Biggest Loser's Rachel Frederickson's 155 weight loss??



  • mpalacio
    mpalacio Posts: 8 Member
    You know your body and if all is well then so be it! Not one single Dr has actually given her and exam to say something is wrong so who are they to say anything come on if you listen to everyone that has nothing to do with your situation you would never accomplish opinion.
  • turtledove773
    turtledove773 Posts: 122 Member
    Why do we need another thread about this?

    Didn't know there was another one.. sorry but don't read and post if you don't want to talk about it.

    This is like the 4th or 5th one.

    And I can post wherever I want :angry:

    Yep you sure can! but if you are tired of reading about it then why click on the link and read about it and then post on it??
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    This is a really dumb thread. That is all.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Listen I don't like to read comments that are negative about her either - Skeletor, too skinny, anorexic, Karen Carpenter, etc - because she is out there and she is hearing ALL of it. What she needs now is people's support because she truly does need help. She is not healthy. And I hope she is getting that help and support from her trainer, family and friends.

    But yeah, on the flip side, what she did should definitely not be celebrated.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    This is a really dumb thread. That is all.

  • Phildog47
    Phildog47 Posts: 255 Member
    almost EVERY contested had a great transformation this last season, not just Rachael.

    The "controversy" is nothing. With a quarter million dollar prize on the line, you'd lose every ounce you possibly could, too!
  • She looks very much like a girl that works with me. She too is very athletic, tall, and thin. However, my co worker recently found out she has a heart condition and she had surgery to put some box thing in her chest. She's 41 and not married/no kids. She's worried no one would want her with this added health condition (she suffers from migraines frequently). I think I'm just worried that this girl will turn out the same because she lost the weight in just 7 months. I hope she's seeing a doctor who can make sure her health has not been compromised.
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    Not a month -- they left the ranch in October according to what they said on the Finale program -- so 4 or 5 months.

    Oops. I thought it was a month. But still, nobody should be applauded for losing that much lean mass. She basically starved herself so she could win the money. Even if she plans on putting weight on, it will be insanely hard for her to put the muscle back on. I don't think that that is worth it. Hopefully after this season they set up some rules so that this doesn't happen again.
  • Not a month -- they left the ranch in October according to what they said on the Finale program -- so 4 or 5 months.

    Oops. I thought it was a month. But still, nobody should be applauded for losing that much lean mass. She basically starved herself so she could win the money. Even if she plans on putting weight on, it will be insanely hard for her to put the muscle back on. I don't think that that is worth it. Hopefully after this season they set up some rules so that this doesn't happen again.

    She came on the Today Show saying it took her 7 months to lose all the weight.
  • To be honest there is absolutely nothing HEALTHY about the show the biggest looser in the first place. The amounts of weight that these people loose in the short amount of time that they are there is not healthy weight loss in no shape or form! Any expert will tell you that 1 - 2 pounds a week is acceptable anything over that is disaster.. She did nothing more when she left the show than when she was there.. :noway:
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Listen I don't like to read comments that are negative about her either - Skeletor, too skinny, anorexic, Karen Carpenter, etc - because she is out there and she is hearing ALL of it. What she needs now is people's support because she truly does need help. She is not healthy. And I hope she is getting that help and support from her trainer, family and friends.

    But yeah, on the flip side, what she did should definitely not be celebrated.

    I was actually rooting for Rachel to win, but I'm shocked by how far she took this. Yes, it's a game, but it's also her life. I'll be interested to see how this affects her long term.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Dear Jillian Micheals,
    Me next! Do me next! Rachel and Jillian standing next to each other looked really similar. I love Jillian's shape and would kill to have it as well.

    Jillian Michaels is 5'2" and 115lbs and her head is proportionate with the size of her body. Rachel, on the other hand, has a giant head sitting on a tiny, anorexic body. No wonder she tripped going up to the scale. Her body couldn't hold up her giant head.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Listen I don't like to read comments that are negative about her either - Skeletor, too skinny, anorexic, Karen Carpenter, etc - because she is out there and she is hearing ALL of it. What she needs now is people's support because she truly does need help. She is not healthy. And I hope she is getting that help and support from her trainer, family and friends.

    But yeah, on the flip side, what she did should definitely not be celebrated.

    I was actually rooting for Rachel to win, but I'm shocked by how far she took this. Yes, it's a game, but it's also her life. I'll be interested to see how this affects her long term.

    Agreed. My God she was my favorite all season, what a damn BEAST. She reminded me a lot of Tara Costa. She stepped out and I just wanted to cry for her. Poor thing. I hope she is okay.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Listen I don't like to read comments that are negative about her either - Skeletor, too skinny, anorexic, Karen Carpenter, etc - because she is out there and she is hearing ALL of it. What she needs now is people's support because she truly does need help. She is not healthy. And I hope she is getting that help and support from her trainer, family and friends.

    But yeah, on the flip side, what she did should definitely not be celebrated.

    I was actually rooting for Rachel to win, but I'm shocked by how far she took this. Yes, it's a game, but it's also her life. I'll be interested to see how this affects her long term.

    Agreed. My God she was my favorite all season, what a damn BEAST. She reminded me a lot of Tara Costa. She stepped out and I just wanted to cry for her. Poor thing. I hope she is okay.

    I know. I loved her fighting spirit, her drive! Now, it kind of reminds me of the Black Swan. :frown:
  • angel7472
    angel7472 Posts: 317 Member
    She's 5'5" 24 yo and weighs 105. That alone is scary to think. Has anyone honestly looked up what happens to a body when it is literally starved of nutrients and severely underweight? I dont applaud this girl I'm sorry she is setting a bad example. Its not ok to put your health at risk. I honestly believe that its time the Biggest Loser changes their goals and objectives. It should be who can lose the most weight to be healthy not anorexic. JMO.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I'm just curious what people were watching. I watched it, horrified. If you look at her arms the loose skin is there and it almost looks like she is wearing a corset under her tank.

    I applaud the effort she put in, however, I DO NOT applaud working yourself to the point of being unhealthy. Anyone who looks at her finale pictures and DOESN'T think there is a problem might want to think about seeing a therapist.
  • turtledove773
    turtledove773 Posts: 122 Member
    It's a GAME show for goodness sakes she was in it to win it, she had the most weight loss, so she deserves to win. She worked her butt off "literally"!

    You are here (you) < and the point ........................................................................................................................over here. >.


    It's my post and the point of it is that she worked hard and regardless of what she weighs, she go the job done and won the GAME. It's called the Biggest Loser, not the Healthiest Loser there is a $$$ prize for the biggest loser of weight, so what if she did it the wrong way or went overboard? It's highly doubtful she will continue to do that now that she won. It's also doubtful she did any permanent damage to herself for going to that extreme. I say let the lady have her reward and I am sure ABC is all smiles and giggles about all the controversy people are creating over it.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    It's a GAME show for goodness sakes she was in it to win it, she had the most weight loss, so she deserves to win. She worked her butt off "literally"!

    You are here (you) < and the point ........................................................................................................................over here. >.

    [/quote]It's my post and the point of it is that she worked hard and regardless of what she weighs, she go the job done and won the GAME. It's called the Biggest Loser, not the Healthiest Loser there is a $$$ prize for the biggest loser of weight, so what if she did it the wrong way or went overboard? It's highly doubtful she will continue to do that now that she won. It's also doubtful she did any permanent damage to herself for going to that extreme. I say let the lady have her reward and I am sure ABC is all smiles and giggles about all the controversy people are creating over it.[/quote]


    Yes, it's your post, and you're entitled to your opinion, but I'll posty, post, McPosterson all over YOUR insane little post. :bigsmile:
  • CassiLyn6626
    CassiLyn6626 Posts: 50 Member

    Did we step into an alternate reality, or something? :noway:

    My thoughts exactly!
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    It's a GAME show for goodness sakes she was in it to win it, she had the most weight loss, so she deserves to win. She worked her butt off "literally"!

    You are here (you) < and the point ........................................................................................................................over here. >.


    It's my post and the point of it is that she worked hard and regardless of what she weighs, she go the job done and won the GAME. It's called the Biggest Loser, not the Healthiest Loser there is a $$$ prize for the biggest loser of weight, so what if she did it the wrong way or went overboard? It's highly doubtful she will continue to do that now that she won. It's also doubtful she did any permanent damage to herself for going to that extreme. I say let the lady have her reward and I am sure ABC is all smiles and giggles about all the controversy people are creating over it.

    What is this, some pro-ana party line? Laugh while everyone else is sooooo jealous over how skinny she was able to get? I am all for rewarding hard work but when the rules of the game dictate that the highest percentage of weight loss wins a grand prize and someone toes the line of death to get there HOW is that okay?

    Unfortunately she may just be the biggest loser in all this because she did not have to go that far in order to win. David's percentage of weight loss was just over 55 percent and Rachel's was nearly 60. She had plenty of room there to win and stay healthy.