What frustrates you most right now?



  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    Water weight. I feel that I can go up down back up then back down again - 5 to 7 lbs within a week's span! It's definitely not my fat fluctuating that much! And it effects the way my clothes fit since my water weight is always in my boobs, thighs and lower belly.
  • gem192
    gem192 Posts: 39 Member
    Impatience. I know that I'm moving at a relatively speedy pace, weight loss wise, considering what is healthy. But it's so difficult to know that even if I do everything right, I won't be where I want to be for like a year. Maybe more. Argh!
  • gampsm824
    gampsm824 Posts: 37 Member
    Working hard, eating healthier than I have in years and I gained weight at last weigh in.:huh: :sad:
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    the weather. taking a toll on my motivation to do anything other than freeze.

    I've found the cold weather makes me want to exercise just to warm up. (And considering that the actual temp was -27 yesterday, I welcomed moving.) :)
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    If I lose three more pounds, I will have reached the goal of 40 pounds down that I have been striving for ... for SIX YEARS. I've been playing with the same ten pounds, sabotaging myself, for the last year. Makes me sick to think about all that wasted effort and unhappiness that is my own damn fault.

    Also, 40 pounds in six years doesn't sound really terrific. Yeah, I lost it slowly so I'm less likely to gain it back, but some people on here lose 60 or 100 pounds their first year and ... never mind me, I'll just have a pity party over here in the corner. I'll be in a better mood tomorrow.
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    I bought one pair of dumbbells to build muscle with, but I just don't like resistance training at all. It might be harder to burn fat without it, but I'll stick with cardio since that's what I enjoy.
  • My husband keeps bringing home delicious off-limit food
  • JeniFairchild
    JeniFairchild Posts: 19 Member
    I feel the same way!!
  • The Bazillion trips to the bathroom because I am drinking all this MARVELOUS water! :drinker:

    SOOO TRUE!!!
  • Anything I say will be construed as excuses for not being at goal by now. Needless to say, a lot of crap frustrates me.

    Give yourself some more credit!! 135lbs lost is absolutely AMAZING and very inspiring;)
  • Cheri0830
    Cheri0830 Posts: 37 Member
    I can relate the the fluctuation, I have a bad habit of weighing everyday, I know it's not good but its a habit like anything else.
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    The fact that I forgot my shrimp at home AGAIN for the 2nd day in a row.... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. >..<
  • The cravings. I can go on an awesome run, have a healthy filling lunch and then STILL really really really want all of the oreos.
  • "Well you look smaller but you're still fat." - EVERY day.
    OR my other favorite, "You were SO skinny in high school. What happened?"- this at least once a week. Who are these quotes from? My mother.
  • WhisperAnne
    WhisperAnne Posts: 453 Member
    I miss eating junk food. I hate counting calories..that's what I dislike most.
  • AshBolt83
    AshBolt83 Posts: 10 Member
    I think I should see some results from exercising for 5 weeks, but I'm not.
  • Curleycue0314
    Curleycue0314 Posts: 245 Member
    Having to work just little harder than some because of PCOS.... Its frustrating to count every calorie, weigh all my food, work out 3-5 times a week and see only MINIMAL results. I also find it frustrating that I tend to Bulk up when lifting due to the PCOS as well....Frustration all around.
  • ShannonMJ2012
    ShannonMJ2012 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm frustrated with my cravings and desire to eat all the time. I'm training myself to not mindlessly eat just because I'm sitting down work or because I'm bored.
  • QueenofGuac
    QueenofGuac Posts: 47 Member
    Being too busy to find time to work out. I know people say its all excuses, but recently at work I've really had to step it up working 70 hour weeks. I barely have time to cook healthy food. So I just wish that it was summer time so I had all the time in the world to go to the gym!

    And the snow. I had two snow days but we are totally snowed in, so I can't go to the gym, I just go up and down the stairs a bunch and do lots of cleaning and hope my roommates don't think I'm crazy.
  • phillrn
    phillrn Posts: 338 Member
    The plateau that I cannot get through:(:(:(