

  • nonnicee
    Good morning my wonderful friends. I am sorry to have been absent for so long. I have been working through some issues and am trusting that the resolution to the issues is close at hand.

    I am looking forward to scanning through the previous 8 pages to catch up with ya'll

    Mary C in Tennessee
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    Mary~ great to see you.... sorry about your issues but ya know we are here for ya when needed...
    just got back in from shoveling the deck and a path for the puppies, and now I am starving.. trying to make a good choice, and would love a BLT for lunch, so will go check and see what is lurking in the fridge..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    2199216: Do you have a name? This is a great group of supportive women. We’re from all over. We like to know where people are from because it helps us make better connections. Some of us use our regular names and others use a pseudonym. I’m one of those who use a pseudonym because I’m a “Kathy” and there are zillions of us.

    Njitaliana: I lot of us have some version of “move more” as one of our goals. I know it has helped me progress. As to thinking like a thin person, I have no knowledge. I have learned to think like a stubborn person who wants to be healthier and enjoy life. I made getting healthier my number one priority and it is working for me. I hope you’ll find the combination that works for you.

    AnneCarolOne: Good luck with our heath problems. I hope you can avoid surgery.

    Sylvia: It must be difficult for your son to wait for test results, but it is important to have the right treatment.

    Jane in CO: I saw your comment about going to the treadmill to work off your lunch. I use my recumbent trike for that same task, or to earn a desired treat.

    LinC in N ON: I’m happy to hear you’re having a good day.

    MA in stormy UK: I bought a human reflective vest for my dog and used it as fabric to make a reflective jacket for him. It works great. I also wear a reflective vest if we’re going out in the dark. Eau d’ wet dog makes me laugh.

    Yikes. Out of time before I’m out of posts. I’ll be back later.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Doing page 8

    Guess you call that a wet walk and stinky dogs.

    We are in Sudbury about once a year for Medical reasons.
    Oh darn missed the biggest loser and so wanted to see who the winner was.
    But they will have them on some talk show I'm sure.

    Funny cat.
    Poor babies didn't do nothing to be born with medical problems.
    And there's more and more of this happening all the time.
    Great for you sister in law to step in and care for them.
    Hopefully the mother will get her act together.

    Ditto what Barbie said. If it's to early for bed go to the bedroom and read do exercise.
    Anything to keep you out of the kitchen.

    Smart snacks

    I can park in the disabled parking. Hubby has the sign in the vehicle window.
    I was very happy about it, especially when I had breathing problems.
    You did great at your party food wise.
    Man you are one busy lady.

    17-20 degrees that's what we get here in summer lol. And that's no lie.

    U-Link Welcome and come on and visit often.

    We love to have you chat with us.
    But we also understand the importance of exercise in this journey.

    Glad to see the power is back and you didn't have to go days without it.
    Getting ready in case it happens again is very smart.

    Surprising how many steps you can get by just walking around the house.
    I'm on restricted exercise for now. So I walk in circles in the house.
    Got over 3,000 yesterday going to try and beat it today.

    Well that's page eight from where I left yesterday.
    Today will be a great day the sun is shinning. So that makes me all smiles and bubbly.
    With all your help and some of mine I will get this weight off. A little at a time.
    Wii gave me a little smile this morning another .2.
    I will be back tonight to share my tops loss. Can you see the positive it can't be a gain. Wii smiled every day but one.
    So I'm sure I've had a good good week.

    See you all lighter.
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning, ladies! It is another rainy day here but supposed to warm up to 65 degrees and be not rainy this afternoon. That is a really good thing since my son has a paying gig of videoing a graveside funeral this afternoon! It's weird that someone wants a funeral videoed, but beyond weird that the person wanting it is the deceased. :noway: Anyway, the boy child is thrilled with the opportunity to spend 20-30 minutes making 50 bucks. Since it is our pastor conducting the funeral, we know it will be short and to the point! :laugh:

    Do any of you ever feel just so tired and overwhelmed with all that has to be done that you just want to crawl under the covers and not come out? For the most part, I am used to working long days and never having a chance to just relax, but it's getting to me right now. I'm sure the rainy weather doesn't help, but I'm afraid I'm headed for a bout with depression. :frown: I wanted to get away for a weekend this month and try to regroup, but I don't think it's going to happen.

    Oh well, I'm going to be grateful that I am wearing a shirt that was too small a few weeks ago and tucked into a pair of pants that there is no way I could have worn like that a couple of weeks ago. I do believe this 30-day Shred thing is actually toning up some stuff!

    Hope everyone has a great day! I've read your posts and prayers are there for those who are struggling and rejoicing with those who have good news.

    Carol in rainy dark NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning!
    Vent time-all the surrounding schools in this area are closed but Violet`s.It`s nuts.Windy and more snow to deal with.
    Hope you all have a good one.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, got up early to take my dog to his chiropractor (yes), who lives two hours away. Just got home. Time for a nap; I hope I can read later.

  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Good morning, beautiful MFP friends!:love::love:

    Started my day with a good strong cup of Joe, and that's always positive!:drinker:

    Reading about all the snowy, cold, and wet weather for so many of you, challenges in getting out to drive and workout, etc., and I am wishing you warm coziness and relief! A friend of mine has a house in SW Colorado, and there just has not been nearly enough snow down there, and then my sister-in-law and family are in Sacramento, and CA is SO hurting for water! The farmers are in dire straits. It is so lopsided, this weather this year. Here in Phoenix area, looks like another overall cloudy day, and chilly, in the 40's right now, (I know you are laughing that THAT is even chilly), and I am anxious for the beloved sun and blue skies to be back! But a day like this is our version of winter, and it is to be embraced as a welcome change, too.

    After a week of sickness, I am feeling sooo much better, and very grateful for it! Yesterday I was able to get out of the house to do a couple errands, and then made a great homemade soup, and got some other tasks done that were waiting for me. It feels so good to be productive again!

    Also, after 4 weeks back on MFP, I am now down 3 more lbs., for a 12 lb. total, so happy! :bigsmile: I FEEL so much better, and clothes are starting to not be so tight, but I can't get complacent, as all my smaller clothes are still a long way away from fitting. I hang one blouse a week as a "feature" on a hook in my closet, to inspire me to wear it again. I know how I look and feel when wearing smaller clothes, I can even remember one day in particular, in a certain outfit, a specific day I felt especially thinner, healthier, and it was not nearly my smallest, but I felt amazing! I recall that image when I see my "feature blouse", and the imagery helps me stay focused. :smile:

    Doing physical therapy for my feet right now, so I am not released to walk for exercise yet, but am getting anxious to!!! In due time, don't want to mess up progress and create more pain.:noway:

    I need to get busy, but I am wishing everyone a healthy, WARM, positive day! :flowerforyou:

    Nancy in Arizona:drinker:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yep it's Hump Day Wednesday,

    Only a short tiime here. Forgot my phone at work last night, didn't log dinner as it changed when I got home from what I'd logged so once again didn't get that logging done:grumble:

    Carol in NC- I've videoed several funerals two being my parents and then put together a beautiful slide show w/ video about their lives for their great grandchildren and one for a friend whos husband had died of cancer...glad your son is getting to do it and get paid I'm sure someone will appreciate it later.

    I've done the experiment and know that I have to change all my settings because just upping my caloried by 100 and eating back those exercise calories doesn't work for me. So you will see the change in my ticker and I will be going back to doing what I know works for me. Maybe if it was summer and I was bike riding outside everyday it would be different.

    It's -16:noway: this morning and so hubby was kind enough to warm up my car for me and brush the snow away before I headed in to work. I think our high today is supposed to be 4 or 5...yep it's cold.

    Everyone have a good day I leave in a few minutes for my Chiro appt then will get back to the office for the rest of the day.

    Drink plenty of water:drinker: it can really make a difference.

    Laura in Colorado:smile:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Good morning,


    Nancy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Carol I agree cloudy days are hard to take. I hope you find something special you can do for yourself. I find going to a place with plants like our conservatory cheers me up. Maybe some :flowerforyou: to treat yourself.

    Linda I do not normally watch the Biggest Loser, but because there was a Minnesota contestant I watched. The buzz is and I agree the woman from Minnesota won, but she looked unhealthy. In her quest to win she actually lost too much weight and I agree sends the wrong message for what weight loss should be. The other two contestants looked much healthier than she did.

    City jane I don’t like to use self-check out either because they take away jobs.

    Janer :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Sue SD take care :flowerforyou:

    Annecarol sounds like you know whatever exercise you do will be helpful.

    Jane CO congrats for your daughter.

    Heather :brokenheart: for daughter Kate.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    4 days meeting cals. for Feb 600meals/250 snacks
    Meals lasting 20 min.
    Mindful of posture and breathing
    Getting healthy is a marathon not a sprint form What Are You Hungry For
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning everyone! I thought it was supposed to be warmer around here... I'm glad we don't have more snow, but this fog and rain is really ugly.

    @Carol (nccarolb) -- I totally think this grey weather works on our psyches. Sunshine and being outside just makes us happier all the way around.

    I restarted the 30 day Shred and am soooo sore! Went to the Y this am hoping some good cardio would loosen me up... haha!

    Off tonight to see UVA play some basketball... and I'm dreading climbing the steps to get to our seat! I'm not sure I can climb through the pain. :laugh:

    Thought for the day, I must concentrate on... If I'm craving chocolate, I'm tired, and If I'm craving salty things, I'm thirsty! Off to drink some more H2O:drinker:

    Have a happy day! :flowerforyou:
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi all from snowy western MA. We are supposed to get about a foot of snow today, more over the weekend. So I am trying to cook up some healthy comfort foods to eat over the next couple of days.

    Alison and Kevrit - hope you're not totally buried in CT - I heard you are getting more snow than us out of this storm! :flowerforyou:

    Congratulations to all those who have lost! Welcome to al the new folks!! And hugs and warm thoughts for all who are sick or going though crises at this time.

    Jill in western MA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    Ok im so done with this weather~I can't move:grumble:
    2 1/2 hrs of shoveling and snowblowing,after I get all that done the damn town plows come by and shoves it in all at the end of the driveways,to heavy for me to pick up with the shovel, and I am to tired to even start up the snowblower again, will leave it for the DH to do.
    the idiots across the street stayed in all day, she goes out to clean her car off and someone with a plow just happens by and does there driveway~ what gives? sometimes it just doesnt pay to be nice:huh:
    our next door neighbors left last night to go on a cruise,when we were down in florida last year he snowblowed our driveways,we didnt ask him to he just did it, so I did his today, always nice to help out a neighbor..
    oh lordy it has just started to start snow again, the DH can do the second round .I have gone close to 14,500 steps today,dont think i can do much more
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good morning from snowy Nebraska. I had typed out answers yesterday and some how lost it. I am still behind so not going to redo it. I have been really stressed out but trying to deep breath and take it one day at a time. I gained .2 yesterday when I weighed, but for the month I lost 2 inches on each my hips and waist. Things with my dad are so so. My sister has been there a week and I am to go out this weekend and stay with them and we go back to Kearney next Wednesday to have some stents put in, He is just so weak and mom can not take care of him herself. I do not have much vacation time and we are so short of help I am having problems getting much time off. I changed my picture to one my DS took this last Sunday. My DH got a new motorcycle for his 60th (Which is not till March 1) and wanted a picture to put in the paper for his open house. It has our DGD Patyn with us. She will only go near the bike when it is not running. All the other DGC love to ride and have been since they were babies.

    Welcome to all the new ladies and you have found a great place for support.

    Meg--Sure hope DH cousin is doing better.

    Alison-- Great news about DB and a month of being sober. Hugs to you for all the great support you have been to both of them.

    Syliva--Thanks for the good words.

    I agree with the words about Hospice. I have voluteered with them for several years and I do think they do alot for the patient and the family.

    My ddil is up here at the hospital with her brother as his wife is passing away. She has abused drugs and achol and it caught up with her. So going to have lunch with them today. Last evening when I got off I took DGD with us. She is 5 and hanging out all evening waiting for someone to die is not idea. If nothing happens by the time I get off today I will take her home with me again. Doctors told the family yesterday that everything was failing and she should pass anytime. ddil just came down and they are trying to get them to move her to somewhere else. She has no insurance and the nusing homes want $1500 or more upfront. I don't understand it, the women is trying to die for Gods sake!! One of the social workers asked about just taking her home. Well she is total care and none of the family has any medical background and have jobs. I am really upset about this!! Right now I am asamed to admit I work at this Hospital. Thanks for listening.

    Joyce--I have done the same thing and if I do not go in and make it right I can't sleep so I have started checking ticket before leave the store. I do love those self check outs when they work. Katla- I never thought about it putting someone out of a job, so will not be using them again. Thanks.!! I just feel the need to do all I can to help as so many people loss their jobs. Things may save time, but what about the people it puts on public help?? So in the long run it costs more. Hope the little ones feel better soon. Sounds like the littlest one has not had it easy. Prayers to all!

    Heather and Amanda--The tub being down sounds like areal mess. Hope it works out for both of you to get where need to go

    Sue--Hugs and prayers that things stay on track this month.

    Jane--Making plans sounds like a good idea, My getting DH to plan very far ahead is not easy. So most the time I make the plans and just tell him and he goes with it.

    Laura--I love my Chiropractor and he has done more for my back then any other doctor. Long as I go about once a month I am pain free..

    Carol--I do understand how you feel overwhelmed. I have been feeling like that the last couple weeks. Everytime I think I am getting caught up and a handle on things something else comes along. So trying to deep breath and one thing at a time. Sure not easy.

    Well I am caught up and even got it to transfer the first time to the reply box. Everyone have a good afternoon and stay safe and warm.

    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • arios952013
    arios952013 Posts: 201 Member
    Hi, I am over 50 years old - is it too late to join?

    I had an appendix surgery Sept 27 and lost a total of 10 pounds, since then I have only lost 6 pounds after joining a gym in October. I am having trouble staying away from my wine at night when hubby has a cigar then after wine I eat too much... I am also not being consistent in my workouts. I really want to get down about 25 pounds. I'm 5'5" and weigh 164. Would like to have a better weigh in each week or month. At work today, we had a pot luck. I actually logged in everything I ate. By lunch time I had eaten my 1200 calories for the day! I did go for a walk for about 30 minutes.

    In that time I also had my first grand child - so had to travel up to Kansas to be with the kids and granddaughter...

    I live in sunny Phoenix, Arizona and have access to a gym at home and one at work - so no excuses.

    I did have some success yesterday - I "ran" on the eliptical for 5 miles with 10 resistance (70 min) and I have been seeing a PT once a week - I think he can't believe how slowly I am loosing weight...

    I am also trying to follow the Doctor Furhman diet to improve my health and lower the cholestrol.

    1) Log in my food, water and exercise every day - stay under 1200 calories and drink more water
    2) Work out both cardio and strength training - alternating at least 4 days out of the week - Consistent!
    3) Get a full nights sleep
    4) Drink More water
    5) Don't let work stress me out\

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • lkw0311
    lkw0311 Posts: 43 Member
    Sounds like a good place for me. Turning 60 in March. Told my doctor in Dec I'd be down 25 pounds by my birthday. Down about 12 so far.. Appreciate any help. Please feel free to add me as friend. Thanks!
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Hello All,
    I have just purchased my new FitBit Forcus & I am using the MyFitnesspal site to do my food. So far been 2 days of getting upset & talking to both sites, lol. I am hoping that the use of these things will keep me on track & motivated.
    I am hoping to lose a 100 pounds. This summer has a lot of things going on for me & I really want to be able to walk, work in yard, clean house etc. without getting winded in the first 5 mins. Plus I really do not like the way I look either. Biggest I have ever been.
    Wish me luck & looks like a lot of you are doing a great job. You are inspiring me :)
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Just marking my spot
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. Had 'one of those nights' last night. I don't know what is going on but I just can't get to sleep. For one thing I was freezing. I got up and checked the thermostat and it said it was 72 in the house so I knew that wasn't it. So I put on a pair of my exercise pants and a long sleeve shirt, socks and then finally put on a second quilt. I was finally able to get to sleep at around 6:30 AM. I slept until around 1:30 PM!!! Feel a lot better. My weight this morning, yes, I weighed this morning during one of my times pacing the floor, and I had lost a little bit of weight!!!!! Finally, I Iost a little bit of weight!!!!!! Just hope it continues.

    Allison, I had two girls and I always thanked my lucky stars, and God, that I had girls instead of two boys. Of course raising my first daughter did not prepare me at all for raising the second. But they are both so precious to me, I wouldn't trade them for anyone else. I do think that God realized that my husband would not be a good father to sons. He would be to tough on them. But since they were girls, he pretty well left a lot to me. I must say that he was always proud of being a Dad. I remember one time when the people he worked with made a comment to him one day. Some one had asked his to go somewhere with them that night and he said he couldn't, that I was working that evening. So they said that he had to be the babysitter. to that he said that he wasn't a babysitter, he was their Dad.

    My weight might have been good this morning but my blood sugar was 123:sad: OOPS! I may have to go back on that other Metformin again.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, everyone,

    Tues. evening was the worst eating day I've had in 13 months, so time to restart. The last time I weighed, I was 7 1/2 lbs. over goal which I had reached back in July. Here's the plan (stuff I shold have kept up all along!!!!):

    Feb. goals:
    Wear pedometer!!!
    Log food. Eat more fish.
    Some type of exercise 5X's /week
    yoga, ladies exercise class, taichi, zumba, machines, walking............just something!!!! 5X/week and put it on my calendar so I can keep track!!!
    Continue Katla's drinking sched.---the only thing that comes easily!!!
    Get weighed.

    OK.........today I went to the gym; I have been very lax about this ever since I hurt my foot in Oct. and the lack of exercise played a big part in the re-gain, I'm sure. I did ladies exercise class holding 4lb. weights and then did a mile on the treadmill varying the speed up to 3.3mph and the slant to 9%........decent start, baby steps, don't want to overdo and hurt. Two min. plank. Forgot to get weighed this am and forgot pedometer....dammmmmmmm.

    Katla and Margaret............I'm an anti-self checkout person too. Every time they try to shoo me into one of those lanes, I give the speech about it taking jobs away from people...........and anyway, the packing is a service we ARE paying for in the cost of the groceries!!!

    Nancy...........So glad you are feeling better; great progress on losing!!!

    Heather.........10 power cuts????????? Good grief!!!

    Sue........Sure don't envy you that high dose prednisone..........makes me nuts---up in the middle of the night, scrubbing and cleaning like a crazy person nuts. Hate that drug.

    janehadji..........Congratulations to your DD!!! They must really be impressed with her (as they should be!!). My first job was on a neuro stepdown unit, never did ICU as such.

    Got Gwens meds straightened out (again) yesterday and she was on the phone about them again today; I'm getting a bit concerned about her. Going over to her house tomorrow night for a "good-bye to Jay Leno" party, tomorrow night as we have both been long time big fans. Saw American Hustle yesterday, quite good, can see why it got the awards. Been on the phone many times today for some reason; even spoke with my 2nd cousin in Cleveland. Sponsoring my friend's DD in the polar plunge (to benefit Special Olympics) for a donation; she has Down's Syndrome and does it every year.

    College graduation is May 17 and I WILL be back at goal by then!!!!!!!

    Welcome newbies; let us know a little about yourselves and where you are from.
