18 Member
    Anything to do with clothes shopping.
    Bullies in school throwing stones at me.
  • aluethi1
    aluethi1 Posts: 97 Member
    Christmas Dinner with my family, grandparents and uncles family a few years ago. A little while after dinner I ate a mint. A MINT! And my grandfather said, quite loudly I might add, "You're eating AGAIN?!" I wanted so badly to punch him in the face then crawl in a hole and die. :'(
  • My family noticing and remarking that I'd "picked up weight." They meant it as a compliment, but that will never be a compliment to me. I know I'd gained weight, there was no need to keep bringing it up.

    Looking at pictures taken of me and feeling shocked and disgusted at how fat I'd gotten.

    Being told on not one, but two dates by two different people "I actually prefer more 'petite' women (while doing the hourglass gesture with their hands)."
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    My top three:
    1) Right after I gained a bunch of weight, I was sitting down in my moms car and the side of my jeans completely split. I was mortified.

    2) My spring break of senior year, I went to Disney with my two best friends and we were going on splash mountain. The woman asked if we wanted to sit all in one row. We said yes, and they sat down, and then I tried to, and I didn't fit in my spot right away. I had to squish in. Mind you, if you've ever been on that ride, you know the rows are small so we would have been squished regardless, but had I not been overweight it would have been a lot better.

    3) My dad is a runner and he has a site he logs his runs on. I went to use his laptop and the site was still open. It had his weight recorded, and I noticed that I weighed more than him. Only about 5 pounds more, and my dad is a very healthy weight, but he is a 6 foot tall 54 year old man. At the time I was a 5'3, 18 year old female who weighed more than him. That was a big one.
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    I was at Target last night and asked where the bathing suits were and was informed: "we wont get the Plus size ones in for a couple of weeks"...... I'm sorry, but I didn't need the plus size ones... Just the bathing suits... I am 5'6" and 200.
    :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :sad: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Also, the fact that I out-weigh my brother and dad that are both 6'2"ish. And my brother (who is mentally challenged) called me fatso last time I saw him...

    I can't find any shorts or Swimsuits my size for a cruise at the end of the month.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I was at Target last night and asked where the bathing suits were and was informed: "we wont get the Plus size ones in for a couple of weeks"...... I'm sorry, but I didn't need the plus size ones... Just the bathing suits... I am 5'6" and 200.
    :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :sad: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    That was totally rude & inappropriate of the Target employee but honestly I'm your weight and just a tad taller and I have no idea whether to look in regular or plus or what...for swimwear especially. I mean, I think regular as I tend to take a size or two smaller in swimsuits than jeans and I'm between 14-16 in jeans. So it's possible they've had women our sizes and smaller looking for plus!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I decided to go to a gym and start getting into shape. They had little curtained areas for one to dress in, and they had a small metal foldable stool for sitting on. When I sat on it, it completely collapsed and broke, and sent me sprawling! How embarrasing! At that time, it did not send me on a quest for getting in shape, but rather set me back to the point I just hid and ate for the next several days! I was soooooooooo depressed! But that was then, this is now, and I'm back on track! :blushing:

    Oh god! Good on you to try again!
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    Thanks :) that makes me feel a little better if they run small :p:ohwell: :blushing: