

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    LinC: 17 to 20 in summer for a high or a low? :huh: BRRRR! Have a good time at TOPS. :bigsmile:

    Carol in NC: There must be a reason the deceased wanted a video to be made. My husband wants his ashes shot off a cliff at the Oregon coast. I don’t think I want my remains done that way. I’m still pondering. Congrats on the double NSV’s of a formerly too small top tucked into formerly too small pants. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: That is a double dose of victory!:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: Your dog appears to be a lucky critter. Not every owner would drive so far for a pet’s treatment or even take their pet to a chiropractor.:flowerforyou:

    Nancy in AZ: I’m thinking of my cousin, the snowbird, who is spending his winter somewhere in AZ. I’m chuckling because sometimes there is no escape from less than perfect weather. It is beautiful here today, but cold and windy so I’m inside. I’m guessing he’s inside, too.:wink::flowerforyou:

    Laura in CO: I think the memory videos for family are a lovely idea when there are those who can’t be at a funeral in person and want to have the opportunity. Your hubby is a great guy for warming up your car in -16 degree weather.:flowerforyou:

    Jill in W MA: I used to associate comfort foods with gaining weight, but I’ve learned to make healthier stews and soups. They’re so nice in cold weather.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: You are an amazing woman. I hope you get some well deserved rest.:flowerforyou:

    Vicki: I also think hospice is a fabulous service. When my mom was in end stage emphysema the hospital made us take her to a care home. She only lasted a few days. I still resent that hospital for making her move. :mad: If I had it to do over, I’d stall and tell them I was looking for a place.:glasses:

    Arios: It is never too late to join. Welcome. I hope you’ll tell us where you’re from.:flowerforyou:

    Ikw: Wecome. I think that losing 13 pounds is a sure thing, but probably not 13 pounds before March. I’ve lost a lot of weight, but it didn’t come off quickly. Averaging 1 to 1.5 pounds a week is doable, but the weight doesn’t come off at a steady pace. There are plateaus and then a drop. Then there is another plateau, and so on. Good luck to you. I hope you'll stay with us no matter how long it takes.:flowerforyou:

    Today is a cold and blustery day but it is beautifully sunny. I look out and think what a beautiful day for a walk. Then I bundle up, go out for the shortest amount of time I can, and come right back inside. The porch rug I have on my upstairs deck was flapping and pounding up there. I put chairs on the corners but the flapping and pounding didn’t stop, so I rolled the rug up and brought it inside.

    Stay safe, what ever your weather brings.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful and blustery NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    *peeks head in*
    My computer died. no time to get a new one or to post from work. no time to read the posts but I missed a bunch and thought I would mark my spot and hope to get a new computer soon.

    Bodi, Ritter and Robin of course.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Cynthia: Your dog appears to be a lucky critter. Not every owner would drive so far for a pet’s treatment or even take their pet to a chiropractor.:flowerforyou:
    Hi Katla, thanks for the gold star. :smile: Physically he's rather unlucky; he has very limited sight because of congenital problems (an operation when he was 2 helped a bit), he has an unstable back and he's now old enough to have a bit of arthritis. Had to have one of his toes amputated recently because of a fracture that didn't heal. I guess he's lucky that I am willing to do what I can for him. If he's running around with his tail in the air and a ball in his mouth, I'm happy. :heart:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Thinking of everyone dealing with snow; hope it stops (or at least slows down) soon!
    Amanda, how did your commute go?

    Signing off for now and wishing everyone a good night,
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    WOW, the snow. We closed the office at about 2:30 today and it took me about 30 min to get home. It's normally a 5 min drive. Our apartment parking lot wasn't plowed so I took a run at my parking spot and tried to open the car door. The snow was so high it took a few attempts just to get the door open. Obviously I didn't go to the gym but did a workout at home

    DD came home and told me that the plow had been through and now my car is buried in...yikes tomorrow morning will be rough.

    Have a great night and stay safe!

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    All caught up again.
    It can be 30 above one day and down to 17 the next. Our summers are not supper hot. But I don't mind the 20 weather nice sit outside weather.

    Well it was tops tonight and I was best loser with a loss of 4.4 lbs. So hard work paid off. Now if I could only get the go ahead to walk more. So all is well with me.

    See you all lighter.
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi my lovely friends. I'm still here but out of control busy. i'll catch up soon I promise. Hugs to all. meg
  • karleigh55
    Hello from sunny Tucson, AZ. I'm 56 and weigh 168 - want to lose 30 pounds. Had a horrible time with menopause and am on bio-identical hormones. I LOVE THEM! I feel like myself again finally. My energy is finally back and the pounds must go:smile:
  • jenero52
    jenero52 Posts: 8 Member
    I found you all again! I don't get here near often enough - I'm lucky to record my food and exercise. I'll have to figure out how to use this site more effectively.
    By the way, what does bump mean - ??
    I've been a bit discouraged. Keeping my calories low - don't think I've gone over yet! - but the scale doesn't move. I weighed myself after work yesterday, changed into my workout gear, and decided to weigh myself again to see how much my clothes weighed (y'know - hoping for a huge loss ;) ) My weight went UP 1.5 lbs. I know you must be thinking = wow, she really dresses to work out!! I was in shorts, tshirt, socks, and undies - Perhaps I need a NEW SCALE!!! I will measure again soon and maybe that will be the telling thing. I'd rather go by that anyways but oh - to lose 10 lbs would be heavenly.
    Work has been so stressful - even cried today. I work in Student Support Services (Spec Ed) and dealing with the bureaucracy who are concerned with numbers, $$$, and their "formulas" is NOT supporting our students. I could rant for hours tonight… However, I came home and did yoga, BREATHED, and will have a relaxing evening.
    Congrats to all who are losing!! YAY!!! I hope the flus and colds are leaving everyone. Surely this cold kills all viruses!!!!
    Mom leaves for California tomorrow. She doesn't have a date for a biopsy but her dr. told her to go and enjoy herself. I can't believe I'll be there in 2 weeks!! SO EXCITED
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Drink up ladies!!! and keep moving!!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words, everyone! Today was a rough one at work--and one with problems like no other. :noway: I do nothing but finance (what a laugh) at my second job and I look forward to Wednesdays because they are a long day there for me and I get lots done and I get to see more of the staff and members. However, today, I had some things I REALLY wanted to get done that were going to take lots of concentration so guess when the piano tuner showed up to tune the piano that is right against the second door to my office! Let's just say, absolutely nothing useful was done for the time he was there. Now, who else get such interesting interruptions? :tongue:

    My son had a good time videoing the funeral. I hope they will be satisfied with the quality because it was windy and the mic picks up every bit of that. Oh well, how professional can they expect for $50?

    Okay, I have my 10,000 steps in, I've done my 30-day Shred (first day at level 2), I've eaten dinner and prepped breakfast and lunch for tomorrow. I think it is time for a snack and a little reading in bed. :bigsmile:

    Edit: I forgot the important part! I have made the call to schedule a weekend at the beach for later this month. That will give me something to look forward to.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    I haven't read the posts yet today, but wanted to share a link to some amazing pictures of snow art:


    He must have LL Bean boots!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: It felt like winter today----17 degrees this morning and 23 this afternoon----but very dry with clear skies and dry roads. The line dance teacher called this afternoon to ask me to teach the whole class again on Friday---this will be three weeks in a row. Our house guests left this morning and we are enjoying the quiet and peace of being alone again. There is still no resolution about the expensive prescription that the insurance won’t pay for. Jake has talked to the doctor’s office twice but not the doctor yet. The more immediate crisis of the week was that the coffee pot died and we had to buy a new one at 7 PM on Monday. The problems we have in our life are “luxury” problems and we are continuously grateful for our health and all our blessings.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington home of the awesome Seahawks
    :bigsmile: 17,000 steps today ----
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    I did 1 hr of the Walk Away The Pounds DVD by Leslie Sansone today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do Jari Love's Revved to the Max DVD.

    Today is one of those hectic days, Newcomer board meeting, senior bowling, home for a bite to eat then Newcomer bowling. Then to come home and collapse....lol

    ulink - welcome. Come back for lots of inspiration and motivation

    Heather - losing power TEN times! Amazing

    alison - just think of the calories that your body is burning just keeping itself warm. Summer is coming...one day

    Mary in TN - how nice to "see" you!

    Linda - parking in the disabled parking spots, to me, is a totally different matter than someone who is very able bodied but just circling around the parking lot trying to get a spot closer to the store.

    Carol in NC - videotaping a graveside funeral??? That's the first time I've ever heard of something like that being done. Congrats on the smaller clothes

    Cynthia - hope your dog is OK

    Nancy in AZ - congrats on being down. Glad you're feeling better

    Laura in CO - you have to do what works for you. I know that adding in my exercise calories doesn't work for me. I get to the feeling that I need to eat those calories, and I find that I wind up eating "junk" which isn't good. Stay warm.

    Tammy - you mean you DIDN'T know that the makers of those videos and personal trainers get a kickback from the guys who install the handrails around the toilets....lol??????? Feel better. Give your body time to recover and before you know it, you won't even notice the hurt

    alison - how nice of you to help your neighbor out. Stay warm.

    Vicki - best thoughts for your dad. You are such a great daughter to help out

    arios - it is NEVER too late to join. Just jump right in. Congrats on your grandchild. Wow, resistance 10 on the elliptical. WTG

    lkw - welcome

    went to the Newcomer board meeting. The slate of officers for next year was presented. It'll be same-old-same-old. Then went to senior bowling, did sort-of decent. Home now for a short bit then back for Newcomer bowling.

    ginny - welcome. Come here often

    Joyce - glad you got some sleep in. Yea on the loss

    Linda - congrats on the loss

    karleigh - welcome. You sound so very determined, I know you will do this

    barbie - i know you don't mind teaching that class. That's probably why she asked you.

    Michele in NC
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Hi, I've been on mfp for a month now, but still trying to navigate.
    Can anyone help me? This group looks like something I need. I'm
    55 and on my 2nd month of my weight loss journey. And I need a lot
    of support. So, how do I join?
    Thank you
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi all,
    Well, I finally loaded my fitbit and now I am eager to see the results. Sort of stumbled through the directions and went back and messed things up, my usual thing to do. Always make it difficult for myself!

    nccarol- I have been doing JM 30DShred and I love it. It's a good workout for me and lasts only 27 minutes...by then I've had enuf!
    Sometimes I watch the TV while the 30DShred is on my laptop with mute on.

    I have learned that I was targeting 1200 cals a day and I have been overestimating my logging. So, I am intentionally lowering my cal intake to offset my inaccuracies in food logging. I have read in some posts by 50+ year olds that they often time go to 1000 cals a day. If i posted this on the exercise and nutrition threads, I'd hear alot about it, but I want to see if that adjustment helps me.

    Saw the cutest rescue pup today. He was so timid and crouched around behind the lady. She said he is slowly coming around but is really afraid of people. She said she figured he was 3 months and she just got him. My husband even said he looked like someone kicked him around. He is safe now.

    Susan in St. Lou
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Oh, welcome Karly and bj!
    Everyone here is friendly and helpful. Stay with us so we will get to know you and vice versa. If you have questions or comments, someone here will know answers and give their anecdotal stories. It's a great thread!
    Barbie is our guru and keeps us on target, as you see, we love to chat about our lives. Welcome!:smile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    bjkidfun, good news. You just joined by posting!!! Now join in the fun by sitting and chatting with us. Key is to keep the mind set that if you eaty it you log it. analyze that food diary after doing it for a couple of weeks and see what you are doing wrong. Drink lots of water :drinker: :drinker: And do whatever exercise you can. It might be small it might be a lot but do something to move more than you did yesterday. Get to know us and let us get to know you.

    A couple of years ago when my youngest grand daughter needed to go into a toddler bed here I priced them and wow, I really didn't want to pay that for the very rare occasion she is here. My daughters church is real big on giving things to people and they know they will get back in return. So some one gave her a toddler bed for the sole purpose of giving it to me for our home. Well Ellie is 7 and doesn't use it anymore. She sleeps in her sisters old Disney Princess tent in a sleeping bag on the floor and hr sister sleeps on the couch. So I had an extra bed. Daughter didn't want it back so since I got it free, I wanted to give it free. I belong to a local face book weightloss group and there are several fo the young Moms there that I could tell are of a lower income. So I offered it there instead of one of the online yard sale groups on face book. One of them is strictly give away only. I feel I had a relationship in this group. So of course it was immediately accepted by some one. She came by tonight and picked it up. She brought a card that you can tell she is very artistic, She had my name in a real neat print with hand drawn flowers on it. And she inclosed a very heart felt note of thanks and a $15 Panera Bread gift card. That was so sweet. She later posted a picture of her daughter fast asleep in her new bed. Made me feel good that I could return the favor of something given to me, they didn't even know me, they just knew my daughter and loved my grand daughter. She dabbles in photography and offered to take pictures of my grand kids sometimes when they are up here. I didn't tell her that their Dad was a professional photographer. He is going this weekend to video tape a sporting competition in Washington DC, all expenses paid and will be paid $500 for 2 days work.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • AnswerintheSky

    It's nice to be back with you again. I'm afraid I've missed all of February's posts so far.

    The new Personal Trainer has been demanding that I eat healthier, meet with him twice a week, and workout everyday at the gym. It's hard to fit the extra work involved in all that into my schedule and still feel as though I have a life.

    Yesterday I didn't workout because I had a meeting to go to in Vancouver. Today I just felt I needed to indulge in some time to myself.

    I know that most of you are well beyond reporting on how you did on your January goals but here's my report:
    - Lose 6 pounds (I gained instead. *sigh*)
    - Exercise a minimum of one hour three times per week under a Personal Trainer (Did not go well with the first PT, but by end of January is being accomplished)
    - Eat a vegan diet (I've given it up as being, for the most part, too difficult. I'm back to being vegetarian)

    Since my complaint with the Better Business Bureau, the first Personal Fitness Trainer and I have gone back and forth with our various responses to each other. We have given our last responses and I am waiting to hear from the BBB what the next steps are (such as mediation) since I rejected the Personal Trainer's offer of another trainer with his business. (He refuses to give me my money back.)

    I returned a call from Visa's charge back department but the person I spoke to couldn't help me. That was last week. Someone is supposed to call me again this week. So far nothing. Apparently they want an update from me. They probably want to know how it's going with the BBB.

    Goals for February 2014:

    :blushing: Get the scale moving in the other direction!

    :love: Mix up those gym workouts with some fun racquetball - at least once every two weeks.

    :yawn: Get to bed by 10:30 pm, Sunday to Thursday (that means turning off the computer by 9:30... er).

    Anne, Vancouver area, BC, Canada
    PS: Now that I'm back I'll try to check in a bit more often - and much earlier! Hope you are all well. Prayers for those who are enduring any struggles. :flowerforyou:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi, lovely laidies. I am back in Canada. Wll be back posting once I feel more human again, but now it's back to sleep, since it's only 3 a.m.

  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All,
    I'm behind on reading and my goal setting for the month. I have found out that I've torn the meniscus in my right knee and have arthritis in it as well. I've not been working out like I should because of it and working to many hours.
    I ended up not taking the personal training test due to computer issyes and have to reschedule. With my knee it's probably a good thing.
    I wish I had time to catch up and I hope to get back to reading this week-end.
    Everyone have a blessed and healthy day.
    Patty, Cincinnati

    Feb goals:
    *Try water aerobics since can't cycle right now
    *Journal food
    *Drop down on calories to 1200 as I lost nothing at 1500