
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    In desperate need of my coffee this morning. Can't seem to wake up properly!

    I'm not sure who asked if the gallery was closed during the tube strikes, the answer is no. Londoners are hard core and will get in to work by fair means or foul! I read somewhere that over 90% of people managed to struggle in last week. This is quite amazing and it was made more so by the torrential rain we had. I've never seen so many people walking the streets on their way home in wet weather.

    Tomorrow it starts again and I'm bracing myself for more long walks. My plan is to take some painkillers before I start the long walk and also, to take it a little slower. If this means a three hour walk instead of a two hour walk, then so be it. At least it's exercise.

    Apples and couscous with beetroot tzatziki has become my staple diet right now. Beetroot is still yucky, but I'm treating it like medicine for my gallbladder. What I'd really love is a poached egg on marmite toast. That is my ideal breakfast!

    Must do some work.

    Have a grand day my friends.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    morning ladies~
    oh boy I am in a slump:grumble: :frown:
    i havent formally exercised since last week,I have gained 4 lbs so I should fix my ticker,
    all since my brother was in the hospital, I have also been getting up 3-4 times a night to pee,having might sweats,hot flashes. geesh thought I was all over that.. I will have to make an appt with GYN I guess ,I dont want to take hormones.
    But I gotta get my tush in gear,I will be getting dressed in a few minutes and going out to shovel,we got a couple of inches of snow last night so want to get that up, going into work at 10.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Prayers to all who are dealing with aging parents:flowerforyou: ! I miss mine terribly :cry: !

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC waiting for the first round of light snow today:frown:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All, It's Monday and I'm back at my desk at work. I have a lot of catching up to do this week and I was going to come in Saturday for a head start, however I felt so tired and run down plus the cough and sore throat, so I didn't do much of anything. I do feel much better today and ready to attempt catching up.
    Yesterday my sister and I went to a specil service at a Catholic church in downtown Cincinnati, we both actually live about a half hour from the city. The Mass was for the Four Chaplains, all of different faith who went down on a ship after giving their life jackets to soldiers. The ship was torpedoed by the Germans back on Feb 3, 1943. My father alwaysw participated in this service, all the way up to the year he died. Yesterday would have been his birthday so it was a fitting tribute to him as well. My father served in the Korean War.

    Angie: 1200 calories is a good goal, you will get into the 150's

    Gloria: Thoughts and prayers are with you, your Mom and family.

    Joyce IN: Hang in there, hopefully your husband will be home soon.

    Barbie NW Washington: If you are up walking, you are not just sitting, that counts.

    Michele NC: I hope Loki will be OK, I wish I could get myself to plan and make food ahead of time and then actually eat it. I waste way to much.

    Heather: It sounds like you really have your hands full.

    Tomorrow my youngest is going to the doctor and we will hopefully find out if she is having a boy or girl. She has one of each now and I'll be happy with either, but I kind of hope for a boy. I have three granddaughters and two grandsons so that will make it even.

    I call today to again reschedule the test for personal training. I just hope this time I can get it done.

    Off to work I go, I hope everyone has a happy and healthy day,
    Patty, Cincinnati
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning!

    AND it IS good; down 2 of those pesky pounds that I regained!!!! Now 6 1/2 more to get back to goal; on my way. Nothing like a little success to give one a lift........and, to be honest, I'm still floating high on all the compliments and the award from Saturday night. Cold and dreary here, snow showers coming. Off to gym in a minute. Bad night; gave up on the bed; ended up on the couch again about 1:30. The guy (retired electrician) who fixed my lamp is bringing it along to the gym, so I'll have that back too.

    Joyce and Gloria..........Thinking of you both.

    mid-Atlantic, awaiting snow (again)
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Wow groggy this morning. Should do some time on elliptical to wake up before breakfast. I noticed that I haven't updated my measurements in 3 years. I was dismayed to learn that I had gained 4 inches everywhere even though my weight is not up very much from then. I guess as I age (and haven't exercised for year) any muscle I had has turned into fat and flab. No wonder my clothes don't fit well anymore.

    All the more reason to get fit and track my food and weight! I have a mini goal of 20 pounds by May 6th. That is my 60th birthday. Maybe that is too ambitious so I will break it down into 5 pound increments. So let's say 5 pounds by March 1st.

    Hope everyone has a good week and those with health issues for themselves and their loved ones have their prayers answered.

    Sun just came out and is glistening off the new snow fall. May brave the cold for a short walk after breakfast

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Good morning.

    I grieve for those of you who are grieving.

    Gloria. It is especially hard when everyone in the family is not on the same page concerning end of life care. I saw this with my father-in-law, even among the nurses who took care of him. Hugs and prayers for you.

    I'm having a rough morning myself. A dull ache in my wrist, unable to concentrate, a general feeling of being down. I want to resort to saying I'll get back on the health and fitness kick when my wrist is healed, but I know I need to stay the course for the rest of my life. I'd leave work and go home. but we are expected to be here, dressed for success. It's district-wide open house. I hate being too well to go home yet too sick to be at work.

    What I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep until the wrist heals itself. Yet, I think it is probably time to suck it up and do some real work.

    Sorry for the pity party,
    Kay in NEGA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: I hope your DH is back in the correct rhythm today. Worrying about the hospital bills is something to put off until another day. When they do arrive, you’ll likely be able to work out a payment plan you can live with.:flowerforyou:

    Gail in ATL: Date night sounds like a lovely tradition. I hope you had a great time. Retail therapy with a friend sounds nice, too.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: Where did you live before NC? I know you’ve mentioned it in the past, but I can’t remember. I agree with you about taking a book to the hospital to help handle the waiting. No scary ones for me, though. I’ll read romance or humor in the hospital. Magazine articles about healthy eating or travel are also appealing.:flowerforyou:

    Viv: It is nice to see your post. Good luck with your meetings.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: Six hours walking to and from work will surely earn you some extra food treats. How are you taking care of your knees? I looked up marmite and have no inkling what it might taste like. I love pickled beets in salad. You might try salad with pickled beets for your lunch or with dinner.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: You’ve had more than your share of stress and that can make it hard to focus on healthy habits. I didn’t take hormones through menopause because my mom was convinced that they caused her sister’s cancers. They got horrendous doses and I think she was right. I didn’t take them and put up with the consequences. I had night sweats sometimes and had to wash sheets more often, but that was the worst it got. I’m happy with my decision. You have to do what you think is best for your health.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Make sure you’re stocked up with essentials while you’re waiting for the snow. I hope you enjoy it.:flowerforyou:

    Patty in Cincinnati: The church service in memory of the WWII chaplains is a lovely tradition. Good luck with the newest grandbaby on the way.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Congrats on the weight loss! Yay!:bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Susan: It is good that you’re getting back on track for good health. Log your calories and drink your water! :flowerforyou:

    Kay: My wrist is aching in sympathy as I read your post, and I never expected that. (It was just for a moment.) These things heal in their own sweet time. As we are older, their sweet time seems to take quite a bit longer.:grumble: :flowerforyou:

    Today is our little dog’s day for the groomer. I wonder how much black ice will be between here and there, and whether the groomer will be open. I have a good start on my knitting project and no signs of trigger finger so far. The square needles DH bought me for my birthday seem like magic. They’re so much easier to hang onto that I don’t need to grip as hard. I haven’t been able to get into watching the Olympics this year although I did see the American’s gold medal snowboard performance. I’ve also seen some great ice-skating performances from the Canadian skaters. I used to love to watch everything. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Have a great day.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just skidding in to say hi; hopefully I'll have more time later!
    Thinking of those who need thinking of. :flowerforyou:

  • arios952013
    arios952013 Posts: 201 Member
    Well, its Monday and I'm back at work! I wish I could retire! I've been able to sleep using Tylenol PM, looking to try Melatonin tonight - healthier alternative. But the Tylenol PM got me over the hump. When will these blasted hotflashes ever go away!??

    Hoping to be in the 150s this week - going to gym to weigh in and exercise!

    Grandmallie - I am with you in not wanting to take hormones. I think it is the estrogen they say causes cancer. I think Progesterone(sp?) and Vitamin D are supposed to relax us. I am taking Estroven without success as well... need to find something better... I guess we just have to suffer through it?

    Wizzywig - I wish I could retire too! I have 4.98 years left LOL! or more if bills aren't paid down!

    Amanda - Hope you feel better (looking up beetroot) sounds awful! I like beets though!

    DeeDee - Good morning - plan on weighing in - last week Thursday was my weigh in, so not sure how much I have been able to take off between now and Thursday!

    Patty in Cincinnati - I'm at work this morning too! Good luck with passing your Personal Training test! Also congrats on the new grandbaby! I just became a grandma for the first time in December!

    Joyce IN - I can't imagine not having my hubby around - thinking of you!

    YannieJannie - Glad to see you are back at it and get those 2 pounds back off!

    Susan - I like your goals - it does help to write down what you do to help you stay in the game of keeping in shape and losing weight 20lbs by May 6 for your 60th birthday - good for you!

    Kay in NEGA - hope your wrist feels better. I didn't want to go in today either!

    Katla in Oregon - I haven't even tried to knit - think it is cool they have square needles! One day I will give it a try. My mom crochet's beautiful things - I have this shawl the crocheted.

    Whew! Hope I got everyone!

    Good morning everyone! Ready to log and workout to lose weight!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    10:30 AM here, sitting in the hospital waiting to see a doctor, any doctor. Charlie is back in his regular rhythm. I guess I should be overjoyed in that but now I worry about how often he may go in and out of rhythm at home. So we are just waiting to see what the great wizard of oz will say today. had hospital oatmeal for breakfast. Can't say it tasted that good but was nice and warm on a cold frosty morning.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Yannie jannie - congrats on the two pounds. Also on your award! :flowerforyou: You do so much for the community!:flowerforyou: I have put on a pound after my long bout of entertaining, but I think I have got away very lightly! This weekend I missed target by 100 cals both days, but it could have been a lot worse. I had no chocolate cake, no croissants, three nibbles, one of which was low cal, and the tiniest taste of orange cake. :laugh: I did have a bit to drink.
    Now we have my stepdaughter on Wednesday. It's going to be "drunken "grapes and prawns on my new cocktail sticks, mini toasts with sobresada and capers for nibbles. I will have 2 prawns and one toast!:laugh: Then Hungarian Goulash, with papardelle noodles and cavallo nero. I will have a small portion of goulash, the cabbage and one noodle!:laugh: Then it's white chocolate cheesecake with slimmers raspberry ice cream. I will have the ice cream and a taste of DH'S cheesecake! :tongue: The sobresada arrived today. Very fattening. It's a kind of soft chorizo from Majorca. Also some Spanish olive oil and orange crispy biscuits arrived. They look delicious, but I will only have a nibble.:wink::tongue:
    The cheesecake was made before Christmas. As was the ice cream. The toasts I bought. The goulash I am making a huge one and freezing most of it for Saturday. I love to save myself time and effort, so will duplicate and cook ahead where I can.
    Tonight we have a slimmers version of mushroom risotto. 400 calories max. With green beans.

    Katla - Marmite is a bit indescribable! It is very like Australian Vegemite. It is extremely salty and tasts beefy, though it is made with yeast. They say people either love it or hate it! I love it, especially on crumpets!:love:

    More rain expected soon. More people are completely flooded out. A lot of the Thames has burst its banks and I am worried for my ex husband who has a house on an island on the Thames. It is on stilts, but they say this is the worst ever. Never ending misery for so many. Rows in Parliament over it all.

    My loving thoughts to the folks on this thread who are currently stressed out with their own suffering and those of their loved ones.:heart: So many of us. We are between the generations and feel all of their pain. All the more reason to take care of our own health. Some of you talking about wills has made me broach the subject with DH. We have very basic wills which would not cover all eventualities. I think I will have to be proactive in organising a meeting with a solicitor. A task for next week.

    This week I will have another look at NYC hotels :happy: and write another complaining email to the housing association that deals with my rental. I hate all this bother.:explode: :grumble: They still haven't replied to my last two emails!:huh:

    Love to all. Heather in damp Hampshire UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy mon from frigid,Il
    Prayers and hugs to anyone going thru a rough time.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Fogging Monday :flowerforyou:

    Popping in to mark my spot and see if I can find time this evening to read the posts.

    Busy weekend got more boxes done and my car has a place in the garage now. Had Son #3 & DIL and DIL #2 and grandsons over for dinner Saturday night. Having people over for dinner is a sigh that you are pretty much settled. The GS loved going up and down the stairs and GS #2 didn't want to go home he wanted to stay and have a long "play date" at grandma's & papi's. Will have to have them over again soon so they can play longer.

    Exercixe done for today and dinner is planned now I just have to remember to measure what I'm eating because it is one of those things that I could so easily over eat.

    Hoping everyone had a great weekend. I'm sure there are some of you that have lost CONGRATS:flowerforyou: For those of you struggling hang in there as we all know it takes time:flowerforyou:

    Laura in Colorado:smile:
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    I really have to get a schedule and stick to it! I don't have time for myself any more! Just wanted to stop by and update my February goal progress:

    My SMART goals for February:
    I will lose 5 pounds by February 28 through consistently going to Curves at least 4 times a week and increasing my daily steps to average 8,000 steps a week. My ultimate goal is to weigh 145 or less pounds and be healthy by this time next year.

    Amendment to goal: if I cannot make it to the gym 4 times in a week, I will exercise to my walking video for at least 30 minutes.
    Pretty much same as last month.
    SMART goal - Specific, Measurable, Actionable/achievable, Realistic, and Timed.

    Week1: steps average: 5066. Curves 3 times (closed do to snow). Lost 1 pound :ohwell:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Finished reading to page 16 or was it 17...

    :flowerforyou: Susan- so glad the cancer is at bay and you are "perky" now....don't we all wish we were "perky":wink: Ohhh you get to retire in May...I can only wish:ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: Patty- so glad you had the presence of mind to call the police, you just can't be too safe anymore

    :flowerforyou: yanniejeannie- How wonderful that you have a friend like Gwen. I miss my Mom so much and wish sometimes that I lived where she used to as I would have all her friends be my adopted Mom's.

    :flowerforyou: Angie- I too take Estroven to keep those hot flashes at bay and it sure does work for me.

    :drinker: Eileen- so glad that you were able to get your Fitbit out in time and that it still worked after it's short swash.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce: glad to hear that your hubby is doing well and praying for a speedy recovery.

    :drinker: Sandy: Cheers to you on your Loss.

    :flowerforyou: Gloria- glad to know that your Mom is doing better.

    :laugh: Kayzolla: yes you do have a smart bunnie.

    Not sure if I will have time to get back and ready more...have to get back to work.

    Laura in Colorado:smile:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good afternoon on this sunshiny day, So pretty,making the snow sparkle like diamonds. Had a nice wk end. Saturday we had dinner out with DD & SIL for his BD dinner.All was good,but getting tired of chicken!

    Having ham loaf today.The butcher makes them,all I do is put in oven for an hr. Looking forward to that,along with roasted veggies & salad. DH has been wanting a pie or cookies,home made. Finally made a pan of black bean brownies. Are they good? Ask me,I know:love: baking is dangerous for me & something I had been doing starting at age 10. Always enjoyed baking,wether bread, pies etc.Has been near a yr since I baked any goodies.

    Joyce,still thinking of you & hoping your DH is doing better.

    Heather,our DDs go to NYC for a wk in the Spring.They stay at a hotel on Times Square,tho not there for long as they are always on the go. They try new restaurants,see a couple shows,go shopping. Think they have been all over the city,using subways mostly.

    Nearly time to get busy in the kitchen. Hope you all have a nice Monday. Pat in Ohio
  • Dvorah17
    Dvorah17 Posts: 9 Member
    I'd like to join your group. Not too sure how to do that. Can you add me?
    My resolution: to continue strength training 3x per week
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just a quick update. My life just spun out of control again! I mentioned a couple of weeks ago about taking my daughter to the ER. She finally got to see a neurologist today about the herniated disc in her neck. Well, the disc is no longer herniated; it is ruptured. Surgery is at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. My son is beyond upset because this means his father will have to take him for his ultrasound tomorrow afternoon so that I can tend to our daughter. "I don't want Daddy to take me to ANY medical appointments!" I know what I have to do, but I hate being pulled in opposite directions. Daughter's surgery is 30 minutes west of home and son's ultrasound is 45 minutes east of home--I can't do both! And, to add some more whine to my pity party, I was SUPPOSED to go to the beach this weekend. By myself! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I'm done whining for now.

    Carol in snowy NC
    EATINGTOLIVE77 Posts: 50 Member
    I'd like to join your group. Not sure of the requirements, please advise!
    My resolution: Is to take all wheat out of my diet.