Anybody doing The 21 Day Fix

I just bought the challenge pack and was wondering if anyone else is gonna be doing The 21 Day Fix? It's gonna be good!


  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    While I like BB workouts such as T25 and P90X, I don't believe in any kind of diet, just eat at a caloric deficit, everything in moderation.

    This is a change you want to make for life, not just a quick fix or change, so what happens after those 21 days?
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Sounds seriously gimmicky.....The workouts look fine - but the very expensive little Tupperware holders for "portion" control is just silly..... And testimonies of people losing 10 and 20 pounds in 21 days is so not healthy....
    You are not a Beachbody coach by any chance?
  • I'm actually doing multiple workouts (ChaLean Extreme, P90X3, some Insanity, some T25 but staying on schedule for ChaLean Extreme and P90X3). I can't really do a calorie deficit thing because I'm breast feeding. I need the extra calories to produce enough milk and eating extra calories is just because I don't like to eat anything quick like fast food and I hardly eat out. I'll be incorporating the 21 Day Fix with ChaLean Extreme and P90X3 though. The food containers is what's gonna help me to eat much more healthier and portion my food better though, I would think.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    I seriously don't understand how tupperware containers of different colors are magically going help people...? Color me confused :huh: Couldn't people just... use a food scale, and their own containers to hold food... eat at a deficit and meet their macro nutrients? Sounds like a load of bull crap to me... But good luck with it. Sorry you got suckered!
  • I will be! I got mine ordered. It's "21 Days" to help those who have bad unhealthy habits develop healthy ones.
  • soonerkt87
    soonerkt87 Posts: 39 Member
    I ordered it, well my friend did and I am doing it with her! The containers I think will help me look at portion control so I can get the hang of that and that is one of the main reasons I got it....Yes I can buy a food scale but it's about learning for me and I think the containers will help me with that. just a personal opinion!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    YES I am a coach and I know that people automatically hate them on here but I also want everyone to know I am also a NASM Certified trainer and that is what I do to help people with fitness. The 21 Day Fix is good for people and portion control and even though to some it seems silly to color code and gimmicky... it works for some people. For me it would not because I already have portions under control but it can work for others. Coaches get bad reps because some all they do is push stuff over and over again which I never do nor will I ever do. People come to me to ask about something if they are interested and then I tell them. I am honest, ethical and not looking to add to the obesity epidemic by selling lies to people. Just my .02 we aren't all cheap scammers. I am also a professional in the Finance field.
  • I think for some people it works. Being a mother of two little boys and a full time student, I don't have time to weigh my food on the food scale or even cook but that doesn't mean I eat out. I have a time limit when my 4 month old is napping an during that time, I'm cooking. I am a beachbody coach myself and I love the products because I don't have time to go to the gym when I'm constantly breast feeding, a full time student, and a wife and mother of 2 little boys. Some people will disagree with the 21 day fix and some need it because it helps to portion their food as well as giving them an idea of how much to eat of each of kind food in the food pyramid. For busy people it will help out a lot and for people who simply have a time limit it will help out too.
  • vbodyme
    vbodyme Posts: 113 Member
    People are different and that's okay. You have the choice to trying out a program or not, but instead of saying it won't work or it's a gimmicks take an additional 2 minutes to finding out facts. There real people, real lives, that are benefiting from a program that was put to test not only once, but over and over again, by an accredited company who's solutions have proven to work! Everybody's entitled to their opinion for sure, but watch for conclusions. You might just be missing out :)

    I don't have problem with portion control. I'm pretty healthy too, but that's because I work for it a little bit every single day. I will be doing the program because I'm very interested on the idea and it can only teach me even more about nutrition. I love the fact that it's so innovative - no counting calories, nor points, nor carbs. Takes away a lot of the work!! Same goes for a lot of the solutions offered by Beachbody.

    For those doing it too, If you need accountability/motivation, count me in and just friend me :)
  • HPLW0705
    HPLW0705 Posts: 102
    It was out of stock when I ordered it, so I have to wait until late March to receive it. I, like others on this thread, live a very busy life. I work full time, have two kids, and I'm a full time student. I don't have time to measure my food and do all of the other time consuming parts of trying to make my food fit in with my macros. When my schedule clears a little bit (I am quitting my job and starting full time student teaching in August) I will be in a better place to measure and count, etc...until then, I will gladly do something that I feel will help me learn how to do it on my own and still allow me to spend time with my family. My kids love working out with me and 30 minute workouts are perfect for my schedule. Some people's negativity is just annoying. I'm not a BB coach, nor do I plan on becoming one, but I do feel that the workouts are legit and I will continue doing them!
  • Me!

    Starting on the 17th with my Challenge group. Should be getting mine on the 11th! Excited.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Do you take the tupperware pieces with you when you get invited to a friend's house for dinner?
  • Why are so many so quick to judge these Beachbody programs. Every trainer (Autumn Calabrese, Shaun T, Tony Horton) are all pro's ON VIDEO showing you how to workout. How is that any different from going to a gym working in a class or with a trainer one on one? I don't get the "dancing in your living room" kind of jokes that knock Beachbody users (and coaches). They are using professionals to bring it to you cheaper than you would in a gym ($60 a session for a trainer, $75 for a nutritionist). $60, plus free shipping for the 21 day fix? Beachbody programs brought me to my career to wanting to be a CPT, and later on this year start my Bachelor's in nutrition.

    As for the containers, sometimes color coding helps people. I'm a visual person so it really, really speaks to me. Sounds kind of simple minded, but if it works for some...why not use it? There is not a one size fits all method in weight loss.
  • TammyS327
    TammyS327 Posts: 134 Member
    Sorry you got suckered!

    I don't think you can be suckered if there is a money back guarantee.

    At the end of 21 days if I don't think the program has lived up to my expectations I will send it back for a full refund. I dont think it is a miracle cure. I do think it is a way for me to learn to eat the correct portions and the right foods, without depriving myself of anything. It is not something you do for just 21 days then go back to eating Mcdonalds. It is a teaching tool. I have had success measuring and weighing but have found myself at a standstill for 5 months. This may just be the answer to getting the scales moving again. If not, no harm no foul.
    If you are anti beach body or just dont like the idea of the 21 day fix program then don't try it.

    I am impatiently waiting for my shipment.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Sounds seriously gimmicky.....The workouts look fine - but the very expensive little Tupperware holders for "portion" control is just silly..... And testimonies of people losing 10 and 20 pounds in 21 days is so not healthy....
    You are not a Beachbody coach by any chance?

    ^This. It sounds like a bunch of hooey to me. I like BB workouts but I find all their other products to be junk. And the advertised claims of 10-20 lbs in 3 weeks is not only unhealthy but also completely unrealistic for most people. That's essentially 3-6 lbs per week. The only way I know of to make that happen we're not allowed to promote on the boards, which is a huge red flag to me.
  • jimandpam87
    jimandpam87 Posts: 62 Member
    I am doing it, but only for the workouts, really. My mom is a big proponent of all the beachbody stuff (shakeology, P90x, etc.) and she ordered a program for the both of us. Honestly, the only reason I'm doing it is for the workouts. I much prefer counting calories and seeing the numbers every day (I'm an accountant, so take that with a grain of salt). I could see where it would be nice for people who hate counting calories though.

    Did the first workout yesterday and I'm very sore today, so I guess it was effective. Not too different from something like T25 or P90x3 though. There's really no reason to order it, unless you just really want to do the workouts she offers. You could do the same diet plan with Wal Mart tupperware and healthy food. The good thing about it is that the calorie limits are pretty reasonable; the lowest category is 1200-1500 calories a day. So you're not starving yourself.

    Overall, yes, it is a gimmick, but it's not unhealthy. If you need something like this to structure yourself, do it. Otherwise, just count calories or whatever.
  • jessicah12
    jessicah12 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm going to try it! I'm a mom of three, full time work, full time school, I don't have time to weigh food. We eat pretty healthy at home, avoid snacking and so on. But I need easy, and these expensive little tupperware bowls will help me figure out visually how much I should be eating. Portion sizes have always been an issue for me. Someone asked if the tupperware goes to a friends house as well? Well, once I learn visually how much I should eat everyday and do it for 21 days I should be good to go to a friends house and eat properly.

    I just think that this is a great way to teach visually how much one should eat. Now, I can sit down weigh everything out, fit it into bowls I already have and then force myself to figure it out each time for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But as a single parent I do not have time for that right now, so I will take the extra expense, get a new workout out of it and learn how to eat! Once i'm done with the 21 days I better have a good understanding and accustomed to proper portion control to be able to continue that lifestyle of eating.

    Am I a coach? no, will I be? no. But I've tried T25, TurboFire, Brazil Butt Lift, Zumba and P90x. I also go to the gym and lift weights. I love being able to work out at home when I don't feel like going to the gym and have options on what I feel like doing instead of sitting on my couch :)
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member

    Am I a coach? no, will I be? no. But I've tried T25, TurboFire, Brazil Butt Lift, Zumba and P90x. I also go to the gym and lift weights. I love being able to work out at home when I don't feel like going to the gym and have options on what I feel like doing instead of sitting on my couch :)

    Nobody has issues with the fitness programs - they are good - the issue was with the little containers instead of weighing and measuring and putting it in your own containers....
  • I am doing it, just got it in the mail today! I am super excited
  • I've ordered it, but don't know how long it will take to deliver. My biggest problem is portions, so I think this will be helpful when I'm packing my lunch for work. I work out and run already, but the videos will be used on days I don't have plans to run. I'd love to hear how anyone is doing with it....