Skinny people who think they know better...



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    The skinny people I know eat horribly. Just this morning. Strawberry milk and doughnuts one posted. Just because someone is skinny doesnt make them healthy. THATS what I cant stand lol. I know a few who eat awful everyday. Well just bc youre skinny doesnt mean your arteries and heart are in great shape!

    Please stop. :noway:

    ^I agree with this. You have no clue about their bloodwork. Just because someone had a doughnut and strawberry milk doesn't make them unhealthy.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    The skinny people I know eat horribly. Just this morning. Strawberry milk and doughnuts one posted. Just because someone is skinny doesnt make them healthy. THATS what I cant stand lol. I know a few who eat awful everyday. Well just bc youre skinny doesnt mean your arteries and heart are in great shape!

    Please stop. :noway:

    ^I agree with this. You have no clue about their bloodwork. Just because someone had a doughnut and strawberry milk doesn't make them unhealthy.

    If she doesn't mention yummy treats people will say she probably starves and has no fun, etc.

    If she mentions her Valentine's doughnut and strawberry milk then she is skinny and unhealthy.

  • JulieMorelli
    Exactly spot on...we are all here for one purpose really, to help one another. Take everything as it comes, store the knowledge everyone is sharing and keep moving forward.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    The skinny people I know eat horribly. Just this morning. Strawberry milk and doughnuts one posted. Just because someone is skinny doesnt make them healthy. THATS what I cant stand lol. I know a few who eat awful everyday. Well just bc youre skinny doesnt mean your arteries and heart are in great shape!

    Please stop. :noway:

    ^I agree with this. You have no clue about their bloodwork. Just because someone had a doughnut and strawberry milk doesn't make them unhealthy.

    If she doesn't mention yummy treats people will say she probably starves and has no fun, etc.

    If she mentions her Valentine's doughnut and strawberry milk then she is skinny and unhealthy.


    Haha true story
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    Just asking....

    Do you think shes never had a weight problem because she watches her diet and works out? I used to be a skinny gal until I wasnt, lol. Ate what I wanted and stayed thin. When I turned 28 things changed. Anyway, my point is, when I realized I had crossed over to the dark side I started to work out. I saw all the skinny girls really working out hardcore. I thought to mysef "why are they here, they are skinny". I came to realize they were skinny because they were working for it and always had.

    She's healthy and has healthy eating habits. That's why it bothered me actually... I don't think someone who has always had healthy eating and exercising habits is the best person to give her opinion about weight loss, when she probably has no idea what it's like to love calorie-heavy food, have binge issues etc.

    But apparently, because I've learned most of what I know from MFP, it's wrong too. Whatever...

    I know others have commented on this, but seriously are you for real? Do you honestly think that everyone of a healthy body weight is there because they dont love calorie heavy food? Leaving aside all the people on this site who promote flexible dieting etc, do you realise that the large proportion of the western world are of a health body weight? That most of those people love cake, pizza, chips etc? Do you think that they are that way because they actually prefer kale and getting up at 6am to go for a run? Do you think they have never had an emotional crisis and cured it with an entire tub of Ben and Jerrys and a late night family size pizza are on their own?

    Or could it be that they have learnt to manage food and exercise so they can enjoy life and still remain in shape. Perhaps they know what they are talking about?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    The skinny people I know eat horribly. Just this morning. Strawberry milk and doughnuts one posted. Just because someone is skinny doesnt make them healthy. THATS what I cant stand lol. I know a few who eat awful everyday. Well just bc youre skinny doesnt mean your arteries and heart are in great shape!

    Please stop. :noway:

    ^I agree with this. You have no clue about their bloodwork. Just because someone had a doughnut and strawberry milk doesn't make them unhealthy.

    If she doesn't mention yummy treats people will say she probably starves and has no fun, etc.

    If she mentions her Valentine's doughnut and strawberry milk then she is skinny and unhealthy.


  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Everything comes down to self control in the end. It's just very difficult to achieve that once the balance has been lost. Thank god for places like this! I skirt around my own eating disorders all the time and have done since discovering crash diets when I was a teenager and losing my LBM. Exercise and MFP help me channel these issues to a manageable and healthy place.

    I'm not skinny but I'm pretty lean and slim, I've never been overweight but it's a miracle. You would never know just how much difficult stuff regarding food is going on in my head. I've learned a lot about health and nutrition to deal with that. I try to stick to facts, but I haven't always been interested in the truth. Preferred short cuts.

    Some of the fit and slim people I know, who were never fat, work really really hard to keep that way. No, not in the gym, but with every meal or at some point every day, where they go, nope, that's enough, don't eat for the sake of it, not hungry anymore, put the bag/box away. They aren't different from us, they just exercise self control. They also tend to have good boundaries and strong emotional self control and moderate in all the right places. Maybe MFP can teach me that, but I can't stray for too long coz of the carb creep that sneaks up on my greedy self.
  • fanuch
    fanuch Posts: 18 Member
    It's not just girls. My favorite piece of advice from skinnier guys is "just do 100 crunches every day".
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    The skinny people I know eat horribly. Just this morning. Strawberry milk and doughnuts one posted. Just because someone is skinny doesnt make them healthy. THATS what I cant stand lol. I know a few who eat awful everyday. Well just bc youre skinny doesnt mean your arteries and heart are in great shape!

    Please stop. :noway:

    ^I agree with this. You have no clue about their bloodwork. Just because someone had a doughnut and strawberry milk doesn't make them unhealthy.

    If she doesn't mention yummy treats people will say she probably starves and has no fun, etc.

    If she mentions her Valentine's doughnut and strawberry milk then she is skinny and unhealthy.



    Also agree.

    What is wrong with a little strawberry milk and doughnuts?

    OP, the TDEE -35% may not be valid or doable for some or even most, but there is room for adjustment on this. A person who is morbidly obese absolutely can eat at TDEE -35%, and with the proper exercise regimen and macros, lean mass can be preserved. A person who has a few pounds to lose really shouldn't go under TDEE-20% on a regular basis, but what about flexible eating, intermittent fasting, cheat days, 5:2 plans (which I don't support really), gastric bypass and medically supervised VLCDs etc.? Even a couple days of TDEE-35% isn't going to have a negative health impact on a person with only a little to lose if the overall calorie consumption and macros are within the mean. Honestly, if I don't feel like eating, I don't force myself to eat. My overall calorie consumption is still pretty high, upwards of 2100-2200 on average. But you can bet that I have 1200 days here and there with no negative impact on my health or body composition. I also have 4000 calorie days with no negative impact on my health or body composition.

    Point is, what you may see as bad advice, because you've "learned" on here that TDEE-20% is the most that a person should go into a deficit, may actually be sound advice in certain contexts. The whole concept of TDEE-20% (or -10% or -5%) is simplified for mass consumption and, frankly, easier to stick to. And for people who don't have a lot to lose, it remains sound advice.

    But it doesn't make her advice any less correct.
  • heatherak
    Just asking....

    Do you think shes never had a weight problem because she watches her diet and works out? I used to be a skinny gal until I wasnt, lol. Ate what I wanted and stayed thin. When I turned 28 things changed. Anyway, my point is, when I realized I had crossed over to the dark side I started to work out. I saw all the skinny girls really working out hardcore. I thought to myself "why are they here, they are skinny". I came to realize they were skinny because they were working for it and always had.

    Not all skinny people work for it, like what you said happened to you. Fit people, work for it. My sister was anorexic/skinny her whole life. She never exercised or watched what she ate once, was always shoving candy and junk food down her face, then when she started taking medication for her hyperthyroidism. BAM she ignored the doctor telling her to start eating healthy, she became fat and lazy and sits there eating VLCD shakes wondering why they aren't making her look like a model. Same thing happened with my brother only his age cough up with him. Now he always says, he can't eat ice cream without his butt inflating. As well as a friend of mine who is still skinny at 35 and eats hungry jacks all day everyday and can't even go for a walk, go up a flight of stairs or lift a few KG weights without complaining its too hard. I guess we are all different.

    Skinny doesn't = healthy. Which is how i looked at this. I think when looking at someone who is fit and healthy i'd take there advice over someone who is skinny just as i would take advice from someone who has lost a lot of weight and has maintained for years. Then again i don't want to be skinny. I want to be fit like an athlete again. =D

    I know the 'skinny' woman in question. She is healthy and strong, has muscles and can dead lift more than a lot of men I know. This woman knows her stuff. This thread is misconstrued from the original convo.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Just asking....

    Do you think shes never had a weight problem because she watches her diet and works out? I used to be a skinny gal until I wasnt, lol. Ate what I wanted and stayed thin. When I turned 28 things changed. Anyway, my point is, when I realized I had crossed over to the dark side I started to work out. I saw all the skinny girls really working out hardcore. I thought to myself "why are they here, they are skinny". I came to realize they were skinny because they were working for it and always had.

    Not all skinny people work for it, like what you said happened to you. Fit people, work for it. My sister was anorexic/skinny her whole life. She never exercised or watched what she ate once, was always shoving candy and junk food down her face, then when she started taking medication for her hyperthyroidism. BAM she ignored the doctor telling her to start eating healthy, she became fat and lazy and sits there eating VLCD shakes wondering why they aren't making her look like a model. Same thing happened with my brother only his age cough up with him. Now he always says, he can't eat ice cream without his butt inflating. As well as a friend of mine who is still skinny at 35 and eats hungry jacks all day everyday and can't even go for a walk, go up a flight of stairs or lift a few KG weights without complaining its too hard. I guess we are all different.

    Skinny doesn't = healthy. Which is how i looked at this. I think when looking at someone who is fit and healthy i'd take there advice over someone who is skinny just as i would take advice from someone who has lost a lot of weight and has maintained for years. Then again i don't want to be skinny. I want to be fit like an athlete again. =D

    I know the 'skinny' woman in question. She is healthy and strong, has muscles and can dead lift more than a lot of men I know. This woman knows her stuff. This thread is misconstrued from the original convo.

    Can you link the thread? I wouldn't mind reading it.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    did we find out what the supposed wrong advice is?

    too lazy to read the rest
    Yeah, need to find out whose cat was the meat for.
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    Oh yes. "Well I've always been 100 pounds soaking wet. Why don't you just exercise more? It's not like it's hard. You're just lazy." BLAHHHHHHHHHHH. Good for them, but not everyone has magic genes and an endless supply of willpower.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Just asking....

    Do you think shes never had a weight problem because she watches her diet and works out? I used to be a skinny gal until I wasnt, lol. Ate what I wanted and stayed thin. When I turned 28 things changed. Anyway, my point is, when I realized I had crossed over to the dark side I started to work out. I saw all the skinny girls really working out hardcore. I thought to mysef "why are they here, they are skinny". I came to realize they were skinny because they were working for it and always had.

    She's healthy and has healthy eating habits. That's why it bothered me actually... I don't think someone who has always had healthy eating and exercising habits is the best person to give her opinion about weight loss, when she probably has no idea what it's like to love calorie-heavy food, have binge issues etc.

    But apparently, because I've learned most of what I know from MFP, it's wrong too. Whatever...

    I know others have commented on this, but seriously are you for real? Do you honestly think that everyone of a healthy body weight is there because they dont love calorie heavy food? Leaving aside all the people on this site who promote flexible dieting etc, do you realise that the large proportion of the western world are of a health body weight? That most of those people love cake, pizza, chips etc? Do you think that they are that way because they actually prefer kale and getting up at 6am to go for a run? Do you think they have never had an emotional crisis and cured it with an entire tub of Ben and Jerrys and a late night family size pizza are on their own?

    Or could it be that they have learnt to manage food and exercise so they can enjoy life and still remain in shape. Perhaps they know what they are talking about?

    This I love!

    And the original convo was not on mfp.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Just asking....

    Do you think shes never had a weight problem because she watches her diet and works out? I used to be a skinny gal until I wasnt, lol. Ate what I wanted and stayed thin. When I turned 28 things changed. Anyway, my point is, when I realized I had crossed over to the dark side I started to work out. I saw all the skinny girls really working out hardcore. I thought to mysef "why are they here, they are skinny". I came to realize they were skinny because they were working for it and always had.

    She's healthy and has healthy eating habits. That's why it bothered me actually... I don't think someone who has always had healthy eating and exercising habits is the best person to give her opinion about weight loss, when she probably has no idea what it's like to love calorie-heavy food, have binge issues etc.

    But apparently, because I've learned most of what I know from MFP, it's wrong too. Whatever...

    I know others have commented on this, but seriously are you for real? Do you honestly think that everyone of a healthy body weight is there because they dont love calorie heavy food? Leaving aside all the people on this site who promote flexible dieting etc, do you realise that the large proportion of the western world are of a health body weight? That most of those people love cake, pizza, chips etc? Do you think that they are that way because they actually prefer kale and getting up at 6am to go for a run? Do you think they have never had an emotional crisis and cured it with an entire tub of Ben and Jerrys and a late night family size pizza are on their own?

    Or could it be that they have learnt to manage food and exercise so they can enjoy life and still remain in shape. Perhaps they know what they are talking about?

    This I love!

    And the original convo was not on mfp.

    If it was another public forum, i think we'd all still love to see the conversation :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I firmly believe that some people just get lucky with an amazing metabolism. I've known people personally who ate ~5000 cals a day, exercised little, and stayed skinny (although whether they are healthy is debatable). Meanwhile, here I am gaining weight on a meager 1500 cals/day. I've always wondered if these lucky people know they are gifted, or if they think overweight people must all be eating 15,000 cals/day. On the flipside, the "skinny woman" mentioned by the OP may have a lifelong eating disorder and believe that the key to staying thin is limiting oneself to 500 cals/day.

    As a child I very strongly believed I would hit puberty and gain mutant powers.
    i also believed in santa clause, the tooth fairy, and the easter bunny

    We didn't do Santa in my house. My mom didn't want some old white man taking credit for the gifts she bought with her hard earned money.

    did anyone ever "do" Santa…? I thought he was a virgin…?

    Isn't he married?

    na, that was a front…supposedly him and rudolph had a thing going on ….
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I firmly believe that some people just get lucky with an amazing metabolism. I've known people personally who ate ~5000 cals a day, exercised little, and stayed skinny (although whether they are healthy is debatable). Meanwhile, here I am gaining weight on a meager 1500 cals/day. I've always wondered if these lucky people know they are gifted, or if they think overweight people must all be eating 15,000 cals/day. On the flipside, the "skinny woman" mentioned by the OP may have a lifelong eating disorder and believe that the key to staying thin is limiting oneself to 500 cals/day.

    That's not true. I used to believe that when i hit 20's i gained because my metabolism slowed down. Then i realized that I went from being very, very active to sitting on my butt all day and eating the same. Or more.



    ...and in.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I firmly believe that some people just get lucky with an amazing metabolism. I've known people personally who ate ~5000 cals a day, exercised little, and stayed skinny (although whether they are healthy is debatable). Meanwhile, here I am gaining weight on a meager 1500 cals/day. I've always wondered if these lucky people know they are gifted, or if they think overweight people must all be eating 15,000 cals/day. On the flipside, the "skinny woman" mentioned by the OP may have a lifelong eating disorder and believe that the key to staying thin is limiting oneself to 500 cals/day.

    As a child I very strongly believed I would hit puberty and gain mutant powers.
    i also believed in santa clause, the tooth fairy, and the easter bunny

    We didn't do Santa in my house. My mom didn't want some old white man taking credit for the gifts she bought with her hard earned money.

    did anyone ever "do" Santa…? I thought he was a virgin…?

    Isn't he married?

    na, that was a front…supposedly him and rudolph had a thing going on ….

    Well, I hate to bring religion into this, but.... apparently, Mary wasn't getting any, either.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Just asking....

    Do you think shes never had a weight problem because she watches her diet and works out? I used to be a skinny gal until I wasnt, lol. Ate what I wanted and stayed thin. When I turned 28 things changed. Anyway, my point is, when I realized I had crossed over to the dark side I started to work out. I saw all the skinny girls really working out hardcore. I thought to mysef "why are they here, they are skinny". I came to realize they were skinny because they were working for it and always had.

    She's healthy and has healthy eating habits. That's why it bothered me actually... I don't think someone who has always had healthy eating and exercising habits is the best person to give her opinion about weight loss, when she probably has no idea what it's like to love calorie-heavy food, have binge issues etc.

    But apparently, because I've learned most of what I know from MFP, it's wrong too. Whatever...

    I know others have commented on this, but seriously are you for real? Do you honestly think that everyone of a healthy body weight is there because they dont love calorie heavy food? Leaving aside all the people on this site who promote flexible dieting etc, do you realise that the large proportion of the western world are of a health body weight? That most of those people love cake, pizza, chips etc? Do you think that they are that way because they actually prefer kale and getting up at 6am to go for a run? Do you think they have never had an emotional crisis and cured it with an entire tub of Ben and Jerrys and a late night family size pizza are on their own?

    Or could it be that they have learnt to manage food and exercise so they can enjoy life and still remain in shape. Perhaps they know what they are talking about?

    This I love!

    And the original convo was not on mfp.

    If it was another public forum, i think we'd all still love to see the conversation :)

  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    well, if she eats healthy and doesn't have a weight problem...maybe you should receive criticism better. Everyone has their own struggle and she is clearly where you want to be at.