What frustrates you most right now?



  • memickee
    memickee Posts: 250 Member
    Girl Scout Cookie Season.
  • lcb11975
    lcb11975 Posts: 1 Member
    I am stuck on a plateau and can't seem to move past it.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I'm ready to maintain. NOW. I'm on my very last pound and so stubborn because I want to say I hit THAT number but I want a break from cutting back calories.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    1) That scheduling exercise is so difficult right now due to my husband's crazy schedule.

    2) That my calories and eating are all over the place, because I still struggle with emotional eating.

    3) That my losses have slowed down because of 1 and 2.

    4) The weather totally sucks right now and makes it difficult to do anything fun outside with my kids.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    Trying to get enough protein every day. I never realized how little I was ingesting before MFP. I have a very physical job and I need to feed my muscles. Protein supplements and meats are expensive and I'm broke. Beans and eggs get boring SUPER fast. But I'm no longer completely exhausted and sore all week long so I'm going to keep eating the protein. This is the best I've felt in many years.
  • pagepiercekuepper
    pagepiercekuepper Posts: 19 Member
    I think just waiting until I reach a significant amount of weight lost, I'm happy that I'm losing at a healthy steady pace, but I'm sure most people can agree they'd love to see the lbs just slide off. That said, I know it's healthier to lose 2lbs or less a week so as long as I'm losing I'm happy.

    I hear you on that one! I can't wait until I have lost 30 lbs. or so!
  • Bobusx
    Realizing that after 7 months of dieting and regular exercise, I have gained ten pounds and 2 inches on my waist. I can run farther and faster, lift more weight, do more situps and everything else required of my fitness test (US Air Force), but I am scheduled to test in a month and I am probably going to fail because nothing I do makes my waist smaller. I get out of the military in six months (on my terms, had enough after 11 years), and this is the last test I will ever have to take, but if I fail they take away my rank and ruin my entire career.

    Add in that my job is really short manned, so I am working 12 hours shifts and cannot take time away from work to workout, and I am only getting 4 hours of sleep a night just to fit in my workouts. That and the workload is insane, so my stress level is super high, which is probably why I am still gaining fat despite a 1600 calorie a day diet and 2x a day workouts.

    To top it off, I have 45 days of leave saved up, but because of manning I am banned from taking time off. It is truly driving me insane, I am starting to have really bad anger issues and panic attacks almost daily. Throw in the comments that I must be lying about working out and eating healthy, and the only way I could gain weight is because "must sit in front of the tv all day eating twinkies and pizza", and I am really close to punching somebodies face in.
    HEATHERACU73 Posts: 46 Member
    the weather. taking a toll on my motivation to do anything other than freeze.
  • VladaLucia
    VladaLucia Posts: 4 Member
    That I want to try to eat less than 50g carbs per day, but I have some dinner plans that are high in carbs so if I make it to ketosis then it will be ruined, which makes me think I should wait until after that dinner, but then I get frustrated by the fact that I keep putting things off and making excuses.

    That I'm not working out because I make excuses like "I can't run because it's a dangerous city and I only have time in the early morning or night", and "I can't afford any gym or equipment" and "I can't do floor exercises because they only increase my measurements which means I lose my job". So I have to find a way to get toned without gaining any muscle, and swimming would be perfect, but chlorine gives my hair a green tint and then I won't get work.

    That I used to be 4 kilos away from my absolute ultimate goal, and now, two years later I'm 9 kg away. I wish it was impossible to regain weight you've lost.

    *so frustrated right now*
  • Singularity84
    Singularity84 Posts: 98 Member
    I still have no ability to portion control. I can't eat just one cup of fruit or one cookie, I have to eat the entire jar or half the box. I try really hard to just limit my access to things that are sucky for me for this reason, but it's still super frustrating.
  • ashleyvanscoten
    Me too. I want the body I had before I had my children SO BAD. I gained over 100lbs since I had my first daughter, 9 years ago. I would have NEVER thought my body could get this big. I feel GROSS. 120lbs to 225lbs is horrible:( But I refuse to quit this time!!!
  • frecklesandfries
    frecklesandfries Posts: 32 Member
    Alcohol! I live in the south and I am 23 years old... therefore drinking is still very much a part of our lives! I am trying to stop drinking because it adds so many calories but it can be frustrating!! Especially when your friends love to try new craft beers... !
  • ashleyvanscoten
    I wish it was impossible to regain weight you've lost.

    ME TOO!! That would be awesome:)
  • DrWhoodles
    DrWhoodles Posts: 145 Member
    3 days now of gnawing hunger despite having eaten - though I am looking to see if I need to be eating more or balance something or whatever. I'm just hungry!
  • adamcannon568
    I'm literally starving. I'm used to eating whatever I want whenever I want. My goal is basically to get rid of my beer gut so I'm cutting way back on beers. They are so delicious.
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    This weather. I'm losing focus and with only 11 lbs to go-- can't have that!!
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    I am in between programs right now and I don't know what to do with myself!

    I finished LiveFit from bodybuilding.com on Sunday. After finishing, Jamie Eason recommends taking a week off from the weights. I am going stir crazy just doing cardio! >.<
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Anything I say will be construed as excuses for not being at goal by now. Needless to say, a lot of crap frustrates me.
  • happyfeet1993
    happyfeet1993 Posts: 138 Member
    How impatient I am and that I have such a long road ahead of me!
    I hate that I am so hungry all the time because I've been addicted to food for so long. It's gonna take awhile to fix that.
  • ReveBriser
    ReveBriser Posts: 3 Member
    We feed kids where I work, so there are constantly tator tots, chicken strips, and frozen pizza in my face. Such temptation makes it difficult to stay on track with healthy meals.